2004-05-13 21:14:49 +02:00
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $amWilling = shift @ARGV;
my $localSystem = shift @ARGV;
my $neededSystem = shift @ARGV;
my $storeExpr = shift @ARGV;
2004-05-13 21:35:46 +02:00
sub sendReply {
my $reply = shift;
open OUT, ">&3" or die;
print OUT "$reply\n";
close OUT;
2004-05-13 21:14:49 +02:00
# Decline if the local system can do the build.
if ($amWilling && ($localSystem eq $neededSystem)) {
2004-05-13 21:35:46 +02:00
sendReply "decline";
2004-05-13 21:14:49 +02:00
exit 0;
# Otherwise find a willing remote machine.
my %machines;
my %systemTypes;
my %sshKeys;
my %maxJobs;
my %curJobs;
# Read the list of machines.
open CONF, "< /home/eelco/nix/distributed/remote-systems.conf" or die;
while (<CONF>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/ or die;
$machines{$1} = "";
$systemTypes{$1} = $2;
$sshKeys{$1} = $3;
$maxJobs{$1} = $4;
close CONF;
# Read the current load status.
open LOAD, "< /home/eelco/nix/distributed/current-load" or die;
while (<LOAD>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/ or die;
$curJobs{$1} = $2;
close LOAD;
2004-05-13 21:35:46 +02:00
foreach my $cur (keys %machines) {
$curJobs{$cur} = 0 unless defined $curJobs{$cur};
2004-05-13 21:14:49 +02:00
# Find a suitable system.
my $rightType = 0;
my $machine;
foreach my $cur (keys %machines) {
if ($neededSystem eq $systemTypes{$cur}) {
$rightType = 1;
2004-05-13 21:35:46 +02:00
if ($curJobs{$cur} < $maxJobs{$cur})
2004-05-13 21:14:49 +02:00
$machine = $cur;
if (!defined $machine) {
if ($rightType) {
sendReply "postpone";
exit 0;
} else {
sendReply "decline";
exit 0;
sendReply "accept";
open IN, "<&4" or die;
my $x = <IN>;
chomp $x;
print "got $x\n";
close IN;
print "BUILDING REMOTE: $storeExpr on $machine\n";
2004-05-13 21:35:46 +02:00
$curJobs{$machine} = $curJobs{$machine} + 1;
sub writeLoad {
open LOAD, "> /home/eelco/nix/distributed/current-load" or die;
foreach my $cur (keys %machines) {
print LOAD "$cur $curJobs{$cur}\n";
close LOAD;
2004-05-13 21:14:49 +02:00
my $ssh = "ssh -i $sshKeys{$machine} -x";
my $inputs = `cat inputs`;
$inputs =~ s/\n/ /g;
my $outputs = `cat outputs`;
$outputs =~ s/\n/ /g;
my $successors = `cat successors`;
$successors =~ s/\n/ /g;
system "rsync -a -e '$ssh' $storeExpr $inputs $machine:/nix/store";
die "cannot rsync inputs to $machine" if ($? != 0);
system "$ssh $machine /nix/bin/nix-store --validpath $storeExpr $inputs";
die "cannot set valid paths on $machine" if ($? != 0);
system "$ssh $machine /nix/bin/nix-store --successor $successors";
die "cannot set successors on $machine" if ($? != 0);
print "BUILDING...\n";
system "$ssh $machine /nix/bin/nix-store -qnfvvvv $storeExpr";
die "remote build on $machine failed" if ($? != 0);
foreach my $output (split '\n', $outputs) {
system "rsync -a -e '$ssh' $machine:$output /nix/store";
die "cannot rsync outputs from $machine" if ($? != 0);
2004-05-13 21:35:46 +02:00
$curJobs{$machine} = $curJobs{$machine} - 1;