2022-07-29 22:13:09 -07:00

83 lines
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//! Static files required to evaluate a Hive configuation.
//! We embed Nix expressions (eval.nix, options.nix, modules.nix) as well as
//! as the auto-rollback script ( into the resulting binary
//! to ease distribution. The files are written to a temporary path when
//! we need to use them.
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt;
use tempfile::TempDir;
use super::HivePath;
const EVAL_NIX: &[u8] = include_bytes!("eval.nix");
const OPTIONS_NIX: &[u8] = include_bytes!("options.nix");
const MODULES_NIX: &[u8] = include_bytes!("modules.nix");
/// Static files required to evaluate a Hive configuration.
pub(super) struct Assets {
/// Temporary directory holding the files.
temp_dir: TempDir,
impl Assets {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
create_file(&temp_dir, "eval.nix", false, EVAL_NIX);
create_file(&temp_dir, "options.nix", false, OPTIONS_NIX);
create_file(&temp_dir, "modules.nix", false, MODULES_NIX);
Self { temp_dir }
/// Returns the base expression from which the evaluated Hive can be used.
pub fn get_base_expression(&self, hive_path: &HivePath) -> String {
match hive_path {
HivePath::Legacy(path) => {
"with builtins; let eval = import {eval_nix}; hive = eval {{ rawHive = import {path}; colmenaOptions = import {options_nix}; colmenaModules = import {modules_nix}; }}; in ",
path = path.to_str().unwrap(),
eval_nix = self.get_path("eval.nix"),
options_nix = self.get_path("options.nix"),
modules_nix = self.get_path("modules.nix"),
HivePath::Flake(flake) => {
"with builtins; let eval = import {eval_nix}; hive = eval {{ flakeUri = \"{flake_uri}\"; colmenaOptions = import {options_nix}; colmenaModules = import {modules_nix}; }}; in ",
flake_uri = flake.uri(),
eval_nix = self.get_path("eval.nix"),
options_nix = self.get_path("options.nix"),
modules_nix = self.get_path("modules.nix"),
fn get_path(&self, name: &str) -> String {
fn create_file(base: &TempDir, name: &str, executable: bool, contents: &[u8]) {
let mode = if executable { 0o700 } else { 0o600 };
let path = base.path().join(name);
let mut f = OpenOptions::new()