forked from DGNum/gestioCOF
- Ajout style sur l'historique - Style: Le gris passe en background, plus de rouge en avant - Opacité plus importante pour le fond pendant les charges et retraits - Correction sur l'affichage de LIQ. La couleur de fond indiquait trigramme inexistant à cause de modifs récentes - des parseFloat ont été ajoutés un peu de partout pour les problèmes de type de JS (il a des jours avec et des jours sans...) - Ajout des montants en euros des charges et des retraits (en plus de ceux en UKF) dans le panier - Les commandes sur LIQ dans l'historique n'affichent plus la diff de balance (puisque ça n'a pas vraiment de sens) mais les montants en euros
799 lines
31 KiB
799 lines
31 KiB
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404, redirect
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ValidationError
from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView
from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView, UpdateView, DeleteView
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.messages.views import SuccessMessageMixin
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Permission
from django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse, Http404
from django.forms import modelformset_factory
from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction
from django.db.models import F
from django.utils import timezone
from gestioncof.models import CofProfile, Clipper
from kfet.models import (Account, Checkout, Article, Settings, AccountNegative,
from kfet.forms import *
from collections import defaultdict
from channels import Group
from kfet import consumers
from datetime import timedelta
def home(request):
return render(request, "kfet/base.html")
def put_cleaned_data_in_dict(dict, form):
for field in form.cleaned_data:
dict[field] = form.cleaned_data[field]
# -----
# Account views
# -----
# Account - General
def account(request):
accounts = Account.objects.order_by('trigramme')
return render(request, "kfet/account.html", { 'accounts' : accounts })
def account_is_validandfree_ajax(request):
if not request.GET.get("trigramme", ''):
raise Http404
trigramme = request.GET.get("trigramme")
data = Account.is_validandfree(trigramme)
return JsonResponse(data)
# Account - Create
def account_create(request):
# A envoyer au template
data_template = {
'account_trigramme_form': AccountTriForm(),
'errors' : {},
# Enregistrement
if request.method == "POST":
# Pour indiquer la tentative d'enregistrement au template
# Checking permission
if not request.user.has_perm('kfet.add_account'):
raise PermissionDenied
# Peuplement des forms
username = request.POST.get('username')
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
(cof, _) = CofProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
user_form = UserForm(request.POST, instance=user)
cof_form = CofForm(request.POST, instance=cof)
except User.DoesNotExist:
user_form = UserForm(request.POST)
cof_form = CofForm(request.POST)
trigramme_form = AccountTriForm(request.POST)
account_form = AccountNoTriForm(request.POST)
# Ajout des erreurs pour le template
data_template['errors']['user_form'] = user_form.errors
data_template['errors']['cof_form'] = cof_form.errors
data_template['errors']['trigramme_form'] = trigramme_form.errors
data_template['errors']['account_form'] = account_form.errors
if all((user_form.is_valid(), cof_form.is_valid(),
trigramme_form.is_valid(), account_form.is_valid())):
data = {}
# Fill data for
put_cleaned_data_in_dict(data, user_form)
put_cleaned_data_in_dict(data, cof_form)
account = = data)
account_form = AccountNoTriForm(request.POST, instance=account)
messages.success(request, 'Compte créé : %s' % account.trigramme)
except Account.UserHasAccount as e:
messages.error(request, \
"Cet utilisateur a déjà un compte K-Fêt : %s" % e.trigramme)
return render(request, "kfet/account_create.html", data_template)
def account_form_set_readonly_fields(user_form, cof_form):
user_form.fields['username'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
cof_form.fields['login_clipper'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
cof_form.fields['is_cof'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = True
def account_create_ajax(request, username=None, login_clipper=None):
user = None
if login_clipper:
# à partir d'un clipper
# le user associé à ce clipper ne devrait pas encore exister
clipper = get_object_or_404(Clipper, username = login_clipper)
# Vérification que clipper ne soit pas déjà dans User
user = User.objects.get(username=login_clipper)
# Ici, on nous a menti, le user existe déjà
username = user.username
login_clipper = None
except User.DoesNotExist:
# Clipper (sans user déjà existant)
# UserForm - Prefill + Création
user_initial_data = {
'username' : login_clipper,
'email' : "" % login_clipper}
if clipper.fullname:
# Prefill du nom et prénom
names = clipper.fullname.split()
# Le premier, c'est le prénom
user_initial_data['first_name'] = names[0]
if len(names) > 1:
# Si d'autres noms -> tous dans le nom de famille
user_initial_data['last_name'] = " ".join(names[1:])
user_form = UserForm(initial = user_initial_data)
# CofForm - Prefill + Création
cof_initial_data = { 'login_clipper': login_clipper }
cof_form = CofForm(initial = cof_initial_data)
# AccountForm
account_form = AccountForm()
# Protection (read-only) des champs username et login_clipper
account_form_set_readonly_fields(user_form, cof_form)
if username:
# le user existe déjà
user = get_object_or_404(User, username=username)
# récupération du profil cof
(cof, _) = CofProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
# UserForm + CofForm - Création à partir des instances existantes
user_form = UserForm(instance = user)
cof_form = CofForm(instance = cof)
# AccountForm
account_form = AccountNoTriForm()
# Protection (read-only) des champs username et login_clipper
account_form_set_readonly_fields(user_form, cof_form)
elif not login_clipper:
# connaît pas du tout, faut tout remplir
user_form = UserForm()
cof_form = CofForm()
account_form = AccountNoTriForm()
return render(request, "kfet/account_create_form.html", {
'account_form' : account_form,
'cof_form' : cof_form,
'user_form' : user_form,
# Account - Read
def account_read(request, trigramme):
account = get_object_or_404(Account, trigramme=trigramme)
# Checking permissions
if not request.user.has_perm('kfet.is_team') \
and request.user != account.user:
raise PermissionDenied
return render(request, "kfet/account_read.html", { 'account' : account })
# Account - Update
def account_update(request, trigramme):
account = get_object_or_404(Account, trigramme=trigramme)
# Checking permissions
if not request.user.has_perm('kfet.is_team') \
and request.user != account.user:
raise PermissionDenied
if request.method == "POST":
# Update attempt
# Checking permissions
if not request.user.has_perm('kfet.change_account') \
and request.user != account.user:
raise PermissionDenied
# Peuplement des forms
if request.user.has_perm('kfet.change_account'):
account_form = AccountForm(request.POST, instance = account)
account_form = AccountRestrictForm(request.POST, instance = account)
cof_form = CofRestrictForm(request.POST, instance=account.cofprofile)
user_form = UserRestrictForm(request.POST, instance=account.user)
if all((account_form.is_valid(), cof_form.is_valid(), user_form.is_valid())):
data = {}
# Fill data for
put_cleaned_data_in_dict(data, user_form)
put_cleaned_data_in_dict(data, cof_form)
# Updating
| = data)
if request.user == account.user:
messages.success(request, \
'Vos informations ont été mises à jour')
messages.success(request, \
'Informations du compte %s mises à jour' % account.trigramme)
return redirect('', account.trigramme)
messages.error(request, \
'Informations non mises à jour. Corrigez les erreurs')
# No update attempt
if request.user.has_perm('kfet.is_team'):
account_form = AccountForm(instance = account)
account_form = AccountRestrictForm(instance = account)
cof_form = CofRestrictForm(instance = account.cofprofile)
user_form = UserRestrictForm(instance = account.user)
return render(request, "kfet/account_update.html", {
'account' : account,
'account_form' : account_form,
'cof_form' : cof_form,
'user_form' : user_form,
# -----
# Checkout views
# -----
# Checkout - General
class CheckoutList(ListView):
model = Checkout
template_name = 'kfet/checkout.html'
context_object_name = 'checkouts'
# Checkout - Create
class CheckoutCreate(SuccessMessageMixin, CreateView):
model = Checkout
template_name = 'kfet/checkout_create.html'
form_class = CheckoutForm
success_message = 'Nouvelle caisse : %(name)s'
# Surcharge de la validation
def form_valid(self, form):
# Checking permission
if not self.request.user.has_perm('kfet.add_checkout'):
raise PermissionDenied
# Creating
form.instance.created_by = self.request.user.profile.account_kfet
return super(CheckoutCreate, self).form_valid(form)
# Checkout - Read
class CheckoutRead(DetailView):
model = Checkout
template_name = 'kfet/checkout_read.html'
context_object_name = 'checkout'
# Checkout - Update
class CheckoutUpdate(SuccessMessageMixin, UpdateView):
model = Checkout
template_name = 'kfet/checkout_update.html'
form_class = CheckoutRestrictForm
success_message = 'Informations mises à jour pour la caisse : %(name)s'
# Surcharge de la validation
def form_valid(self, form):
# Checking permission
if not self.request.user.has_perm('kfet.change_checkout'):
raise PermissionDenied
# Updating
return super(CheckoutUpdate, self).form_valid(form)
# -----
# Checkout Statement views
# -----
# Checkout Statement - General
class CheckoutStatementList(ListView):
model = CheckoutStatement
queryset = CheckoutStatement.objects.order_by('-at')
template_name = 'kfet/checkoutstatement.html'
context_object_name= 'checkoutstatements'
# Checkout Statement - Create
class CheckoutStatementCreate(SuccessMessageMixin, CreateView):
model = CheckoutStatement
template_name = 'kfet/checkoutstatement_create.html'
form_class = CheckoutStatementForm
success_message = 'Nouveau relevé : %(checkout)s - %(at)s'
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('', kwargs={'pk':self.kwargs['pk_checkout']})
def get_success_message(self, cleaned_data):
return self.success_message % dict(
checkout =,
at =
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(CheckoutStatementCreate, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
checkout = Checkout.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pk_checkout'])
context['checkout'] = checkout
return context
def form_valid(self, form):
# Checking permission
if not self.request.user.has_perm('kfet.add_checkoutstatement'):
raise PermissionDenied
# Creating
form.instance.checkout_id = self.kwargs['pk_checkout']
| = self.request.user.profile.account_kfet
return super(CheckoutStatementCreate, self).form_valid(form)
# -----
# Article views
# -----
# Article - General
class ArticleList(ListView):
model = Article
queryset = Article.objects.order_by('category', '-is_sold', 'name')
template_name = 'kfet/article.html'
context_object_name = 'articles'
# Article - Create
class ArticleCreate(SuccessMessageMixin, CreateView):
model = Article
template_name = 'kfet/article_create.html'
form_class = ArticleForm
success_message = 'Nouvel item : %(category)s - %(name)s'
# Surcharge de la validation
def form_valid(self, form):
# Checking permission
if not self.request.user.has_perm('add_article'):
raise PermissionDenied
# Creating
return super(ArticleCreate, self).form_valid(form)
# Article - Read
class ArticleRead(DetailView):
model = Article
template_name = 'kfet/article_read.html'
context_object_name = 'article'
# Article - Update
class ArticleUpdate(UpdateView):
model = Article
template_name = 'kfet/article_update.html'
form_class = ArticleRestrictForm
success_message = "Informations mises à jour pour l'article : %(name)s"
# Surcharge de la validation
def form_valid(self, form):
# Checking permission
if not self.request.user.has_perm('change_article'):
raise PermissionDenied
# Updating
return super(ArticleUpdate, self).form_valid(form)
# -----
# K-Psul
# -----
def kpsul(request):
data = {}
data['operationgroup_form'] = KPsulOperationGroupForm()
data['trigramme_form'] = KPsulAccountForm()
data['checkout_form'] = KPsulCheckoutForm()
operation_formset = KPsulOperationFormSet(queryset=Operation.objects.none())
data['operation_formset'] = operation_formset
return render(request, 'kfet/kpsul.html', data)
def kpsul_account_data(request):
trigramme = request.POST.get('trigramme', '')
account = get_object_or_404(Account, trigramme=trigramme)
data = { 'pk':, 'name':, 'email':,
'is_cof': account.is_cof, 'promo':,
'balance': account.balance, 'is_frozen': account.is_frozen,
'departement': account.departement, 'nickname': account.nickname,
'trigramme': account.trigramme }
return JsonResponse(data)
def kpsul_checkout_data(request):
pk = request.POST.get('pk', 0)
data = (Checkout.objects
'id', 'name', 'balance', 'valid_from', 'valid_to',
'last_statement_balance', 'last_statement_at',
'last_statement_by_trigramme', 'last_statement_by_last_name',
except Checkout.DoesNotExist:
raise http404
return JsonResponse(data)
def get_missing_perms(required_perms, user):
missing_perms_codenames = [ (perm.split('.'))[1]
for perm in required_perms if not user.has_perm(perm)]
missing_perms = list(
.values_list('name', flat=True))
return missing_perms
def kpsul_perform_operations(request):
# Initializing response data
data = { 'operationgroup': 0, 'operations': [],
'warnings': {}, 'errors': {} }
# Checking operationgroup
operationgroup_form = KPsulOperationGroupForm(request.POST)
if not operationgroup_form.is_valid():
data['errors']['operation_group'] = list(operationgroup_form.errors)
# Checking operation_formset
operation_formset = KPsulOperationFormSet(request.POST)
if not operation_formset.is_valid():
data['errors']['operations'] = list(operation_formset.errors)
# Returning BAD REQUEST if errors
if data['errors']:
return JsonResponse(data, status=400)
# Pre-saving (no commit)
operationgroup = = False)
operations = = False)
# Retrieving COF grant
cof_grant = Settings.SUBVENTION_COF()
# Retrieving addcosts data
addcost_amount = Settings.ADDCOST_AMOUNT()
addcost_for = Settings.ADDCOST_FOR()
# Initializing vars
required_perms = set() # Required perms to perform all operations
cof_grant_divisor = 1 + cof_grant / 100
to_addcost_for_balance = 0 # For balance of addcost_for
to_checkout_balance = 0 # For balance of selected checkout
to_articles_stocks = defaultdict(lambda:0) # For stocks articles
is_addcost = (addcost_for and addcost_amount
and addcost_for != operationgroup.on_acc)
# Filling data of each operations + operationgroup + calculating other stuffs
for operation in operations:
if operation.type == Operation.PURCHASE:
operation.amount = - operation.article.price * operation.article_nb
if is_addcost:
operation.addcost_for = addcost_for
operation.addcost_amount = addcost_amount * operation.article_nb
operation.amount -= operation.addcost_amount
to_addcost_for_balance += operation.addcost_amount
if operationgroup.on_acc.is_cash:
to_checkout_balance += -operation.amount
if operationgroup.on_acc.is_cof:
operation.amount = operation.amount / cof_grant_divisor
to_articles_stocks[operation.article] -= operation.article_nb
if operationgroup.on_acc.is_cash:
data['errors']['account'] = 'Charge et retrait impossible sur LIQ'
to_checkout_balance += operation.amount
operationgroup.amount += operation.amount
if operation.type == Operation.DEPOSIT:
(perms, stop) = operationgroup.on_acc.perms_to_perform_operation(
amount = operationgroup.amount)
required_perms |= perms
if stop or not request.user.has_perms(required_perms):
missing_perms = get_missing_perms(required_perms, request.user)
if missing_perms:
data['errors']['missing_perms'] = missing_perms
if stop:
data['errors']['negative'] = True
return JsonResponse(data, status=403)
# If 1 perm is required, filling who perform the operations
if required_perms:
operationgroup.valid_by = request.user.profile.account_kfet
# Filling cof status for statistics
operationgroup.is_cof = operationgroup.on_acc.is_cof
# Starting transaction to ensure data consistency
with transaction.atomic():
# If not cash account,
# saving account's balance and adding to Negative if not in
if not operationgroup.on_acc.is_cash:
balance = F('balance') + operationgroup.amount)
if operationgroup.on_acc.balance < 0:
if hasattr(on_acc, 'negative'):
if not on_acc.negative.start:
on_acc.negative.start =
negative = AccountNegative(
account = operationgroup.on_acc, start =
elif (hasattr(on_acc, 'negative')
and not on_acc.negative.balance_offset):
# Updating checkout's balance
if to_checkout_balance:
balance = F('balance') + to_checkout_balance)
# Saving addcost_for with new balance if there is one
if is_addcost and to_addcost_for_balance:
balance = F('balance') + to_addcost_for_balance)
# Saving operation group
data['operationgroup'] =
# Filling operationgroup id for each operations and saving
for operation in operations:
| = operationgroup
# Updating articles stock
for article in to_articles_stocks:
stock = F('stock') + to_articles_stocks[article])
# Websocket data
websocket_data = {}
websocket_data['opegroups'] = [{
'add': True,
'amount': operationgroup.amount,
'is_cof': operationgroup.is_cof,
'valid_by__trigramme': ( operationgroup.valid_by and
operationgroup.valid_by.trigramme or None),
'on_acc__trigramme': operationgroup.on_acc.trigramme,
'opes': [],
for operation in operations:
ope_data = {
'id':, 'type': operation.type, 'amount': operation.amount,
'addcost_amount': operation.addcost_amount,
'addcost_for': addcost_for.trigramme,
'is_checkout': operation.is_checkout,
'article__name': operation.article and or None,
'article_nb': operation.article_nb,
'canceled_by__trigramme': None, 'canceled_at': None,
# Need refresh from db cause we used update on queryset
websocket_data['checkouts'] = [{
'balance': operationgroup.checkout.balance,
websocket_data['articles'] = []
# Need refresh from db cause we used update on querysets
articles_pk = [ for article in to_articles_stocks]
articles = Article.objects.values('id', 'stock').filter(pk__in=articles_pk)
for article in articles:
'id': article['id'],
'stock': article['stock']
consumers.KPsul.group_send('kfet.kpsul', websocket_data)
return JsonResponse(data)
def kpsul_cancel_operations(request):
# Pour la réponse
data = { 'canceled': [], 'warnings': {}, 'errors': {}}
# Checking if BAD REQUEST (opes_pk not int or not existing)
# Set pour virer les doublons
opes_post = set(map(int, filter(None, request.POST.getlist('operations[]', []))))
except ValueError:
return JsonResponse(data, status=400)
opes_all = (
.select_related('group', 'group__on_acc', 'group__on_acc__negative')
opes_pk = [ for ope in opes_all ]
opes_notexisting = [ ope for ope in opes_post if ope not in opes_pk ]
if opes_notexisting:
data['errors']['opes_notexisting'] = opes_notexisting
return JsonResponse(data, status=400)
opes_already_canceled = [] # Déjà annulée
opes = [] # Pas déjà annulée
required_perms = set()
stop_all = False
cancel_duration = Settings.CANCEL_DURATION()
to_accounts_balances = defaultdict(lambda:0) # Modifs à faire sur les balances des comptes
to_groups_amounts = defaultdict(lambda:0) # ------ sur les montants des groupes d'opé
to_checkouts_balances = defaultdict(lambda:0) # ------ sur les balances de caisses
to_articles_stocks = defaultdict(lambda:0) # ------ sur les stocks d'articles
for ope in opes_all:
if ope.canceled_at:
# Opération déjà annulée, va pour un warning en Response
# Si opé il y a plus de CANCEL_DURATION, permission requise
if + cancel_duration <
# Calcul de toutes modifs à faire en cas de validation
# Pour les balances de comptes
if not
to_accounts_balances[] -= ope.amount
if ope.addcost_for and ope.addcost_amount:
to_accounts_balances[ope.addcost_for] -= ope.addcost_amount
# Pour les groupes d'opés
to_groups_amounts[] -= ope.amount
# Pour les balances de caisses
if ope.type == Operation.PURCHASE:
to_checkouts_balances[] -= - ope.amount
to_checkouts_balances[] -= ope.amount
# Pour les stocks d'articles
if ope.article and ope.article_nb:
to_articles_stocks[ope.article] += ope.article_nb
if not opes:
data['warnings']['already_canceled'] = opes_already_canceled
return JsonResponse(data)
# Checking permissions or stop
overdraft_duration_max = Settings.OVERDRAFT_DURATION()
overdraft_amount_max = Settings.OVERDRAFT_AMOUNT()
for account in to_accounts_balances:
(perms, stop) = account.perms_to_perform_operation(
amount = to_accounts_balances[account],
overdraft_duration_max = overdraft_duration_max,
overdraft_amount_max = overdraft_amount_max)
required_perms |= perms
stop_all = stop_all or stop
if stop_all or not request.user.has_perms(required_perms):
missing_perms = get_missing_perms(required_perms, request.user)
if missing_perms:
data['errors']['missing_perms'] = missing_perms
if stop_all:
data['errors']['negative'] = True
return JsonResponse(data, status=403)
canceled_by = required_perms and request.user.profile.account_kfet or None
canceled_at =
with transaction.atomic():
.update(canceled_by=canceled_by, canceled_at=canceled_at))
for account in to_accounts_balances:
balance = F('balance') + to_accounts_balances[account])
for checkout in to_checkouts_balances:
balance = F('balance') + to_checkouts_balances[checkout])
for group in to_groups_amounts:
amount = F('amount') + to_groups_amounts[group])
for article in to_articles_stocks:
stock = F('stock') + to_articles_stocks[article])
# Websocket data
websocket_data = { 'opegroups': [], 'opes': [], 'checkouts': [], 'articles': [] }
# Need refresh from db cause we used update on querysets
opegroups_pk = [ for opegroup in to_groups_amounts ]
opegroups = (OperationGroup.objects
for opegroup in opegroups:
'cancellation': True,
'id': opegroup['id'],
'amount': opegroup['amount'],
'on_acc__is_cof': opegroup['on_acc__cofprofile__is_cof'],
for ope in opes:
'cancellation': True,
'id': ope,
'canceled_by__trigramme': canceled_by.trigramme,
'canceled_at': canceled_at,
# Need refresh from db cause we used update on querysets
checkouts_pk = [ for checkout in to_checkouts_balances]
checkouts = (Checkout.objects
.values('id', 'balance').filter(pk__in=checkouts_pk))
for checkout in checkouts:
'id': checkout['id'],
'balance': checkout['balance']})
# Need refresh from db cause we used update on querysets
articles_pk = [ for articles in to_articles_stocks]
articles = Article.objects.values('id', 'stock').filter(pk__in=articles_pk)
for article in articles:
'id': article['id'],
'stock': article['stock']})
consumers.KPsul.group_send('kfet.kpsul', websocket_data)
data['canceled'] = opes
if opes_already_canceled:
data['warnings']['already_canceled'] = opes_already_canceled
return JsonResponse(data)
def kpsul_history(request):
opegroups_list = (OperationGroup.objects
'id', 'amount', 'at', 'checkout_id', 'is_cof',
'valid_by__trigramme', 'on_acc__trigramme')
.select_related('valid_by', 'on_acc')
opegroups = { opegroup['id']:opegroup for opegroup in opegroups_list }
for opegroup in opegroups:
opegroups[opegroup]['opes'] = []
opes = (Operation.objects
'id', 'type', 'amount', 'addcost_amount', 'is_checkout',
'article__name', 'canceled_by__trigramme', 'canceled_at',
'addcost_for__trigramme', 'article_nb', 'group_id')
for ope in opes:
return JsonResponse(opegroups)
def kpsul_articles_data(request):
articles = (
.values('id', 'name', 'price', 'stock', 'category_id', 'category__name')
return JsonResponse({ 'articles': list(articles) })