- The {% cycle %} command was used non-quoted arguments separated by
commas, while it is supposed to use quoted arguments separated by
spaces (I'm actually not sure how that ever worked :)
- django-bootstrap-form was at version 3.2.1 which is not compatible
with Django 1.11 (but also required by GestioCOF). I upgraded it to
version 3.3.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.8 are resolved.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.11 are resolved.
- Admin: grappelli is no longer used.
- Upgrade to django-autocomplete-light v3 (v2 is not 1.11 compatible).
* autocomplete.modelform_factory being dropped, code uses dal Select2
views and widgets.
- Fewer requests on choicesreventes and tabular inlines (of
- User and tirage cannot be updated if updating a participant instance.
- Tabular inlines are fixed:
- the one which is used for spectacles with listing only propose
choices in spectacle with listing
- same with the other (spectacles without listing)
- Still does too much request (because of tabularinlines)
- New attribution form issue less queries
- Spectacle and Participant are readonly if updating an attribution.
ReadOnlyMixin allows to set readonly fields only while updating an
- use iterator to find max_groups, instead of a db request
- select_related() are now focused on some relationships (they were
taking useless relationships)
- bda-revente filling takes 1 request (each save and add was issuing
1 request)
- Use select_related on spectacles_set, avoid query issue for each spectacle.
- `slots__sum` is computed in view, instead of a query.
- Cleaner code (and avoid useless computations).
- Add select_related on places, avoid query issue for each spectacle.
- 1 query for spectacle field choices, instead of (#forms in formset *
- Delete BaseBdaFormSet. The validation was redundant with
`unique_together` of ChoixSpectacle model.
- No string concatenations
- Use `get_object_or_404` instead of performing a `.get` and catching
the eventual exception.
- More accurate error messages when a bad request is detected.
- More accurate error handling