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722 lines
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import json
import time
import socketio
from . import AuthMethod
from . import MonitorType
from . import NotificationType, notification_provider_options
from . import ProxyProtocol
from . import IncidentStyle
from . import convert_from_socket, convert_to_socket, params_map_monitor, params_map_notification, \
params_map_notification_provider, params_map_proxy, params_map_status_page, params_map_info, \
from . import UptimeKumaException
def int_to_bool(data: list[dict] | dict, keys):
if type(data) == list:
for d in data:
int_to_bool(d, keys)
for key in keys:
if key in data:
data[key] = True if data[key] == 1 else False
def _build_monitor_data(
type_: MonitorType,
name: str,
heartbeat_interval: int = 60,
heartbeat_retry_interval: int = 60,
retries: int = 0,
upside_down_mode: bool = False,
tags: list = None,
notification_ids: list[int] = None,
url: str = None,
certificate_expiry_notification: bool = False,
ignore_tls_error: bool = False,
max_redirects: int = 10,
accepted_status_codes: list[str] = None,
proxy_id: int = None,
http_method: str = "GET",
http_body: str = None,
http_headers: str = None,
auth_method: AuthMethod = AuthMethod.NONE,
auth_user: str = None,
auth_pass: str = None,
auth_domain: str = None,
auth_workstation: str = None,
keyword: str = None,
hostname: str = None,
port: int = 53,
dns_resolve_server: str = "",
dns_resolve_type: str = "A",
mqtt_username: str = None,
mqtt_password: str = None,
mqtt_topic: str = None,
mqtt_success_message: str = None,
sqlserver_connection_string: str = "Server=<hostname>,<port>;Database=<your database>;User Id=<your user id>;Password=<your password>;Encrypt=<true/false>;TrustServerCertificate=<Yes/No>;Connection Timeout=<int>",
sqlserver_query: str = None,
if not accepted_status_codes:
accepted_status_codes = ["200-299"]
dict_notification_ids = {}
if notification_ids:
for notification_id in notification_ids:
dict_notification_ids[notification_id] = True
notification_ids = dict_notification_ids
data = {
"type": type_,
"name": name,
"interval": heartbeat_interval,
"retryInterval": heartbeat_retry_interval,
"maxretries": retries,
"notificationIDList": notification_ids,
"upsideDown": upside_down_mode,
if tags:
"tags": tags
if type_ == MonitorType.KEYWORD:
"keyword": keyword,
if type_ in [MonitorType.HTTP, MonitorType.KEYWORD]:
"url": url,
"expiryNotification": certificate_expiry_notification,
"ignoreTls": ignore_tls_error,
"maxredirects": max_redirects,
"accepted_statuscodes": accepted_status_codes,
"proxyId": proxy_id,
"method": http_method,
"body": http_body,
"headers": http_headers,
"authMethod": auth_method,
if auth_method in [AuthMethod.HTTP_BASIC, AuthMethod.NTLM]:
"basicauth-user": auth_user,
"basicauth-pass": auth_pass,
if auth_method == AuthMethod.NTLM:
"basicauth-domain": auth_domain,
"basicauth-workstation": auth_workstation,
if type_ in [MonitorType.DNS, MonitorType.PING, MonitorType.STEAM, MonitorType.MQTT]:
"hostname": hostname,
if type_ in [MonitorType.DNS, MonitorType.STEAM, MonitorType.MQTT]:
"port": port,
if type_ == MonitorType.DNS:
"dns_resolve_server": dns_resolve_server,
"dns_resolve_type": dns_resolve_type,
if type_ == MonitorType.MQTT:
"mqttUsername": mqtt_username,
"mqttPassword": mqtt_password,
"mqttTopic": mqtt_topic,
"mqttSuccessMessage": mqtt_success_message,
if type_ == MonitorType.SQLSERVER:
"databaseConnectionString": sqlserver_connection_string,
"sqlserverQuery": sqlserver_query,
return data
def _build_notification_data(name: str, type_: NotificationType, default: bool, **kwargs):
kwargs = convert_to_socket(params_map_notification_provider, kwargs)
return {
"name": name,
"type": type_,
"isDefault": default,
def _build_proxy_data(
protocol: ProxyProtocol,
host: str,
port: str,
auth: bool = False,
username: str = None,
password: str = None,
active: bool = True,
default: bool = False,
apply_existing: bool = False,
return {
"protocol": protocol,
"host": host,
"port": port,
"auth": auth,
"username": username,
"password": password,
"active": active,
"default": default,
"applyExisting": apply_existing
def _build_status_page_data(
slug: str,
# config
id_: int,
title: str,
description: str = None,
dark_theme: bool = False,
published: bool = True,
show_tags: bool = False,
domain_name_list: list[str] = None,
custom_css: str = "",
footer_text: str = None,
show_powered_by: bool = True,
img_data_url: str = "/icon.svg",
monitors: list = None
if not domain_name_list:
domain_name_list = []
public_group_list = []
if monitors:
"name": "Services",
"monitorList": monitors
config = {
"id": id_,
"slug": slug,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"icon": img_data_url,
"theme": "dark" if dark_theme else "light",
"published": published,
"showTags": show_tags,
"domainNameList": domain_name_list,
"customCSS": custom_css,
"footerText": footer_text,
"showPoweredBy": show_powered_by
return slug, config, img_data_url, public_group_list
class UptimeKumaApi(object):
def __init__(self, url):
self.sio = socketio.Client()
self._event_data: dict[str, any] = {
"monitorList": None,
"notificationList": None,
"proxyList": None,
"statusPageList": None,
"heartbeatList": None,
"importantHeartbeatList": None,
"avgPing": None,
"uptime": None,
"heartbeat": None,
"info": None,
self.sio.on("connect", self._event_connect)
self.sio.on("disconnect", self._event_disconnect)
self.sio.on("monitorList", self._event_monitor_list)
self.sio.on("notificationList", self._event_notification_list)
self.sio.on("proxyList", self._event_proxy_list)
self.sio.on("statusPageList", self._event_status_page_list)
self.sio.on("heartbeatList", self._event_heartbeat_list)
self.sio.on("importantHeartbeatList", self._event_important_heartbeat_list)
self.sio.on("avgPing", self._event_avg_ping)
self.sio.on("uptime", self._event_uptime)
self.sio.on("heartbeat", self._event_heartbeat)
self.sio.on("info", self._event_info)
def _get_event_data(self, event):
while self._event_data[event] is None:
time.sleep(0.01) # wait for multiple messages
return self._event_data[event]
def _call(self, event, data=None):
r = self.sio.call(event, data)
if type(r) == dict and not r["ok"]:
raise UptimeKumaException(r["msg"])
return r
# event handlers
def _event_connect(self):
def _event_disconnect(self):
def _event_monitor_list(self, data):
self._event_data["monitorList"] = data
def _event_notification_list(self, data):
self._event_data["notificationList"] = data
def _event_proxy_list(self, data):
self._event_data["proxyList"] = data
def _event_status_page_list(self, data):
self._event_data["statusPageList"] = data
def _event_heartbeat_list(self, id_, data, bool_):
if self._event_data["heartbeatList"] is None:
self._event_data["heartbeatList"] = []
"id": id_,
"data": data,
"bool": bool_,
def _event_important_heartbeat_list(self, id_, data, bool_):
if self._event_data["importantHeartbeatList"] is None:
self._event_data["importantHeartbeatList"] = []
"id": id_,
"data": data,
"bool": bool_,
def _event_avg_ping(self, id_, data):
if self._event_data["avgPing"] is None:
self._event_data["avgPing"] = []
"id": id_,
"data": data,
def _event_uptime(self, id_, hours_24, days_30):
if self._event_data["uptime"] is None:
self._event_data["uptime"] = []
"id": id_,
"hours_24": hours_24,
"days_30": days_30,
def _event_heartbeat(self, data):
if self._event_data["heartbeat"] is None:
self._event_data["heartbeat"] = []
def _event_info(self, data):
self._event_data["info"] = data
# connection
def connect(self, url: str):
url = url.rstrip("/")
def disconnect(self):
# monitors
def get_monitors(self):
r = list(self._get_event_data("monitorList").values())
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_monitor, r)
int_to_bool(r, ["active"])
return r
def get_monitor(self, id_: int):
r = self._call('getMonitor', id_)["monitor"]
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_monitor, r)
int_to_bool(r, ["active"])
return r
def pause_monitor(self, id_: int):
r = self._call('pauseMonitor', id_)
return r
def resume_monitor(self, id_: int):
r = self._call('resumeMonitor', id_)
return r
def delete_monitor(self, id_: int):
return self._call('deleteMonitor', id_)
def get_monitor_beats(self, id_: int, hours: int):
r = self._call('getMonitorBeats', (id_, hours))["data"]
int_to_bool(r, ["important", "status"])
return r
def add_monitor(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = _build_monitor_data(*args, **kwargs)
r = self._call('add', data)
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_monitor, r)
return r
def edit_monitor(self, id_: int, **kwargs):
data = self.get_monitor(id_)
kwargs_sock = convert_to_socket(params_map_monitor, kwargs)
r = self._call('editMonitor', data)
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_monitor, r)
return r
# monitor tags
def add_monitor_tag(self, tag_id: int, monitor_id: int, value=""):
return self._call('addMonitorTag', (tag_id, monitor_id, value))
# editMonitorTag is unused in uptime-kuma
# def edit_monitor_tag(self, tag_id: int, monitor_id: int, value=""):
# return self._call('editMonitorTag', (tag_id, monitor_id, value))
def delete_monitor_tag(self, tag_id: int, monitor_id: int, value=""):
return self._call('deleteMonitorTag', (tag_id, monitor_id, value))
# notifications
def get_notifications(self):
notifications = self._get_event_data("notificationList")
r = []
for notification_raw in notifications:
notification = notification_raw.copy()
config = json.loads(notification["config"])
del notification["config"]
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_notification, r)
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_notification_provider, r)
return r
def get_notification(self, id_: int):
notifications = self.get_notifications()
for notification in notifications:
if notification["id"] == id_:
return notification
raise UptimeKumaException("notification does not exist")
def test_notification(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = _build_notification_data(*args, **kwargs)
return self._call('testNotification', data)
def add_notification(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = _build_notification_data(*args, **kwargs)
return self._call('addNotification', (data, None))
def edit_notification(self, id_: int, **kwargs):
notification = self.get_notification(id_)
# remove old notification provider options from notification object
if "type_" in kwargs and kwargs != notification["type_"]:
for provider in notification_provider_options:
provider_options = notification_provider_options[provider]
if provider != kwargs:
for option in provider_options:
if option in notification:
del notification[option]
return self._call('addNotification', (notification, id_))
def delete_notification(self, id_: int):
return self._call('deleteNotification', id_)
def check_apprise(self):
return self._call('checkApprise')
# proxy
def get_proxies(self):
r = self._get_event_data("proxyList")
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_proxy, r)
int_to_bool(r, ["auth", "active", "default", "apply_existing"])
return r
def get_proxy(self, id_: int):
proxies = self.get_proxies()
for proxy in proxies:
if proxy["id"] == id_:
return proxy
raise UptimeKumaException("proxy does not exist")
def add_proxy(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = _build_proxy_data(*args, **kwargs)
return self._call('addProxy', (data, None))
def edit_proxy(self, id_: int, **kwargs):
proxy = self.get_proxy(id_)
return self._call('addProxy', (proxy, id_))
def delete_proxy(self, id_: int):
return self._call('deleteProxy', id_)
# status page
def get_status_pages(self):
r = list(self._get_event_data("statusPageList").values())
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_status_page, r)
return r
def get_status_page(self, slug: str):
r = self._call('getStatusPage', slug)
config = r["config"]
del r["config"]
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_status_page, r)
return r
def add_status_page(self, slug: str, title: str):
return self._call('addStatusPage', (title, slug))
def delete_status_page(self, slug: str):
return self._call('deleteStatusPage', slug)
def save_status_page(self, slug: str, **kwargs):
status_page = self.get_status_page(slug)
data = _build_status_page_data(**status_page)
return self._call('saveStatusPage', data)
def post_incident(
slug: str,
title: str,
content: str,
style: IncidentStyle = IncidentStyle.PRIMARY
incident = {
"title": title,
"content": content,
"style": style
r = self._call('postIncident', (slug, incident))["incident"]
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_status_page, r)
return r
def unpin_incident(self, slug: str):
r = self._call('unpinIncident', slug)
return r
# heartbeat
def get_heartbeats(self):
r = self._get_event_data("heartbeatList")
for i in r:
int_to_bool(i["data"], ["important", "status"])
return r
def get_important_heartbeats(self):
r = self._get_event_data("importantHeartbeatList")
for i in r:
int_to_bool(i["data"], ["important", "status"])
return r
def get_heartbeat(self):
r = self._get_event_data("heartbeat")
int_to_bool(r, ["important", "status"])
return r
# avg ping
def avg_ping(self):
return self._get_event_data("avgPing")
# uptime
def uptime(self):
return self._get_event_data("uptime")
# info
def info(self):
r = self._get_event_data("info")
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_info, r)
return r
# clear
def clear_events(self, monitor_id: int):
return self._call('clearEvents', monitor_id)
def clear_heartbeats(self, monitor_id: int):
return self._call('clearHeartbeats', monitor_id)
def clear_statistics(self):
return self._call('clearStatistics')
# tags
def get_tags(self):
return self._call('getTags')["tags"]
def get_tag(self, id_: int):
tags = self.get_tags()
for tag in tags:
if tag["id"] == id_:
return tag
raise UptimeKumaException("tag does not exist")
# not working, monitor id required?
# def edit_tag(self, id_: int, name: str, color: str):
# return self._call('editTag', {
# "id": id_,
# "name": name,
# "color": color
# })
def delete_tag(self, id_: int):
return self._call('deleteTag', id_)
def add_tag(self, name: str, color: str):
return self._call('addTag', {
"name": name,
"color": color,
"new": True
# settings
def get_settings(self):
r = self._call('getSettings')["data"]
r = convert_from_socket(params_map_settings, r)
return r
def set_settings(
password: str,
# about
check_update: bool = True,
check_beta: bool = False,
# monitor history
keep_data_period_days: int = 180,
# general
entry_page: str = "dashboard",
search_engine_index: bool = False,
primary_base_url: str = "",
steam_api_key: str = "",
# notifications
tls_expiry_notify_days: list[int] = None,
# security
disable_auth: bool = False
if not tls_expiry_notify_days:
tls_expiry_notify_days = [7, 14, 21]
data = {
"check_update": check_update,
"check_beta": check_beta,
"keep_data_period_days": keep_data_period_days,
"entry_page": entry_page,
"search_engine_index": search_engine_index,
"primary_base_url": primary_base_url,
"steam_api_key": steam_api_key,
"tls_expiry_notify_days": tls_expiry_notify_days,
"disable_auth": disable_auth
data = convert_to_socket(params_map_settings, data)
return self._call('setSettings', (data, password))
def change_password(self, old_password: str, new_password: str):
return self._call('changePassword', {
"currentPassword": old_password,
"newPassword": new_password,
def upload_backup(self, json_data, import_handle: str):
if import_handle not in ["overwrite", "skip", "keep"]:
raise ValueError()
return self._call('uploadBackup', (json_data, import_handle))
# 2FA
def twofa_status(self):
return self._call('twoFAStatus')
def prepare_2fa(self, password: str):
return self._call('prepare2FA', password)
def save_2fa(self, password: str):
return self._call('save2FA', password)
def disable_2fa(self, password: str):
return self._call('disable2FA', password)
# login
def login(self, username: str, password: str):
return self._call('login', {
"username": username,
"password": password,
"token": ""
def login_by_token(self, token: str):
return self._call('loginByToken', token)
def verify_token(self, token: str, password: str):
return self._call('verifyToken', (token, password))
def logout(self):
return self._call('logout')
# setup
def need_setup(self):
return self._call('needSetup')
def setup(self, username: str, password: str):
return self._call("setup", (username, password))
# database
def get_database_size(self):
return self._call('getDatabaseSize')
def shrink_database(self):
return self._call('shrinkDatabase')