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;;; sequence.el --- Working with the "sequence" types -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: William Carroll <>
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
;;; Commentary:
;; Elisp supports a typeclass none as "sequence" which covers the following
;; types:
;; - list: '(1 2 3 4 5)
;; - vector: ["John" 27 :blue]
;; - string: "To be or not to be..."
;; TODO: Document the difference between a "reduce" and a "fold". I.e. - reduce
;; has an initial value whereas fold uses the first element in the sequence as
;; the initial value.
;; Note: This should be an approximation of Elixir's Enum protocol albeit
;; without streams.
;; Elisp has done a lot of this work already and these are mostly wrapper
;; functions.
;; See the following list for reference:
;; - sequencep
;; - elt
;; - copy-sequence
;; - reverse
;; - nreverse
;; - sort
;; - seq-elt
;; - seq-length
;; - seqp
;; - seq-drop
;; - seq-take
;; - seq-take-while
;; - seq-drop-while
;; - seq-do
;; - seq-map
;; - seq-mapn
;; - seq-filter
;; - seq-remove
;; - seq-reduce
;; - seq-some
;; - seq-find
;; - seq-every-p
;; - seq-empty-p
;; - seq-count
;; - seq-sort
;; - seq-contains
;; - seq-position
;; - seq-uniq
;; - seq-subseq
;; - seq-concatenate
;; - seq-mapcat
;; - seq-partition
;; - seq-intersection
;; - seq-difference
;; - seq-group-by
;; - seq-into
;; - seq-min
;; - seq-max
;; - seq-doseq
;; - seq-let
;;; Code:
;; Perhaps we can provide default implementations for `filter' and `map' derived
;; from the `reduce' implementation.
;; (defprotocol sequence
;; :functions (reduce))
;; (definstance sequence list
;; :reduce #'list-reduce
;; :filter #'list-filter
;; :map #'list-map)
;; (definstance sequence vector
;; :reduce #'vector/reduce)
;; (definstance sequence string
;; :reduce #'string)
(defun sequence-classify (xs)
"Return the type of `XS'."
((listp xs) 'list)
((vectorp xs) 'vector)
((stringp xs) 'string)))
(defun sequence-reduce (acc f xs)
"Reduce of `XS' calling `F' on x and `ACC'."
(lambda (acc x)
(funcall f x acc))
;; Elixir also turned everything into a list for efficiecy reasons.
(defun sequence-filter (p xs)
"Filter `XS' with predicate, `P'.
Returns a list regardless of the type of `XS'."
(seq-filter p xs))
(defun sequence-map (f xs)
"Maps `XS' calling `F' on each element.
Returns a list regardless of the type of `XS'."
(seq-map f xs))
(provide 'sequence)
;;; sequence.el ends here