- Add handler for CheckboxSelectMultiple in form_field_snippet.html.
- Add template filter "widget_type" to get widget class name.
- Group permissions selection becomes easier.
- Add css transitions on buttons + navbar links.
- Clean css of navbar.
- Clean templates with only centered form/content.
- Page opened when login as generic team user close itself (only for
non-CAS users).
- A message is added when generic team user connects.
- Fix extra space on right when messages are prompted.
- Add total boxes in cellar and bar to new inventory view.
- On this view, table is "minified".
- Revert background color for some templates.
- Clean some margin (responsively).
- Clean tab pills on account read.
- Current day remains on the screen on history.
- Message for generic team user connection is sended only if user is
connecting from a k-fet url.
- Less contrast on history.
- Like perform operations, cancel_operations can add/remove an account
from negative accounts system.
- Balances checks are now performed against real_balance instead of
So if someone with a balance_offset go, for real, to positive land (ie even
without taking into account the balance offset), its account is removed from
the negative system.
- Fix bug on real_balance when negative exists but balance_offset is
not set.
- kfet_config gives "reduction_cof" as editable instead of
- this last one can still be accessed via kfet_config (computed from
new "reduction_cof"
- add units to numeric values of kfet_config form
- PermConsumerMixin allows checking permissions on connection to a
- KPsul consumer uses this mixin to check if connecting user has the
permission `kfet.is_team`.
- Use last official releases of channels, asgiref, daphne and
asgi-redis packages.
- Customization of JsonWebsocketConsumer is now in kfet app through a
custom class (and so, doesn't require anymore a forked version of channels).
- Clean kfet consumers code.
- add verbose names to ArticleCategory fields
- add button to view categories list from articles list
- fix article_update template in form validation
- improve interface for articlecategory_update
- revert vanished urls (happened in merge with master...)
- get_scale_args method of ScaleMixin retrieves useful GET params for
Scale object instanciation (by default from request.GET)
- it takes into account the type of the scale arg
- prefix used for GET param can be modified in stats_manifest funcs and
- References to `Stat` in `Scale` objects are deleted (because scales
are independent of stats)
- KFET_WAKES_UP_AT is now a time object insted of an hour
- Proper use of date, datetime, timedelta, etc (django.utils.timezone
provides neither datetime nor timedelta)
- KFetConfig `set` method now takes model instance instead of their pk
for this type of entries.
- Add tests for KFetConfig class: tests against types currently used by
kfet app (duration, modelinstance, decimal).
- These tests are located in `kfet/tests/test_config.py`. We should
separate tests suites by file like this, considering what they are about.
- KFetConfig method `set_many` renamed to `set` (because it also updates
only one).
K-Fêt - Création d'inventaires
- Amélioration de l'interface
- Ajout de colonnes intermédiaires pour faciliter le calcul
- Ajout d'indication de conflits possibles avec les opérations en cours
- Résolution semi-automatique de ces conflits
See merge request !200