Raito Bezarius fa0ce6b7ef modules/krz-router: support VRRP
This adds VRRP support on a management L2 domain.

All of this is a bit insecure, we should at least aim to share a password or something.
2024-01-12 04:03:57 +01:00

359 lines
11 KiB

{ config, lib, ... }:
inherit (lib)
mkIf mkEnableOption mkOption types;
cfg = config.krz-router;
mkVLAN = name: id: {
netdevConfig = {
Kind = "vlan";
Name = name;
vlanConfig.Id = id;
mkTunnel = kind: name: { local, remote, mtu ? 1480 }: {
netdevConfig = {
Kind = kind;
Name = name;
MTUBytes = toString mtu;
tunnelConfig = {
Local = local;
Remote = remote;
options.krz-router = {
enable = mkEnableOption "KlubRZ router";
enablePrimary = mkEnableOption ''primary mode for this router.
This means that this router will assume the primary role by default.
Do not run on the same L2 segment the same router as primary.
enableDebug = mkEnableOption "debug mode for the various subsystems";
trunkPort.macAddress = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "MAC address of the trunk port connected to a (virtual) switch";
vip = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "Highly-available virtual IP address of the router";
rip = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "Real IP address of the router";
routerId = mkOption {
type =;
description = "Router ID for computing automatic IPs";
virtualRouterId = mkOption {
type =;
description = "Virtual router ID for VRRP";
virtualPriority = mkOption {
type =;
description = "Virtual router priority in the election";
# As recommended per RFC.
default = if cfg.enablePrimary then 100 else 50;
config = mkIf cfg.enable {"10-swp" = {
matchConfig.MACAddress = cfg.trunkPort.macAddress;
linkConfig.Name = "swp";
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 25351 ]; = true;
networking.dhcpcd.enable = false; = {
config.routeTables = {
he = 100;
mwan = 110;
netdevs = {
"05-admin-vpn" = {
netdevConfig = {
Kind = "wireguard";
Name = "wgadmin";
MTUBytes = "1420";
wireguardConfig = {
PrivateKeyFile = "/etc/secrets/wireguard/wgadmin";
ListenPort = 25351;
wireguardPeers = [
wireguardPeerConfig = {
PublicKey = "obsUPq4Y1XGbl3yPUytPKkVcSP+eECpaQX+bV+ocwXg=";
AllowedIPs = [ "fd81:fb3a:50cc::100/128" ];
"10-tun-mwan" = mkTunnel "gre" "gre-mwan" {
remote = "";
local =;
"10-tun-he" = mkTunnel "sit" "sit-he" {
remote = "";
local =;
# 401: uplink ENS
# 3500: intranet club réseau, proxy ARP et proxy arp pvlan /
# 3510: mgmt club réseau (administration network) / fd81:fb3a:50cc::/64
# 3605: MWAN V6 DMZ / 2a0e:e701:1120:b00c::1/64
# 3606: MWAN V4 DMZ /
# 3607: Club Réseau v6 DMZ (en ASN propre)
# 3608: DN42 DMZ
# 3609: HE V6 DMZ / 2001:470:1f13:187::1/64
# 3610: Free V6 DMZ
# 3620: IPv6 /48 -> DHCP-PD /60
# 3621: MWAN DMZ /48 PD delivery / 2a0e:e701:1120::1/48
# 3622: Router VRRP link / $to_be_determined.
# "10-uplink-ens" = mkVLAN "uplink-ens" 401; dysfunctional?
"10-intranet-krz" = mkVLAN "intranet-krz" 3500;
"10-admin" = mkVLAN "admin" 3510;
"10-mwan-v6" = mkVLAN "mwan-v6" 3605;
"10-mwan-dual" = mkVLAN "mwan-dual" 3606;
"10-krz-v6" = mkVLAN "krz-v6" 3607;
"10-dn42-dmz" = mkVLAN "dn42-dmz" 3608;
"10-he-dmz" = mkVLAN "he-dmz" 3609;
"10-free-dmz" = mkVLAN "free-dmz" 3610;
"10-he-pd" = mkVLAN "he-v6-pd" 3620;
"10-mwan-pd" = mkVLAN "mwan-v6-pd" 3621;
"10-vrrp-router" = mkVLAN "vrrp-router" 3622;
networks = {
"10-admin-vpn" = {
matchConfig.Name = "wgadmin";
networkConfig = {
Description = "VPN d'administration système de l'infrastructure";
Address = [ "fd81:fb3a:50cc::${toString cfg.routerId}/64" ];
# Give access to the rest of the network.
IPForward = "ipv6";
ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "routable";
"15-admin-vlan" = {
matchConfig.Name = "admin";
networkConfig = {
Description = "VLAN d'administration système de l'infrastructure";
Address = [ "fd81:fb3a:50cc:1::${toString cfg.routerId}/48" ];
# Give access to the rest of the network.
IPForward = "ipv6";
IPv6ProxyNDP = true;
ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "routable";
"20-tun-mwan" = {
matchConfig.Name = "gre-mwan";
networkConfig = {
Description = "Tunnel de livraison GRE IPv4/IPv6 de MilkyWAN";
Address = [ "" "2a0b:cbc0:1::216/126" ];
ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
routes = [
routeConfig = {
Gateway = "";
Table = "mwan";
Scope = "global";
# FIXME(raito): Has no effect? Upstream bug?
Source = "";
routeConfig = {
Destination = "::/0";
Gateway = "2a0b:cbc0:1::215";
Table = "mwan";
Scope = "global";
Source = "2a0e:e701:1120::/48";
routingPolicyRules = [
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
From = "2a0e:e701:1120::/48";
Table = "mwan";
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
From = "";
Table = "mwan";
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
To = "";
Table = "mwan";
"20-tun-he" = {
matchConfig.Name = "sit-he";
networkConfig = {
Description = "HE.NET IPv6 Tunnel (owned by gdd)";
Address = [ "2001:470:1f12:187::2/64" ];
ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
routes = [
routeConfig = {
Destination = "::/0";
Table = "he";
Scope = "global";
Source = "2001:470:1f13::/48";
routingPolicyRules = [
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
From = "2001:470:1f13::/48";
Table = "he";
"10-swp" = {
matchConfig.Name = "swp";
networkConfig = {
Description = "VLAN-aware switch port";
Address = [ "${}/24" ];
Gateway = "";
LLDP = true;
# Only to the switch we are connected to directly, e.g. the hypervisor or the switch.
EmitLLDP = "nearest-bridge";
# For VRRP.
KeepConfiguration = true;
routingPolicyRules = [
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
From = "";
Type = "prohibit";
tunnel = [
vlan = [
# "intranet-krz" - we don't want to keep this.
# FIXME: "mwan-v6" - do we want to keep this?
# We can achieve v6-only by enforcing MAC address isolation for IPv4.
# FIXME: legacy-nat-zone.
# FIXME: "krz-v6" - not ready yet.
# FIXME: "dn42-dmz" - revive this if you want.
# FIXME: "free-dmz" - not ready yet, abandoned?
# FIXME: "he-v6-pd" - require rework
# FIXME: "mwan-v6-pd" - require rework
# TODO: SIIT/NAT64/DNS64 component to avoid IPv4 dependency.
"20-mwan-dual" = {
matchConfig.Name = "mwan-dual";
addresses = [
addressConfig = {
Address = "2a0e:e701:1120:b00c::1/64";
AddPrefixRoute = false;
addressConfig = {
Address = "";
AddPrefixRoute = false;
routes = [
routeConfig = {
Destination = "2a0e:e701:1120:b00c::/64";
Metric = 256;
Table = "mwan";
routeConfig = {
Destination = "";
Metric = 256;
Table = "mwan";
networkConfig = {
Description = "MilkyWAN dual stack public interface";
DHCPServer = true;
IPv6SendRA = true;
IPForward = true;
ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
"20-he-dmz" = {
matchConfig.Name = "he-dmz";
addresses = [
addressConfig = {
Address = "2001:470:1f13:187::1/64";
# This will add it in the wrong table.
# TODO: add to systemd a `Table` option here.
AddPrefixRoute = false;
routes = [
routeConfig = {
Destination = "2001:470:1f13:187::/64";
Metric = 256;
Table = "he";
networkConfig = {
Description = "Hurricane Electrical's 187 /64 unfirewalled zone";
IPv6SendRA = true;
ConfigureWithoutCarrier = true;
"20-vrrp-router" = {
matchConfig.Name = "vrrp-router";
networkConfig = {
Description = "VRRP router health network";
Address = [ "10.0.0.${toString cfg.routerId}/24" ];
KeepConfiguration = true;
services.keepalived = {
enable = true;
vrrpInstances.wan = {
interface = "vrrp-router";
state = if cfg.enablePrimary then "MASTER" else "BACKUP";
# We want to start in a stable state.
priority = cfg.virtualPriority;
virtualIps = [{ addr = "${}/24"; dev = "swp"; scope = "global"; }];
inherit (cfg) virtualRouterId;
noPreempt = !cfg.enablePrimary;