76 lines
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76 lines
2 KiB
#Client-only settings - If you're looking for general settings, look inside your worlds serverconfig folder!
#Use a scanline shader when spying through a conductor
useConductorSpyShader = true
#Whether to actually apply the dev cape (ignored for non-devs)
#This setting may require a relog to take effect
useDevCape = true
#Show extended debug info in coupler goggle overlay
showExtendedCouplerDebug = false
#Should the normal create conductor cap be rendered on top of the conductors existing hat?
renderNormalCap = true
#Vertical offset for track overlays
#Range: -256.0 ~ 256.0
trackOverlayOffset = 0.0
#Skip clientside train derailing. This prevents stuttering when a train places tracks, but trains will not appear derailed when they crash
skipClientDerailing = false
#Should flywheels and blocks extending the FlywheelBlock class be animated when apart of trains?
animatedFlywheels = true
#Smoke Settings
#Smoke particle style
#Allowed Values: VANILLA, OLD, CARTOON
smokeType = "CARTOON"
#Cartoon-style Smoke Settings
#Spawn faster-rising small puffs of smoke on an interval
spawnFasterPuffs = true
#Spawn steam on an interval
spawnSteam = false
#Old-style Smoke Settings
#Smoke emission rate on contraptions
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
smokePercentage = 0.75
#Thicker smoke (renders 2 extra layers per particle)
thickerSmoke = true
#[in Ticks]
#Lifetime of smoke particles emitted by contraptions
#Range: 20 ~ 1000
smokeLifetime = 500
#Smoke texture quality
#Allowed Values: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, ULTRA
smokeQuality = "HIGH"
#Journeymap Settings
#[in Ticks]
#Journeymap train overlay update time
#Range: 1 ~ 600
updateRate = 1
#[in Ticks]
#Journeymap train overlay old marker removal check time
#Range: 10 ~ 1200
removeObsoleteRate = 200