Improved congruence, implemented RP, fixed whitespace.

This commit is contained in:
Granahir2 2024-06-08 10:48:13 +02:00
parent 5d3416bae9
commit 185f016303
9 changed files with 57 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ let doit filename = begin
Cfg_printer.output_dot !Options.cfg_out cfg;
let f = match !Options.domain with
| "signs" -> SignIterator.iterate cfg
| "interval" -> IntervalIterator.iterate cfg
| "interval" -> IntervalIterator.iterate cfg
| "constants" -> ConstIterator.iterate cfg
| _ -> ConstIterator.iterate cfg in
| "congruence" -> CongIterator.iterate cfg
| "product" -> RPIterator.iterate cfg
| _ -> failwith "No valid iterator specified" in
Format.printf "@[<v 0>Failed asserts :@ %a@]" pp_asserts f end

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
open Naked
open Abstract_syntax_tree
module Congruence : NAKED_VALUE_DOMAIN = struct
module Congruence (*: NAKED_VALUE_DOMAIN*) = struct
type t = { multiple : Z.t; offset : Z.t }
let all_numbers = { multiple =; offset = }
@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ module Congruence : NAKED_VALUE_DOMAIN = struct
offset = Z.div z1.offset z2.offset;
else all_numbers
| AST_MODULO -> all_numbers
| AST_MODULO -> if (Z.equal z2.multiple && (Z.divisible z1.multiple z2.offset) then
const (Z.rem z1.offset z2.offset)
else all_numbers
let compatible z = function AST_EQUAL -> z | _ -> raise NeedTop

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
open Naked
open Abstract_syntax_tree
module Interval : NAKED_VALUE_DOMAIN = struct
module Interval (*: NAKED_VALUE_DOMAIN*) = struct
type t = { lower : Z.t; upper : Z.t }
let const a = { lower = a; upper = a }

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ sig
val print: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module AddTopBot (N : NAKED_VALUE_DOMAIN) (*: VALUE_DOMAIN*) =
type t = Bot | Top | V of N.t

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module ReducedProduct (C : CROSS_REDUCTION) : VALUE_DOMAIN = struct
( (fst p) (fst p')),
( (snd p) (snd p')))
(* we do NOTC.cross-reduce p : it would not guarantee convergence anymore *)
(* we do NOT cross-reduce p : it would not guarantee convergence anymore *)
let widen p p' = let p' = p' in C.V.widen (fst p) (fst p'), C.W.widen (snd p) (snd p')
let narrow p p' = let p' = p' in C.V.narrow (fst p) (fst p'), C.W.narrow (snd p) (snd p')
@ -43,5 +43,6 @@ module ReducedProduct (C : CROSS_REDUCTION) : VALUE_DOMAIN = struct
C.V.subset (fst p) (fst p') && C.W.subset (snd p) (snd p')
let is_bottom p = ( p) = bottom
let print fmt p =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h 0>(%a, %a)@]@ " C.V.print (fst p) C.W.print (snd p)
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h 0>(%a, %a)@]" C.V.print (fst p) C.W.print (snd p)

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@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ module NonRelational (V : VALUE_DOMAIN) : DOMAIN = struct
let print out env = match env with
| Bot -> Format.fprintf out "@[<h 0>Bot@]"
| E map -> begin Format.fprintf out "@[<h 0>{";
VMap.iter (fun varid val1 -> Format.fprintf out "%a : %a @ " Cfg_printer.print_var varid V.print val1) map;
VMap.iter (fun varid val1 -> Format.fprintf out "%a : %a@ " Cfg_printer.print_var varid V.print val1) map;
Format.fprintf out "}@]"; end
let rec compute e expr = match expr with

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
void main() {
int x = rand(0, 10);
x = 2 * x;
assert(x % 2 == 0);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
void main() {
int x = rand(-4,8);
x = 2*x;
x = 3*x + 2;
assert(x % 6 == 2);

View file

@ -93,9 +93,41 @@ open Sign
open Constant
open Naked
open Value_domain
open Congruence
open Reduced_product
module IntervalxCongr : CROSS_REDUCTION = struct
module V = AddTopBot(Interval)
module W = AddTopBot(Congruence)
let cr (v,w) = match v,w with
| _, W.Bot | V.Bot, _ -> V.Bot, W.Bot
| V.Top, _ | _, W.Top -> v,w
| V.V i, W.V c -> match c.multiple with
| m when Z.equal m -> if Z.leq i.lower c.offset && Z.leq c.offset i.upper then
V.V {lower=c.offset; upper=c.offset}, w
V.Bot, W.Bot
| m -> (* Non-trivial multiplier : can only hope refining the bounds *)
let q = Z.div (Z.sub i.upper c.offset) m in (*rounds towards zero*)
let q' = Z.div (Z.sub i.lower c.offset) m in
if Z.equal q' q then
let z = Z.add c.offset (Z.mul q' m) in
let newint = V.const z and
newmod = W.const z in newint, newmod
else (if Z.leq q' q then
let newint = V.rand (Z.add c.offset (Z.mul q' m))
(Z.add c.offset (Z.mul q m)) in
newint, w
V.Bot, W.Bot)
module ConstIterator = Iterator(NonRelational(AddTopBot(Constants)))
module SignIterator = Iterator(NonRelational(AddTopBot(Signs)))
module IntervalIterator = Iterator(NonRelational(AddTopBot(Interval)))
module CongIterator = Iterator(NonRelational(AddTopBot(Congruence)))
module RPIterator = Iterator(NonRelational(ReducedProduct(IntervalxCongr)))
let iterate cfg =
let () = Random.self_init () in