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function select(query, xs, config) {
// naive optimizations
if (query === '' || xs === []) {
return xs;
const predicate = compile(parse(query, config), config);
return xs.filter(predicate);
function compile(ast, config) {
if (ast.type === 'CONJUNCTION') {
const lhs = compile(ast.lhs, compile);
const rhs = compile(ast.rhs, compile);
if (ast.joint === 'AND') {
return function(x) {
return lhs(x) && rhs(x);
if (ast.joint === 'OR') {
return function(x) {
return lhs(x) || rhs(x);
if (ast.type === 'DATE_SELECTION') {
if (ast.key === 'before') {
return function(row) {
let t = new Date();
if (ast.val === 'yesterday') {
t.setDate(t.getDate() - 1);
else {
t = new Date(ast.val);
return row[config.dateKey] < t;
if (ast.key === 'after') {
return function(row) {
let t = new Date();
if (ast.val === 'yesterday') {
t.setDate(t.getDate() - 1);
else {
t = new Date(ast.val);
return row[config.dateKey] > t;
if (ast.type === 'COMPARE_SELECTION') {
const f = compile(ast.val, config);
let compare = null;
if (ast.operator === 'EQ') { compare = (x, y) => x === y; }
if (ast.operator === 'LT') { compare = (x, y) => x < y; }
if (ast.operator === 'GT') { compare = (x, y) => x > y; }
if (ast.operator === 'LTE') { compare = (x, y) => x <= y; }
if (ast.operator === 'GTE') { compare = (x, y) => x >= y; }
return function(row) {
return ast.negate ? !compare(row[ast.key], ast.val) : compare(row[ast.key], ast.val);
if (ast.type === 'SELECTION') {
const f = compile(ast.val, config);
return function(row) {
return ast.negate ? !f(row[ast.key]) : f(row[ast.key]);
if (ast.type === 'MATCH_ALL') {
if (ast.matchType === 'STRING') {
return function(row) {
return Object.values(row).some(x => {
if (config.caseSensitive) {
return x === ast.val;
} else {
return x.toLowerCase() === ast.val.toLowerCase();
if (ast.matchType === 'REGEX') {
return function(row) {
return Object.values(row).some(x => ast.val.test(x));
if (ast.type === 'GROUPING') {
return compile(ast.content);
if (ast.type === 'STRING') {
return function(x) {
if (config.caseSensitive) {
return x === ast.val;
} else {
return x.toLowerCase() === ast.val.toLowerCase();
if (ast.type === 'REGEX') {
return function(x) {
return ast.val.test(x);
// A "selection" without a "$column:" prefix should fuzzy-search all columns.
// conjunction -> selection ( ( "AND" | "OR" )? selection )* ;
// selection -> "-"? COLUMN ":" ( regex | string ) | regex ;
// regex -> [_-a-zA-Z0-9] | "/" [ _-a-zA-Z0-9] "/" | string ;
// string -> "\"" [ _-a-zA-Z0-9] "\"" ;
// Whatever characters are valid for a JS regex.
const ATOM_REGEX = /[-_.\[\]a-zA-Z0-9*+^$]/;
function tokenize(x) {
const result = [];
let i = 0;
while (i < x.length) {
if (x[i] === ' ') {
i += 1;
while (i < x.length && x[i] === ' ') {
i += 1;
result.push(['WHITESPACE', null]);
if (x[i] === '-') {
result.push(['NEGATE', null]);
i += 1;
// Tokenize numbers (i.e. integers, floats).
if (/[0-9]/.test(x[i])) {
let curr = x[i];
i += 1;
while (i < x.length && /[0-9]/.test(x[i])) {
curr += x[i];
i += 1;
result.push(['NUMBER', parseFloat(curr)]);
if (ATOM_REGEX.test(x[i])) {
let curr = x[i];
i += 1;
while (i < x.length && ATOM_REGEX.test(x[i])) {
curr += x[i];
i += 1;
result.push(['ATOM', curr]);
if (x[i] === '=') {
result.push(['COMPARE', 'EQ']);
i += 1;
if (x[i] === '<' && i + 1 < x.length && x[i + 1] === '=') {
result.push(['COMPARE', 'LTE']);
i += 2;
if (x[i] === '<') {
result.push(['COMPARE', 'LT']);
i += 1;
if (x[i] === '>' && i + i < x.length && x[i + 1] === '=') {
result.push(['COMPARE', 'GTE']);
i += 2;
if (x[i] === '>') {
result.push(['COMPARE', 'GT']);
i += 1;
if (x[i] === ':') {
result.push(['COLON', null]);
i += 1;
if (x[i] === '(') {
result.push(['LPAREN', null]);
i += 1;
if (x[i] === ')') {
result.push(['RPAREN', null]);
i += 1;
if (x[i] === '/') {
let start = i;
let curr = '';
i += 1;
while (i < x.length && x[i] !== '/') {
curr += x[i];
i += 1;
// error
if (i >= x.length) {
throw `Tokenize Error: EOL while attempting to tokenize the regex beginning at column: ${start}`;
if (x[i] === '/') {
result.push(['REGEX', curr]);
i += 1;
if (x[i] === '"') {
let start = i;
let curr = '';
i += 1;
while (i < x.length && x[i] !== '"') {
// continue on \"
if (x[i] === '\\' && x[i + 1] === '"') {
curr += '\"';
i += 2;
} else {
curr += x[i];
i += 1;
if (i >= x.length) {
throw `Tokenize Error: EOL while attempting to tokenize the string starting at column: ${start}`;
if (x[i] === '"') {
result.push(['STRING', curr]);
i += 1;
else {
i += 1;
return result;
function expect(f, expectation, p) {
const [type, val] = p.tokens[p.i];
if (f(type, val)) {
p.i += 1;
} else {
throw `Parse Error: expected ${expectation}, but got ${p.tokens[p.i]}; ${JSON.stringify(p)}`
function matches(f, p) {
const [type, val] = p.tokens[p.i];
if (f(type, val)) {
return true;
return false;
function match(f, expectation, p) {
const [type, val] = p.tokens[p.i];
if (f(type, val)) {
p.i += 1;
return val;
throw `Parse Error: expected ${expectation}, but got: ${p.tokens[p.i]}; ${JSON.stringify(p)}`;
function skipWhitespace(p) {
while (p.i < p.tokens.length && matches((type, _) => type === 'WHITESPACE', p)) {
p.i += 1;
function peekType(n, p) {
if (p.i + n < p.tokens.length) {
return p.tokens[p.i + n][0];
return null;
function parser(tokens) {
return { i: 0, tokens };
function parse(x, config) {
const tokens = tokenize(x);
const p = parser(tokens);
return conjunction(p, config);
function conjunction(p, config) {
const lhs = selection(p, config);
// TODO(wpcarro): Consider re-architecting the parser to avoid smells like
// this.
if (peekType(0, p) === 'RPAREN') {
return lhs;
if (p.i >= p.tokens.length) {
return lhs;
let joint = 'AND';
if (matches((type, val) => type === 'ATOM' && val === 'AND', p)) {
joint = 'AND';
p.i += 1;
} else if (matches((type, val) => type === 'ATOM' && val === 'OR', p)) {
joint = 'OR';
p.i += 1;
const rhs = conjunction(p, config);
return {
function selection(p, config) {
// column:value OR -column:value
if ((peekType(0, p) === 'ATOM' && peekType(1, p) === 'COLON') ||
(peekType(0, p) === 'NEGATE' && peekType(1, p) === 'ATOM' && peekType(2, p) === 'COLON')) {
let negate = false;
if (p.tokens[p.i][0] === 'NEGATE') {
negate = true;
p.i += 1;
const key = match((type, _) => type === 'ATOM', 'a column label', p);
expect((type, val) => type === 'COLON', 'a colon', p);
if (key === 'before' || key === 'after') {
const val = date(p);
return {
} else {
const val = value(p, config);
return {
type: 'SELECTION',
// column<value OR -column<value
else if ((peekType(0, p) === 'ATOM' && peekType(1, p) === 'COMPARE') ||
(peekType(0, p) === 'NEGATE' && peekType(1, p) === 'ATOM' && peekType(2, p) === 'COMPARE')) {
let negate = false;
if (p.tokens[p.i][0] === 'NEGATE') {
negate = true;
p.i += 1;
const key = match((type, _) => type === 'ATOM', 'a column label', p);
const operator = match((type, _) => type === 'COMPARE', 'a comparison operator (i.e. "<", ">", "<=", ">=")', p);
const val = match((type, _) => type === 'NUMBER', 'a number', p);
return {
else {
return matchAll(p, config);
function matchAll(p, config) {
const [type, val] = p.tokens[p.i];
// Cast atoms into strings or regexes depending on the current config.
if (type === 'ATOM') {
p.i += 1;
if (config.preferRegex) {
const regex = config.caseSensitive ? new RegExp(val) : new RegExp(val, "i");
return { type: 'MATCH_ALL', matchType: 'REGEX', val: regex };
} else {
return { type: 'MATCH_ALL', matchType: 'STRING', val }
if (type === 'STRING') {
p.i += 1;
return { type: 'MATCH_ALL', matchType: 'STRING', val };
if (type === 'REGEX') {
p.i += 1;
const regex = config.caseSensitive ? new RegExp(val) : new RegExp(val, "i");
return { type: 'MATCH_ALL', matchType: 'REGEX', val: regex };
if (type === 'LPAREN') {
p.i += 1;
const content = conjunction(p, config);
expect((type, _) => type === 'RPAREN', 'a closing parenthesis', p);
return {
type: 'GROUPING',
throw `Parse Error: Expected a regular expression or a string, but got: ${p.tokens[p.i]}; ${JSON.stringify(p)}`;
function value(p, config) {
const [type, val] = p.tokens[p.i];
// Cast atoms into strings or regexes depending on the current config.
if (type === 'ATOM') {
p.i += 1;
if (config.preferRegex) {
const regex = config.caseSensitive ? new RegExp(val) : new RegExp(val, "i");
return { type: 'REGEX', val: regex };
} else {
return { type: 'STRING', val }
if (type === 'STRING') {
p.i += 1;
return { type, val };
if (type === 'REGEX') {
p.i += 1;
const regex = config.caseSensitive ? new RegExp(val) : new RegExp(val, "i");
return { type, val: regex };
throw `Parse Error: Expected a regular expression or a string, but got: ${p.tokens[p.i]}; ${JSON.stringify(p)}`;
function date(p) {
const [type, val] = p.tokens[p.i];
p.i += 1;
return val;