Fork 0
forked from DGNum/landing

Compare commits


4 commits
main ... main

27 changed files with 22178 additions and 297 deletions

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
name: build site
types: [opened, synchronize, edited, reopened]
- main
- main
runs-on: nix
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build the site
run: nix-build
- name: Pushing site to pages branch
if: github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
run: |
git switch -C pages
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name '.domains' ! -name '.git' ! -name 'result' -exec rm -rf {} +
ls -a
cp -r result/* .
rm result
git add .
git config user.name "DGNum Deploy"
git config user.email "tech@dgnum.eu"
git commit --message "Deploy site"
git push --set-upstream origin pages --force
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: site
path: ./

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: build configuration
- main
runs-on: nix
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build
run: nix-build
- name: deploy
run: nix-shell -p awscli2 --run "aws s3 sync ./result/ s3://$BUCKET/ --delete --endpoint-url $URL"
URL: "https://s3.dgnum.eu/"
BUCKET: pub.dgnum.eu
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.KEY_ID }}

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View file

@ -1,63 +1,79 @@
sources ? import ./lon.nix,
pkgs ? import sources.nixpkgs { },
let let
inputs = import ./lon.nix;
pkgs = import inputs.nixpkgs { };
description = "La Délégation Générale Numérique est une association loi 1901 domiciliée à l'ENS dont les buts sont de promouvoir la chose numérique ainsi que son usage."; description = "La Délégation Générale Numérique est une association loi 1901 domiciliée à l'ENS dont les buts sont de promouvoir la chose numérique ainsi que son usage.";
logo = ./img/dgnum.png;
links = [ links = [
{ {
text = "Page d'état des services"; text = "État des services";
target = "https://status.dgnum.eu"; href = "https://status.dgnum.eu";
svgFile = ./svgs/status.html; cls = "link-status";
linkClass = "status"; icon = "status.svg";
} }
{ {
text = "Notre site"; text = "Notre site";
target = "https://dgnum.eu"; href = "https://dgnum.eu";
svgFile = ./svgs/site.html; cls = "link-classic";
icon = "website.svg";
} }
{ {
text = "Forge Git"; text = "Forge Git";
target = "https://git.dgnum.eu"; href = "https://git.dgnum.eu";
svgFile = ./svgs/git.html; cls = "link-git";
linkClass = "git"; icon = "git.svg";
text = "Instagram";
target = "https://www.instagram.com/dgnum_eu/";
svgFile = ./svgs/insta.html;
linkClass = "instagram";
} }
{ {
text = "Mastodon"; text = "Mastodon";
target = "https://social.dgnum.eu/@dgnum"; href = "https://social.dgnum.eu/@dgnum";
svgFile = ./svgs/mastodon.html; cls = "link-mastodon";
linkClass = "mastodon"; icon = "mastodon.svg";
text = "Instagram";
href = "https://www.instagram.com/dgnum_eu/";
cls = "link-instagram";
icon = "instagram.svg";
} }
{ {
text = "Nous contacter"; text = "Nous contacter";
target = "mailto:contact@dgnum.eu"; href = "mailto:contact@dgnum.eu";
svgFile = ./svgs/contact.html; cls = "link-classic";
icon = "contact.svg";
} }
]; ];
indexHtml = import ./landing.nix {
inherit description links logo; python3 = pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: [
lib = pkgs.lib; ps.watchdog
writeText = pkgs.writeText; (ps.callPackage ./pkgs/moody-templates.nix { })
}; ]);
in in
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "dgnum-landing"; name = "dgnum-landing";
version = "1.0.0"; version = "1.0.1";
src = ./.; src = ./src;
passthru = {
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
packages = [
(pkgs.callPackage "${sources.lon}/nix/packages/lon.nix" { })
buildInputs = [ python3 ];
env.DATA_FILE = pkgs.writers.writeJSON "data.json" { inherit description links; };
configurePhase = ''
export BUILD_DIR=$out
buildInputs = [ pkgs.tailwindcss ];
buildPhase = '' buildPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/img python3 build.py
cp ${logo} $out/img/${builtins.baseNameOf logo}
cp -r ${indexHtml} $out/index.html
cp -r ${indexHtml} index.html
tailwindcss -i style.css -o $out/main.css
''; '';
} }

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
writeText "index.html" ''
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
<title>Liens DGNum</title>
<meta name="title" content="Liens DGNum" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"/>
<body class="bg-neutral m-auto flex h-screen max-w-7xl flex-col px-6 text-lg leading-7 text-neutral-900 sm:px-14 md:px-24 lg:px-32 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:text-white">
<main class="flex-grow">
<article class="mt-10 flex h-full flex-col items-center justify-center text-center">
<header class="mb-3 flex flex-col items-center">
<img class="mb-2 h-36 w-36 rounded-full" width="144" height="144" alt="Délégation Générale Numérique" src="img/${builtins.baseNameOf logo}"/>
<h1 class="text-4xl font-extrabold dark:text-white">Délégation Générale Numérique</h1>
<h2 class="max-w-lg mt-2 text-xl text-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-400">${description}</h2>
<div class="mt-4 flex min-w-full flex-col flex-wrap sm:min-w-0">
lib.concatMapStrings (link: ''
<a class="link link-${
if builtins.hasAttr "linkClass" link then link.linkClass else "link"
} mb-3 min-w-full rounded py-2 text-lg sm:px-24" href="${link.target}">
<span class="mr-1">
<span class="icon relative inline-block align-text-bottom">${builtins.readFile link.svgFile}</span>
'') links
<footer class="py-10"></footer>

pkgs/moody-templates.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "moody-templates";
version = "0.9.1-unstable";
pyproject = true;
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "etianen";
repo = "moody-templates";
rev = "243dc91e4fa6f2225c0e327e96f3416bd165f80a";
hash = "sha256-MY91vz2QB1WJzW+lFA9N4YHZaXPqv//OpgH6jwBT0m8=";
build-system = [
pythonImportsCheck = [
meta = {
description = "A fast, extensible templating engine for Python 3 with Django-like syntax";
homepage = "https://github.com/etianen/moody-templates";
changelog = "https://github.com/etianen/moody-templates/blob/${src.rev}/CHANGELOG.markdown";
license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ ];

View file

@ -1,11 +1 @@
let (import ./. { }).devShell
inputs = import ./lon.nix;
pkgs = import inputs.nixpkgs { };
lon = pkgs.callPackage "${inputs.lon}/nix/packages/lon.nix" { };
pkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = [

src/build.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import json
import os
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, fields
from os import environ as env
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copytree
from moody import render
from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer
def dataclass_from_dict(klass, dikt):
fieldtypes = {f.name: f.type for f in fields(klass)}
return klass(**{f: dataclass_from_dict(fieldtypes[f], dikt[f]) for f in dikt})
if isinstance(dikt, (tuple, list)):
return [dataclass_from_dict(klass.__args__[0], f) for f in dikt]
return dikt # Not a dataclass field
class Link:
href: str
text: str
icon: str
cls: str
class Data:
links: list[Link]
description: str | None = None
def write_files(rendered: str, src_dir: Path, out_dir: Path):
# Copy the static files
copytree(src_dir / "www", out_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True)
# Write out the index file
with open(out_dir / "index.html", "w") as fp:
def build_project(src_dir: Path, build_dir: Path):
if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
data_path = env.get("DATA_FILE", src_dir / "data.json")
# Load the data
with open(data_path) as fp:
data: Data = dataclass_from_dict(Data, json.load(fp)) # pyright: ignore
# Render the template with the correct data
with open(src_dir / "index.html") as fp:
rendered = render(fp.read(), links=data.links, description=data.description)
write_files(rendered, src_dir, build_dir)
class CatchAllHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
def __init__(self, src_dir: Path, build_dir: Path):
self.src_dir = src_dir
self.build_dir = build_dir
self.count = 0
def on_modified(self, event):
print(f"Files changed, rebuilding project [{self.count}]")
build_project(self.src_dir, self.build_dir)
self.count += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
src_dir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
build_dir = Path(env.get("BUILD_DIR", src_dir.parent.resolve() / "build"))
watch_files = bool(env.get("WATCH_SRC"))
build_project(src_dir, build_dir)
if watch_files:
# Create the structure to watch for changes
observer = Observer()
observer.schedule(CatchAllHandler(src_dir, build_dir), src_dir, recursive=True)
while observer.is_alive():

src/data.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"links": [
"text": "État des services",
"href": "https://status.dgnum.eu",
"cls": "link-status",
"icon": "status.svg"
"text": "Notre site",
"href": "https://dgnum.eu",
"cls": "link-classic",
"icon": "website.svg"
"text": "Forge Git",
"href": "https://git.dgnum.eu",
"cls": "link-git",
"icon": "git.svg"
"text": "Mastodon",
"href": "https://social.dgnum.eu/@dgnum",
"cls": "link-mastodon",
"icon": "mastodon.svg"
"text": "Instagram",
"href": "https://www.instagram.com/dgnum_eu/",
"cls": "link-instagram",
"icon": "instagram.svg"
"text": "Nous contacter",
"href": "mailto:contact@dgnum.eu",
"cls": "link-classic",
"icon": "contact.svg"
"description": "La Délégation Générale Numérique est une association loi 1901 domiciliée à l'ENS dont les buts sont de promouvoir la chose numérique ainsi que son usage."

src/index.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
<title>Liens DGNum</title>
<meta name="title" content="Liens DGNum" />
body {
text-align: center;
color: rgb(64, 70, 84);
font-size: 1rem;
font-weight: 400;
SF Pro,
Segoe UI,
Helvetica Neue,
line-height: 1.5rem;
article {
max-width: 1152px;
margin: auto;
figure.is-icon {
height: 24px;
width: 24px;
margin: 0;
margin-right: 0.5rem;
padding: 0;
header {
padding: 1rem 0;
h1 {
font-size: 32px;
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 36px;
margin: 1em 0;
hr {
width: 77.5%;
margin: 1.5rem auto;
p {
text-align: justify;
width: 72.5%;
margin: auto;
a {
border-color: rgb(214, 217, 224);
border-radius: 0.375rem;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.05) 0px 1px 2px 0px,
rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.05) 0px 2px 4px 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
color: rgb(46, 51, 61);
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-flex;
font-weight: 500;
height: 2.5em;
justify-content: center;
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
padding: calc(0.5em - 1px);
text-decoration: none;
vertical-align: top;
width: 75%;
white-space: nowrap;
a:hover {
box-shadow: none;
border-color: black;
.image {
display: block;
position: relative;
.image img {
display: block;
height: auto;
width: 100%;
/* Link styling */
.link-dev {
background-color: #0a0a0a;
.link-git {
background-color: #ff6600;
.link-gitlab {
background-color: #554488;
.link-instagram {
background-color: #833ab4;
background: linear-gradient(20deg, #833ab4, #fd1d1d, #fcb045);
.link-mastodon {
background-color: #6364ff;
color: white;
.link-status {
background-color: rgb(102, 223, 146);
<img alt="Délégation Générale Numérique" height="165" width="315" src="/img/dgnum.svg" />
<h1>Délégation Générale Numérique</h1>
<p>{{ description }}</p>
<hr />
{% for link in links %}
<a class="{{ link.cls }}" href="{{ link.href }}">
<figure class="image is-icon">
<img alt="" aria-hidden="true" src="/icons/{{ link.icon }}" height="24px" width="24px" />
<span>{{ link.text }}</span>
{% endfor %}

src/www/css/bulma.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
<path d="M19 22.5a4.75 4.75 0 0 1 3.5 -3.5a4.75 4.75 0 0 1 -3.5 -3.5a4.75 4.75 0 0 1 -3.5 3.5a4.75 4.75 0 0 1 3.5 3.5" />
<path d="M11.5 19h-6.5a2 2 0 0 1 -2 -2v-10a2 2 0 0 1 2 -2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v5" />
<path d="M3 7l9 6l9 -6" />


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 487 B

src/www/icons/git.svg Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="icon icon-tabler icons-tabler-outline icon-tabler-brand-git"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M16 12m-1 0a1 1 0 1 0 2 0a1 1 0 1 0 -2 0" /><path d="M12 8m-1 0a1 1 0 1 0 2 0a1 1 0 1 0 -2 0" /><path d="M12 16m-1 0a1 1 0 1 0 2 0a1 1 0 1 0 -2 0" /><path d="M12 15v-6" /><path d="M15 11l-2 -2" /><path d="M11 7l-1.9 -1.9" /><path d="M13.446 2.6l7.955 7.954a2.045 2.045 0 0 1 0 2.892l-7.955 7.955a2.045 2.045 0 0 1 -2.892 0l-7.955 -7.955a2.045 2.045 0 0 1 0 -2.892l7.955 -7.955a2.045 2.045 0 0 1 2.892 0z" /></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 733 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M4 4m0 4a4 4 0 0 1 4 -4h8a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v8a4 4 0 0 1 -4 4h-8a4 4 0 0 1 -4 -4z" /><path d="M12 12m-3 0a3 3 0 1 0 6 0a3 3 0 1 0 -6 0" /><path d="M16.5 7.5l0 .01" /></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 419 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="white" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="icon icon-tabler icons-tabler-outline icon-tabler-brand-mastodon"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M18.648 15.254c-1.816 1.763 -6.648 1.626 -6.648 1.626a18.262 18.262 0 0 1 -3.288 -.256c1.127 1.985 4.12 2.81 8.982 2.475c-1.945 2.013 -13.598 5.257 -13.668 -7.636l-.026 -1.154c0 -3.036 .023 -4.115 1.352 -5.633c1.671 -1.91 6.648 -1.666 6.648 -1.666s4.977 -.243 6.648 1.667c1.329 1.518 1.352 2.597 1.352 5.633s-.456 4.074 -1.352 4.944z" /><path d="M12 11.204v-2.926c0 -1.258 -.895 -2.278 -2 -2.278s-2 1.02 -2 2.278v4.722m4 -4.722c0 -1.258 .895 -2.278 2 -2.278s2 1.02 2 2.278v4.722" /></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 807 B

src/www/icons/status.svg Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="icon icon-tabler icons-tabler-outline icon-tabler-cloud-storm"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M7 18a4.6 4.4 0 0 1 0 -9a5 4.5 0 0 1 11 2h1a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 7h-1" /><path d="M13 14l-2 4l3 0l-2 4" /></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 430 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="icon icon-tabler icons-tabler-outline icon-tabler-world-www"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M19.5 7a9 9 0 0 0 -7.5 -4a8.991 8.991 0 0 0 -7.484 4" /><path d="M11.5 3a16.989 16.989 0 0 0 -1.826 4" /><path d="M12.5 3a16.989 16.989 0 0 1 1.828 4" /><path d="M19.5 17a9 9 0 0 1 -7.5 4a8.991 8.991 0 0 1 -7.484 -4" /><path d="M11.5 21a16.989 16.989 0 0 1 -1.826 -4" /><path d="M12.5 21a16.989 16.989 0 0 0 1.828 -4" /><path d="M2 10l1 4l1.5 -4l1.5 4l1 -4" /><path d="M17 10l1 4l1.5 -4l1.5 4l1 -4" /><path d="M9.5 10l1 4l1.5 -4l1.5 4l1 -4" /></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 770 B

View file


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 106 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 106 KiB

src/www/img/dgnum.svg Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 26.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
viewBox="0 0 314.35999 166.52411"
sodipodi:docname="logo_DGNum_vf copie.svg"
inkscape:version="1.2 (dc2aedaf03, 2022-05-15)"
id="defs93" /><sodipodi:namedview
inkscape:current-layer="Calque_1" />
height="167" />
id="use7" />
d="m 802,515.48 c 13.59,-42.81 59.35,-66.98 103.17,-54.47 43.81,12.5 69.72,57.12 58.41,100.59 -11.31,43.47 -55.71,69.96 -100.11,59.73"
id="path10" />
d="m 926.38,515.56 36.75,18.68 -17.87,17.96 z m 0,0"
id="path14" />
height="167" />
id="use19" />
d="m 926.2,515.39 7.25,-37.7 m 30.46,76.85 -18.65,-2.34 9.23,32.07 m -28.29,-68.88 -23.93,29.54 42.98,7.26 -61.47,21.56 70.69,10.51 -65.07,14.86 19.57,19.58 -45.52,2.62 m 62.75,-105.93 -44.59,-2 51.84,-35.71 -56.73,-19.94 5.25,55.1 20.3,32.08 -18.49,28.82 -29.36,-16.13 47.85,-12.69 m -12.86,54.21 -5.62,-25.38 m -20.32,47.58 25.94,-22.2 -39.52,-2.18 33.89,-23.2 m -29.35,-16.13 27.19,-44.23 -42.78,-12.87 37.88,-42.78 m -37.88,42.79 15.59,57.09 -4.53,39.33 m -11.06,-96.42 -22.66,-11.96 -7.25,39.15 z m 0,0 m 15.59,57.09 -23.74,6.34 1.45,-21.21 z m 0,0 m -22.3,-14.86 6.71,-42.23"
id="path22" />
d="m 918.29,540.21 c 0,3.45 -0.55,6.62 -1.64,9.52 -1.09,2.89 -2.62,5.37 -4.61,7.44 -1.99,2.07 -4.39,3.69 -7.2,4.84 -2.81,1.16 -5.92,1.73 -9.34,1.73 h -17.11 v -46.98 h 17.11 c 3.43,0 6.54,0.58 9.34,1.73 2.81,1.16 5.21,2.78 7.2,4.86 1.99,2.08 3.52,4.55 4.61,7.42 1.09,2.88 1.64,6.03 1.64,9.44 z m -9.46,0 c 0,-2.5 -0.31,-4.74 -0.92,-6.72 -0.62,-1.98 -1.5,-3.66 -2.64,-5.05 -1.14,-1.39 -2.53,-2.46 -4.19,-3.2 -1.65,-0.75 -3.51,-1.12 -5.59,-1.12 h -7.78 v 32.23 h 7.78 c 2.08,0 3.95,-0.36 5.59,-1.09 1.66,-0.74 3.05,-1.8 4.19,-3.19 1.14,-1.39 2.02,-3.09 2.64,-5.08 0.61,-1.98 0.92,-4.24 0.92,-6.78 z m 0,0"
id="path26" />
d="m 962.96,559.22 c -2.36,1.77 -4.87,3.05 -7.53,3.84 -2.67,0.79 -5.5,1.19 -8.48,1.19 -3.8,0 -7.25,-0.59 -10.33,-1.78 -3.07,-1.19 -5.71,-2.86 -7.91,-5 -2.19,-2.13 -3.88,-4.67 -5.08,-7.61 -1.19,-2.94 -1.78,-6.15 -1.78,-9.64 0,-3.51 0.57,-6.73 1.7,-9.67 1.13,-2.94 2.75,-5.46 4.86,-7.58 2.11,-2.12 4.66,-3.77 7.64,-4.95 2.99,-1.19 6.32,-1.78 10,-1.78 1.91,0 3.68,0.16 5.33,0.47 1.66,0.31 3.19,0.73 4.61,1.27 1.41,0.54 2.71,1.2 3.88,1.95 1.16,0.75 2.22,1.59 3.17,2.5 l -2.66,4.19 c -0.41,0.66 -0.95,1.06 -1.62,1.22 -0.67,0.15 -1.39,-0.02 -2.16,-0.48 -0.74,-0.45 -1.48,-0.86 -2.2,-1.25 -0.73,-0.39 -1.51,-0.74 -2.36,-1.03 -0.84,-0.29 -1.76,-0.52 -2.77,-0.69 -1.01,-0.16 -2.18,-0.25 -3.5,-0.25 -2.22,0 -4.21,0.39 -5.98,1.16 -1.77,0.76 -3.28,1.84 -4.53,3.23 -1.25,1.39 -2.22,3.08 -2.89,5.08 -0.67,1.99 -1,4.2 -1,6.62 0,2.65 0.36,5.01 1.09,7.08 0.74,2.07 1.77,3.82 3.11,5.25 1.33,1.43 2.94,2.52 4.83,3.27 1.88,0.74 3.99,1.11 6.3,1.11 1.55,0 2.95,-0.16 4.19,-0.47 1.24,-0.32 2.46,-0.76 3.66,-1.33 v -8.22 h -5.41 c -0.56,0 -1.02,-0.16 -1.36,-0.48 -0.34,-0.33 -0.51,-0.73 -0.51,-1.2 v -5.25 h 15.7 v 19.23 z m 0,0"
id="path28" />
d="m 975.32,516.76 c 0.39,0 0.73,0.02 1.02,0.06 0.29,0.03 0.55,0.1 0.77,0.2 0.23,0.11 0.44,0.26 0.64,0.45 0.2,0.19 0.43,0.43 0.69,0.73 l 23.14,30.5 c -0.15,-1.56 -0.22,-3.04 -0.22,-4.42 v -27.53 h 8.17 v 46.98 h -4.78 c -0.73,0 -1.34,-0.12 -1.83,-0.38 -0.48,-0.25 -0.95,-0.66 -1.42,-1.22 l -23.06,-30.31 c 0.14,1.46 0.22,2.81 0.22,4.06 v 27.84 h -8.22 v -46.98 h 4.88 z m 0,0"
id="path30" />
d="m 1037.09,558.65 c 1.85,0 3.52,-0.32 4.98,-0.97 1.48,-0.66 2.72,-1.57 3.73,-2.74 1.02,-1.16 1.8,-2.55 2.33,-4.16 0.53,-1.6 0.8,-3.37 0.8,-5.3 v -28.23 h 6.44 v 28.23 c 0,2.69 -0.43,5.18 -1.28,7.47 -0.84,2.28 -2.06,4.26 -3.62,5.94 -1.56,1.68 -3.48,3 -5.75,3.95 -2.26,0.95 -4.81,1.42 -7.62,1.42 -2.84,0 -5.38,-0.48 -7.64,-1.42 -2.25,-0.96 -4.17,-2.27 -5.75,-3.95 -1.57,-1.67 -2.79,-3.66 -3.64,-5.94 -0.84,-2.29 -1.27,-4.78 -1.27,-7.47 v -28.23 h 6.44 v 28.19 c 0,1.94 0.27,3.72 0.8,5.33 0.53,1.62 1.3,3.01 2.31,4.17 1.02,1.17 2.27,2.08 3.73,2.74 1.47,0.65 3.15,0.97 5.01,0.97 z m 0,0"
id="path32" />
d="m 1089.88,546.79 c 0.3,0.55 0.58,1.11 0.83,1.67 0.25,0.56 0.49,1.14 0.72,1.73 0.24,-0.61 0.48,-1.2 0.72,-1.77 0.25,-0.57 0.52,-1.12 0.81,-1.64 l 16.41,-28.47 c 0.28,-0.5 0.59,-0.8 0.92,-0.91 0.33,-0.1 0.78,-0.16 1.34,-0.16 h 4.73 v 46.48 h -5.69 V 529.8 c 0,-0.48 0.02,-1 0.05,-1.58 0.04,-0.58 0.08,-1.16 0.13,-1.75 l -16.59,29.16 c -0.54,0.96 -1.32,1.44 -2.33,1.44 H 1091 c -1.01,0 -1.79,-0.48 -2.33,-1.44 l -16.98,-29.12 c 0.13,1.18 0.2,2.28 0.2,3.3 v 33.92 h -5.66 v -46.48 h 4.75 c 0.56,0 1,0.05 1.31,0.16 0.32,0.11 0.63,0.42 0.94,0.94 z m 0,0"
id="path34" />
d="m 979.1,583.41 c 0,0.87 -0.12,1.65 -0.38,2.36 -0.25,0.7 -0.61,1.3 -1.06,1.81 -0.46,0.5 -1.01,0.89 -1.66,1.16 -0.64,0.27 -1.34,0.41 -2.12,0.41 h -3.95 V 577.7 h 3.95 c 0.78,0 1.49,0.14 2.12,0.42 0.64,0.27 1.2,0.66 1.66,1.16 0.46,0.5 0.81,1.11 1.06,1.81 0.25,0.7 0.38,1.47 0.38,2.32 z m -1.63,0 c 0,-0.7 -0.09,-1.32 -0.25,-1.86 -0.17,-0.55 -0.41,-1.02 -0.74,-1.41 -0.31,-0.38 -0.7,-0.67 -1.14,-0.88 -0.44,-0.2 -0.93,-0.3 -1.47,-0.3 h -2.36 v 8.89 h 2.36 c 0.54,0 1.03,-0.1 1.47,-0.3 0.44,-0.21 0.83,-0.5 1.14,-0.88 0.32,-0.38 0.57,-0.85 0.74,-1.41 0.17,-0.52 0.25,-1.15 0.25,-1.85 z m 0,0"
id="path36" />
d="m 980.35,589.15 z m 4.02,-8.66 c 0.51,0 0.98,0.09 1.41,0.25 0.44,0.17 0.82,0.42 1.14,0.75 0.32,0.32 0.57,0.72 0.75,1.19 0.18,0.47 0.27,1.01 0.27,1.62 0,0.24 -0.03,0.4 -0.08,0.48 -0.05,0.07 -0.15,0.11 -0.28,0.11 h -5.7 c 0.01,0.53 0.08,1 0.22,1.39 0.13,0.4 0.32,0.73 0.55,1 0.24,0.26 0.52,0.46 0.84,0.59 0.32,0.12 0.69,0.19 1.09,0.19 0.38,0 0.7,-0.04 0.97,-0.12 0.27,-0.08 0.5,-0.17 0.7,-0.28 0.2,-0.1 0.36,-0.2 0.48,-0.28 0.13,-0.09 0.25,-0.14 0.36,-0.14 0.06,0 0.11,0.02 0.16,0.05 0.05,0.02 0.09,0.06 0.12,0.11 l 0.44,0.56 c -0.19,0.22 -0.41,0.41 -0.67,0.58 -0.26,0.17 -0.54,0.31 -0.84,0.42 -0.29,0.1 -0.6,0.18 -0.92,0.23 -0.31,0.05 -0.62,0.08 -0.92,0.08 -0.59,0 -1.14,-0.1 -1.64,-0.3 -0.5,-0.2 -0.93,-0.49 -1.3,-0.88 -0.37,-0.38 -0.65,-0.86 -0.86,-1.42 -0.2,-0.57 -0.3,-1.23 -0.3,-1.97 0,-0.59 0.09,-1.15 0.27,-1.66 0.19,-0.52 0.45,-0.97 0.8,-1.34 0.34,-0.38 0.77,-0.68 1.27,-0.89 0.48,-0.21 1.04,-0.32 1.67,-0.32 z m 0.01,1.11 c -0.71,0 -1.27,0.21 -1.69,0.64 -0.42,0.42 -0.68,0.98 -0.78,1.7 h 4.64 c 0,-0.34 -0.05,-0.66 -0.16,-0.94 -0.09,-0.29 -0.23,-0.53 -0.42,-0.73 -0.18,-0.21 -0.4,-0.37 -0.67,-0.48 -0.27,-0.13 -0.57,-0.19 -0.92,-0.19 z m 2.16,-4.65 -1.97,2.17 c -0.09,0.09 -0.17,0.16 -0.25,0.19 -0.07,0.03 -0.17,0.05 -0.28,0.05 h -0.92 l 1.25,-2.03 c 0.07,-0.12 0.16,-0.22 0.25,-0.28 0.09,-0.06 0.23,-0.09 0.42,-0.09 h 1.5 z m 0,0"
id="path38" />
id="rect40" />
d="m 993.34,589.15 z m 4.02,-8.66 c 0.51,0 0.98,0.09 1.41,0.25 0.44,0.17 0.82,0.42 1.14,0.75 0.32,0.32 0.57,0.72 0.75,1.19 0.18,0.47 0.27,1.01 0.27,1.62 0,0.24 -0.03,0.4 -0.08,0.48 -0.05,0.07 -0.15,0.11 -0.28,0.11 h -5.7 c 0.01,0.53 0.08,1 0.22,1.39 0.13,0.4 0.32,0.73 0.55,1 0.24,0.26 0.52,0.46 0.84,0.59 0.32,0.12 0.69,0.19 1.09,0.19 0.38,0 0.7,-0.04 0.97,-0.12 0.27,-0.08 0.5,-0.17 0.7,-0.28 0.2,-0.1 0.36,-0.2 0.48,-0.28 0.13,-0.09 0.25,-0.14 0.36,-0.14 0.06,0 0.11,0.02 0.16,0.05 0.05,0.02 0.09,0.06 0.12,0.11 l 0.44,0.56 c -0.19,0.22 -0.41,0.41 -0.67,0.58 -0.26,0.17 -0.54,0.31 -0.84,0.42 -0.29,0.1 -0.6,0.18 -0.92,0.23 -0.31,0.05 -0.62,0.08 -0.92,0.08 -0.59,0 -1.14,-0.1 -1.64,-0.3 -0.5,-0.2 -0.93,-0.49 -1.3,-0.88 -0.37,-0.38 -0.65,-0.86 -0.86,-1.42 -0.2,-0.57 -0.3,-1.23 -0.3,-1.97 0,-0.59 0.09,-1.15 0.27,-1.66 0.19,-0.52 0.45,-0.97 0.8,-1.34 0.34,-0.38 0.77,-0.68 1.27,-0.89 0.48,-0.21 1.04,-0.32 1.67,-0.32 z m 0.02,1.11 c -0.71,0 -1.27,0.21 -1.69,0.64 -0.42,0.42 -0.68,0.98 -0.78,1.7 h 4.64 c 0,-0.34 -0.05,-0.66 -0.16,-0.94 -0.09,-0.29 -0.23,-0.53 -0.42,-0.73 -0.18,-0.21 -0.4,-0.37 -0.67,-0.48 -0.28,-0.13 -0.58,-0.19 -0.92,-0.19 z m 2.15,-4.65 -1.97,2.17 c -0.09,0.09 -0.17,0.16 -0.25,0.19 -0.07,0.03 -0.17,0.05 -0.28,0.05 h -0.92 l 1.25,-2.03 c 0.07,-0.12 0.16,-0.22 0.25,-0.28 0.09,-0.06 0.23,-0.09 0.42,-0.09 h 1.5 z m 0,0"
id="path42" />
d="m 1005.6,580.48 c 0.35,0 0.68,0.04 0.98,0.12 0.31,0.09 0.59,0.2 0.84,0.34 h 2.23 v 0.58 c 0,0.2 -0.12,0.32 -0.34,0.36 l -0.91,0.12 c 0.18,0.38 0.27,0.78 0.27,1.22 0,0.42 -0.08,0.8 -0.23,1.14 -0.16,0.34 -0.37,0.62 -0.64,0.86 -0.27,0.24 -0.59,0.43 -0.97,0.56 -0.38,0.12 -0.79,0.19 -1.23,0.19 -0.38,0 -0.72,-0.05 -1.03,-0.14 -0.17,0.12 -0.29,0.23 -0.38,0.36 -0.09,0.12 -0.12,0.25 -0.12,0.38 0,0.2 0.08,0.35 0.23,0.45 0.16,0.09 0.36,0.17 0.61,0.22 0.26,0.04 0.55,0.07 0.88,0.08 0.33,0.01 0.66,0.03 1,0.06 0.34,0.02 0.68,0.06 1,0.12 0.33,0.06 0.62,0.17 0.88,0.31 0.26,0.14 0.47,0.33 0.62,0.58 0.16,0.24 0.23,0.56 0.23,0.95 0,0.38 -0.09,0.73 -0.27,1.06 -0.17,0.34 -0.42,0.65 -0.75,0.92 -0.34,0.27 -0.74,0.48 -1.22,0.64 -0.47,0.16 -1,0.23 -1.59,0.23 -0.6,0 -1.13,-0.06 -1.58,-0.19 -0.44,-0.12 -0.81,-0.28 -1.11,-0.48 -0.29,-0.21 -0.51,-0.45 -0.66,-0.73 -0.15,-0.27 -0.22,-0.55 -0.22,-0.84 0,-0.42 0.12,-0.77 0.36,-1.06 0.25,-0.29 0.59,-0.52 1.03,-0.69 -0.24,-0.11 -0.43,-0.27 -0.58,-0.45 -0.14,-0.2 -0.2,-0.45 -0.2,-0.77 0,-0.25 0.09,-0.51 0.27,-0.78 0.18,-0.27 0.44,-0.5 0.78,-0.69 -0.4,-0.23 -0.71,-0.54 -0.94,-0.92 -0.23,-0.4 -0.34,-0.85 -0.34,-1.38 0,-0.41 0.07,-0.79 0.22,-1.12 0.16,-0.34 0.37,-0.63 0.64,-0.88 0.28,-0.24 0.61,-0.42 0.98,-0.55 0.39,-0.11 0.81,-0.18 1.26,-0.18 z m 2.52,9.14 c 0,-0.21 -0.06,-0.38 -0.17,-0.5 -0.1,-0.13 -0.25,-0.23 -0.44,-0.3 -0.19,-0.07 -0.41,-0.12 -0.66,-0.16 -0.24,-0.04 -0.5,-0.07 -0.77,-0.08 -0.27,-0.02 -0.55,-0.03 -0.83,-0.05 -0.28,-0.01 -0.55,-0.04 -0.81,-0.08 -0.29,0.15 -0.53,0.33 -0.7,0.55 -0.18,0.21 -0.27,0.46 -0.27,0.77 0,0.19 0.04,0.36 0.12,0.52 0.08,0.16 0.22,0.3 0.41,0.42 0.19,0.12 0.42,0.22 0.7,0.3 0.28,0.07 0.62,0.11 1.02,0.11 0.38,0 0.71,-0.04 1,-0.12 0.3,-0.07 0.55,-0.18 0.75,-0.31 0.21,-0.12 0.36,-0.28 0.47,-0.47 0.12,-0.19 0.18,-0.38 0.18,-0.6 z m -2.52,-4.66 c 0.56,0 0.98,-0.16 1.27,-0.47 0.29,-0.31 0.44,-0.72 0.44,-1.23 0,-0.51 -0.15,-0.91 -0.44,-1.22 -0.28,-0.31 -0.7,-0.47 -1.27,-0.47 -0.55,0 -0.98,0.16 -1.27,0.47 -0.28,0.3 -0.42,0.71 -0.42,1.22 0,0.25 0.04,0.48 0.11,0.69 0.07,0.21 0.18,0.39 0.31,0.55 0.14,0.15 0.32,0.26 0.53,0.34 0.23,0.08 0.47,0.12 0.74,0.12 z m 0,0"
id="path44" />
d="m 1016.43,589.15 c -0.16,0 -0.28,-0.02 -0.36,-0.06 -0.07,-0.05 -0.12,-0.15 -0.16,-0.3 l -0.2,-0.8 c -0.22,0.21 -0.44,0.4 -0.66,0.56 -0.21,0.16 -0.43,0.29 -0.66,0.41 -0.23,0.1 -0.48,0.18 -0.75,0.23 -0.27,0.05 -0.56,0.08 -0.88,0.08 -0.34,0 -0.65,-0.04 -0.94,-0.12 -0.28,-0.09 -0.53,-0.23 -0.75,-0.42 -0.22,-0.19 -0.39,-0.42 -0.52,-0.7 -0.12,-0.28 -0.19,-0.61 -0.19,-1 0,-0.34 0.09,-0.66 0.27,-0.97 0.19,-0.31 0.48,-0.59 0.89,-0.83 0.41,-0.25 0.96,-0.45 1.62,-0.61 0.66,-0.16 1.48,-0.24 2.44,-0.27 v -0.66 c 0,-0.66 -0.14,-1.15 -0.42,-1.48 -0.28,-0.34 -0.7,-0.52 -1.23,-0.52 -0.35,0 -0.66,0.05 -0.91,0.14 -0.25,0.09 -0.46,0.2 -0.64,0.31 -0.18,0.11 -0.34,0.2 -0.47,0.3 -0.14,0.09 -0.27,0.14 -0.39,0.14 -0.1,0 -0.2,-0.02 -0.28,-0.08 -0.07,-0.05 -0.13,-0.12 -0.17,-0.2 l -0.28,-0.48 c 0.47,-0.45 0.97,-0.78 1.52,-1 0.54,-0.23 1.15,-0.34 1.81,-0.34 0.48,0 0.9,0.08 1.27,0.23 0.38,0.15 0.69,0.37 0.94,0.66 0.25,0.28 0.44,0.62 0.56,1.02 0.13,0.4 0.2,0.84 0.2,1.31 v 5.45 z m -3.2,-0.94 c 0.26,0 0.49,-0.02 0.7,-0.08 0.22,-0.05 0.42,-0.12 0.61,-0.22 0.2,-0.1 0.38,-0.22 0.55,-0.36 0.18,-0.14 0.35,-0.3 0.52,-0.48 v -1.77 c -0.68,0.03 -1.26,0.09 -1.73,0.17 -0.48,0.09 -0.87,0.2 -1.17,0.34 -0.29,0.14 -0.51,0.3 -0.64,0.48 -0.14,0.19 -0.2,0.4 -0.2,0.64 0,0.22 0.04,0.41 0.11,0.58 0.07,0.16 0.17,0.29 0.3,0.39 0.12,0.09 0.27,0.17 0.44,0.22 0.14,0.07 0.32,0.09 0.51,0.09 z m 0,0"
id="path46" />
d="m 1018.32,589.15 z m 8.39,-8.38 v 8.38 h -1.53 v -7.25 h -4.06 v 5.09 c 0,0.34 0.08,0.61 0.23,0.78 0.16,0.18 0.36,0.27 0.61,0.27 0.14,0 0.27,-0.02 0.36,-0.06 0.1,-0.04 0.19,-0.09 0.27,-0.14 0.07,-0.05 0.13,-0.1 0.19,-0.14 0.05,-0.04 0.1,-0.06 0.16,-0.06 0.05,0 0.09,0.01 0.12,0.03 0.03,0.02 0.05,0.06 0.08,0.11 l 0.47,0.73 c -0.26,0.25 -0.57,0.45 -0.92,0.58 -0.34,0.12 -0.7,0.19 -1.08,0.19 -0.65,0 -1.15,-0.19 -1.5,-0.56 -0.34,-0.38 -0.52,-0.91 -0.52,-1.62 v -5.19 h -0.94 c -0.09,0 -0.17,-0.03 -0.23,-0.09 -0.06,-0.06 -0.09,-0.14 -0.09,-0.25 v -0.61 l 1.31,-0.17 0.34,-2.62 c 0.02,-0.09 0.05,-0.16 0.11,-0.22 0.06,-0.05 0.14,-0.08 0.25,-0.08 h 0.78 v 2.92 h 5.59 z m 0.33,-2.89 c 0,0.15 -0.03,0.29 -0.09,0.42 -0.05,0.14 -0.13,0.25 -0.23,0.34 -0.11,0.09 -0.23,0.17 -0.36,0.23 -0.12,0.05 -0.26,0.08 -0.41,0.08 -0.15,0 -0.28,-0.02 -0.41,-0.08 -0.12,-0.06 -0.24,-0.14 -0.34,-0.23 -0.09,-0.09 -0.17,-0.21 -0.23,-0.34 -0.05,-0.13 -0.08,-0.27 -0.08,-0.42 0,-0.15 0.02,-0.28 0.08,-0.41 0.06,-0.13 0.14,-0.25 0.23,-0.34 0.1,-0.1 0.22,-0.18 0.34,-0.23 0.12,-0.06 0.26,-0.09 0.41,-0.09 0.15,0 0.28,0.03 0.41,0.09 0.13,0.05 0.25,0.13 0.36,0.23 0.1,0.09 0.18,0.21 0.23,0.34 0.06,0.13 0.09,0.27 0.09,0.41 z m 0,0"
id="path48" />
d="m 1032.71,580.49 c 0.62,0 1.19,0.11 1.69,0.31 0.5,0.2 0.92,0.49 1.27,0.88 0.35,0.39 0.62,0.85 0.81,1.39 0.19,0.53 0.28,1.14 0.28,1.81 0,0.67 -0.09,1.27 -0.28,1.81 -0.19,0.54 -0.46,1.01 -0.81,1.39 -0.34,0.38 -0.77,0.67 -1.27,0.88 -0.5,0.21 -1.06,0.31 -1.69,0.31 -0.63,0 -1.19,-0.1 -1.69,-0.31 -0.5,-0.21 -0.93,-0.5 -1.28,-0.88 -0.35,-0.38 -0.62,-0.85 -0.81,-1.39 -0.19,-0.54 -0.28,-1.14 -0.28,-1.81 0,-0.68 0.09,-1.28 0.28,-1.81 0.19,-0.54 0.46,-1 0.81,-1.39 0.35,-0.38 0.78,-0.68 1.28,-0.88 0.51,-0.2 1.07,-0.31 1.69,-0.31 z m 0,7.58 c 0.41,0 0.77,-0.07 1.08,-0.2 0.31,-0.14 0.57,-0.35 0.77,-0.62 0.21,-0.27 0.36,-0.6 0.47,-1 0.1,-0.39 0.16,-0.85 0.16,-1.36 0,-0.5 -0.05,-0.95 -0.16,-1.34 -0.1,-0.39 -0.26,-0.73 -0.47,-1 -0.2,-0.28 -0.45,-0.49 -0.77,-0.64 -0.3,-0.14 -0.66,-0.22 -1.08,-0.22 -0.42,0 -0.78,0.07 -1.09,0.22 -0.31,0.15 -0.57,0.36 -0.78,0.64 -0.21,0.27 -0.37,0.61 -0.47,1 -0.09,0.4 -0.14,0.84 -0.14,1.34 0,0.51 0.05,0.97 0.14,1.36 0.1,0.4 0.26,0.73 0.47,1 0.21,0.27 0.47,0.48 0.78,0.62 0.31,0.13 0.68,0.2 1.09,0.2 z m 0,0"
id="path50" />
d="m 1038.64,589.15 v -8.53 h 0.92 c 0.1,0 0.19,0.03 0.27,0.08 0.07,0.05 0.11,0.13 0.12,0.23 l 0.12,0.91 c 0.36,-0.41 0.77,-0.73 1.22,-0.97 0.46,-0.25 0.98,-0.38 1.58,-0.38 0.47,0 0.88,0.08 1.23,0.23 0.35,0.15 0.65,0.37 0.88,0.66 0.24,0.28 0.42,0.62 0.55,1.02 0.12,0.4 0.19,0.84 0.19,1.31 v 5.44 h -1.53 v -5.44 c 0,-0.63 -0.15,-1.13 -0.44,-1.48 -0.29,-0.35 -0.73,-0.53 -1.31,-0.53 -0.44,0 -0.85,0.11 -1.23,0.31 -0.38,0.21 -0.72,0.5 -1.03,0.86 v 6.28 z m 0,0"
id="path52" />
d="m 1061.17,588.04 c -0.55,0.42 -1.15,0.73 -1.78,0.94 -0.62,0.2 -1.31,0.3 -2.05,0.3 -0.9,0 -1.7,-0.14 -2.42,-0.42 -0.71,-0.29 -1.32,-0.69 -1.83,-1.2 -0.51,-0.52 -0.9,-1.14 -1.17,-1.86 -0.27,-0.72 -0.41,-1.51 -0.41,-2.38 0,-0.86 0.13,-1.66 0.39,-2.38 0.27,-0.72 0.65,-1.33 1.14,-1.84 0.49,-0.52 1.08,-0.92 1.78,-1.2 0.7,-0.29 1.48,-0.44 2.34,-0.44 0.45,0 0.86,0.04 1.23,0.11 0.38,0.06 0.72,0.16 1.03,0.28 0.32,0.12 0.62,0.28 0.89,0.47 0.27,0.18 0.52,0.38 0.75,0.59 l -0.44,0.72 c -0.07,0.12 -0.17,0.19 -0.28,0.22 -0.12,0.02 -0.24,0 -0.38,-0.08 -0.14,-0.08 -0.29,-0.18 -0.45,-0.28 -0.16,-0.1 -0.34,-0.2 -0.56,-0.3 -0.22,-0.1 -0.48,-0.19 -0.78,-0.25 -0.3,-0.07 -0.66,-0.11 -1.08,-0.11 -0.6,0 -1.15,0.11 -1.64,0.31 -0.49,0.21 -0.91,0.51 -1.25,0.91 -0.34,0.39 -0.61,0.86 -0.8,1.41 -0.19,0.55 -0.28,1.17 -0.28,1.86 0,0.72 0.09,1.37 0.28,1.94 0.2,0.56 0.48,1.04 0.84,1.44 0.36,0.39 0.8,0.68 1.31,0.89 0.51,0.21 1.08,0.31 1.72,0.31 0.49,0 0.93,-0.05 1.31,-0.17 0.38,-0.11 0.76,-0.27 1.12,-0.48 v -2.5 h -1.64 c -0.11,0 -0.19,-0.02 -0.27,-0.08 -0.06,-0.06 -0.09,-0.14 -0.09,-0.23 v -0.89 h 3.44 v 4.39 z m 0,0"
id="path54" />
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id="path56" />
d="m 1072.22,589.15 v -8.53 h 0.92 c 0.1,0 0.19,0.03 0.27,0.08 0.07,0.05 0.11,0.13 0.12,0.23 l 0.12,0.91 c 0.36,-0.41 0.77,-0.73 1.22,-0.97 0.46,-0.25 0.98,-0.38 1.58,-0.38 0.47,0 0.88,0.08 1.23,0.23 0.35,0.15 0.64,0.37 0.87,0.66 0.24,0.28 0.42,0.62 0.55,1.02 0.12,0.4 0.19,0.84 0.19,1.31 v 5.44 h -1.53 v -5.44 c 0,-0.63 -0.15,-1.13 -0.44,-1.48 -0.29,-0.35 -0.73,-0.53 -1.31,-0.53 -0.44,0 -0.85,0.11 -1.23,0.31 -0.38,0.21 -0.72,0.5 -1.03,0.86 v 6.28 z m 0,0"
id="path58" />
d="m 1081.04,589.15 z m 4.02,-8.66 c 0.51,0 0.98,0.09 1.41,0.25 0.44,0.17 0.82,0.42 1.14,0.75 0.32,0.32 0.57,0.72 0.75,1.19 0.18,0.47 0.27,1.01 0.27,1.62 0,0.24 -0.03,0.4 -0.08,0.48 -0.05,0.07 -0.15,0.11 -0.28,0.11 h -5.7 c 0.01,0.53 0.08,1 0.22,1.39 0.13,0.4 0.32,0.73 0.55,1 0.24,0.26 0.52,0.46 0.84,0.59 0.32,0.12 0.69,0.19 1.09,0.19 0.38,0 0.7,-0.04 0.97,-0.12 0.27,-0.08 0.5,-0.17 0.7,-0.28 0.2,-0.1 0.36,-0.2 0.48,-0.28 0.13,-0.09 0.25,-0.14 0.36,-0.14 0.06,0 0.11,0.02 0.16,0.05 0.05,0.02 0.09,0.06 0.12,0.11 l 0.44,0.56 c -0.19,0.22 -0.41,0.41 -0.67,0.58 -0.26,0.17 -0.54,0.31 -0.84,0.42 -0.29,0.1 -0.6,0.18 -0.92,0.23 -0.31,0.05 -0.62,0.08 -0.92,0.08 -0.59,0 -1.14,-0.1 -1.64,-0.3 -0.5,-0.2 -0.93,-0.49 -1.3,-0.88 -0.37,-0.38 -0.65,-0.86 -0.86,-1.42 -0.2,-0.57 -0.3,-1.23 -0.3,-1.97 0,-0.59 0.09,-1.15 0.27,-1.66 0.19,-0.52 0.45,-0.97 0.8,-1.34 0.34,-0.38 0.77,-0.68 1.27,-0.89 0.48,-0.21 1.04,-0.32 1.67,-0.32 z m 0.01,1.11 c -0.71,0 -1.27,0.21 -1.69,0.64 -0.42,0.42 -0.68,0.98 -0.78,1.7 h 4.64 c 0,-0.34 -0.06,-0.66 -0.16,-0.94 -0.09,-0.29 -0.23,-0.53 -0.42,-0.73 -0.18,-0.21 -0.4,-0.37 -0.67,-0.48 -0.27,-0.13 -0.57,-0.19 -0.92,-0.19 z m 2.16,-4.65 -1.97,2.17 c -0.09,0.09 -0.17,0.16 -0.25,0.19 -0.07,0.03 -0.17,0.05 -0.28,0.05 h -0.92 l 1.25,-2.03 c 0.07,-0.12 0.16,-0.22 0.25,-0.28 0.09,-0.06 0.23,-0.09 0.42,-0.09 h 1.5 z m 0,0"
id="path60" />
d="m 1090.41,589.15 v -8.53 h 0.88 c 0.16,0 0.28,0.03 0.34,0.09 0.07,0.06 0.11,0.17 0.13,0.33 l 0.11,1.25 c 0.26,-0.56 0.58,-1 0.97,-1.33 0.38,-0.32 0.84,-0.48 1.38,-0.48 0.19,0 0.36,0.02 0.52,0.06 0.16,0.03 0.3,0.09 0.42,0.17 l -0.12,1.14 c -0.01,0.15 -0.09,0.22 -0.23,0.22 -0.09,0 -0.2,-0.02 -0.36,-0.05 -0.15,-0.03 -0.31,-0.05 -0.48,-0.05 -0.26,0 -0.49,0.04 -0.69,0.12 -0.2,0.07 -0.38,0.19 -0.55,0.34 -0.16,0.15 -0.3,0.34 -0.42,0.56 -0.13,0.22 -0.24,0.47 -0.34,0.75 v 5.39 h -1.56 z m 0,0"
id="path62" />
d="m 1101.92,589.15 c -0.16,0 -0.28,-0.02 -0.36,-0.06 -0.07,-0.05 -0.12,-0.15 -0.16,-0.3 l -0.2,-0.8 c -0.22,0.21 -0.44,0.4 -0.66,0.56 -0.21,0.16 -0.43,0.29 -0.66,0.41 -0.23,0.1 -0.48,0.18 -0.75,0.23 -0.27,0.05 -0.56,0.08 -0.88,0.08 -0.34,0 -0.65,-0.04 -0.94,-0.12 -0.28,-0.09 -0.53,-0.23 -0.75,-0.42 -0.22,-0.19 -0.39,-0.42 -0.52,-0.7 -0.12,-0.28 -0.19,-0.61 -0.19,-1 0,-0.34 0.09,-0.66 0.27,-0.97 0.19,-0.31 0.48,-0.59 0.89,-0.83 0.41,-0.25 0.96,-0.45 1.62,-0.61 0.66,-0.16 1.48,-0.24 2.44,-0.27 v -0.66 c 0,-0.66 -0.14,-1.15 -0.42,-1.48 -0.28,-0.34 -0.69,-0.52 -1.23,-0.52 -0.36,0 -0.66,0.05 -0.91,0.14 -0.25,0.09 -0.46,0.2 -0.64,0.31 -0.18,0.11 -0.34,0.2 -0.47,0.3 -0.14,0.09 -0.27,0.14 -0.39,0.14 -0.1,0 -0.2,-0.02 -0.28,-0.08 -0.07,-0.05 -0.13,-0.12 -0.17,-0.2 l -0.28,-0.48 c 0.47,-0.45 0.97,-0.78 1.52,-1 0.54,-0.23 1.14,-0.34 1.81,-0.34 0.48,0 0.9,0.08 1.27,0.23 0.38,0.15 0.69,0.37 0.94,0.66 0.25,0.28 0.44,0.62 0.56,1.02 0.13,0.4 0.2,0.84 0.2,1.31 v 5.45 z m -3.21,-0.94 c 0.26,0 0.49,-0.02 0.7,-0.08 0.22,-0.05 0.42,-0.12 0.61,-0.22 0.2,-0.1 0.38,-0.22 0.55,-0.36 0.18,-0.14 0.35,-0.3 0.52,-0.48 v -1.77 c -0.68,0.03 -1.26,0.09 -1.73,0.17 -0.48,0.09 -0.87,0.2 -1.17,0.34 -0.29,0.14 -0.51,0.3 -0.64,0.48 -0.14,0.19 -0.2,0.4 -0.2,0.64 0,0.22 0.04,0.41 0.11,0.58 0.07,0.16 0.17,0.29 0.3,0.39 0.12,0.09 0.27,0.17 0.44,0.22 0.15,0.07 0.33,0.09 0.51,0.09 z m 0,0"
id="path64" />
id="rect66" />
d="m 1112.46,580.49 c 0.51,0 0.98,0.09 1.41,0.25 0.44,0.17 0.82,0.42 1.14,0.75 0.32,0.32 0.57,0.72 0.75,1.19 0.18,0.47 0.27,1.01 0.27,1.62 0,0.24 -0.03,0.4 -0.08,0.48 -0.05,0.07 -0.15,0.11 -0.28,0.11 h -5.7 c 0.01,0.53 0.08,1 0.22,1.39 0.13,0.4 0.32,0.73 0.55,1 0.24,0.26 0.52,0.46 0.84,0.59 0.32,0.12 0.69,0.19 1.09,0.19 0.38,0 0.7,-0.04 0.97,-0.12 0.27,-0.08 0.5,-0.17 0.7,-0.28 0.2,-0.1 0.36,-0.2 0.48,-0.28 0.13,-0.09 0.25,-0.14 0.36,-0.14 0.06,0 0.11,0.02 0.16,0.05 0.05,0.02 0.09,0.06 0.12,0.11 l 0.44,0.56 c -0.19,0.22 -0.41,0.41 -0.67,0.58 -0.26,0.17 -0.54,0.31 -0.84,0.42 -0.29,0.1 -0.6,0.18 -0.92,0.23 -0.31,0.05 -0.62,0.08 -0.92,0.08 -0.59,0 -1.14,-0.1 -1.64,-0.3 -0.5,-0.2 -0.93,-0.49 -1.3,-0.88 -0.37,-0.38 -0.65,-0.86 -0.86,-1.42 -0.2,-0.57 -0.3,-1.23 -0.3,-1.97 0,-0.59 0.09,-1.15 0.27,-1.66 0.19,-0.52 0.45,-0.97 0.8,-1.34 0.34,-0.38 0.77,-0.68 1.27,-0.89 0.49,-0.21 1.05,-0.32 1.67,-0.32 z m 0.02,1.11 c -0.71,0 -1.27,0.21 -1.69,0.64 -0.42,0.42 -0.68,0.98 -0.78,1.7 h 4.64 c 0,-0.34 -0.05,-0.66 -0.16,-0.94 -0.09,-0.29 -0.23,-0.53 -0.42,-0.73 -0.18,-0.21 -0.4,-0.37 -0.67,-0.48 -0.27,-0.13 -0.58,-0.19 -0.92,-0.19 z m 0,0"
id="path68" />
d="m 970.83,600.2 c 0.12,0 0.22,0.02 0.3,0.05 0.07,0.03 0.15,0.1 0.23,0.22 l 6.24,8.58 c -0.01,-0.15 -0.02,-0.29 -0.03,-0.42 -0.01,-0.13 -0.02,-0.26 -0.02,-0.38 v -8.05 h 1.39 v 11.45 h -0.8 c -0.12,0 -0.23,-0.02 -0.31,-0.06 -0.09,-0.04 -0.17,-0.11 -0.25,-0.22 l -6.22,-8.55 c 0.01,0.14 0.02,0.27 0.02,0.39 0.01,0.12 0.02,0.23 0.02,0.34 v 8.09 H 970 V 600.2 Z m 0,0"
id="path70" />
d="m 982.86,603.12 v 5.44 c 0,0.64 0.14,1.13 0.42,1.48 0.29,0.35 0.74,0.53 1.33,0.53 0.43,0 0.83,-0.1 1.2,-0.31 0.38,-0.21 0.72,-0.49 1.05,-0.84 v -6.3 h 1.53 v 8.53 h -0.92 c -0.11,0 -0.2,-0.02 -0.27,-0.06 -0.06,-0.05 -0.1,-0.13 -0.11,-0.25 l -0.14,-0.91 c -0.37,0.41 -0.78,0.73 -1.23,0.98 -0.45,0.24 -0.97,0.36 -1.56,0.36 -0.47,0 -0.88,-0.07 -1.23,-0.22 -0.34,-0.16 -0.64,-0.37 -0.87,-0.66 -0.24,-0.28 -0.42,-0.62 -0.55,-1.02 -0.12,-0.41 -0.17,-0.85 -0.17,-1.33 v -5.44 h 1.52 z m 0,0"
id="path72" />
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