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Common Lisp
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;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (C) 2022 by sterni
(in-package :note)
(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
;; Throw away these tags and all of their children
(defparameter +discard-tags-with-children+ '("HEAD"))
;; Only “strip” these tags and leave their content as is
(defparameter +discard-tags-only+ '("BODY" "HTML"))
;; This is basically the same as cxml's PROXY-HANDLER.
;; Couldn't be bothered to make a BROADCAST-HANDLER because I
;; only need to pass through to one handler. It accepts every
;; event and passes it on to NEXT-HANDLER. This is useful for
;; subclassing mostly where an event can be modified or passed
;; on as is via CALL-NEXT-METHOD.
(defclass hax-proxy-handler (hax:default-handler)
:initarg :next-handler
:accessor proxy-next-handler)))
;; Define the trivial handlers which just call themselves for NEXT-HANDLER
(macrolet ((def-proxy-handler (name (&rest args))
`(defmethod ,name ((h hax-proxy-handler) ,@args)
(,name (proxy-next-handler h) ,@args))))
(def-proxy-handler hax:start-document (name p-id s-id))
(def-proxy-handler hax:end-document ())
(def-proxy-handler hax:start-element (name attrs))
(def-proxy-handler hax:end-element (name))
(def-proxy-handler hax:characters (data))
(def-proxy-handler hax:unescaped (data))
(def-proxy-handler hax:comment (data)))
(defclass apple-note-transformer (hax-proxy-handler)
:initarg :cid-lookup
:initform (lambda (cid) nil)
:accessor transformer-cid-lookup)
:initarg :discard-until
:initform nil
:accessor transformer-discard-until)
:initarg :depth
:initform 0
:accessor transformer-depth))
"HAX handler that strips unnecessary tags from the HTML of a
and resolves references to attachments to IMG tags."))
;; Define the “boring” handlers which just call the next method (i. e. the next
;; handler) unless discard-until is not nil in which case the event is dropped.
(macrolet ((def-filter-handler (name (&rest args))
`(defmethod ,name ((h apple-note-transformer) ,@args)
(when (not (transformer-discard-until h))
(def-filter-handler hax:start-document (name p-id s-id))
(def-filter-handler hax:end-document ())
(def-filter-handler hax:characters (data))
(def-filter-handler hax:unescaped (data))
(def-filter-handler hax:comment (data)))
(defun parse-content-id (attrlist)
(when-let (data (find-if (lambda (x)
(string-equal (hax:attribute-name x) "DATA"))
(multiple-value-bind (starts-with-cid-p suffix)
(starts-with-subseq "cid:" (hax:attribute-value data)
:return-suffix t :test #'char=)
(if starts-with-cid-p suffix data))))
(defmethod hax:start-element ((handler apple-note-transformer) name attrs)
(with-accessors ((discard-until transformer-discard-until)
(next-handler proxy-next-handler)
(cid-lookup transformer-cid-lookup)
(depth transformer-depth))
;; If we are discarding, any started element is dropped,
;; since the end-condition only is reached via END-ELEMENT.
(discard-until nil)
;; If we are not discarding any outer elements, we can set
;; up a new discard condition if we encounter an appropriate
;; element.
((member name +discard-tags-with-children+ :test #'string-equal)
(setf discard-until (cons name depth)))
;; Only drop this event, must be mirrored in END-ELEMENT to
;; avoid invalidly nested HTML.
((member name +discard-tags-only+ :test #'string-equal) nil)
;; If we encounter an object tag, we drop it and its contents,
;; but only after inspecting its attributes and emitting new
;; events representing an img tag which includes the respective
;; attachment via its filename.
((string-equal name "OBJECT")
(setf discard-until (cons "OBJECT" depth))
;; TODO(sterni): check type and only resolve images, raise error
;; otherwise. We should only encounter images anyways, since
;; other types are only supported for iCloud which doesn't seem
;; to use IMAP for sync these days.
(when-let* ((cid (parse-content-id attrs))
(file (apply cid-lookup (list cid)))
(src (hax:make-attribute "SRC" file)))
(hax:start-element next-handler "IMG" (list src))
(hax:end-element next-handler "IMG"))))
;; In all other cases, we use HAX-PROXY-HANDLER to pass the event on.
(t (call-next-method)))
(setf depth (1+ depth))))
(defmethod hax:end-element ((handler apple-note-transformer) name)
(with-accessors ((discard-until transformer-discard-until)
(depth transformer-depth))
(setf depth (1- depth))
;; If we are discarding and encounter the same tag again at the same
;; depth, we can stop, but still have to discard the current tag.
((and discard-until
(string-equal (car discard-until) name)
(= (cdr discard-until) depth))
(setf discard-until nil))
;; In all other cases, we drop properly.
(discard-until nil)
;; Mirrored tag stripping as in START-ELEMENT
((member name +discard-tags-only+ :test #'string-equal) nil)
;; In all other cases, we use HAX-PROXY-HANDLER to pass the event on.
(t (call-next-method)))))