2024-09-13 19:12:05 +02:00
-- get_lrc_subtitles.lua
2024-09-14 15:56:54 +02:00
-- Function to remove Unicode symbol characters
function remove_symbols(str)
-- This pattern matches anything that is not a letter, digit, or whitespace
return str:gsub("[%p%c%z]", "") -- remove punctuation, control, and zero-width characters
2024-09-13 19:12:05 +02:00
-- Asynchronous callback function to handle the result of the 'get_subtitles' command
function handle_subtitle_result(success, result)
if not success or result.status ~= 0 then
mp.msg.error("Failed to get subtitles")
mp.msg.error("Exit code: " .. tostring(result.exit_code))
if result.stderr then
mp.msg.error("Error: " .. result.stderr)
-- Extract the output from the external command
local subtitle_file = result.stdout:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") -- trim any extra whitespace
-- If no subtitle file was returned, stop
if not subtitle_file or subtitle_file == "" then
mp.msg.warn("No subtitle file found")
-- Load the subtitle file in MPV
mp.commandv("sub-add", subtitle_file)
mp.msg.info("Loaded subtitle file: " .. subtitle_file)
-- Function to load the LRC subtitle file
function load_lrc_subtitles()
-- Retrieve metadata for the currently playing file
local artist = mp.get_property("metadata/by-key/artist")
local album = mp.get_property("metadata/by-key/album")
local title = mp.get_property("metadata/by-key/title")
-- If any metadata is missing, print a warning and stop
if not artist or not album or not title then
mp.msg.warn("Artist, album, or title metadata is missing")
-- Concatenate the metadata
local query = string.format("%s %s %s", artist, album, title)
2024-09-14 15:56:54 +02:00
-- Remove Unicode symbols from the query string
query = remove_symbols(query)
2024-09-13 19:12:05 +02:00
-- Create the command array
local cmd = {"@get_subtitles_command@", query}
-- Run the external command asynchronously to get the subtitle file
name = "subprocess",
args = cmd,
capture_stdout = true,
capture_stderr = true
}, handle_subtitle_result)
-- Register the event that triggers when a file is loaded
mp.register_event("file-loaded", load_lrc_subtitles)