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<ul class="UIAPIPlugin-toc">
<li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="#options">Arguments</a></li>
<div class="UIAPIPlugin">
<h1>jQuery UI Position Utility</h1>
<div id="overview">
<h2 class="top-header">Overview</h2>
<div id="overview-main">
<p>Utility script for positioning any widget relative to the window, document, a particular element, or the cursor/mouse.</p>
<p><em>Note: jQuery UI does not support positioning hidden elements.</em></p>
<p>Does not need ui.core.js or effects.core.js.</p>
<div id="overview-dependencies">
<li><i>none (only jQuery core)</i></li>
<div id="overview-example">
<div id="overview-example" class="example">
<ul><li><a href="#demo"><span>Demo</span></a></li><li><a href="#source"><span>View Source</span></a></li></ul>
<p><div id="demo" class="tabs-container" rel="300">
Clicking on the green element transfers to the other.<br />
my: &quot;center&quot;,
at: &quot;center&quot;,
of: &quot;#targetElement&quot;
my: &quot;left top&quot;,
at: &quot;left top&quot;,
of: &quot;#targetElement&quot;
my: &quot;right center&quot;,
at: &quot;right bottom&quot;,
of: &quot;#targetElement&quot;
my: &quot;left bottom&quot;,
of: ev,
offset: &quot;3 -3&quot;,
collision: &quot;fit&quot;
<p></div><div id="source" class="tabs-container">
<pre>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
&lt;link href=&quot;; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot;/&gt;
&lt;script src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
#targetElement { width:240px;height:200px;background-color:#999;margin:30px auto; }
.positionDiv { width:50px;height:50px;opacity:0.6; }
#position1 {background-color:#F00;}
#position2 {background-color:#0F0;}
#position3 {background-color:#00F;}
#position4 {background-color:#FF0;}
$(document).ready(function() {
my: &quot;center&quot;,
at: &quot;center&quot;,
of: &quot;#targetElement&quot;
my: &quot;left top&quot;,
at: &quot;left top&quot;,
of: &quot;#targetElement&quot;
my: &quot;right center&quot;,
at: &quot;right bottom&quot;,
of: &quot;#targetElement&quot;
my: &quot;left bottom&quot;,
of: ev,
offset: &quot;3 -3&quot;,
collision: &quot;fit&quot;
&lt;body style="font-size:62.5%;"&gt;
&lt;div id=&quot;targetElement&quot;&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;positionDiv&quot; id=&quot;position1&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;positionDiv&quot; id=&quot;position2&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;positionDiv&quot; id=&quot;position3&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;positionDiv&quot; id=&quot;position4&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
<div id="options">
<h2 class="top-header">Arguments</h2>
<ul class="options-list">
<li class="option" id="option-my">
<div class="option-header">
<h3 class="option-name"><a href="#option-my">my</a></h3>
<dt class="option-type-label">Type:</dt>
<dd class="option-type">String</dd>
<dt class="option-default-label">Default:</dt>
<dd class="option-default">"center"</dd>
<div class="option-description">
<p>Defines which position on <b>the element being positioned</b> to align with the target element: "horizontal vertical" alignment. A single value such as "right" will default to "right center", "top" will default to "center top" (following CSS convention). Acceptable values: "top", "center", "bottom", "left", "right". Example: "left top" or "center center"</p>
<li class="option" id="option-at">
<div class="option-header">
<h3 class="option-name"><a href="#option-at">at</a></h3>
<dt class="option-type-label">Type:</dt>
<dd class="option-type">String</dd>
<dt class="option-default-label">Default:</dt>
<dd class="option-default">"center"</dd>
<div class="option-description">
<p>Defines which position on <b>the target element</b> to align the positioned element against: "horizontal vertical" alignment. A single value such as "right" will default to "right center", "top" will default to "center top" (following CSS convention). Acceptable values: "top", "center", "bottom", "left", "right". Example: "left top" or "center center"</p>
<li class="option" id="option-of">
<div class="option-header">
<h3 class="option-name"><a href="#option-of">of</a></h3>
<dt class="option-type-label">Type:</dt>
<dd class="option-type">Selector, Element, jQuery, Event</dd>
<dt class="option-default-label">Default:</dt>
<dd class="option-default">null</dd>
<div class="option-description">
<p>Element to position against. If you provide a selector, the first matching element will be used. If you provide a jQuery object, the first element will be used. If you provide an event object, the pageX and pageY properties will be used. Example: "#top-menu"</p>
<li class="option" id="option-offset">
<div class="option-header">
<h3 class="option-name"><a href="#option-offset">offset</a></h3>
<dt class="option-type-label">Type:</dt>
<dd class="option-type">String</dd>
<dt class="option-default-label">Default:</dt>
<dd class="option-default">null</dd>
<div class="option-description">
<p>Add these left-top values to the calculated position, eg. "50 50" (left top) A single value such as "50" will apply to both.</p>
<li class="option" id="option-collision">
<div class="option-header">
<h3 class="option-name"><a href="#option-collision">collision</a></h3>
<dt class="option-type-label">Type:</dt>
<dd class="option-type">String</dd>
<dt class="option-default-label">Default:</dt>
<dd class="option-default">"flip"</dd>
<div class="option-description">
<p>When the positioned element overflows the window in some direction, move it to an alternative position. Similar to my and at, this accepts a single value or a pair for horizontal/vertical, eg. "flip", "fit", "fit flip", "fit none".
<ul><li> <b>flip</b>: to the opposite side and the collision detection is run again to see if it will fit. Whichever side allows more of the element to be visible will be used.
</li><li> <b>fit</b>: so the element keeps in the desired direction, but is re-positioned so it fits.
</li><li> <b>none</b>: not do collision detection.
<li class="option" id="option-using">
<div class="option-header">
<h3 class="option-name"><a href="#option-using">using</a></h3>
<dt class="option-type-label">Type:</dt>
<dd class="option-type">Function</dd>
<dt class="option-default-label">Default:</dt>
<dd class="option-default">null</dd>
<div class="option-description">
<p>When specified the actual property setting is delegated to this callback. Receives a single parameter which is a hash of top and left values for the position that should be set.</p>
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