forked from DGNum/uptime-kuma-api
103 lines
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103 lines
2.9 KiB
from uptime_kuma_api import notification_provider_options
data = {
"lunaseaTarget": """Allowed values: "device", "user".""",
"lunaseaUserID": """User ID.""",
"lunaseaDevice": """Device ID.""",
"pagertreeAutoResolve": """
Available values are:
- ``0``: Do Nothing
- ``resolve``: Auto Resolve""",
"pagertreeUrgency": """
Available values are:
- ``silent``: Silent
- ``low``: Low
- ``medium``: Medium
- ``high``: High
- ``critical``: Critical""",
"promosmsAllowLongSMS": "Allow long SMS.",
"promosmsPhoneNumber": "Phone number (for Polish recipient You can skip area codes).",
"promosmsSMSType": """
Available values are:
- ``0``: SMS FLASH - Message will automatically show on recipient device. Limited only to Polish recipients.
- ``1``: SMS ECO - cheap but slow and often overloaded. Limited only to Polish recipients.
- ``3``: SMS FULL - Premium tier of SMS, You can use your Sender Name (You need to register name first). Reliable for alerts.
- ``4``: SMS SPEED - Highest priority in system. Very quick and reliable but costly (about twice of SMS FULL price).""",
"smseagleEncoding": "True to send messages in unicode.",
"smseaglePriority": "Message priority (0-9, default = 0).",
"smseagleRecipientType": """Recipient type.
Available values are:
- ``smseagle-to``: Phone number(s)
- ``smseagle-group``: Phonebook group name(s)
- ``smseagle-contact``: Phonebook contact name(s)""",
"smseagleToken": "API Access token.",
"smseagleRecipient": "Recipient(s) (multiple must be separated with comma).",
"smseagleUrl": "Your SMSEagle device URL.",
"splunkAutoResolve": """Auto resolve or acknowledged.
Available values are:
- ``0``: do nothing
- ``ACKNOWLEDGEMENT``: auto acknowledged
- ``RECOVERY``: auto resolve""",
"splunkSeverity": """Severity.
Available values are:
- ``INFO``
- ``CRITICAL``""",
"splunkRestURL": "Splunk Rest URL.",
"opsgeniePriority": "Priority. Available values are numbers between ``1`` and ``5``.",
"opsgenieRegion": """Region. Available values are:
- ``us``: US (Default)
- ``eu``: EU""",
"opsgenieApiKey": "API Key.",
"twilioAccountSID": "Account SID.",
"twilioAuthToken": "Auth Token.",
"twilioToNumber": "To Number.",
"twilioFromNumber": "From Number.",
for provider in notification_provider_options:
provider_options = notification_provider_options[provider]
for option in provider_options:
type_ = provider_options[option]["type"]
required = provider_options[option]["required"]
text = data.get(option)
line = f":param {type_}{', optional' if required else ''} {option}: Notification option for ``type`` :attr:`~.NotificationType.{}`."
if text:
line += f" {text}"