2019-09-13 15:24:05 -04:00
module Main ( main ) where
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
import Xanthous.Prelude hiding (finally)
2019-09-13 15:24:05 -04:00
import Brick
2020-05-11 23:03:21 -04:00
import qualified Brick.BChan
import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
2019-09-13 15:24:05 -04:00
import System.Random
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
import Control.Monad.Random (getRandom)
import Control.Exception (finally)
2019-11-29 14:33:52 -05:00
import System.Exit (die)
2019-09-13 15:24:05 -04:00
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
import qualified Xanthous.Game as Game
2020-05-11 23:03:21 -04:00
import Xanthous.Game.Env (GameEnv(..))
2020-02-17 13:24:31 -05:00
import Xanthous.App
2019-09-13 15:24:05 -04:00
import Xanthous.Generators
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
( GeneratorInput
, parseGeneratorInput
, generateFromInput
, showCells
import qualified Xanthous.Entities.Character as Character
2019-09-13 15:24:05 -04:00
import Xanthous.Generators.Util (regions)
import Xanthous.Generators.LevelContents
import Xanthous.Data (Dimensions, Dimensions'(Dimensions))
import Data.Array.IArray ( amap )
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
data RunParams = RunParams
{ seed :: Maybe Int
, characterName :: Maybe Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
parseRunParams :: Opt.Parser RunParams
parseRunParams = RunParams
<$> optional (Opt.option Opt.auto
( Opt.long "seed"
<> Opt.help "Random seed for the game."
<*> optional (Opt.strOption
( Opt.short 'n'
<> Opt.long "name"
<> Opt.help
( "Name for the character. If not set on the command line, "
<> "will be prompted for at runtime"
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
data Command
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
= Run RunParams
2019-11-29 14:33:52 -05:00
| Load FilePath
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
| Generate GeneratorInput Dimensions (Maybe Int)
2019-08-25 13:28:10 -04:00
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
parseDimensions :: Opt.Parser Dimensions
parseDimensions = Dimensions
<$> Opt.option Opt.auto
( Opt.short 'w'
<> Opt.long "width"
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
<> Opt.metavar "TILES"
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
<*> Opt.option Opt.auto
( Opt.short 'h'
<> Opt.long "height"
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
<> Opt.metavar "TILES"
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
parseCommand :: Opt.Parser Command
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
parseCommand = (<|> Run <$> parseRunParams) $ Opt.subparser
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
$ Opt.command "run"
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
(Run <$> parseRunParams)
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
(Opt.progDesc "Run the game"))
2019-11-29 14:33:52 -05:00
<> Opt.command "load"
(Load <$> Opt.argument Opt.str (Opt.metavar "FILE"))
(Opt.progDesc "Load a saved game"))
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
<> Opt.command "generate"
<$> parseGeneratorInput
<*> parseDimensions
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
<*> optional
(Opt.option Opt.auto (Opt.long "seed"))
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
<**> Opt.helper
(Opt.progDesc "Generate a sample level"))
optParser :: Opt.ParserInfo Command
optParser = Opt.info
(parseCommand <**> Opt.helper)
(Opt.header "Xanthous: a WIP TUI RPG")
2019-11-29 14:33:52 -05:00
thanks :: IO ()
thanks = putStr "\n\n" >> putStrLn "Thanks for playing Xanthous!"
2020-05-11 23:03:21 -04:00
newGame :: RunParams -> IO ()
newGame rparams = do
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
gameSeed <- maybe getRandom pure $ seed rparams
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
when (isNothing $ seed rparams)
. putStrLn
$ "Seed: " <> tshow gameSeed
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
let initialState = Game.initialStateFromSeed gameSeed &~ do
for_ (characterName rparams) $ \cn ->
Game.character . Character.characterName ?= cn
2020-05-11 23:03:21 -04:00
runGame NewGame initialState `finally` do
2019-10-12 12:59:42 -04:00
when (isNothing $ seed rparams)
. putStrLn
$ "Seed: " <> tshow gameSeed
putStr "\n\n"
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
2019-11-29 14:33:52 -05:00
loadGame :: FilePath -> IO ()
loadGame saveFile = do
gameState <- maybe (die "Invalid save file!") pure
=<< Game.loadGame . fromStrict <$> readFile @IO saveFile
2020-05-11 23:03:21 -04:00
gameState `deepseq` runGame LoadGame gameState
2019-11-29 14:33:52 -05:00
2020-05-11 23:03:21 -04:00
runGame :: RunType -> Game.GameState -> IO ()
runGame rt gameState = do
eventChan <- Brick.BChan.newBChan 10
let gameEnv = GameEnv eventChan
app <- makeApp gameEnv rt
let buildVty = Vty.mkVty Vty.defaultConfig
initialVty <- buildVty
_game' <- customMain
(Just eventChan)
pure ()
2019-11-29 14:33:52 -05:00
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
runGenerate :: GeneratorInput -> Dimensions -> Maybe Int -> IO ()
runGenerate input dims mSeed = do
putStrLn "Generating..."
genSeed <- maybe getRandom pure mSeed
let randGen = mkStdGen genSeed
res = generateFromInput input dims randGen
2019-09-13 15:24:05 -04:00
rs = regions $ amap not res
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
when (isNothing mSeed)
. putStrLn
$ "Seed: " <> tshow genSeed
2019-09-13 15:24:05 -04:00
putStr "num regions: "
print $ length rs
putStr "region lengths: "
print $ length <$> rs
putStr "character position: "
print =<< chooseCharacterPosition res
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
putStrLn $ showCells res
runCommand :: Command -> IO ()
2020-05-11 23:03:21 -04:00
runCommand (Run runParams) = newGame runParams
2019-11-29 14:33:52 -05:00
runCommand (Load saveFile) = loadGame saveFile
2019-12-30 11:31:56 -05:00
runCommand (Generate input dims mSeed) = runGenerate input dims mSeed
2019-09-07 14:49:59 -04:00
main :: IO ()
main = runCommand =<< Opt.execParser optParser