311 lines
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311 lines
11 KiB
waila: {
// Show Blocks
// Default value: [true]
show_blocks: true,
// Show Fluids
// Try to show fluids
// Default value: [false]
show_fluids: false,
// Show Entities
// Default value: [true]
show_entities: true,
// Show Icon
// Default value: [true]
show_icon: true,
// Icon Position
// Default value: [MIDDLE]
// Available values: [TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM]
icon_position: "MIDDLE",
// Show Mod Names
// Default value: [true]
show_mod_name: true,
// Show Item Mod Names
// Default value: [true]
show_item_mod_name: true,
// Show Registry Names
// Default value: [false]
show_registry: false
minecraft: {
// Show Block Position
// Default value: [false]
"block.position": false,
// Show Block State
// Default value: [false]
"block.state": false,
// Show Item Entity
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"entity.item_entity": true,
// Show Entity Position
// Default value: [false]
"entity.position": false,
// Show Health Points
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"entity.health": true,
// Show Absorption Health Points
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"entity.absorption": true,
// Show Armor Points
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"entity.armor": true,
// Compact Mode
// Show health and armor points in one line with a number instead of icon
// Default value: [false]
"entity.compact": false,
// Max Icon per Line
// The maximum count the health and armor icon before starting a new line
// Default value: [25]
"entity.icon_per_line": 25,
// Max Health Points to Draw
// The maximum health points that the icon will draw before forcing fraction view
// Default value: [100]
"entity.long_health_max": 100,
// Max Armor Points to Draw
// The maximum armor points that the icon will draw before forcing numeric view
// Default value: [100]
"entity.long_armor_max": 100,
// Show Pet Owner
// Only available for registered Minecraft accounts
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"pet.owner": true,
// Hide Unknown Owner
// Default value: [false]
"pet.hide_unknown_owner": false,
// Show Horse Jump Height
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"horse.jump_height": true,
// Show Horse Speed
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"horse.speed": true,
// Show Panda Genes
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"panda.genes": true,
// Show Beehive Position
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"bee.hive_pos": true,
// Show Beehive Honey Level
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"bee.hive_honey_level": true,
// Show Beehive Occupants
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"bee.hive_occupants": true,
// Show Beacon Effects
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"effect.beacon": true,
// Show Mob Effects
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"effect.mob": true,
// Show Hidden Mob Effects
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [false]
"effect.hidden_mob": false,
// Show Active Record
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"jukebox.record": true,
// Show Grow Up Timer
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"timer.grow": true,
// Show Breed Cooldown
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"timer.breed": true,
// Hide Invisible Entities
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"override.invisible_entity": true,
// Show Trapped Chest as Regular Chest
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"override.trapped_chest": true,
// Show Powder Snow as Regular Snow
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"override.powder_snow": true,
// Show Infested Block as Regular Block
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"override.infested": true,
// Hide Mounted Vehicle
// Hide minecart, horse, and other mountable entities when mounted by the player
// Default value: [true]
"override.vehicle": true,
// Show Breaking Progress
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"breaking_progress.enabled": true,
// Breaking Progress Color
// Default value: [-1426063361]
"breaking_progress.color": -1426063361,
// Bottom Only
// Default value: [false]
"breaking_progress.bottom_only": false,
// Show Spawner Type
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"spawner.type": true,
// Show Crop Progress
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"plant.crop_progress": true,
// Show Crop Growability
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"plant.crop_growable": true,
// Show Tree Growability
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"plant.tree_growable": true,
// Show Lever State
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"redstone.lever": true,
// Show Repeater Delay
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"redstone.repeater": true,
// Show Comparator Mode
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"redstone.comparator": true,
// Show Power Level
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"redstone.level": true,
// Show Player Name
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"player_head.name": true,
// Show Composter Level
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"level.composter": true,
// Show Instrument and Note
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
"note_block.type": true,
// Note Display Mode
// Default value: [SHARP]
// Available values: [SHARP, FLAT]
"note_block.note": "SHARP",
// Show Integer Level Value
// Default value: [false]
"note_block.int_value": false,
// Show Chiseled Bookshelf Books
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"book.bookshelf": true,
// Enchantment Display Mode
// Default value: [CYCLE]
"book.enchantment": "CYCLE",
// Enchantment Cycle Timing (Milliseconds)
// Default value: [500]
"book.enchantment_cycle_timing": 500,
// Show Written Book Author and Generation
// Default value: [true]
"book.written": true
harvest: {
// Show Harvestability
// This value will get merged with the value from the server
// Default value: [true]
enabled: true,
// Display Mode
// Default value: [MODERN]
display_mode: "MODERN",
// Show on Creative
// Default value: [false]
creative: false
wailax: {
// Show Block Energy
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"energy.enabled_block": true,
// Show Entity Energy
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"energy.enabled_entity": true,
// Energy Blacklist
// Custom config, open the following file
// /home/catvayor/.local/share/PrismLauncher/instances/Create Extra/minecraft/config/waila/extra/energy_blacklist.json5
"energy.blacklist": null,
// Show Block Fluid Contents
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"fluid.enabled_block": true,
// Show Entity Fluid Contents
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"fluid.enabled_entity": true,
// Display Unit
// Default value: [MILLIBUCKETS]
// Available values: [MILLIBUCKETS, DROPLETS]
"fluid.display_unit": "MILLIBUCKETS",
// Fluid Contents Blacklist
// Custom config, open the following file
// /home/catvayor/.local/share/PrismLauncher/instances/Create Extra/minecraft/config/waila/extra/fluid_blacklist.json5
"fluid.blacklist": null,
// Show Block Crafting Progress
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"progress.enabled_block": true,
// Show Entity Crafting Progress
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"progress.enabled_entity": true,
// Crafting Progress Blacklist
// Custom config, open the following file
// /home/catvayor/.local/share/PrismLauncher/instances/Create Extra/minecraft/config/waila/extra/progress_blacklist.json5
"progress.blacklist": null,
// Show Block Item Contents
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"item.enabled_block": true,
// Show Entity Item Contents
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"item.enabled_entity": true,
// Sync NBT Data
// Require server to have WTHIT installed, if not, will be locked to [false]
// Default value: [true]
"item.nbt": true,
// Display Mode
// Grid: show as a grid, like how the inventory works
// List: show as a vertical list with inline name
// Dynamic: switch from list to grid when max height exceeded
// Default value: [DYNAMIC]
// Available values: [GRID, LIST, DYNAMIC]
"item.display_mode": "DYNAMIC",
// Max Height
// Default value: [3]
"item.max_height": 3,
// Sort by Count
// Default value: [true]
"item.sort_by_count": true,
// Grid Mode Scale
// Default value: [1.0]
"item.grid_mode_scale": 1.0,
// Item Contents Blacklist
// Custom config, open the following file
// /home/catvayor/.local/share/PrismLauncher/instances/Create Extra/minecraft/config/waila/extra/item_blacklist.json5
"item.blacklist": null
} |