This patch brings some of the physical and virtual drive attributes as `custom_fields` to the disks inventory. The goal is to have this information present to ease disks maintenance when a drive becomes unavailable and its attributes can't be read anymore from the RAID controller. It also helps to standardize the extended disk attributes across the different manufacturers. As the disk physical identifers were not available under the correct format (hexadecimal format using the `xml` output as opposed as `X:Y:Z` format using the default `list` format), the command line parser has been refactored to read the `list` format, rather than `xml` one in the `omreport` raid controller parser. As the custom fields have to be created prior being able to register the disks extended attributes, this feature is only activated using the `--process-virtual-drives` command line parameter, or by setting `process_virtual_drives` to `true` in the configuration file. The custom fields to create as `DCIM > inventory item` `Text` are described below. NAME LABEL DESCRIPTION mount_point Mount point Device mount point(s) pd_identifier Physical disk identifier Physical disk identifier in the RAID controller vd_array Virtual drive array Virtual drive array the disk is member of vd_consistency Virtual drive consistency Virtual disk array consistency vd_device Virtual drive device Virtual drive system device vd_raid_type Virtual drive RAID Virtual drive array RAID type vd_size Virtual drive size Virtual drive array size In the current implementation, the disks attributes ore not updated: if a disk with the correct serial number is found, it's sufficient to consider it as up to date. To force the reprocessing of the disks extended attributes, the `--force-disk-refresh` command line option can be used: it removes all existing disks to before populating them with the correct parsing. Unless this option is specified, the extended attributes won't be modified unless a disk is replaced. It is possible to dump the physical/virtual disks map on the filesystem under the JSON notation to ease or automate disks management. The file path has to be provided using the `--dump-disks-map` command line parameter.
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import logging
import os
import re
from itertools import chain
import netifaces
from netaddr import IPAddress
from netbox_agent.config import config
from netbox_agent.config import netbox_instance as nb
from netbox_agent.ethtool import Ethtool
from netbox_agent.ipmi import IPMI
from netbox_agent.lldp import LLDP
class Network(object):
def __init__(self, server, *args, **kwargs):
self.nics = []
self.server = server
self.tenant = self.server.get_netbox_tenant()
self.lldp = LLDP() if config.network.lldp else None
self.nics = self.scan()
self.ipmi = None
self.dcim_choices = {}
dcim_c = nb.dcim.interfaces.choices()
for _choice_type in dcim_c:
key = 'interface:{}'.format(_choice_type)
self.dcim_choices[key] = {}
for choice in dcim_c[_choice_type]:
self.dcim_choices[key][choice['display_name']] = choice['value']
self.ipam_choices = {}
ipam_c = nb.ipam.ip_addresses.choices()
for _choice_type in ipam_c:
key = 'ip-address:{}'.format(_choice_type)
self.ipam_choices[key] = {}
for choice in ipam_c[_choice_type]:
self.ipam_choices[key][choice['display_name']] = choice['value']
def get_network_type():
return NotImplementedError
def scan(self):
nics = []
for interface in os.listdir('/sys/class/net/'):
# ignore if it's not a link (ie: bonding_masters etc)
if not os.path.islink('/sys/class/net/{}'.format(interface)):
if config.network.ignore_interfaces and \
re.match(config.network.ignore_interfaces, interface):
logging.debug('Ignore interface {interface}'.format(interface=interface))
ip_addr = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface).get(netifaces.AF_INET, [])
ip6_addr = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface).get(netifaces.AF_INET6, [])
if config.network.ignore_ips:
for i, ip in enumerate(ip_addr):
if re.match(config.network.ignore_ips, ip['addr']):
for i, ip in enumerate(ip6_addr):
if re.match(config.network.ignore_ips, ip['addr']):
# netifaces returns a ipv6 netmask that netaddr does not understand.
# this strips the netmask down to the correct format for netaddr,
# and remove the interface.
# ie, this:
# {
# 'addr': 'fe80::ec4:7aff:fe59:ec4a%eno1.50',
# 'netmask': 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::/64'
# }
# becomes:
# {
# 'addr': 'fe80::ec4:7aff:fe59:ec4a',
# 'netmask': 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::'
# }
for addr in ip6_addr:
addr["addr"] = addr["addr"].replace('%{}'.format(interface), '')
addr["netmask"] = addr["netmask"].split('/')[0]
mac = open('/sys/class/net/{}/address'.format(interface), 'r').read().strip()
vlan = None
if len(interface.split('.')) > 1:
vlan = int(interface.split('.')[1])
bonding = False
bonding_slaves = []
if os.path.isdir('/sys/class/net/{}/bonding'.format(interface)):
bonding = True
bonding_slaves = open(
# Tun and TAP support
virtual = os.path.isfile(
nic = {
'name': interface,
'mac': mac if mac != '00:00:00:00:00:00' else None,
'ip': [
) for x in ip_addr
] if ip_addr else None, # FIXME: handle IPv6 addresses
'ethtool': Ethtool(interface).parse(),
'virtual': virtual,
'vlan': vlan,
'bonding': bonding,
'bonding_slaves': bonding_slaves,
return nics
def _set_bonding_interfaces(self):
bonding_nics = (x for x in self.nics if x['bonding'])
for nic in bonding_nics:
bond_int = self.get_netbox_network_card(nic)
logging.debug('Setting slave interface for {name}'.format(
for slave_int in (
for slave_nic in self.nics
if slave_nic['name'] in nic['bonding_slaves']):
if slave_int.lag is None or slave_int.lag.id != bond_int.id:
logging.debug('Settting interface {name} as slave of {master}'.format(
name=slave_int.name, master=bond_int.name
slave_int.lag = bond_int
return False
return True
def get_network_cards(self):
return self.nics
def get_netbox_network_card(self, nic):
if nic['mac'] is None:
interface = self.nb_net.interfaces.get(
interface = self.nb_net.interfaces.get(
return interface
def get_netbox_network_cards(self):
return self.nb_net.interfaces.filter(
def get_netbox_type_for_nic(self, nic):
if self.get_network_type() == 'virtual':
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['Virtual']
if nic.get('bonding'):
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['Link Aggregation Group (LAG)']
if nic.get('bonding'):
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['Link Aggregation Group (LAG)']
if nic.get('virtual'):
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['Virtual']
if nic.get('ethtool') is None:
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['Other']
if nic['ethtool']['speed'] == '10000Mb/s':
if nic['ethtool']['port'] in ('FIBRE', 'Direct Attach Copper'):
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['SFP+ (10GE)']
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['10GBASE-T (10GE)']
elif nic['ethtool']['speed'] == '25000Mb/s':
if nic['ethtool']['port'] in ('FIBRE', 'Direct Attach Copper'):
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['SFP28 (25GE)']
elif nic['ethtool']['speed'] == '1000Mb/s':
if nic['ethtool']['port'] in ('FIBRE', 'Direct Attach Copper'):
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['SFP (1GE)']
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['1000BASE-T (1GE)']
return self.dcim_choices['interface:type']['Other']
def get_or_create_vlan(self, vlan_id):
# FIXME: we may need to specify the datacenter
# since users may have same vlan id in multiple dc
vlan = nb.ipam.vlans.get(
if vlan is None:
vlan = nb.ipam.vlans.create(
name='VLAN {}'.format(vlan_id),
return vlan
def reset_vlan_on_interface(self, nic, interface):
update = False
vlan_id = nic['vlan']
lldp_vlan = self.lldp.get_switch_vlan(nic['name']) if config.network.lldp else None
# For strange reason, we need to get the object from scratch
# The object returned by pynetbox's save isn't always working (since pynetbox 6)
interface = nb.dcim.interfaces.get(id=interface.id)
# Handle the case were the local interface isn't an interface vlan as reported by Netbox
# and that LLDP doesn't report a vlan-id
if vlan_id is None and lldp_vlan is None and \
(interface.mode is not None or len(interface.tagged_vlans) > 0):
logging.info('Interface {interface} is not tagged, reseting mode'.format(
update = True
interface.mode = None
interface.tagged_vlans = []
interface.untagged_vlan = None
# if the local interface is configured with a vlan, it's supposed to be taggued
# if mode is either not set or not correctly configured or vlan are not
# correctly configured, we reset the vlan
elif vlan_id and (
interface.mode is None or
type(interface.mode) is not int and (
hasattr(interface.mode, 'value') and
interface.mode.value == self.dcim_choices['interface:mode']['Access'] or
len(interface.tagged_vlans) != 1 or
int(interface.tagged_vlans[0].vid) != int(vlan_id))):
logging.info('Resetting tagged VLAN(s) on interface {interface}'.format(
update = True
nb_vlan = self.get_or_create_vlan(vlan_id)
interface.mode = self.dcim_choices['interface:mode']['Tagged']
interface.tagged_vlans = [nb_vlan] if nb_vlan else []
interface.untagged_vlan = None
# Finally if LLDP reports a vlan-id with the pvid attribute
elif lldp_vlan:
pvid_vlan = [key for (key, value) in lldp_vlan.items() if value['pvid']]
if len(pvid_vlan) > 0 and (
interface.mode is None or
interface.mode.value != self.dcim_choices['interface:mode']['Access'] or
interface.untagged_vlan is None or
interface.untagged_vlan.vid != int(pvid_vlan[0])):
logging.info('Resetting access VLAN on interface {interface}'.format(
update = True
nb_vlan = self.get_or_create_vlan(pvid_vlan[0])
interface.mode = self.dcim_choices['interface:mode']['Access']
interface.untagged_vlan = nb_vlan.id
return update, interface
def create_netbox_nic(self, nic, mgmt=False):
# TODO: add Optic Vendor, PN and Serial
type = self.get_netbox_type_for_nic(nic)
logging.info('Creating NIC {name} ({mac}) on {device}'.format(
name=nic['name'], mac=nic['mac'], device=self.device.name))
nb_vlan = None
params = dict(self.custom_arg)
'name': nic['name'],
'type': type,
'mgmt_only': mgmt,
if not nic.get('virtual', False):
params['mac_address'] = nic['mac']
interface = self.nb_net.interfaces.create(**params)
if nic['vlan']:
nb_vlan = self.get_or_create_vlan(nic['vlan'])
interface.mode = self.dcim_choices['interface:mode']['Tagged']
interface.tagged_vlans = [nb_vlan.id]
elif config.network.lldp and self.lldp.get_switch_vlan(nic['name']) is not None:
# if lldp reports a vlan on an interface, tag the interface in access and set the vlan
# report only the interface which has `pvid=yes` (ie: lldp.eth3.vlan.pvid=yes)
# if pvid is not present, it'll be processed as a vlan tagged interface
vlans = self.lldp.get_switch_vlan(nic['name'])
for vid, vlan_infos in vlans.items():
nb_vlan = self.get_or_create_vlan(vid)
if vlan_infos.get('vid'):
interface.mode = self.dcim_choices['interface:mode']['Access']
interface.untagged_vlan = nb_vlan.id
# cable the interface
if config.network.lldp:
switch_ip = self.lldp.get_switch_ip(interface.name)
switch_interface = self.lldp.get_switch_port(interface.name)
if switch_ip and switch_interface:
nic_update, interface = self.create_or_update_cable(
switch_ip, switch_interface, interface
if nic_update:
return interface
def create_or_update_netbox_ip_on_interface(self, ip, interface):
Two behaviors:
- Anycast IP
* If IP exists and is in Anycast, create a new Anycast one
* If IP exists and isn't assigned, take it
* If server is decomissioned, then free IP will be taken
- Normal IP (can be associated only once)
* If IP doesn't exist, create it
* If IP exists and isn't assigned, take it
* If IP exists and interface is wrong, change interface
netbox_ips = nb.ipam.ip_addresses.filter(
if not netbox_ips:
logging.info('Create new IP {ip} on {interface}'.format(
ip=ip, interface=interface))
query_params = {
'address': ip,
'status': "active",
'assigned_object_type': self.assigned_object_type,
'assigned_object_id': interface.id
netbox_ip = nb.ipam.ip_addresses.create(
return netbox_ip
netbox_ip = list(netbox_ips)[0]
# If IP exists in anycast
if netbox_ip.role and netbox_ip.role.label == 'Anycast':
logging.debug('IP {} is Anycast..'.format(ip))
unassigned_anycast_ip = [x for x in netbox_ips if x.interface is None]
assigned_anycast_ip = [x for x in netbox_ips if
x.interface and x.interface.id == interface.id]
# use the first available anycast ip
if len(unassigned_anycast_ip):
logging.info('Assigning existing Anycast IP {} to interface'.format(ip))
netbox_ip = unassigned_anycast_ip[0]
netbox_ip.interface = interface
# or if everything is assigned to other servers
elif not len(assigned_anycast_ip):
logging.info('Creating Anycast IP {} and assigning it to interface'.format(ip))
query_params = {
"address": ip,
"status": "active",
"role": self.ipam_choices['ip-address:role']['Anycast'],
"tenant": self.tenant.id if self.tenant else None,
"assigned_object_type": self.assigned_object_type,
"assigned_object_id": interface.id
netbox_ip = nb.ipam.ip_addresses.create(**query_params)
return netbox_ip
ip_interface = getattr(netbox_ip, 'interface', None)
assigned_object = getattr(netbox_ip, 'assigned_object', None)
if not ip_interface or not assigned_object:
logging.info('Assigning existing IP {ip} to {interface}'.format(
ip=ip, interface=interface))
elif (ip_interface and ip_interface.id != interface.id) or \
(assigned_object and assigned_object_id != interface.id):
old_interface = getattr(netbox_ip, "assigned_object", "n/a")
'Detected interface change for ip {ip}: old interface is '
'{old_interface} (id: {old_id}), new interface is {new_interface} '
' (id: {new_id})'
old_interface=old_interface, new_interface=interface,
old_id=netbox_ip.id, new_id=interface.id, ip=netbox_ip.address
return netbox_ip
netbox_ip.assigned_object_type = self.assigned_object_type
netbox_ip.assigned_object_id = interface.id
def create_or_update_netbox_network_cards(self):
if config.update_all is None or config.update_network is None:
return None
logging.debug('Creating/Updating NIC...')
# delete unknown interface
nb_nics = list(self.get_netbox_network_cards())
local_nics = [x['name'] for x in self.nics]
for nic in nb_nics:
if nic.name not in local_nics:
logging.info('Deleting netbox interface {name} because not present locally'.format(
# delete IP on netbox that are not known on this server
if len(nb_nics):
netbox_ips = nb.ipam.ip_addresses.filter(
**{self.intf_type: [x.id for x in nb_nics]}
netbox_ips = list(netbox_ips)
all_local_ips = list(chain.from_iterable([
x['ip'] for x in self.nics if x['ip'] is not None
for netbox_ip in netbox_ips:
if netbox_ip.address not in all_local_ips:
logging.info('Unassigning IP {ip} from {interface}'.format(
ip=netbox_ip.address, interface=netbox_ip.assigned_object))
netbox_ip.assigned_object_type = None
netbox_ip.assigned_object_id = None
# update each nic
for nic in self.nics:
interface = self.get_netbox_network_card(nic)
if not interface:
logging.info('Interface {mac_address} not found, creating..'.format(
interface = self.create_netbox_nic(nic)
nic_update = 0
if nic['name'] != interface.name:
logging.info('Updating interface {interface} name to: {name}'.format(
interface=interface, name=nic['name']))
interface.name = nic['name']
nic_update += 1
ret, interface = self.reset_vlan_on_interface(nic, interface)
nic_update += ret
if hasattr(interface, 'type'):
_type = self.get_netbox_type_for_nic(nic)
if not interface.type or \
_type != interface.type.value:
logging.info('Interface type is wrong, resetting')
interface.type = _type
nic_update += 1
if hasattr(interface, 'lag') and interface.lag is not None:
local_lag_int = next(
item for item in self.nics if item['name'] == interface.lag.name
if nic['name'] not in local_lag_int['bonding_slaves']:
logging.info('Interface has no LAG, resetting')
nic_update += 1
interface.lag = None
# cable the interface
if config.network.lldp:
switch_ip = self.lldp.get_switch_ip(interface.name)
switch_interface = self.lldp.get_switch_port(interface.name)
if switch_ip and switch_interface:
ret, interface = self.create_or_update_cable(
switch_ip, switch_interface, interface
nic_update += ret
if nic['ip']:
# sync local IPs
for ip in nic['ip']:
self.create_or_update_netbox_ip_on_interface(ip, interface)
if nic_update > 0:
logging.debug('Finished updating NIC!')
class ServerNetwork(Network):
def __init__(self, server, *args, **kwargs):
super(ServerNetwork, self).__init__(server, args, kwargs)
self.ipmi = self.get_ipmi()
if self.ipmi:
self.server = server
self.device = self.server.get_netbox_server()
self.nb_net = nb.dcim
self.custom_arg = {'device': getattr(self.device, "id", None)}
self.custom_arg_id = {'device_id': getattr(self.device, "id", None)}
self.intf_type = "interface_id"
self.assigned_object_type = "dcim.interface"
def get_network_type(self):
return 'server'
def get_ipmi(self):
ipmi = IPMI().parse()
return ipmi
def connect_interface_to_switch(self, switch_ip, switch_interface, nb_server_interface):
logging.info('Interface {} is not connected to switch, trying to connect..'.format(
nb_mgmt_ip = nb.ipam.ip_addresses.get(
if not nb_mgmt_ip:
logging.error('Switch IP {} cannot be found in Netbox'.format(switch_ip))
return nb_server_interface
nb_switch = nb_mgmt_ip.assigned_object.device
logging.info('Found a switch in Netbox based on LLDP infos: {} (id: {})'.format(
except KeyError:
'Switch IP {} is found but not associated to a Netbox Switch Device'.format(
return nb_server_interface
switch_interface = self.lldp.get_switch_port(nb_server_interface.name)
nb_switch_interface = nb.dcim.interfaces.get(
if nb_switch_interface is None:
logging.error('Switch interface {} cannot be found'.format(switch_interface))
return nb_server_interface
logging.info('Found interface {} on switch {}'.format(
cable = nb.dcim.cables.create(
nb_server_interface.cable = cable
'Connected interface {interface} with {switch_interface} of {switch_ip}'.format(
return nb_server_interface
def create_or_update_cable(self, switch_ip, switch_interface, nb_server_interface):
update = False
if nb_server_interface.cable is None:
update = True
nb_server_interface = self.connect_interface_to_switch(
switch_ip, switch_interface, nb_server_interface
nb_sw_int = nb_server_interface.cable.termination_b
nb_sw = nb_sw_int.device
nb_mgmt_int = nb.dcim.interfaces.get(
nb_mgmt_ip = nb.ipam.ip_addresses.get(
if nb_mgmt_ip is None:
'Switch {switch_ip} does not have IP on its management interface'.format(
return update, nb_server_interface
# Netbox IP is always IP/Netmask
nb_mgmt_ip = nb_mgmt_ip.address.split('/')[0]
if nb_mgmt_ip != switch_ip or \
nb_sw_int.name != switch_interface:
logging.info('Netbox cable is not connected to correct ports, fixing..')
'Deleting cable {cable_id} from {interface} to {switch_interface} of '
cable = nb.dcim.cables.get(
update = True
nb_server_interface = self.connect_interface_to_switch(
switch_ip, switch_interface, nb_server_interface
return update, nb_server_interface
class VirtualNetwork(Network):
def __init__(self, server, *args, **kwargs):
super(VirtualNetwork, self).__init__(server, args, kwargs)
self.server = server
self.device = self.server.get_netbox_vm()
self.nb_net = nb.virtualization
self.custom_arg = {'virtual_machine': getattr(self.device, "id", None)}
self.custom_arg_id = {'virtual_machine_id': getattr(self.device, "id", None)}
self.intf_type = "vminterface_id"
self.assigned_object_type = "virtualization.vminterface"
dcim_c = nb.virtualization.interfaces.choices()
for _choice_type in dcim_c:
key = 'interface:{}'.format(_choice_type)
self.dcim_choices[key] = {}
for choice in dcim_c[_choice_type]:
self.dcim_choices[key][choice['display_name']] = choice['value']
def get_network_type(self):
return 'virtual'