L'application `petitscours` reste assez fortement couplée à
`gestioncof`, et n'est pas (encore ?) faite pour être utilisée
De façon similaire, et afin de minimiser de potentiels problèmes dûs à
des migrations, les modèles de l'application `petitscours` utilisent
`app_label = "gestioncof"` pour que Django les considère comme faisant
partie de l'application `"gestioncof"`. Ils pourront être migrés dans
un second temps si cela s'avère nécessaire.
Les changements sont nombreux, mais assez simples: il s'agit
principalement de déplacer des fichiers et changer des imports. J'ai
également profité de l'occasion pour réorganiser les templates afin de
les placer dans l'espace de nom "petitscours/".
* settings/common.py: Add `petitscours` app
* urls.py: Use `petitscours.urls`
* __init__.py: Added.
* tests/__init__.py: Added.
* tests/utils.py: Added.
* urls.py: Added.
* admin.py:
* management/commands/loaddevdata.py:
* models.py:
* signals.py: Typo.
* urls.py:
Moved petitscours_patterns to petitscours.urls
* petits_cours_forms.py:
Moved to petitscours/forms.py
* petits_cours_models.py:
Moved to petitscours/models.py
* petits_cours_views.py:
Moved to petitscours/views.py
* tests/utils.py:
* tests/test_petitscours_views.py:
Moved to petitscours/tests/test_petitscours_views.py
* templates/base_title_petitscours.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/base_title.html
* templates/demande-petit-cours.html:
Moved topetitscours/templates/petitscours/demande.html
* templates/gestioncof/details_demande_petit_cours.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/demande_detail.html
* templates/petits_cours_demandes_list.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/demande_list.html
* templates/demande-petit-cours-raw.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/demande_raw.html
* templates/details_demande_petit_cours_infos.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/details_demande_infos.html
* templates/inscription-petit-cours.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/inscription.html
* templates/inscription-petit-cours-formset.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/inscription_formset.html
* templates/gestioncof/traitement_demande_petit_cours.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/traitement_demande.html
* templates/gestioncof/traitement_demande_petit_cours_autre_niveau.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/traitement_demande_autre_niveau.html
* templates/gestioncof/traitement_demande_petit_cours_success.html:
Moved to petitscours/templates/petitscours/traitement_demande_success.html
reCAPTCHA v1 has been shut down since March 2018.
We now uses reCAPTCHA v2:
- user must check a simple checkbox (No CAPTCHA),
- eventually he must validate a challenge.
Moving keys settings allows to use the captcha for development.
- The {% cycle %} command was used non-quoted arguments separated by
commas, while it is supposed to use quoted arguments separated by
spaces (I'm actually not sure how that ever worked :)
- django-bootstrap-form was at version 3.2.1 which is not compatible
with Django 1.11 (but also required by GestioCOF). I upgraded it to
version 3.3.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.8 are resolved.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.11 are resolved.
- Admin: grappelli is no longer used.
- Upgrade to django-autocomplete-light v3 (v2 is not 1.11 compatible).
* autocomplete.modelform_factory being dropped, code uses dal Select2
views and widgets.
- Integrate wagtail to serve "static" pages of old K-Fêt website
- Fixture "kfetcms/kfet_wagtail_17_05" contains a copy of old website
(as in May 2017).
- Media files can be got until end of June 17 at
- Update package django_cas_ng to last version.
- Clean COFCASBackend.
- Change CAS version to 3 (version used on eleves.ens). This enables
the logout redirection (for CAS ofc).
- Add messages and clean existing ones on login/logout (for both
outsider and cas users).
- Update settings to bypass an incompability between debug-toolbar and
wagtailmenus packages.
- Better management of dev/test-specific urls (if debug-toolbar wasn't in
INSTALLED_APPS, media files were not served).
- UI improvements.
`member.profile` was not up-to-date where we used to send the success
message => move it to the place where the success var is set tu `True`
and remove the success var was which becomes irrelevant.
Sometime `uid` is not set in the objects fetched from the LDAP. This
case has to be handled. Also, the `.uid` and `.cn` attributes of these
objects in the python abstractions have a `.value` method which we
should use.
It is obviously a bad idea to fail silently if something go wrong
when the connection with the mail server is being established. This was
enabled in the `_traitement_post` method.
The list `proposed_mails` is a list of elements of the kind
`(User, (mail_object, mail_body))` but it was handled as if it were
`(User, mail_body)` in the function `_traitement_post`.
Sometimes the `errors` variable is `None` in `_finalize_traitement`.
It was not an issue when it was just used in the templates but now we
have to handle this in the view. Basically, we shall consider it is an
empty list when it occurs.
The `registration` view was referencing this file using
`"gestioncof/registration_form.html"` whereas the `registration_post`
templated was referencing it in the global namespace
We choose the `gestioncof/` folder in order to avoid further conflicts
with other apps.
- Utilise une version à jour de jquery via un cdn
- Traite les messages
- Remplace les vieux simili-messages par des messages en utilisant le
framework messages de Django