forked from DGNum/liminix
1) "Unknown transfer id" message was because the local variable "tid" is not a transfer id, it is a sequence number - so the check was actually comparing expected vs actual acknowledged sequence number, not TID. It's still a problem if we get the wrong one, but it indicates a lost packet (so we should resend) not a packet that was sent from somewhere else. 2) if the ACK packet has not been received, our retry should involve _resending_ it, not just trying to wait for it again. 3) I have removed the timeout condition for terminating the resend loop, because in practice (assuming both ends have the same timeout setting) all it did was ensure that the loop only ran once. The timeout is supposed to regulate how long we wait for before retrying (it doesn't do this, we wait indefinitely), not how long we wait for before giving up.
559 lines
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559 lines
21 KiB
-- this code is based on src/tftp.lua from
-- which is distributed under the MIT License
-- Starting upstream revision 3cb95c869e2fe74cc61ca303d88af6c5daad6734
-- Changes made since then are mostly to make it work better with
-- luasocket
This package provides intefaces for handling TFTP requests as specified by
rfc1350, rfc1782, rfc2347, rfc2348 and (partial support for rfc2349)
It should work on Standard PC servers as well as small home routers running
OpenWRT or similar.
local tftp = {}
local TIMEOUT = 5
local ACK_RETRIES = 10
local TFTP_PORT = 69
local BLKSIZE = 512
local OP_RRQ = 1
local OP_WRQ = 2
local OP_DATA = 3
local OP_ACK = 4
local OP_ERR = 5
local OP_OACK = 6
local ACKSIZE = 4
local ERR_NOTFOUND = 1
local ERR_ACCESS = 2
local ERR_ALLOC = 3
local ERR_ILLEGAL_OP = 4
local ERR_UNKNOWN_ID = 5
local ERR_EXISTS = 6
local ERR_WHO = 7
--rfc2347 specifies the options extension.
--rfc2348 specifies the blksize extension
--rfc2349 specifies the timeout and tsize extensions
local SUPPORTED_OPTIONS = {blksize=true, timeout=true, tsize=true}
local luasocket = require("socket")
--Use penlight's prettyprinter if available
pcall(require, 'pl')
local log = pretty and pretty.dump or print
local time = (function()
return require("socket").gettime
local poll = (function()
``poll`` is expected to accept a table of sockets keyed by
backend file descriptor formatted as follows: {
[low level socket lib file descriptor]{
fd=(low level socket lib fd)
...arbitrary ignored extra fields
it returns a list of fds formatted as follows
[low level socket lib file descriptor]{
fd= [low level socket lib file descriptor],
return function(fds, timeout)
local wantread = {}
local wantwrite = {}
for _, fd in pairs(fds) do
if fd.wantwrite then wantwrite[#wantwrite + 1] = fd.fd end
if fd.wantread then wantread[#wantread + 1] = fd.fd end
local readable, writeable, timedout =, wantwrite, timeout)
if timedout then return nil end
local ready = {}
for _, fd in ipairs(readable) do
ready[fd] = ready[fd] or { fd = fd }
ready[fd].readable = true
for _, fd in ipairs(writeable) do
ready[fd] = ready[fd] or { fd = fd }
ready[fd].writeable = true
return ready
local function UDPSocket()
--[[ We want to support the basic functionality required for TFTP operation over
This wraps only the required functionality and in no way represents a
complete UDP socket implementation.
see for the luasocket UDP API
return {
fd = luasocket.udp(),
bind = function(self, address, port)
return self.fd:setsockname(address, port)
sendto = function(self, data, address, port)
return self.fd:sendto(data, address, port)
recvfrom = function(self, length)
return self.fd:receivefrom(length)
close = function(self)
return self.fd:close()
local function is_netascii(s)
--[[Check whether a string contains only characters from the RFC764 ascii
subset. see
local ctrls = {[0]=1, [10]=1, [13]=1, [7]=1, [8]=1, [9]=1, [11]=1, [12]=1}
for i=1, #s do
local byte = s:sub(i, i):byte()
if (byte < 31 and ctrls[byte] == nil) or byte > 127 then
return false
return true
local function create_opcode(val)
if val < 0 or val > 2^16-1 then error("opcodes must fit into a 16bit integer") end
local high = math.floor(val / 256)
-- RFC1350 doesn't mention byte order. Assume network order (big-endian).
return string.char(high, val - (high * 256))
local function parse_opcode(packet)
local opcode = string.byte(packet:sub(2, 2)) --assume big endian
return ({"RRQ", "WRQ", "DATA", "ACK", "ERROR", "OACK"})[opcode]
function tftp:handle_RRQ(socket, host, port, source, options)
local blksize = options and tonumber(options.blksize) or BLKSIZE
local timeout_secs = options and tonumber(options.timeout) or TIMEOUT --rfc2349 timout option
local length = options and tonumber(options.length)
local tid = 1
local time = time
local started = time()
local err = self.ERROR
local done = false
local error, success = error, error -- to terminate the coroutine immediately, we raise an error
local yield = coroutine.yield
return coroutine.create(function()
if options then
--[[The handler coroutine should not start running until we know the client is ready.
This depends on whether the client has requested rfc2347 options and responded to an OACK.
Without the options extension request, the client can be responded to immediately.]]
local acked, timeout = false, time() + timeout_secs
assert(socket:sendto(self.OACK(options), host, port))
log(("sent OACK to %s:%d"):format(host, port))
yield(true, false)
local msg, port, host = socket:recvfrom(ACKSIZE)
if self.parse_ACK(msg) == 0 then acked = true end
timedout = time() > timeout
until acked or timedout
if timedout then error("Request timed out waiting for OACK response") end
log(("coroutine started on %s:%s/"):format(host, port))
while not done do
if tid >= 2^16 then
socket:sendto(err("File too big."), host, port)
error("File too big.")
local okay, continue, data = pcall(source, blksize)
if not okay then
packet = socket:sendto(err("An unknown error occurred"), host, port)
error("generator failure")
if data == nil and not continue then
done = true
if data == nil and continue then
--[[The generator ``source`` can be async and return `true, nil`
if no data is ready, but things are going well.
yield(false, true)
local acked
local retried = 0
local timeout = time() + timeout_secs
local timedout = false
socket:sendto(self.DATA(data, tid), host, port)
--[[ Now check for an ACK.
RFC1350 requires that for every packet sent, an ACK is received
before the next packet can be sent.
yield(true, false) -- we need to wait until the socket is readable again
local ack, ackhost, ackport = socket:recvfrom(ACKSIZE)
local ack_sequence = self.parse_ACK(ack)
if ackhost ~= host or ackport ~= port then
"If a source TID does not match, the packet should be
discarded as erroneously sent from somewhere else.
An error packet should be sent to the source of the
incorrect packet, while not disturbing the transfer."
socket:sendto(err(ERR_UNKNOWN_ID), ackhost, ackport)
yield(true, false)
elseif ack_sequence ~= tid then
-- this looks confusing, but the local variable
-- "tid" here is actually block number (aka
-- sequence number), not tid at all.
log(("ack received for old block %d (expecting %d)"):format(ack_sequence, tid))
acked = false
acked = true
if not acked then log("resending") end
retried = retried + 1
timedout = time() > timeout
until acked or retried > ACK_RETRIES
if retried > ACK_RETRIES then
--There doesn't seem to be a standard error for timeout.
socket:sendto(err("Ack timeout"), host, port)
error("Timeout waiting for ACK")
--Okay, we've been acked in reasonable time.
tid = tid + 1
if done then success() end
yield(true, true)
function tftp:handle_WRQ(socket, host, port, sink)
error"Not Implemented"
function tftp:listen(rrq_generator_callback, wrq_generator_callback, hosts, port, logfile)
Listen for TFTP requests on UDP ```bind``:`port`` ( by default)
and get data from / send data to user-generated source/sink functions.
Data is generated/received by functions returned by the the user-supplied
``rrq_generator_callback``/``wrq_generator_callback`` factory functions.
For each resource requested, the generator function will be called
with three arguments:
- the requested resource as a C-style string (no embedded NUL chars)
- the ip address of the peer, as a dotted-quad string ("")
- the port number of the peer
It should return a source or sink function that will be called repeatedly
until the data transfer is complete:
(SOURCE) will be called once for each block of data : it takes a
single argument of the requested data length in bytes
and returns the next block of data. It must return as follows
`true, data` on success
`true, nil` on wouldblock but should retry next round,
`false` on finished
(SINK) takes two arguments
``data`` to write
``done`` (truthy), whether all data has been received and backends can cleanup.
The (SOURCE) model therefore supports both blocking and non-blocking behaviour.
If the given function blocks, however, it will block the whole process as Lua
is single threaded. That may or may not be acceptable depending on your needs.
If the requested resource is invalid or other termination conditions are met,
(SOURCE) and (SINK) functions should raise an error.
@return This method never returns unless interrupted.
local function create_handler(callbacks, request, requestsocket, host, port)
--[[ Given a parsed request, instantiate the generator function from the given callbacks,
and create a new coroutine to be called when the state of the handler's
new socket changes to available.
On success, returns a table of the form:
handler=coroutine to call,
socket= new socket on a random port on which all new communication will happen,
fd=socket.fd as above fd
host=remote host,
port = remote port,
request = the original parsed request, including accepted options, if any.
On error, responds to the client with an ERROR packet, and returns nil.
local okay, generator, tsize = pcall(callbacks[request.opcode], request.filename, host, port)
if not okay then
requestsocket:sendto(self.ERROR(ERR_NOTFOUND), host, port)
return nil
if request.options then
request.options.tsize = request.options.tsize and tostring(tsize)
for k, v in pairs(request.options) do
if not SUPPORTED_OPTIONS[k] then request.options[k] = nil end
--RFC1350 requires WRQ requests to be responded to with a zero TID before transfer commences,
--but when responding to an options request, it is dropped.
if request.opcode == 'WRQ' then requestsocket:sendto(self.ACK(0), host, port) end
local handlersocket = UDPSocket()
handlersocket:bind("*", 0)
local handler = self['handle_' .. request.opcode](self, handlersocket, host, port, generator, request.options)
return {
local function accept(socket)
--[[ Read an incoming request from ``socket``, parse, and ACK as appropriate.
If the request is invalid, responds to the client with error and returns `nil`
otherwise returns the parsed request.
local msg, host, port = socket:recvfrom()
if msg ~= false then
local okay, xRQ = pcall(self.parse_XRQ, msg)
if not okay then
return nil
return host, port, xRQ
local socket = UDPSocket()
local user_generator_callbacks = {RRQ=rrq_generator_callback, WRQ=wrq_generator_callback}
local port = port or TFTP_PORT
local logfile = logfile or io.stderr
--listen on all given addresses, default to localhost if not given
for i, address in pairs((type(hosts) == 'table' and hosts) or (hosts ~= nil and{hosts}) or {''}) do
local ok, err = socket:bind(address, port)
if not ok then error(err .. " binding to " .. address .. ":" .. port) end
--[[The main event loop does two things:
1. Accepts new connections.
2. Handles events occurring on all sockets by dispatching to a handler coroutine.
3. Removes finished requests from the queue and destroys the sockets.
local handlers = {[socket.fd]={fd=socket.fd, socket=socket, listener=true, wantread=true}}
while true do
ready_fds = poll(handlers)
local n = 0
for _ in pairs(ready_fds) do
n = n + 1
-- log(('There are %d sockets ready'):format(n))
for fd, status in pairs(ready_fds) do
-- pretty.dump(ready_fds)
-- log(('There are %d sockets ready'):format(#ready_fds))
ready = handlers[fd]
if ready.listener and status.readable then
--we've got a listener and should accept a new connection
local host, port, request = accept(ready.socket)
if host ~= nil then
log(("accepted new %s request - %s:%s/%s"):format(request.opcode, host, port, request.filename))
local handler = create_handler(
if handler then handlers[handler.socket.fd] = handler end
elseif (status.readable or status.writeable) and ready.handler then
--We've received an event on a socket associated with an existing handler coroutine.
local co_state = coroutine.status(ready.handler)
local okay, wantread, wantwrite
if co_state ~= 'dead' then
if (ready.wantread and status.readable) or (ready.wantwrite and status.writeable) then
okay, wantread, wantwrite = coroutine.resume(ready.handler)
ready.wantread = wantread
ready.wantwrite = wantwrite
if (not okay) or co_state == 'dead' then
--- the handler is finished; cleanup
handlers[ready.fd] = nil
ready.fd = nil
ready = nil
--[[ RRQ/ZRQ read/write request packets
2 bytes string 1 byte string 1 byte
| Opcode | Filename | 0 | Mode | 0 |
Figure 5-1: RRQ/WRQ packet
function tftp.RRQ(filename)
-- RFC1350:"The mail mode is obsolete and should not be implemented or used."
-- We don't support netascii, which leaves 'octet' mode only
return table.concat({create_opcode(OP_RRQ), filename, '\0', "octet", '\0'}, '')
function tftp.parse_XRQ(request)
local opcode = assert(parse_opcode(request), "Invalid opcode")
assert(({RRQ=true, XRQ=true})[opcode], "Not an xRQ")
assert(request:sub(#request) == '\0', "Invalid request: expected ASCII NUL terminated request")
local cstrings = {}
function zero_iter(s)
local pos = 1
return function()
--This is ugly. Lua 5.2 handles embedded NUL bytes in string.gmatch,
--but vanilla Lua5.1 doesn't match correctly and luajit can't seem to parse them
for i=pos, #s do
if s:byte(i) == 0 then
local sub = s:sub(pos, i-1)
pos = i+1
return sub
for s in zero_iter(request:sub(3)) do
cstrings[#cstrings+1] = s
assert(#cstrings >= 2)
local filename = assert(is_netascii(cstrings[1]) and cstrings[1], "Requested filename must be netascii")
local mode = assert(({netascii='netascii', octet='octet'})[cstrings[2]])
local options
if #cstrings > 2 then
options = {}
assert(#cstrings % 2 == 0)
for i=3, #cstrings, 2 do
--[[ RFC1782, and 3247 require case insensitive comparisons.
We normalize them to lowercase with the consequence that
duplicate keys are replaced which are forbidden by the standard anyway.
options[cstrings[i]:lower()] = cstrings[i+1]:lower()
return {opcode=opcode, filename=filename, mode=mode, options=options}
--[[ ACK functions
2 bytes 2 bytes
| Opcode | Block # |
Figure 5-3: ACK packet
function tftp.parse_ACK(ack)
--get the sequence number from an ACK or raise a error if not valid
assert(#ack == ACKSIZE, "invalid ack")
assert(parse_opcode(ack) == 'ACK', "invalid ack")
-- extract the low and high order bytes and convert to an integer
local high, low = ack:byte(3, 4)
return (high * 256) + low
| opc | opt1 | 0 | value1 | 0 | optN | 0 | valueN | 0 |
function tftp.OACK(options)
local stropts = {}
for k, v in pairs(options) do
stropts[#stropts+1] = k .. '\0' .. v .. '\0'
return create_opcode(OP_OACK) .. table.concat(stropts, '')
function tftp.ACK(tid)
return table.concat({create_opcode(OP_ACK), create_opcode(tid)}, '')
--[[ DATA functions
2 bytes 2 bytes n bytes
| Opcode | Block # | Data |
Figure 5-2: DATA packet
function tftp.DATA(data, tid)
local opcode = create_opcode(OP_DATA)
local block = create_opcode(tid)
return table.concat({opcode, block, data}, '')
function tftp.parse_DATA(data)
assert(#data <= 512, "tftp data packets must be 512 bytes or less")
assert(parse_opcode(data) == OP_DATA, "Invalid opcode")
return {tid=parse_opcode(data:sub(3, 4)), data=data:sub(5)}
--[[ ERROR Functions
2 bytes 2 bytes string 1 byte
| Opcode | ErrorCode | ErrMsg | 0 |
Figure 5-4: ERROR packet
function tftp.ERROR(err)
local defined_errors = {
[0] = type(err) == 'string' and err or "Not defined",
"File not found.",
"Access violation.",
"Disk full or allocation exceeded.",
"Illegal TFTP operation.",
"Unknown transfer ID.",
"File already exists.",
"No such user.",
local errno = type(err) == 'string' and 0 or err
return table.concat({
}, '')
function tftp.parse_ERROR(err)
assert(parse_opcode(err) == OP_ERR)
local error_code = parse_opcode(err:sub(3, 4))
return {errcode=error_code, errmsg=err:sub(5, #err-1)}
return tftp