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;;; lui-logging.el --- Logging support for lui
;; Copyright (C) 2006 Jorgen Schaefer,
;; 2012 Anthony Martinez
;; Author: Anthony Martinez <>
;; This file is part of Lui.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
;; 02110-1301 USA
;;; Commentary:
;; This lui module enables logging. Lui applications can change the
;; values of `lui-logging-format-arguments' to provide further
;; possibilities of customizing `lui-logging-file-format' for users.
;;; Code:
(require 'lui-format)
(require 'url-util)
(defgroup lui-logging nil
"Logging support."
:prefix "lui-logging-"
:group 'lui)
(defcustom lui-logging-format "[%T] {text}"
"The format used for log file entries.
This is first passed through `format-time-string' and then through
`lui-format'. The following format strings exist:
{text} - the text to be logged"
:type 'string
:group 'lui-logging)
(defcustom lui-logging-directory "~/.logs"
"The directory where log files are stored."
:type 'directory
:group 'lui-logging)
(defcustom lui-logging-file-format "{buffer}_%Y-%m-%d.txt"
"The format to be used for the log file name.
This is first passed through `format-time-string', and then
through `lui-format'. Possible lui format strings are:
{buffer} - the buffer name where the logging happened.
Lui applications can provide further format strings. See
`lui-logging-format-arguments' in the appropriate buffer."
:type 'string
:group 'lui-logging)
(defcustom lui-logging-flush-delay 0
"The number of seconds to delay writing newly-received messages
to disk. This can increase performance/decrease IO-wait at the
cost of a little bit of safety."
:type 'integer
:group 'lui-logging)
(defvar lui-logging-format-arguments nil
"A list of arguments to be passed to `lui-format'.
This can be used to extend the formatting possibilities of the
file name for lui applications.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'lui-logging-format-arguments)
(defvar lui-logging-file-name-unreserved-chars
;; All but '/' is fine actually, but also omit '%' because otherwise there's
;; ambiguity between one introduced by encoding and a literal one.
'(?! ?\" ?# ?$ ?& ?` ?\( ?\) ?* ?+ ?,?: ?\; ?< ?= ?> ?? ?@?\[ ?\\ ?\] ?^ ?`
?\{ ?| ?\})
"A list of characters that should not be percent-encoded by
`url-hexify-string' while generating a logging file name.")
(defvar lui-pending-logs
(make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"Storage for log messages awaiting write. It is structured as a
hash table mapping filenames to a list-of-strings, which serves as
a queue.")
(defvar lui-logging-timer nil
"The timer used to flush lui-logged buffers")
(defun lui-logging-delayed-p ()
(> lui-logging-flush-delay 0))
(defun enable-lui-logging ()
"Enable lui logging for this buffer. Also create the log
file's directory, should it not exist."
(add-hook 'lui-pre-output-hook 'lui-logging
nil t))
(defun disable-lui-logging ()
"Disable lui logging for this buffer, and flush any pending
logs to disk."
(remove-hook 'lui-pre-output-hook 'lui-logging t)
(defun enable-lui-logging-globally ()
"Enable lui logging for all Lui buffers.
This affects current as well as future buffers."
(add-hook 'lui-mode-hook 'enable-lui-logging)
(dolist (buf (buffer-list))
(with-current-buffer buf
(when lui-input-marker
(defun disable-lui-logging-globally ()
"Disable logging in all future Lui buffers.
This affects current as well as future buffers."
(remove-hook 'lui-mode-hook 'enable-lui-logging)
(dolist (buf (buffer-list))
(with-current-buffer buf
(when lui-input-marker
(defun lui-logging-file-name ()
"Create the name of the log file based on `lui-logging-file-format'."
(let* ((time-formatted (format-time-string lui-logging-file-format))
(buffer (let ((url-unreserved-chars
(append url-unreserved-chars
(downcased (downcase (buffer-name (current-buffer)))))
(url-hexify-string downcased)))
(filename (apply 'lui-format
:buffer buffer
(concat lui-logging-directory "/" filename)))
(defun lui-logging-flush ()
"Flush out the lui-logging queue, and clear the timer set by
(maphash #'lui-logging-flush-file lui-pending-logs)
(clrhash lui-pending-logs)
(cancel-timer lui-logging-timer)
(setq lui-logging-timer nil))
(defun lui-logging-write-to-log (file-name content)
"Actually perform a write to the logfile."
(let ((coding-system-for-write 'raw-text)
(dir (file-name-directory file-name)))
(when (not (file-directory-p dir))
(make-directory dir t))
(write-region content nil file-name t 'nomessage)))
(defun lui-logging-flush-file (file-name queue)
"Consume the logging queue and write the content to the log
(let ((content (apply #'concat (nreverse queue))))
(lui-logging-write-to-log file-name content)))
(defun lui-logging-format-string (text)
"Generate a string to be either directly written or enqueued."
(format-time-string lui-logging-format)
:text text)))
(defun lui-logging-enqueue (file-name text)
"Given a filename, push text onto its queue, and tickle the
timer, if necessary."
(puthash file-name
(cons text (gethash file-name lui-pending-logs))
(when (null lui-logging-timer)
(setq lui-logging-timer
(run-with-timer lui-logging-flush-delay nil
(defun lui-logging ()
"If output-queueing is enabled, append the to-be-logged string
to the output queue. Otherwise, write directly to the logfile.
This should be added to `lui-pre-output-hook' by way of
(let ((text (lui-logging-format-string (buffer-string))))
(if (lui-logging-delayed-p)
(lui-logging-enqueue (lui-logging-file-name) text)
(lui-logging-write-to-log (lui-logging-file-name) text))))
(provide 'lui-logging)
;;; lui-logging.el ends here