- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.8 are resolved.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.11 are resolved.
- Admin: grappelli is no longer used.
- Upgrade to django-autocomplete-light v3 (v2 is not 1.11 compatible).
* autocomplete.modelform_factory being dropped, code uses dal Select2
views and widgets.
- Should now work if used in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS settings.
- It does not retieve itself the password, as it should not be used
this way.
- Delete useless 'username' arg of its 'authenticate()' method.
- Now delete the token in DB.
- New name of the middleware is more meaningful.
- Is now responsible to retrieve the password from the request, instead
of the AccountBackend.
GenericTeamToken model
- Add a manager' method to create token, avoiding possible error due to
unicity constraint.
GenericLoginView (authentication with the kfet generic user)
- Replace obscure system with a 100% HTTP handling.
- See comments for more information.
- More docstrings!
- More tests!
- Add some i18n.
- Add kfet/confirm_form.html template:
Ask user to confirm sth via a form (which will send a POST request).
Context variables:
* title: the page title
* confirm_url: action attribute for <form>
* text: displayed confirmation text
- kfet.js : Add functions allowing to emit POST request from <a> tag.
- Non-link nav items from kfet navbar also get a 'title'.
- A utility has been found for the 'sunglasses' glyphicon!
- Integrate wagtail to serve "static" pages of old K-Fêt website
- Fixture "kfetcms/kfet_wagtail_17_05" contains a copy of old website
(as in May 2017).
- Media files can be got until end of June 17 at
- Update package django_cas_ng to last version.
- Clean COFCASBackend.
- Change CAS version to 3 (version used on eleves.ens). This enables
the logout redirection (for CAS ofc).
- Add messages and clean existing ones on login/logout (for both
outsider and cas users).
- Update settings to bypass an incompability between debug-toolbar and
wagtailmenus packages.
- Better management of dev/test-specific urls (if debug-toolbar wasn't in
INSTALLED_APPS, media files were not served).
- UI improvements.
- Add css transitions on buttons + navbar links.
- Clean css of navbar.
- Clean templates with only centered form/content.
- Page opened when login as generic team user close itself (only for
non-CAS users).
- A message is added when generic team user connects.
- Fix extra space on right when messages are prompted.
- Like perform operations, cancel_operations can add/remove an account
from negative accounts system.
- Balances checks are now performed against real_balance instead of
So if someone with a balance_offset go, for real, to positive land (ie even
without taking into account the balance offset), its account is removed from
the negative system.
- Fix bug on real_balance when negative exists but balance_offset is
not set.
Order create view use WeekScale. No query improvements, only shorter
- Two methods directly relative to the Scale class move to... the Scale
- Fix order create on Chrome.
- Fix #chunks when used with std_chunk=True (there was one too many at
the beginning)
- Scale.end gives the end of the last chunk (instead of its start)
So scale.begin -> scale.end gives the full range of the scale.
`kfet_day` now returns an aware datetime.
- new method `get_by_chunks` which use only one query and ranks
elements according to the scale. Elements are returned by a generator
for each scale chunk (and all chunks are returned as a generator too).
ArticlesStatSales and AccountStatOperations use this new method to
avoid issuing #scale_chunks queries.
- fixed on Chrome
- AccountNegative use new AccountNegativeManager which select_related
account, cofprofile and user for instances accessed via
- Compute sum of negatives with python instead of an SQL statement
(since we already got the data with a previous query).
- Fix bug on account property `real_balance` (happened if
an account has a relative AccountNegative instance but balance_offset
to NULL).
- More compliant to PEP8
- When Account model is queried with Account.objects, it always add
.select_related('cofprofile_user', 'negative').
- Eg benefits: history doesn't do anymore one request by account to
fill the account filter.
Using this workaround (systemically append select_related) can be
dangerous normally, however a certain number of properties in
cofprofile and user are frequently used (as firstname or lastname), and
the benefits seems greater.
- KFetConfig `set` method now takes model instance instead of their pk
for this type of entries.
- Add tests for KFetConfig class: tests against types currently used by
kfet app (duration, modelinstance, decimal).
- These tests are located in `kfet/tests/test_config.py`. We should
separate tests suites by file like this, considering what they are about.
- KFetConfig method `set_many` renamed to `set` (because it also updates
only one).
Old configuration(/settings), based on Settings model, system is
deleted: SettingsForm, Settings.
New system use `django-djconfig` module.
- `kfet.config` module provides `kfet_config` to access configuration concerning
kfet app.
- Views, forms, models, etc now use this object to retrieve conf values.
- Views no longer add config values to context, instead templates use
`kfet_config` provided by a new context_processor.
- Enhance list and update views of settings.
- Fix: settings can directly be used without having to visit a specific
- Delete some py2/3 imports
- Delete unused imports in kfet.models and kfet.views
- Some PEP8 compliance
- delete no longer used defs
- new mixin - ScaleMixin
- get scale args from GET params
- chunkify querysets according to a scale
Article stats
- use SingleResumeStat for manifest
- use ScaleMixin for sales
- update urls
- update permission required: teamkfet
Account stats
- update permission required: teamkfet
- operations use ScaleMixin
- fix manifests urls
K-Fêt - Statistics
New base class - StatScale
- create scale, given chunk size (timedelta), start and end times
- get labels of
- get start and end datetimes of chunks
DayStatScale: Scale whose chunks interval is 1 day
WeekStatScale: same with 1 week
MonthStatScale: same with 1 month
AccountStatOperationList: manifest of operations stats of an account
- renamed from AccountStatLastAll
- updated according to SingleResumeStat
- renamed from AccountStatLast
- remove scale logic with use of StatScale objects
- used scale is given by `scale` and `scale_args` GET params
- add filter on operations types with `types` GET param
AccountStatLast(Day,Week,Month) are deleted ("merged" in
New mixin: PkUrlMixin
- use with SingleObjectMixin standard django mixin (used by
- `get_object` use field declared in `pk_url_kwarg` to get... the object
- clean (part of) py code
- renamed from `AccountStatBalanceAll`
- url modified
- add permission checking (only the connected user can get balance
stats manifest)
- clean py code
- cleaner filtering management
- merge urls using this class
- clean py code
Changement de son propre mot de passe
Permet à un K-Fêteux (disposant de la permission `kfet.is_team`) de modifier son propre mot de passe sur la page `account/XXX/edit`.
Accessoirement, la fonction `account_update` est maintenant conforme à PEP8.
See merge request !148
- Fix oublie de @staticmethod pour Settings.CANCEl_DURATION()
- Mise en cache de Settings.CANCEL_DURATION
- Fix sur cancel_operations : mauvais modèles et at
- Via "F8", possible de faire des charges sans modifier la caisse si
l'utilisateur a la permission `kfet.edit_balance_account`. Un
commentaire est alors nécessaire sur la commande.
- Pour un compte qui n'est pas du tout déjà présent dans la BDD,
username doit faire 9 caractères minimum (ty @mpepin) et le champ cof
et login clipper ne sont plus modifiables