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1 changed files with 16 additions and 2 deletions
@ -158,8 +158,15 @@ module NonRelational (V : VALUE_DOMAIN) : DOMAIN = struct
let rec revise_HC4 tree mapenv newval = match tree with
| HC4_int_unary (uop, sub, abst) -> revise_HC4 sub mapenv (V.bwd_unary (get_abst sub) uop ( abst newval))
| HC4_int_binary (bop, sub1, sub2, abst) -> let refined1, refined2 = V.bwd_binary (get_abst sub1) (get_abst sub2) bop ( abst newval) in
meet (revise_HC4 sub1 mapenv refined1) (revise_HC4 sub2 mapenv refined2)
| HC4_int_binary (bop, sub1, sub2, abst) -> let refined1, refined2 = V.bwd_binary (get_abst sub1) (get_abst sub2) bop ( abst newval) in begin
Format.printf "bwd_binary \"%a%s%a = %a\" -> %a, %a@ "
V.print (get_abst sub1)
(Cfg_printer.string_of_int_binary_op bop)
V.print (get_abst sub2)
V.print ( abst newval)
V.print (refined1)
V.print (refined2);
meet (revise_HC4 sub1 mapenv refined1) (revise_HC4 sub2 mapenv refined2) end
| HC4_int_var (v, abst) -> E (VMap.add v ( abst newval) mapenv)
| HC4_int_const (z,abst) -> if( V.is_bottom ( abst newval) ) then Bot else E mapenv
| HC4_int_rand (a,b,abst) -> if( V.is_bottom ( abst newval) ) then Bot else E mapenv
@ -174,6 +181,13 @@ module NonRelational (V : VALUE_DOMAIN) : DOMAIN = struct
| Bot -> Bot
| E mapenv -> let hc4_1, hc4_2 = build_HC4 iexp1 mapenv, build_HC4 iexp2 mapenv in
let newval1, newval2 = (get_abst hc4_1) (get_abst hc4_2) cop in (
Format.printf "Refined comparison %a%s%a as %a%s%a@ "
V.print (get_abst hc4_1)
(Cfg_printer.string_of_compare_op cop)
V.print (get_abst hc4_2)
V.print newval1
(Cfg_printer.string_of_compare_op cop)
V.print newval2;
meet (revise_HC4 hc4_1 mapenv newval1) (revise_HC4 hc4_2 mapenv newval2) )
let guard env boolexp = guard_noneg env (rm_negations boolexp)
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