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;;; notable.el --- a simple note-taking app -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 The TVL Contributors
;; Author: Vincent Ambo <>
;; Version: 1.0
;; Package-Requires: (cl-lib dash f rx s subr-x)
;;; Commentary:
;; This package provides a simple note-taking application which can be
;; invoked from anywhere in Emacs, with several interactive
;; note-taking functions included.
;; As is tradition for my software, the idea here is to reduce
;; friction which I see even with tools like `org-capture', because
;; `org-mode' does a ton of things I don't care about.
;; Notable stores its notes in simple JSON files in the folder
;; specified by `notable-note-dir'.
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'dash)
(require 'dottime)
(require 'f)
(require 'ht)
(require 'rx)
(require 's)
(require 'subr-x)
;; User-facing customisation options
(defgroup notable nil
"Simple note-taking application."
:group 'applications)
;; TODO(tazjin): Use whatever the XDG state dir thing is for these by
;; default.
(defcustom notable-note-dir (expand-file-name "~/.notable/")
"File path to the directory containing notable's notes."
:type 'string
:group 'notable)
;; Package internal definitions
(cl-defstruct (notable--note (:constructor notable--make-note))
"Structure containing the fields of a single notable note."
time ;; UNIX timestamp at which the note was taken
content ;; Textual content of the note
(defvar notable--note-lock (make-mutex "notable-notes")
"Exclusive lock for note operations with shared state.")
(defvar notable--note-regexp
(rx "note-"
(group (one-or-more (any num)))
"Regular expression to match note file names.")
(defvar notable--next-note
(let ((next 0))
(-each (f-entries notable-note-dir)
(lambda (file)
(when-let* ((match (string-match notable--note-regexp file))
(id (string-to-number
(match-string 1 file)))
(larger (> id next)))
(setq next id))))
(+ 1 next))
"Next ID to use for notes. Initial value is determined based on
the existing notes files.")
(defun notable--serialize-note (note)
"Serialise NOTE into JSON format."
(check-type note notable--note)
(json-serialize (ht ("time" (notable--note-time note))
("content" (notable--note-content note)))))
(defun notable--deserialize-note (json)
"Deserialise JSON into a notable note."
(check-type json string)
(let ((parsed (json-parse-string json)))
(unless (and (ht-contains? parsed "time")
(ht-contains-p parsed "content"))
(error "Missing required keys in note structure!"))
(notable--make-note :time (ht-get parsed "time")
:content (ht-get parsed "content"))))
(defun notable--next-id ()
"Return the next note ID and increment the counter."
(with-mutex notable--note-lock
(let ((id notable--next-note))
(setq notable--next-note (+ 1 id))
(defun notable--note-path (id)
(check-type id integer)
(f-join notable-note-dir (format "note-%d.json" id)))
(defun notable--add-note (content)
"Add a note with CONTENT to the note store."
(let* ((id (notable--next-id))
(note (notable--make-note :time (time-convert nil 'integer)
:content content))
(path (notable--note-path id)))
(when (f-exists? path) (error "Note file '%s' already exists!" path))
(f-write-text (notable--serialize-note note) 'utf-8 path)
(message "Saved note %d" id)))
(defun notable--list-note-ids ()
"List all note IDs (not contents) from `notable-note-dir'"
(cl-loop for file in (f-entries notable-note-dir)
with res = nil
if (string-match notable--note-regexp file)
do (push (string-to-number (match-string 1 file)) res)
finally return res))
(defun notable--get-note (id)
(let ((path (notable--note-path id)))
(unless (f-exists? path)
(error "No note with ID %s in note storage!" id))
(notable--deserialize-note (f-read-text path 'utf-8))))
;; Note list buffer implementation
(define-derived-mode notable-list-mode fundamental-mode "notable"
"Major mode displaying the Notable note list."
;; TODO(tazjin): `imenu' functions?
(set (make-local-variable 'scroll-preserve-screen-position) t)
(setq truncate-lines t)
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(setq buffer-undo-list t)
(hl-line-mode t))
(defun notable--render-note (id note)
(check-type id integer)
(check-type note notable--note)
(let ((first-line (car (s-lines "foo")))
(date (dottime-format (seconds-to-time
(notable--note-time note)))))
(insert (propertize (s-concat date " " first-line)
'notable-note-id id))
(insert "\n")))
(defun notable--render-notes (notes)
"Retrieve each note in NOTES by ID and insert its contents into
the list buffer.
For larger notes only the first line is displayed."
(-each notes
(lambda (id)
(notable--render-note id (notable--get-note id)))))
;; User-facing functions
(defun notable-take-note (content)
"Interactively prompt the user for a note that should be stored
in Notable."
(interactive "sEnter note: ")
(check-type content string)
(notable--add-note content))
(defun notable-list-notes ()
"Open a buffer listing all active notes."
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*notable*"))
(notes (notable--list-note-ids))
(inhibit-read-only t))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq header-line-format "Notable notes"))
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(goto-char (point-min))
(notable--render-notes notes)))
(provide 'notable)