Many tables in kfet app templates become sortable:
account list, negative account list, article list, article inventory
list, article supplier list, article category list, checkout list,
checkout statement list, inventory list, inventory details, order list,
order creation, order details.
This is achieved thanks to the jQuery plugin 'tablesorter':
- Affected tables also got sticky headers (it stays visible on scroll).
- Dates format are modified in order to ease the date sorting with the
plugin (it avoids writing a custom parser, or an extractor from
additional hidden element in the table cells).
- Tables whose content is classified by category (of articles) now uses
several tbodies. This has minor effects on the tables style.
- Tags of the header help signs become 'i', instead of 'span', in order
to avoid weird spacing.
K-Fêt - Wagtail
- Page content becomes a StreamField.
- GroupTeam snippet becomes a block for stream field.
- Navigation menu moved becomes a "flatmenu", preventing possible future conflicts.
- Page layout can be modified in wagtail admin.
- Add shorthands for ukf account balance/article price.
- Cleaning stylesheets and templates.
- Integrate wagtail to serve "static" pages of old K-Fêt website
- Fixture "kfetcms/kfet_wagtail_17_05" contains a copy of old website
(as in May 2017).
- Media files can be got until end of June 17 at
- Update package django_cas_ng to last version.
- Clean COFCASBackend.
- Change CAS version to 3 (version used on eleves.ens). This enables
the logout redirection (for CAS ofc).
- Add messages and clean existing ones on login/logout (for both
outsider and cas users).
- Update settings to bypass an incompability between debug-toolbar and
wagtailmenus packages.
- Better management of dev/test-specific urls (if debug-toolbar wasn't in
INSTALLED_APPS, media files were not served).
- UI improvements.
- Template: Ajout d'un style "Sogé" (couleurs de la K-Fêt...)
- K-Psul: Optimisation requête checkout data avec dernier relevé
- K-Psul: Rework JS account et checkout data
- General :
- Ajout de la gestion des messages dans le template base
- jQuery et bootstrap ajoutés au template base
- Ajout de DateTimeWidget utilisant bootstrap-datetimepicker pour
les champs DateTime
- Account :
- Ajout de propriétés aux modèles pour accéder directement à
certains éléments sans avoir à passer par les relations
- Suppression d'une méthode inutile dans le modèle
- Correction de permission dans la vue update
- Utilisation des messages pour la création et l'édition d'un compte
- Checkout :
- gestion initiale CRU