Implemented complete RFC 2812 as Commands.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 752 additions and 3 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
use std::io::{InvalidInput, IoError, IoResult};
use data::message::Message;
/// List of all client commands as defined in RFC 2812.
#[deriving(Show, PartialEq)]
pub enum Command {
// 3.1 Connection Registration
/// PASS <password>
/// NICK <nickname>
/// USER <user> <mode> * <realname>
USER(String, String, String),
/// OPER <name> <password>
OPER(String, String),
/// MODE <nickname> <modes>
/// MODE <channel> <modes> [<modeparams>]
MODE(String, String, Option<String>),
/// SERVICE <nickname> <reserved> <distribution> <type> <reserved> <info>
SERVICE(String, String, String, String, String, String),
/// QUIT <Quit Message>
/// SQUIT <server> <comment>
SQUIT(String, String),
// 3.2 Channel operations
/// JOIN <chanlist> [<chankeys>]
JOIN(String, Option<String>),
/// PART <chanlist> [<Part Message>]
PART(String, Option<String>),
// MODE is already defined.
// MODE(String, String, Option<String>),
/// TOPIC <channel> [<topic>]
TOPIC(String, Option<String>),
/// NAMES [<chanlist> [<target>]]
NAMES(Option<String>, Option<String>),
/// LIST [<chanlist> [<target>]]
LIST(Option<String>, Option<String>),
/// INVITE <nickname> <channel>
INVITE(String, String),
/// KICK <chanlist> <userlist> [<comment>]
KICK(String, String, Option<String>),
// 3.3 Sending messages
/// PRIVMSG <msgtarget> <text to be sent>
PRIVMSG(String, String),
/// NOTICE <msgtarget> <text>
NOTICE(String, String),
// 3.4 Server queries and commands
/// MOTD [<target>]
/// LUSERS [<mask> [<target>]]
LUSERS(Option<String>, Option<String>),
/// VERSION [<target>]
/// STATS [<query> [<target>]]
STATS(Option<String>, Option<String>),
/// LINKS [[<remote server>] <server mask>]
LINKS(Option<String>, Option<String>),
/// TIME [<target>]
/// CONNECT <target server> <port> [<remote server>]
CONNECT(String, String, Option<String>),
/// TRACE [<target>]
/// ADMIN [<target>]
/// INFO [<target>]
// 3.5 Service Query and Commands
/// SERVLIST [<mask> [<type>]]
SERVLIST(Option<String>, Option<String>),
/// SQUERY <servicename> <text>
SQUERY(String, String),
// 3.6 User based queries
/// WHO [<mask> ["o"]]
WHO(Option<String>, Option<bool>),
/// WHOIS [<target>] <masklist>
WHOIS(Option<String>, String),
/// WHOWAS <nicklist> [<count> [<target>]]
WHOWAS(String, Option<String>, Option<String>),
// 3.7 Miscellaneous messages
/// KILL <nickname> <comment>
KILL(String, String),
/// PING <server1> [<server2>]
PING(String, Option<String>),
/// PONG <server> [<server2>]
PONG(String, Option<String>),
/// ERROR <error message>
// 4 Optional Features
/// AWAY [<text>]
/// DIE
/// SUMMON <user> [<target> [<channel>]]
SUMMON(String, Option<String>, Option<String>),
/// USERS [<target>]
/// WALLOPS <Text to be sent>
/// USERHOST <space-separated nicklist>
/// ISON <space-separated nicklist>
// Non-RFC commands from InspIRCd
/// SAJOIN <nickname> <channel>
SAJOIN(String, String),
/// SAMODE <target> <modes> [<modeparams>]
SAMODE(String, String, Option<String>),
/// SANICK <old nickname> <new nickname>
SANICK(String, String),
/// SAPART <nickname> <reason>
SAPART(String, String),
/// SAQUIT <nickname> <reason>
SAQUIT(String, String),
impl Command {
pub fn to_message(self) -> Message {
match self {
PASS(p) => Message::new(None, "PASS", None, Some(p[])),
NICK(n) => Message::new(None, "NICK", None, Some(n[])),
USER(u, m, r) => Message::new(None, "USER", Some(vec![u[], m[], "*"]), Some(r[])),
OPER(u, p) => Message::new(None, "OPER", Some(vec![u[]]), Some(p[])),
MODE(t, m, Some(p)) => Message::new(None, "MODE", Some(vec![t[], m[], p[]]), None),
MODE(t, m, None) => Message::new(None, "MODE", Some(vec![t[], m[]]), None),
SERVICE(n, r, d, t, re, i) => Message::new(None, "SERVICE",
Some(vec![n[], r[], d[], t[], re[]]), Some(i[])),
QUIT(Some(m)) => Message::new(None, "QUIT", None, Some(m[])),
QUIT(None) => Message::new(None, "QUIT", None, None),
SQUIT(s, c) => Message::new(None, "SQUIT", Some(vec![s[]]), Some(c[])),
JOIN(c, Some(k)) => Message::new(None, "JOIN", Some(vec![c[], k[]]), None),
JOIN(c, None) => Message::new(None, "JOIN", Some(vec![c[]]), None),
PART(c, Some(m)) => Message::new(None, "PART", Some(vec![c[]]), Some(m[])),
PART(c, None) => Message::new(None, "PART", Some(vec![c[]]), None),
TOPIC(c, Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "TOPIC", Some(vec![c[]]), Some(t[])),
TOPIC(c, None) => Message::new(None, "TOPIC", Some(vec![c[]]), None),
NAMES(Some(c), Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "NAMES", Some(vec![c[]]), Some(t[])),
NAMES(Some(c), None) => Message::new(None, "NAMES", Some(vec![c[]]), None),
NAMES(None, _) => Message::new(None, "NAMES", None, None),
LIST(Some(c), Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "LIST", Some(vec![c[]]), Some(t[])),
LIST(Some(c), None) => Message::new(None, "LIST", Some(vec![c[]]), None),
LIST(None, _) => Message::new(None, "LIST", None, None),
INVITE(n, c) => Message::new(None, "INVITE", Some(vec![n[], c[]]), None),
KICK(c, n, Some(r)) => Message::new(None, "KICK", Some(vec![c[], n[]]), Some(r[])),
KICK(c, n, None) => Message::new(None, "KICK", Some(vec![c[], n[]]), None),
PRIVMSG(t, m) => Message::new(None, "PRIVMSG", Some(vec![t[]]), Some(m[])),
NOTICE(t, m) => Message::new(None, "NOTICE", Some(vec![t[]]), Some(m[])),
MOTD(Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "MOTD", None, Some(t[])),
MOTD(None) => Message::new(None, "MOTD", None, None),
LUSERS(Some(m), Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "LUSERS", Some(vec![m[]]), Some(t[])),
LUSERS(Some(m), None) => Message::new(None, "LUSERS", Some(vec![m[]]), None),
LUSERS(None, _) => Message::new(None, "LUSERS", None, None),
VERSION(Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "VERSION", None, Some(t[])),
VERSION(None) => Message::new(None, "VERSION", None, None),
STATS(Some(q), Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "STATS", Some(vec![q[]]), Some(t[])),
STATS(Some(q), None) => Message::new(None, "STATS", Some(vec![q[]]), None),
STATS(None, _) => Message::new(None, "STATS", None, None),
LINKS(Some(r), Some(s)) => Message::new(None, "LINKS", Some(vec![r[]]), Some(s[])),
LINKS(None, Some(s)) => Message::new(None, "LINKS", None, Some(s[])),
LINKS(_, None) => Message::new(None, "LINKS", None, None),
TIME(Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "TIME", None, Some(t[])),
TIME(None) => Message::new(None, "TIME", None, None),
CONNECT(t, p, Some(r)) => Message::new(None, "CONNECT", Some(vec![t[], p[]]), Some(r[])),
CONNECT(t, p, None) => Message::new(None, "CONNECT", Some(vec![t[], p[]]), None),
TRACE(Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "TRACE", None, Some(t[])),
TRACE(None) => Message::new(None, "TRACE", None, None),
ADMIN(Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "ADMIN", None, Some(t[])),
ADMIN(None) => Message::new(None, "ADMIN", None, None),
INFO(Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "INFO", None, Some(t[])),
INFO(None) => Message::new(None, "INFO", None, None),
SERVLIST(Some(m), Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "SERVLIST", Some(vec![m[]]), Some(t[])),
SERVLIST(Some(m), None) => Message::new(None, "SERVLIST", Some(vec![m[]]), None),
SERVLIST(None, _) => Message::new(None, "SERVLIST", None, None),
SQUERY(s, t) => Message::new(None, "SQUERY", Some(vec![s[], t[]]), None),
WHO(Some(s), Some(true)) => Message::new(None, "WHO", Some(vec![s[], "o"]), None),
WHO(Some(s), _) => Message::new(None, "WHO", Some(vec![s[]]), None),
WHO(None, _) => Message::new(None, "WHO", None, None),
WHOIS(Some(t), m) => Message::new(None, "WHOIS", Some(vec![t[], m[]]), None),
WHOIS(None, m) => Message::new(None, "WHOIS", Some(vec![m[]]), None),
WHOWAS(n, Some(c), Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "WHOWAS", Some(vec![n[], c[]]), Some(t[])),
WHOWAS(n, Some(c), None) => Message::new(None, "WHOWAS", Some(vec![n[], c[]]), None),
WHOWAS(n, None, _) => Message::new(None, "WHOWAS", Some(vec![n[]]), None),
KILL(n, c) => Message::new(None, "KILL", Some(vec![n[]]), Some(c[])),
PING(s, Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "PING", Some(vec![s[]]), Some(t[])),
PING(s, None) => Message::new(None, "PING", None, Some(s[])),
PONG(s, Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "PONG", Some(vec![s[]]), Some(t[])),
PONG(s, None) => Message::new(None, "PONG", None, Some(s[])),
ERROR(m) => Message::new(None, "ERROR", None, Some(m[])),
AWAY(Some(m)) => Message::new(None, "AWAY", None, Some(m[])),
AWAY(None) => Message::new(None, "AWAY", None, None),
REHASH => Message::new(None, "REHASH", None, None),
DIE => Message::new(None, "DIE", None, None),
RESTART => Message::new(None, "RESTART", None, None),
SUMMON(u, Some(t), Some(c)) => Message::new(None, "SUMMON", Some(vec![u[], t[]]), Some(c[])),
SUMMON(u, Some(t), None) => Message::new(None, "SUMMON", Some(vec![u[], t[]]), None),
SUMMON(u, None, _) => Message::new(None, "SUMMON", Some(vec![u[]]), None),
USERS(Some(t)) => Message::new(None, "USERS", None, Some(t[])),
USERS(None) => Message::new(None, "USERS", None, None),
WALLOPS(t) => Message::new(None, "WALLOPS", None, Some(t[])),
USERHOST(u) => Message::new(None, "USERHOST", Some(u.iter().map(|s| s[]).collect()), None),
ISON(u) => Message::new(None, "ISON", Some(u.iter().map(|s| s[]).collect()), None),
SAJOIN(n, c) => Message::new(None, "SAJOIN", Some(vec![n[], c[]]), None),
SAMODE(t, m, Some(p)) => Message::new(None, "SAMODE", Some(vec![t[], m[], p[]]), None),
SAMODE(t, m, None) => Message::new(None, "SAMODE", Some(vec![t[], m[]]), None),
SANICK(o, n) => Message::new(None, "SANICK", Some(vec![o[], n[]]), None),
SAPART(c, r) => Message::new(None, "SAPART", Some(vec![c[]]), Some(r[])),
SAQUIT(c, r) => Message::new(None, "SAQUIT", Some(vec![c[]]), Some(r[])),
pub fn from_message(m: Message) -> IoResult<Command> {
Ok(if let "PASS" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
} else {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
} else if let "NICK" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
} else {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
} else if let "USER" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
USER(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap().clone())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 3 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
USER(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), m.args[2].clone())
} else if let "OPER" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
OPER(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
OPER(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else if let "MODE" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
MODE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else if m.args.len() == 3 {
MODE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), Some(m.args[2].clone()))
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
MODE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), None)
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "SERVICE" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 5 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SERVICE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), m.args[2].clone(), m.args[3].clone(),
m.args[4].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap().clone())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 6 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SERVICE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), m.args[2].clone(), m.args[3].clone(),
m.args[4].clone(), m.args[5].clone())
} else if let "QUIT" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
if m.suffix.is_some() {
} else {
} else if let "SQUIT" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SQUIT(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap().clone())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SQUIT(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else if let "JOIN" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
JOIN(m.suffix.unwrap().clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
JOIN(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
JOIN(m.args[0].clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
JOIN(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "PART" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
PART(m.suffix.unwrap().clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
PART(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
PART(m.args[0].clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
PART(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "TOPIC" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
TOPIC(m.suffix.unwrap().clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
TOPIC(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
TOPIC(m.args[0].clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
TOPIC(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "NAMES" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
NAMES(Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
NAMES(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 0 {
NAMES(None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
NAMES(Some(m.args[0].clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
NAMES(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "LIST" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
LIST(Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
LIST(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 0 {
LIST(None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
LIST(Some(m.args[0].clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
LIST(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "INVITE" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
INVITE(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
INVITE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else if let "KICK" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
KICK(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), m.suffix.clone())
} else if let "PRIVMSG" = m.command[] {
if !m.suffix.is_some() || m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
PRIVMSG(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap().clone())
} else if let "NOTICE" = m.command[] {
if !m.suffix.is_some() || m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
NOTICE(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap().clone())
} else if let "MOTD" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
if m.suffix.is_some() {
} else {
} else if let "LUSERS" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
LUSERS(Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
LUSERS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 0 {
LUSERS(None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
LUSERS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
LUSERS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "VERSION" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
if m.suffix.is_some() {
} else {
} else if let "STATS" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
STATS(Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
STATS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 0 {
STATS(None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
STATS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
STATS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "LINKS" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
LINKS(None, Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
LINKS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 0 {
LINKS(None, None)
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "TIME" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
if m.suffix.is_some() {
} else {
} else if let "CONNECT" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
KICK(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), m.suffix.clone())
} else if let "TRACE" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
if m.suffix.is_some() {
} else {
} else if let "ADMIN" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
if m.suffix.is_some() {
} else {
} else if let "INFO" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() != 0 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
if m.suffix.is_some() {
} else {
} else if let "SERVLIST" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
SERVLIST(Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
SERVLIST(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 0 {
SERVLIST(None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
SERVLIST(Some(m.args[0].clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
SERVLIST(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "SQUERY" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SQUERY(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SQUERY(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else if let "WHO" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
WHO(Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
WHO(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap()[] == "o"))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 0 {
WHO(None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
WHO(Some(m.args[0].clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
WHO(Some(m.args[0].clone()), Some(m.args[1][] == "o"))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "WHOIS" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
WHOIS(None, m.suffix.unwrap().clone())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
WHOIS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), m.suffix.unwrap().clone())
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
WHOIS(None, m.args[0].clone())
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
WHOIS(Some(m.args[0].clone()), m.args[1].clone())
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "WHOWAS" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
WHOWAS(m.suffix.unwrap().clone(), None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
WHOWAS(m.args[0].clone(), None, Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
WHOWAS(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
WHOWAS(m.args[0].clone(), None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
WHOWAS(m.args[0].clone(), None, Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else if m.args.len() == 3 {
WHOWAS(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()), Some(m.args[2].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "KILL" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
KILL(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
KILL(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else if let "PING" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
PING(m.suffix.unwrap().clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
PING(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
PING(m.args[0].clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
PING(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "PONG" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
PONG(m.suffix.unwrap().clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
PONG(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
PONG(m.args[0].clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
PONG(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "ERROR" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() && m.args.len() == 0 {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "AWAY" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "REHASH" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "DIE" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "RESTART" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "SUMMON" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
SUMMON(m.suffix.unwrap().clone(), None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
SUMMON(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
SUMMON(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
SUMMON(m.args[0].clone(), None, None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
SUMMON(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 3 {
SUMMON(m.args[0].clone(), Some(m.args[1].clone()), Some(m.args[2].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "USERS" = m.command[] {
if m.args.len() == 0 {
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "WALLOPS" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() && m.args.len() == 0 {
} else if m.args.len() == 1 {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "USERHOST" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_none() {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "ISON" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_none() {
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "SAJOIN" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SAJOIN(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SAJOIN(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else if let "SAMODE" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() == 1 {
SAMODE(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap().clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
SAMODE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), Some(m.suffix.unwrap().clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if m.args.len() == 2 {
SAMODE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), None)
} else if m.args.len() == 3 {
SAMODE(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone(), Some(m.args[2].clone()))
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
} else if let "SANICK" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SANICK(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SANICK(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else if let "SAPART" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SAPART(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SAPART(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else if let "SAQUIT" = m.command[] {
if m.suffix.is_some() {
if m.args.len() != 1 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SAQUIT(m.args[0].clone(), m.suffix.unwrap())
} else {
if m.args.len() != 2 { return Err(invalid_input()) }
SAQUIT(m.args[0].clone(), m.args[1].clone())
} else {
return Err(invalid_input())
fn invalid_input() -> IoError {
IoError {
kind: InvalidInput,
desc: "Failed to parse malformed message as command.",
detail: None
@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ pub mod kinds {
impl<T> IrcReader for T where T: Buffer + Sized + Send + 'static {}
pub mod command;
pub mod config;
pub mod message;
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
use std::io::{BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, IoResult, TcpStream};
use conn::Connection;
use data::command::Command;
use data::config::Config;
use data::kinds::{IrcReader, IrcWriter};
use data::message::Message;
pub trait Server<'a, T, U> {
fn send(&self, _: Message) -> IoResult<()>;
fn send(&self, _: Command) -> IoResult<()>;
fn iter(&'a self) -> ServerIterator<'a, T, U>;
@ -26,8 +27,8 @@ impl<'a> IrcServer<'a, BufferedWriter<TcpStream>, BufferedReader<TcpStream>> {
impl<'a, T, U> Server<'a, T, U> for IrcServer<'a, T, U> where T: IrcWriter, U: IrcReader{
fn send(&self, message: Message) -> IoResult<()> {
fn send(&self, command: Command) -> IoResult<()> {
fn iter(&'a self) -> ServerIterator<'a, T, U> {
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