Aurélien Delobelle 2cfce1c921 Add tests for kfet views.
kfet.tests.testcases embed mixins for TestCase:
- TestCaseMixin provides assertion helpers,
- ViewTestCaseMixin provides a few basic tests, which are common to
every view.

kfet.tests.utils provides helpers for users and permissions management.

Each kfet view get a testcase (at least very basic) in
2017-08-16 17:45:59 +02:00

212 lines
7 KiB

from unittest import mock
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import QueryDict
from django.test import Client
from django.utils import timezone
from .utils import create_root, create_team, create_user
class TestCaseMixin:
def assertForbidden(self, response):
request = response.wsgi_request
# Is this an HTTP Forbidden response ?
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
except AssertionError:
# A redirection to the login view is fine too.
# Let's build the login url with the 'next' param on current
# page.
full_path = request.get_full_path()
querystring = QueryDict(mutable=True)
querystring['next'] = full_path
login_url = '/login?' + querystring.urlencode(safe='/')
# We don't focus on what the login view does.
# So don't fetch the redirect.
response, login_url,
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError(
"%(http_method)s request at %(path)s should be forbidden for "
"%(username)s user.\n"
"Response isn't 403, nor a redirect to login view. Instead, "
"response code is %(code)d." % {
'http_method': request.method,
'path': request.get_full_path(),
'username': (
if request.user.is_authenticated()
else 'anonymous'
'code': response.status_code,
def assertForbiddenKfet(self, response, form_ctx='form'):
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
form = response.context[form_ctx]
self.assertIn("Permission refusée", form.non_field_errors())
except (AssertionError, AttributeError, KeyError):
messages = [str(msg) for msg in response.context['messages']]
self.assertIn("Permission refusée", messages)
except AssertionError:
request = response.wsgi_request
raise AssertionError(
"%(http_method)s request at %(path)s should raise an error "
"for %(username)s user.\n"
"Cannot find any errors in non-field errors of form "
"'%(form_ctx)s', nor in messages." % {
'http_method': request.method,
'path': request.get_full_path(),
'username': (
"'%s'" % request.user
if request.user.is_authenticated()
else 'anonymous'
'form_ctx': form_ctx,
def assertInstanceExpected(self, instance, expected):
for attr, expected_value in expected.items():
value = getattr(instance, attr)
if callable(value):
value = value()
self.assertEqual(value, expected_value)
def assertUrlsEqual(self, actual, expected):
if type(expected) == dict:
parsed = urlparse(actual)
checks = ['scheme', 'netloc', 'path', 'params']
for check in checks:
getattr(parsed, check),
expected.get(check, ''),
expected.get('query', {}),
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
class ViewTestCaseMixin(TestCaseMixin):
url_name = None
url_expected = None
http_methods = ['GET']
auth_user = None
auth_forbidden = []
def setUp(self):
# Signals handlers on login/logout send messages.
# Due to the way the Django' test Client performs login, this raise an
# error. As workaround, we mock the Django' messages module.
patcher_messages = mock.patch('gestioncof.signals.messages')
# A test can mock '' and give this as return
# value. E.g. it is useful if the test checks values of 'auto_now' or
# 'auto_now_add' fields. =
self.users = {}
self.accounts = {}
for label, user in {**self.users_base, **self.users_extra}.items():
self.register_user(label, user)
if self.auth_user:
# The wrapper is a sanity check.
def users_base(self):
# Format desc: username, password, trigramme
return {
# user, user, 000
'user': create_user(),
# team, team, 100
'team': create_team(),
# root, root, 200
'root': create_root(),
def users_extra(self):
return {}
def register_user(self, label, user):
self.users[label] = user
if hasattr(user.profile, 'account_kfet'):
self.accounts[label] = user.profile.account_kfet
def get_user(self, label):
if self.auth_user is not None:
return self.auth_user
return self.auth_user_mapping.get(label)
def urls_conf(self):
return [{
'name': self.url_name,
'args': getattr(self, 'url_args', []),
'kwargs': getattr(self, 'url_kwargs', {}),
'expected': self.url_expected,
def t_urls(self):
return [
args=url_conf.get('args', []),
kwargs=url_conf.get('kwargs', {}),
for url_conf in self.urls_conf]
def url(self):
return self.t_urls[0]
def test_urls(self):
for url, conf in zip(self.t_urls, self.urls_conf):
self.assertEqual(url, conf['expected'])
def test_forbidden(self):
for method in self.http_methods:
for user in self.auth_forbidden:
for url in self.t_urls:
self.check_forbidden(method, url, user)
def check_forbidden(self, method, url, user=None):
method = method.lower()
client = Client()
if user is not None:
client.login(username=user, password=user)
send_request = getattr(client, method)
data = getattr(self, '{}_data'.format(method), {})
r = send_request(url, data)