146 lines
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146 lines
4.5 KiB
import datetime
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import BooleanField, CharField, DateField, IntegerField, Q
from markdownx.models import MarkdownxField
from solo.models import SingletonModel
class SiteConfiguration(SingletonModel):
homepageText = MarkdownxField("Texte de la page d'accueil (Markdown)")
writearticleText = MarkdownxField("Texte de la page « écrire » (Markdown)")
email = CharField(
"Adresse de contact du BOcal", max_length=128, help_text="Attention au spam…"
specialPublisDescr = MarkdownxField(
"Texte de la page des " "publications spéciales (Markdown)"
def __str__(self):
return "Configuration du site"
class Meta: # pyright: ignore
verbose_name = "Configuration du site"
class Publication(models.Model):
num = CharField("Numéro du BOcal", max_length=128)
url = CharField("Adresse sur le site", max_length=512)
# ^ This is not a URLField because we need internal URLS, eg `/static/blah`
date = DateField("Publication")
unknown_date = BooleanField(
"Date inconnue",
"La date de publication du BOcal "
"est inconnue parce qu'il est "
"trop vieux. La date indiquée ne "
"servira qu'à le ranger dans une "
"année et à ordonner les BOcals."
is_special = BooleanField(
"Numéro spécial", help_text="Numéro du BOcal non-numéroté", default=False
in_year_view_anyway = BooleanField(
"Aussi dans l'année",
"Si le numéro est spécial, l'afficher quand même dans la "
"page de l'année correspondante."
descr = CharField("Description (optionnelle)", max_length=512, blank=True)
custom_name = CharField(
"Nom customisé",
help_text="Vide pour laisser le numéro seulement",
class NoPublicationYear(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "No matching publication year."
def numericPublicationYear(self):
startYear = self.date.year
if self.date.month < 8:
return startYear - 1
return startYear
def publicationYear(self):
"""Fetch corresponding publication year
Raise `NoPublicationYear` if there is no such entry"""
startYear = self.numericPublicationYear
return PublicationYear.objects.get(startYear=startYear)
except PublicationYear.DoesNotExist:
raise self.NoPublicationYear
def createPubYear(self):
"""Creates the corresponding publication year if needed."""
if (
) == 0:
pubYear = PublicationYear(startYear=self.numericPublicationYear, descr="")
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
if self.custom_name:
return self.custom_name
elif self.is_special:
return self.num
return "BOcal n°{}".format(self.num)
def latest():
return Publication.objects.order_by("-date")[0]
class Meta:
ordering = ["date"]
class PublicationYear(models.Model):
startYear = IntegerField(
"Année de début", help_text="Année scolaire à partir du 15/08", primary_key=True
descr = MarkdownxField("Accroche de l'année (Markdown)")
def __str__(self):
return "{}-{}".format(self.startYear, self.startYear + 1)
def beg(self):
"""First day of this publication year (incl.)"""
return datetime.date(self.startYear, 8, 15)
def end(self):
"""Last day of this publication year (excl.)"""
return datetime.date(self.startYear + 1, 8, 15)
def inYear(self, date):
return self.beg() <= date < self.end()
def publis(self):
"""List of publications from this year"""
return Publication.objects.filter(
Q(is_special=False) | Q(in_year_view_anyway=True),
def url(self):
return "/{}/".format(self)
def prettyName(self):
return "{} – {}".format(self.startYear, self.startYear + 1)
class Meta:
ordering = ["-startYear"]