Compare commits


No commits in common. "main" and "v0.3.2" have entirely different histories.
main ... v0.3.2

68 changed files with 1474 additions and 18687 deletions

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
use nix

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
**Configuration file**
Paste here your netbox agent configuration file
- OS: [e.g. Ubuntu 18.04]
- Netbox agent version [e.g. master, v0.6.0]
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -179,8 +179,3 @@ dmypy.json
# End of,python

View file

@ -2,23 +2,20 @@ sudo: false
dist: xenial
language: python
- docker
- python: 3.5
env: TOXENV=pytest
env: TOXENV=py35
- python: 3.6
env: TOXENV=pytest
env: TOXENV=py36
- python: 3.7
env: TOXENV=pytest
env: TOXENV=py37
- python: pypy3
env: TOXENV=pytest
env: TOXENV=pypy3
- python: 3.5
env: TOXENV=flake8
env: TOXENV=pep8
- python: 3.7
env: TOXENV=flake8
env: TOXENV=pep8
@ -26,7 +23,7 @@ cache:
- pip install tox
- if [[ $TOXENV == pytest ]]; then pip install coveralls; fi
- if [[ $TOXENV == py* ]]; then pip install coveralls; fi
- tox
@ -35,4 +32,4 @@ notifications:
email: false
- if [[ $TOXENV == pytest ]]; then coveralls; fi
- if [[ $TOXENV == py* ]]; then coveralls; fi

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
include requirements.txt

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Netbox agent [![Build Status](](
# Netbox agent
This project aims to create hardware automatically into [Netbox]( based on standard tools (dmidecode, lldpd, parsing /sys/, etc).
@ -6,22 +7,21 @@ The goal is to generate an existing infrastructure on Netbox and have the abilit
# Features
* Create virtual machines, servers, chassis and blade through standard tools (`dmidecode`)
* Create servers, chassis and blade through standard tools (`dmidecode`)
* Create physical, bonding and vlan network interfaces with IPs (IPv4 & IPv6)
* Create IPMI interface if found
* Create or get existing VLAN and associate it to interfaces
* Generic ability to guess datacenters and rack location through drivers (`cmd` and `file` and custom ones)
* Update existing `Device` and `Interface`
* Handle blade moving (new slot, new chassis)
* Handle blade GPU expansions
* Automatic cabling (server's interface to switch's interface) using lldp
* Local inventory using `Inventory Item` for CPU, GPU, RAM, RAID cards, physical disks (behind raid cards)
* Local inventory using `Inventory Item` for CPU, RAM, RAID cards, physical disks (behind raid cards)
* PSUs creation and power consumption reporting (based on vendor's tools)
# Requirements
- Netbox >= 3.7
- Python >= 3.7
- Netbox >= 2.6
- Python >= 3.4
- [pynetbox](
- [python3-netaddr](
- [python3-netifaces](
@ -33,112 +33,35 @@ The goal is to generate an existing infrastructure on Netbox and have the abilit
- lldpd
- lshw
## Inventory requirement
- hpassacli
- storcli
- omreport
# Known limitations
# Installation
# pip3 install netbox-agent
# Usage
The agent can be run from a shell and get its configuration from either the configuration file or environment variables.
Configuration values are overridden based on the following precedence: command line arguments (might include config file) > environment variables > default config file > defaults.
# netbox_agent -c /etc/netbox_agent.yaml --register
INFO:root:Creating chassis blade (serial: QTFCQ574502EF)
INFO:root:Creating blade (serial: QTFCQ574502D2) myserver on chassis QTFCQ574502EF
INFO:root:Setting device (QTFCQ574502D2) new slot on Slot 9 (Chassis QTFCQ574502EF)..
INFO:root:Interface a8:1e:84:f2:9e:6a not found, creating..
INFO:root:Creating NIC enp1s0f1 (a8:1e:84:f2:9e:6a) on myserver
INFO:root:Interface 02:42:7a:89:cf:a4 not found, creating..
INFO:root:Creating NIC br-07ea1e4a2f0e (02:42:7a:89:cf:a4) on myserver
INFO:root:Create new IP on br-07ea1e4a2f0e
INFO:root:Interface a8:1e:84:f2:9e:69 not found, creating..
INFO:root:Creating NIC enp1s0f0 (a8:1e:84:f2:9e:69) on myserver
INFO:root:Create new IP on enp1s0f0
INFO:root:Create new IP fe80::aa1e:84ff:fef2:9e69/64 on enp1s0f0
INFO:root:Interface a8:1e:84:cd:9d:d6 not found, creating..
INFO:root:Creating NIC IPMI (a8:1e:84:cd:9d:d6) on myserver
INFO:root:Create new IP on IPMI
If you need, you can update only specific informations like:
* Network
* Inventory
* Location
* PSUs
# ip a add dev enp1s0f1
# netbox_agent -c /etc/netbox_agent.yaml --update-network
INFO:root:Create new IP on enp1s0f1
# netbox_agent --update-inventory
INFO:root:Creating Disk Samsung SSD 850 S2RBNX0K101698D
* The project is only compatible with Linux.
Since it uses `ethtool` and parses `/sys/` directory, it's not compatible with *BSD distributions.
* Netbox `>=2.6.0,<=2.6.2` has a caching problem ; if the cache lifetime is too high, the script can get stale data after modification.
We advise to set `CACHE_TIME` to `0`.
# Configuration
# Netbox configuration
url: ''
token: supersecrettoken
# uncomment to disable ssl verification
# ssl_verify: false
# uncomment to use the system's CA certificates
# ssl_ca_certs_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
# Network configuration
# Regex to ignore interfaces
ignore_interfaces: "(dummy.*|docker.*)"
# Regex to ignore IP addresses
ignore_ips: (127\.0\.0\..*)
# enable auto-cabling by parsing LLDP answers
# enable auto-cabling
lldp: true
# You can use these to change the Netbox roles.
# These are the defaults.
# chassis_role: "Server Chassis"
# blade_role: "Blade"
# server_role: "Server"
# tags: server, blade, ,just a comma,delimited,list
# custom_fields: field1=value1,field2=value2#
# Can use this to set the tenant
# driver: "file:/tmp/tenant"
# regex: "(.*)"
## Enable virtual machine support
# virtual:
# # not mandatory, can be guessed
# enabled: True
# # see
# cluster_name: my_vm_cluster
# Enable datacenter location feature in Netbox
driver: "cmd:cat /etc/qualification | tr [A-Z] [a-z]"
regex: "datacenter: (?P<datacenter>[A-Za-z0-9]+)"
driver: "cmd:cat /etc/qualification | tr [a-z] [A-Z]"
regex: "DATACENTER: (?P<datacenter>[A-Za-z0-9]+)"
# driver: 'cmd:lldpctl'
# regex: 'SysName: .*\.([A-Za-z0-9]+)'
# driver: "file:/tmp/datacenter"
# regex: "(.*)"
# Enable rack location feature in Netbox
# driver: 'cmd:lldpctl'
# match SysName: sw-dist-a1.dc42
@ -147,7 +70,6 @@ rack_location:
# driver: "file:/tmp/datacenter"
# regex: "(.*)"
# Enable local inventory reporting
inventory: true
@ -162,36 +84,6 @@ The `get_blade_slot` method return the name of the `Device Bay`.
Certain vendors don't report the blade slot in `dmidecode`, so we can use the `slot_location` regex feature of the configuration file.
Some blade servers can be equipped with additional hardware using expansion blades, next to the processing blade, such as GPU expansion, or drives bay expansion. By default, the hardware from the expnasion is associated with the blade server itself, but it's possible to register the expansion as its own device using the `--expansion-as-device` command line parameter, or by setting `expansion_as_device` to `true` in the configuration file.
## Drives attributes processing
It is possible to process drives extended attributes such as the drive's physical or logical identifier, logical drive RAID type, size, consistency and so on.
Those attributes as set as `custom_fields` in Netbox, and need to be registered properly before being able to specify them during the inventory phase.
As the custom fields have to be created prior being able to register the disks extended attributes, this feature is only activated using the `--process-virtual-drives` command line parameter, or by setting `process_virtual_drives` to `true` in the configuration file.
The custom fields to create as `DCIM > inventory item` `Text` are described below.
mount_point Mount point Device mount point(s)
pd_identifier Physical disk identifier Physical disk identifier in the RAID controller
vd_array Virtual drive array Virtual drive array the disk is member of
vd_consistency Virtual drive consistency Virtual disk array consistency
vd_device Virtual drive device Virtual drive system device
vd_raid_type Virtual drive RAID Virtual drive array RAID type
vd_size Virtual drive size Virtual drive array size
In the current implementation, the disks attributes ore not updated: if a disk with the correct serial number is found, it's sufficient to consider it as up to date.
To force the reprocessing of the disks extended attributes, the `--force-disk-refresh` command line option can be used: it removes all existing disks to before populating them with the correct parsing. Unless this option is specified, the extended attributes won't be modified unless a disk is replaced.
It is possible to dump the physical/virtual disks map on the filesystem under the JSON notation to ease or automate disks management. The file path has to be provided using the `--dump-disks-map` command line parameter.
## Anycast IP
The default behavior of the agent is to assign an interface to an IP.
@ -203,21 +95,11 @@ In order to handle this case, user need to set Netbox IP's mode to `Anycast` so
Tested on:
## Virtual Machines
* Hyper-V
* VMWare
* VirtualBox
## [Dell Inc.](
## Dell Inc.
### Blades
* PowerEdge MX7000
* PowerEdge M1000e (your `DeviceType` should have slots named `Slot 01` and so on)
* PowerEdge MX740c
* PowerEdge M640
* PowerEdge M630
* PowerEdge M620
@ -227,7 +109,7 @@ Tested on:
* DSS7500
## [HP / HPE](
## HP / HPE
### Blades
@ -235,8 +117,6 @@ Tested on:
* HP ProLiant BL460c Gen8
* HP ProLiant BL460c Gen9
* HP ProLiant BL460c Gen10
* HP ProLiant BL460c Gen10 Graphics Exp its expansion HP ProLiant BL460c Graphics Expansion Blade
* HP Moonshot 1500 Enclosure (your `DeviceType` should have slots batch create with `Bay c[1-45n1]`) with HP ProLiant m750, m710x, m510 Server Cartridge
### Pizzas
@ -245,18 +125,18 @@ Tested on:
* ProLiant SL4540 Gen9
* ProLiant XL450 Gen10
## [Supermicro](
## Supermicro
### Blades
* SBI-* and SBA-* should be supported, but I need dmidecode output example to support automatic blade location
Feel free to send me a dmidecode output for Supermicro's blade!
### Pizzas
* SSG-6028R
* SYS-6018R
## [QCT](
## QCT
### Blades
@ -266,27 +146,6 @@ Tested on:
* Nothing ATM, feel free to send me a dmidecode or make a PR!
# Known limitations
* The project is only compatible with Linux.
Since it uses `ethtool` and parses `/sys/` directory, it's not compatible with *BSD distributions.
* Netbox `>=2.6.0,<=2.6.2` has a caching problem ; if the cache lifetime is too high, the script can get stale data after modification.
We advise to set `CACHE_TIME` to `0`.
# Developing
If you want to run the agent while adding features or just for debugging purposes
# git clone
# cd netbox-agent
# python3 -m netbox_agent.cli --register
On a personal note, I use the docker image from [netbox-community/netbox-docker](
# git clone
# cd netbox-docker
# docker-compose pull
# docker-compose up
- [ ] `CustomFields` support with firmware versions for Device (BIOS), RAID Cards and disks

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
sources ? import ./npins,
pkgs ? import sources.nixpkgs { },
checks = (import sources.git-hooks).run {
src = ./.;
hooks =
commitizen.enable = true;
// (pkgs.lib.genAttrs
(hook: {
enable = true;
stages = [ "pre-push" ];
python3 = pkgs.python3.override {
packageOverrides = self: _: {
netifaces2 = self.callPackage ./nix/netifaces2.nix { };
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
name = "";
packages = [
(python3.withPackages (ps: [
] ++ checks.enabledPackages;
shellHook = ''

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-r requirements.txt

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
url: ''
token: supersecrettoken
# uncomment to disable ssl verification
# ssl_verify: false
ignore_interfaces: "(dummy.*|docker.*)"
@ -10,26 +8,9 @@ network:
# enable auto-cabling
lldp: true
# You can use these to change the roles.
# chassis_role: "Server Chassis"
# blade_role: "Blade"
# server_role: "Server"
# tags: server, blade, ,just a comma,delimited,list
# custom_fields: field1=value1,field2=value2
# Use this to set the tenant
# driver: "file:/tmp/tenant"
# regex: "(.*)"
driver: "cmd:cat /etc/qualification | tr [A-Z] [a-z]"
regex: "datacenter: (?P<datacenter>[A-Za-z0-9]+)"
driver: "cmd:cat /etc/qualification | tr [a-z] [A-Z]"
regex: "DATACENTER: (?P<datacenter>[A-Za-z0-9]+)"
# driver: 'cmd:lldpctl'
# regex: 'SysName: .*\.([A-Za-z0-9]+)'

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError
from importlib.metadata import version as _get_version
from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, get_distribution
__version__ = _get_version(__name__)
except PackageNotFoundError:
__version__ = get_distribution(__name__).version
except DistributionNotFound:

View file

@ -1,63 +1,37 @@
from packaging import version
import netbox_agent.dmidecode as dmidecode
from netbox_agent.config import config
from netbox_agent.config import netbox_instance as nb
from netbox_agent.logging import logging # NOQA
from import DellHost
from netbox_agent.vendors.generic import GenericHost
import netbox_agent.dmidecode as dmidecode
from netbox_agent.config import config
from netbox_agent.vendors.hp import HPHost
from netbox_agent.vendors.qct import QCTHost
from netbox_agent.vendors.supermicro import SupermicroHost
from netbox_agent.virtualmachine import VirtualMachine, is_vm
"Dell Inc.": DellHost,
"HP": HPHost,
"HPE": HPHost,
"Supermicro": SupermicroHost,
"Quanta Cloud Technology Inc.": QCTHost,
"Generic": GenericHost,
'Dell Inc.': DellHost,
'HP': HPHost,
'HPE': HPHost,
'Supermicro': SupermicroHost,
'Quanta Cloud Technology Inc.': QCTHost,
def run(config):
dmi = dmidecode.parse()
manufacturer = dmidecode.get_by_type('Chassis')[0].get('Manufacturer')
server = MANUFACTURERS[manufacturer](dmi=dmidecode)
if config.virtual.enabled or is_vm(dmi):
if not config.virtual.cluster_name:
raise Exception(
"virtual.cluster_name parameter is mandatory because it's a VM"
server = VirtualMachine(dmi=dmi)
manufacturer = dmidecode.get_by_type(dmi, "Chassis")[0].get("Manufacturer")
server = MANUFACTURERS[manufacturer](dmi=dmi)
except KeyError:
server = GenericHost(dmi=dmi)
if version.parse(nb.version) < version.parse("3.7"):
print("netbox-agent is not compatible with Netbox prior to version 3.7")
return False
if (
or config.update_all
or config.update_network
or config.update_location
or config.update_inventory
or config.update_psu
if config.debug:
if config.register:
if config.update_all or config.update_network or config.update_location or \
config.update_inventory or config.update_psu:
return True
def main():
return 0 if run(config) else 1
return run(config)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if __name__ == '__main__':

View file

@ -1,186 +1,66 @@
import logging
import sys
import jsonargparse
import pynetbox
import requests
import urllib3
import jsonargparse
import sys
def get_config():
p = jsonargparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Netbox agent to run on your infrastructure's servers",
p.add_argument("-c", "--config", action=jsonargparse.ActionConfigFile)
p.add_argument('-c', '--config', action=jsonargparse.ActionConfigFile)
"-r", "--register", action="store_true", help="Register server to Netbox"
"-u", "--update-all", action="store_true", help="Update all infos in Netbox"
p.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print debug infos")
p.add_argument("--update-network", action="store_true", help="Update network")
p.add_argument("--update-inventory", action="store_true", help="Update inventory")
p.add_argument("--update-location", action="store_true", help="Update location")
p.add_argument("--update-psu", action="store_true", help="Update PSU")
help="Purge existing (old ?) devices having same name but different serial",
help="Manage blade expansions as external devices",
p.add_argument('-r', '--register', action='store_true', help='Register server to Netbox')
p.add_argument('-u', '--update-all', action='store_true', help='Update all infos in Netbox')
p.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Print debug infos')
p.add_argument('--update-network', action='store_true', help='Update network')
p.add_argument('--update-inventory', action='store_true', help='Update inventory')
p.add_argument('--update-location', action='store_true', help='Update location')
p.add_argument('--update-psu', action='store_true', help='Update PSU')
p.add_argument("--log_level", default="debug")
p.add_argument("--netbox.ssl_ca_certs_file", help="SSL CA certificates file")
p.add_argument("--netbox.url", help="Netbox URL")
p.add_argument("--netbox.token", help="Netbox API Token")
help="Disable SSL verification",
"--virtual.enabled", action="store_true", help="Is a virtual machine or not"
p.add_argument("--virtual.cluster_name", help="Cluster name of VM")
help="Command to output hostname, used as Device's name in netbox",
help="Override device platform. Here we use OS distribution.",
p.add_argument("--device.tags", default=r"", help="tags to use for a host")
help="Append new unique tags, preserve those already present",
help="custom_fields to use for a host, eg: field1=v1,field2=v2",
"--device.blade_role", default=r"Blade", help="role to use for a blade server"
default=r"Server Chassis",
help="role to use for a chassis",
"--device.server_role", default=r"Server", help="role to use for a server"
p.add_argument("--tenant.driver", help="tenant driver, ie cmd, file")
p.add_argument("--tenant.driver_file", help="tenant driver custom driver file path")
p.add_argument("--tenant.regex", help="tenant regex to extract Netbox tenant slug")
"--datacenter_location.driver", help="Datacenter location driver, ie: cmd, file"
help="Datacenter location custom driver file path",
help="Datacenter location regex to extract Netbox DC slug",
p.add_argument("--rack_location.driver", help="Rack location driver, ie: cmd, file")
"--rack_location.driver_file", help="Rack location custom driver file path"
"--rack_location.regex", help="Rack location regex to extract Rack name"
p.add_argument("--slot_location.driver", help="Slot location driver, ie: cmd, file")
"--slot_location.driver_file", help="Slot location custom driver file path"
"--slot_location.regex", help="Slot location regex to extract slot name"
help="Regex to ignore interfaces",
help="Regex to ignore IPs",
"--network.ipmi", default=True, help="Enable gathering IPMI information"
"--network.lldp", help="Enable auto-cabling feature through LLDP infos"
help="Enable HW inventory (CPU, Memory, RAID Cards, Disks) feature",
help="Process virtual drives information from RAID "
"controllers to fill disk custom_fields",
help="Forces disks detection reprocessing",
"--dump-disks-map", help="File path to dump physical/virtual disks map"
p.add_argument('--log_level', default='debug')
p.add_argument('--netbox.url', help='Netbox URL')
p.add_argument('--netbox.token', help='Netbox API Token')
help='Datacenter location driver, ie: cmd, file')
help='Datacenter location custom driver file path')
help='Datacenter location regex to extract Netbox DC slug')
p.add_argument('--rack_location.driver', help='Rack location driver, ie: cmd, file')
p.add_argument('--rack_location.driver_file', help='Rack location custom driver file path')
p.add_argument('--rack_location.regex', help='Rack location regex to extract Rack name')
p.add_argument('--slot_location.driver', help='Slot location driver, ie: cmd, file')
p.add_argument('--slot_location.driver_file', help='Slot location custom driver file path')
p.add_argument('--slot_location.regex', help='Slot location regex to extract slot name')
p.add_argument('--network.ignore_interfaces', default=r'(dummy.*|docker.*)',
help='Regex to ignore interfaces')
p.add_argument('--network.ignore_ips', default=r'^(127\.0\.0\..*|fe80.*|::1.*)',
help='Regex to ignore IPs')
p.add_argument('--network.lldp', help='Enable auto-cabling feature through LLDP infos')
p.add_argument('--inventory', action='store_true',
help='Enable HW inventory (CPU, Memory, RAID Cards, Disks) feature')
options = p.parse_args()
return options
config = get_config()
def get_netbox_instance():
config = get_config()
if config.netbox.url is None or config.netbox.token is None:
logging.error("Netbox URL and token are mandatory")
logging.error('Netbox URL and token are mandatory')
nb = pynetbox.api(
return pynetbox.api(
ca_certs_file = config.netbox.ssl_ca_certs_file
if ca_certs_file is not None:
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = ca_certs_file
nb.http_session = session
elif config.netbox.ssl_verify is False:
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
nb.http_session = session
return nb
config = get_config()
netbox_instance = get_netbox_instance()

View file

@ -1,83 +1,78 @@
import logging
import re as _re
import subprocess as _subprocess
import sys
from netbox_agent.misc import is_tool
import logging
_handle_re = _re.compile(
_in_block_re = _re.compile("^\\t\\t(.+)$")
_record_re = _re.compile("\\t(.+):\\s+(.+)$")
_record2_re = _re.compile("\\t(.+):$")
_handle_re = _re.compile('^Handle\\s+(.+),\\s+DMI\\s+type\\s+(\\d+),\\s+(\\d+)\\s+bytes$')
_in_block_re = _re.compile('^\\t\\t(.+)$')
_record_re = _re.compile('\\t(.+):\\s+(.+)$')
_record2_re = _re.compile('\\t(.+):$')
_type2str = {
0: "BIOS",
1: "System",
2: "Baseboard",
3: "Chassis",
4: "Processor",
5: "Memory Controller",
6: "Memory Module",
7: "Cache",
8: "Port Connector",
9: "System Slots",
10: " On Board Devices",
11: " OEM Strings",
12: " System Configuration Options",
13: " BIOS Language",
14: " Group Associations",
15: " System Event Log",
16: " Physical Memory Array",
17: " Memory Device",
18: " 32-bit Memory Error",
19: " Memory Array Mapped Address",
20: " Memory Device Mapped Address",
21: " Built-in Pointing Device",
22: " Portable Battery",
23: " System Reset",
24: " Hardware Security",
25: " System Power Controls",
26: " Voltage Probe",
27: " Cooling Device",
28: " Temperature Probe",
29: " Electrical Current Probe",
30: " Out-of-band Remote Access",
31: " Boot Integrity Services",
32: " System Boot",
33: " 64-bit Memory Error",
34: " Management Device",
35: " Management Device Component",
36: " Management Device Threshold Data",
37: " Memory Channel",
38: " IPMI Device",
39: " Power Supply",
40: " Additional Information",
41: " Onboard Devices Extended Information",
42: " Management Controller Host Interface",
0: 'BIOS',
1: 'System',
2: 'Baseboard',
3: 'Chassis',
4: 'Processor',
5: 'Memory Controller',
6: 'Memory Module',
7: 'Cache',
8: 'Port Connector',
9: 'System Slots',
10: ' On Board Devices',
11: ' OEM Strings',
12: ' System Configuration Options',
13: ' BIOS Language',
14: ' Group Associations',
15: ' System Event Log',
16: ' Physical Memory Array',
17: ' Memory Device',
18: ' 32-bit Memory Error',
19: ' Memory Array Mapped Address',
20: ' Memory Device Mapped Address',
21: ' Built-in Pointing Device',
22: ' Portable Battery',
23: ' System Reset',
24: ' Hardware Security',
25: ' System Power Controls',
26: ' Voltage Probe',
27: ' Cooling Device',
28: ' Temperature Probe',
29: ' Electrical Current Probe',
30: ' Out-of-band Remote Access',
31: ' Boot Integrity Services',
32: ' System Boot',
33: ' 64-bit Memory Error',
34: ' Management Device',
35: ' Management Device Component',
36: ' Management Device Threshold Data',
37: ' Memory Channel',
38: ' IPMI Device',
39: ' Power Supply',
40: ' Additional Information',
41: ' Onboard Devices Extended Information',
42: ' Management Controller Host Interface'
_str2type = {}
for type_id, type_str in _type2str.items():
_str2type[type_str] = type_id
def parse(output=None):
def parse():
parse the full output of the dmidecode
command and return a dic containing the parsed information
if output:
buffer = output
buffer = _execute_cmd()
if isinstance(buffer, bytes):
buffer = buffer.decode("utf-8")
buffer = buffer.decode('utf-8')
_data = _parse(buffer)
return _data
def get_by_type(data, type_id):
def get_by_type(type_id):
filter the output of dmidecode per type
@ -129,33 +124,27 @@ def get_by_type(data, type_id):
if type_id is None:
return None
data = parse()
result = []
for entry in data.values():
if entry["DMIType"] == type_id:
if entry['DMIType'] == type_id:
return result
def _execute_cmd():
if not is_tool("dmidecode"):
"Dmidecode does not seem to be present on your system. Add it your path or "
"check the compatibility of this project with your distro."
if not is_tool('dmidecode'):
logging.error('Dmidecode does not seem to be present on your system. Add it your path or '
'check the compatibility of this project with your distro.')
return _subprocess.check_output(
return _subprocess.check_output(['dmidecode', ], stderr=_subprocess.PIPE)
def _parse(buffer):
output_data = {}
# Each record is separated by double newlines
split_output = buffer.split("\n\n")
split_output = buffer.split('\n\n')
for record in split_output:
record_element = record.splitlines()
@ -173,21 +162,21 @@ def _parse(buffer):
dmi_handle = handle_data[0]
output_data[dmi_handle] = {}
output_data[dmi_handle]["DMIType"] = int(handle_data[1])
output_data[dmi_handle]["DMISize"] = int(handle_data[2])
output_data[dmi_handle]['DMIType'] = int(handle_data[1])
output_data[dmi_handle]['DMISize'] = int(handle_data[2])
# Okay, we know 2nd line == name
output_data[dmi_handle]["DMIName"] = record_element[1]
output_data[dmi_handle]['DMIName'] = record_element[1]
in_block_elemet = ""
in_block_list = ""
in_block_elemet = ''
in_block_list = ''
# Loop over the rest of the record, gathering values
for i in range(2, len(record_element), 1):
if i >= len(record_element):
# Check whether we are inside a \t\t block
if in_block_elemet != "":
if in_block_elemet != '':
in_block_data = _in_block_re.findall(record_element[i])
if in_block_data:
@ -201,7 +190,7 @@ def _parse(buffer):
# We are out of the \t\t block; reset it again, and let
# the parsing continue
in_block_elemet = ""
in_block_elemet = ''
record_data = _record_re.findall(record_element[i])
@ -217,7 +206,7 @@ def _parse(buffer):
# This is an array of data - let the loop know we are inside
# an array block
in_block_elemet = record_data2[0]
in_block_list = ""
in_block_list = ''

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import re
def get(value, regex):
for line in open(value, "r"):
for line in open(value, 'r'):
r =, line)
if r and len(r.groups()) > 0:
return r.groups()[0]

View file

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
import re
import subprocess
from shutil import which
import subprocess
# Originally from
# mapping fields from ethtool output to simple names
field_map = {
"Supported ports": "ports",
"Supported link modes": "sup_link_modes",
"Supports auto-negotiation": "sup_autoneg",
"Advertised link modes": "adv_link_modes",
"Advertised auto-negotiation": "adv_autoneg",
"Speed": "speed",
"Duplex": "duplex",
"Port": "port",
"Auto-negotiation": "autoneg",
"Link detected": "link",
'Supported ports': 'ports',
'Supported link modes': 'sup_link_modes',
'Supports auto-negotiation': 'sup_autoneg',
'Advertised link modes': 'adv_link_modes',
'Advertised auto-negotiation': 'adv_autoneg',
'Speed': 'speed',
'Duplex': 'duplex',
'Port': 'port',
'Auto-negotiation': 'autoneg',
'Link detected': 'link',
@ -25,13 +25,12 @@ def merge_two_dicts(x, y):
return z
class Ethtool:
class Ethtool():
This class aims to parse ethtool output
There is several bindings to have something proper, but it requires
compilation and other requirements.
def __init__(self, interface, *args, **kwargs):
self.interface = interface
@ -40,40 +39,39 @@ class Ethtool:
parse ethtool output
output = subprocess.getoutput("ethtool {}".format(self.interface))
output = subprocess.getoutput('ethtool {}'.format(self.interface))
fields = {}
field = ""
fields["speed"] = "-"
fields["link"] = "-"
fields["duplex"] = "-"
for line in output.split("\n")[1:]:
field = ''
fields['speed'] = '-'
fields['link'] = '-'
fields['duplex'] = '-'
for line in output.split('\n')[1:]:
line = line.rstrip()
r = line.find(":")
r = line.find(':')
if r > 0:
field = line[:r].strip()
if field not in field_map:
field = field_map[field]
output = line[r + 1 :].strip()
output = line[r+1:].strip()
fields[field] = output
if len(field) > 0 and field in field_map:
fields[field] += " " + line.strip()
if len(field) > 0 and \
field in field_map:
fields[field] += ' ' + line.strip()
return fields
def _parse_ethtool_module_output(self):
status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(
"ethtool -m {}".format(self.interface)
if status == 0:
r ="Identifier.*\((\w+)\)", output)
if r and len(r.groups()) > 0:
return {"form_factor": r.groups()[0]}
status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput('ethtool -m {}'.format(self.interface))
if status != 0:
return {}
r ='Identifier.*\((\w+)\)', output)
if r and len(r.groups()) > 0:
return {'form_factor': r.groups()[0]}
def parse(self):
if which("ethtool") is None:
if which('ethtool') is None:
return None
output = self._parse_ethtool_output()

View file

@ -1,31 +1,24 @@
import json
import logging
import re
import sys
import traceback
import pynetbox
from netbox_agent.config import config
from netbox_agent.config import netbox_instance as nb
from netbox_agent.lshw import LSHW
from netbox_agent.misc import get_vendor, is_tool
from netbox_agent.config import netbox_instance as nb, config
from netbox_agent.misc import is_tool, get_vendor
from import HPRaid
from import OmreportRaid
from import StorcliRaid
from netbox_agent.lshw import LSHW
"cpu": {"name": "hw:cpu", "slug": "hw-cpu"},
"gpu": {"name": "hw:gpu", "slug": "hw-gpu"},
"disk": {"name": "hw:disk", "slug": "hw-disk"},
"interface": {"name": "hw:interface", "slug": "hw-interface"},
"memory": {"name": "hw:memory", "slug": "hw-memory"},
"motherboard": {"name": "hw:motherboard", "slug": "hw-motherboard"},
"raid_card": {"name": "hw:raid_card", "slug": "hw-raid-card"},
'cpu': {'name': 'hw:cpu', 'slug': 'hw-cpu'},
'disk': {'name': 'hw:disk', 'slug': 'hw-disk'},
'interface': {'name': 'hw:interface', 'slug': 'hw-interface'},
'memory': {'name': 'hw:memory', 'slug': 'hw-memory'},
'motherboard': {'name': 'hw:motherboard', 'slug': 'hw-motherboard'},
'raid_card': {'name': 'hw:raid_card', 'slug': 'hw-raid-card'},
class Inventory:
class Inventory():
Better Inventory items coming, see:
@ -36,7 +29,6 @@ class Inventory:
* cpu
* raid cards
* disks
* gpus
methods that:
* get local item
@ -49,11 +41,10 @@ class Inventory:
- no scan of NVMe devices
def __init__(self, server, update_expansion=False):
def __init__(self, server):
self.server = server
self.update_expansion = update_expansion
netbox_server = self.server.get_netbox_server(update_expansion)
netbox_server = self.server.get_netbox_server()
self.device_id = if netbox_server else None = None
@ -62,17 +53,16 @@ class Inventory:
self.lshw = LSHW()
def create_netbox_tags(self):
ret = []
for key, tag in INVENTORY_TAG.items():
nb_tag = nb.extras.tags.get(name=tag["name"])
nb_tag = nb.extras.tags.get(
if not nb_tag:
nb_tag = nb.extras.tags.create(
return ret
def find_or_create_manufacturer(self, name):
if name is None:
@ -82,28 +72,29 @@ class Inventory:
if not manufacturer:"Creating missing manufacturer {name}".format(name=name))'Creating missing manufacturer {name}'.format(name=name))
manufacturer = nb.dcim.manufacturers.create(
slug=re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "-", name).lower(),
slug=name.replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '').lower(),
)"Creating missing manufacturer {name}".format(name=name))'Creating missing manufacturer {name}'.format(name=name))
return manufacturer
def get_netbox_inventory(self, device_id, tag):
items = nb.dcim.inventory_items.filter(device_id=device_id, tag=tag)
items = nb.dcim.inventory_items.filter(
except pynetbox.core.query.RequestError:"Tag {tag} is missing, returning empty array.".format(tag=tag))'Tag {tag} is missing, returning empty array.'.format(tag=tag))
items = []
return list(items)
return items
def create_netbox_inventory_item(
self, device_id, tags, vendor, name, serial, description
def create_netbox_inventory_item(self, device_id, tags, vendor, name, serial, description):
manufacturer = self.find_or_create_manufacturer(vendor)
_ = nb.dcim.inventory_items.create(
@ -111,25 +102,26 @@ class Inventory:,
"Creating inventory item {} {}/{} {} ".format(
vendor, name, serial, description
)'Creating inventory item {} {}/{} {} '.format(
def get_hw_motherboards(self):
motherboards = []
m = {}
m["serial"] = self.lshw.motherboard_serial
m["vendor"] = self.lshw.vendor
m["name"] = "{} {}".format(self.lshw.vendor, self.lshw.motherboard)
m["description"] = "{} Motherboard".format(self.lshw.motherboard)
m['serial'] = self.lshw.motherboard_serial
m['vendor'] = self.lshw.vendor
m['name'] = '{} {}'.format(self.lshw.vendor, self.lshw.motherboard)
m['description'] = '{} Motherboard'.format(self.lshw.motherboard)
@ -139,29 +131,27 @@ class Inventory:
motherboards = self.get_hw_motherboards()
nb_motherboards = self.get_netbox_inventory(
device_id=self.device_id, tag=INVENTORY_TAG["motherboard"]["slug"]
for nb_motherboard in nb_motherboards:
if nb_motherboard.serial not in [x["serial"] for x in motherboards]:
"Deleting unknown motherboard {motherboard}/{serial}".format(
if nb_motherboard.serial not in [x['serial'] for x in motherboards]:'Deleting unknown motherboard {vendor} {motherboard}/{serial}'.format(
# create interfaces that are not in netbox
for motherboard in motherboards:
if motherboard.get("serial") not in [x.serial for x in nb_motherboards]:
if motherboard.get('serial') not in [x.serial for x in nb_motherboards]:
tags=[{"name": INVENTORY_TAG["motherboard"]["name"]}],
vendor="{}".format(motherboard.get("vendor", "N/A")),
serial="{}".format(motherboard.get("serial", "No SN")),
vendor='{}'.format(motherboard.get('vendor', 'N/A')),
serial='{}'.format(motherboard.get('serial', 'No SN')),
def create_netbox_interface(self, iface):
@ -170,93 +160,82 @@ class Inventory:
tags=[{"name": INVENTORY_TAG["interface"]["name"]}],
description="{} {}".format(iface["description"], iface["name"]),
description='{} {}'.format(iface['description'], iface['name'])
def do_netbox_interfaces(self):
nb_interfaces = self.get_netbox_inventory(
device_id=self.device_id, tag=INVENTORY_TAG["interface"]["slug"]
interfaces = self.lshw.interfaces
# delete interfaces that are in netbox but not locally
# use the serial_number has the comparison element
for nb_interface in nb_interfaces:
if nb_interface.serial not in [x["serial"] for x in interfaces]:
"Deleting unknown interface {serial}".format(
if nb_interface.serial not in [x['serial'] for x in interfaces]:'Deleting unknown interface {serial}'.format(
# create interfaces that are not in netbox
for iface in interfaces:
if iface.get("serial") not in [x.serial for x in nb_interfaces]:
if iface.get('serial') not in [x.serial for x in nb_interfaces]:
def create_netbox_cpus(self):
for cpu in self.lshw.get_hw_linux("cpu"):
for cpu in self.lshw.get_hw_linux('cpu'):
manufacturer = self.find_or_create_manufacturer(cpu["vendor"])
_ = nb.dcim.inventory_items.create(
tags=[{"name": INVENTORY_TAG["cpu"]["name"]}],
description="CPU {}".format(cpu["location"]),
description='CPU {}'.format(cpu['location']),
# asset_tag=cpu['location']
)"Creating CPU model {}".format(cpu["product"]))'Creating CPU model {}'.format(cpu['product']))
def do_netbox_cpus(self):
cpus = self.lshw.get_hw_linux("cpu")
cpus = self.lshw.get_hw_linux('cpu')
nb_cpus = self.get_netbox_inventory(
if not len(nb_cpus) or len(nb_cpus) and len(cpus) != len(nb_cpus):
if not len(nb_cpus) or \
len(nb_cpus) and len(cpus) != len(nb_cpus):
for x in nb_cpus:
def get_raid_cards(self, filter_cards=False):
raid_class = None
if self.server.manufacturer in ("Dell", "Huawei"):
if is_tool("omreport"):
raid_class = OmreportRaid
if is_tool("storcli"):
raid_class = StorcliRaid
elif self.server.manufacturer in ("HP", "HPE"):
if is_tool("ssacli"):
raid_class = HPRaid
def get_raid_cards(self):
if self.server.manufacturer == 'Dell':
if is_tool('omreport'): = OmreportRaid()
if is_tool('storcli'): = StorcliRaid()
elif self.server.manufacturer == 'HP':
if is_tool('ssacli'): = HPRaid()
if not raid_class:
if not
return [] = raid_class()
if (
and config.expansion_as_device
and self.server.own_expansion_slot()
return [
for c in
if c.is_external() is self.update_expansion
controllers =
if len(
return controllers
def create_netbox_raid_card(self, raid_card):
manufacturer = self.find_or_create_manufacturer(raid_card.get_manufacturer())
manufacturer = self.find_or_create_manufacturer(
name = raid_card.get_product_name()
serial = raid_card.get_serial_number()
@ -264,17 +243,15 @@ class Inventory:
discovered=True, if manufacturer else None,
tags=[{"name": INVENTORY_TAG["raid_card"]["name"]}],
description="RAID Card",
description='RAID Card',
"Creating RAID Card {name} (SN: {serial})".format('Creating RAID Card {name} (SN: {serial})'.format(
return nb_raid_card
def do_netbox_raid_cards(self):
@ -289,19 +266,18 @@ class Inventory:
nb_raid_cards = self.get_netbox_inventory(
device_id=self.device_id, tag=[INVENTORY_TAG["raid_card"]["slug"]]
raid_cards = self.get_raid_cards(filter_cards=True)
raid_cards = self.get_raid_cards()
# delete cards that are in netbox but not locally
# use the serial_number has the comparison element
for nb_raid_card in nb_raid_cards:
if nb_raid_card.serial not in [x.get_serial_number() for x in raid_cards]:
"Deleting unknown locally RAID Card {serial}".format('Deleting unknown locally RAID Card {serial}'.format(
# create card that are not in netbox
@ -309,70 +285,56 @@ class Inventory:
if raid_card.get_serial_number() not in [x.serial for x in nb_raid_cards]:
def is_virtual_disk(self, disk, raid_devices):
disk_type = disk.get("type")
logicalname = disk.get("logicalname")
description = disk.get("description")
size = disk.get("size")
product = disk.get("product")
if (
logicalname in raid_devices
or disk_type is None
or product is None
or description is None
return True
def is_virtual_disk(self, disk):
logicalname = disk.get('logicalname')
description = disk.get('description')
size = disk.get('size')
product = disk.get('product')
non_raid_disks = [
if (
logicalname in raid_devices
or product in non_raid_disks
or "virtual" in product.lower()
or "logical" in product.lower()
or "volume" in description.lower()
or "dvd-ram" in description.lower()
or description == "SCSI Enclosure"
or (size is None and logicalname is None)
if size is None and logicalname is None or \
'virtual' in product.lower() or 'logical' in product.lower() or \
product in non_raid_disks or \
description == 'SCSI Enclosure' or \
'volume' in description.lower():
return True
return False
def get_hw_disks(self):
disks = []
for raid_card in self.get_raid_cards(filter_cards=True):
raid_devices = [
d.get("custom_fields", {}).get("vd_device")
for d in disks
if d.get("custom_fields", {}).get("vd_device")
for disk in self.lshw.get_hw_linux("storage"):
if self.is_virtual_disk(disk, raid_devices):
if self.is_virtual_disk(disk):
size = round(int(disk.get("size", 0)) / 1073741824, 1)
d = {
"name": "",
"Size": "{} GB".format(size),
"logicalname": disk.get("logicalname"),
"description": disk.get("description"),
"SN": disk.get("serial"),
"Model": disk.get("product"),
"Type": disk.get("type"),
if disk.get("vendor"):
d["Vendor"] = disk["vendor"]
logicalname = disk.get('logicalname')
description = disk.get('description')
size = disk.get('size', 0)
product = disk.get('product')
serial = disk.get('serial')
d = {}
d["name"] = ""
d['Size'] = '{} GB'.format(int(size/1024/1024/1024))
d['logicalname'] = logicalname
d['description'] = description
d['SN'] = serial
d['Model'] = product
if disk.get('vendor'):
d['Vendor'] = disk['vendor']
d["Vendor"] = get_vendor(disk["product"])
d['Vendor'] = get_vendor(disk['product'])
for raid_card in self.get_raid_cards():
disks += raid_card.get_physical_disks()
# remove duplicate serials
seen = set()
uniq = [x for x in disks if x["SN"] not in seen and not seen.add(x["SN"])]
uniq = [x for x in disks if x['SN'] not in seen and not seen.add(x['SN'])]
return uniq
def create_netbox_disk(self, disk):
@ -380,184 +342,115 @@ class Inventory:
if "Vendor" in disk:
manufacturer = self.find_or_create_manufacturer(disk["Vendor"])
name = "{} ({})".format(disk["Model"], disk["Size"])
description = disk["Type"]
sn = disk.get("SN", "unknown")
parms = {
"device": self.device_id,
"discovered": True,
"tags": [{"name": INVENTORY_TAG["disk"]["name"]}],
"name": name,
"serial": sn,
"part_id": disk["Model"],
"description": description,
"manufacturer": getattr(manufacturer, "id", None),
if config.process_virtual_drives:
parms["custom_fields"] = disk.get("custom_fields", {})
_ = nb.dcim.inventory_items.create(**parms)
"Creating Disk {model} {serial}".format(
def dump_disks_map(self, disks):
disk_map = [d["custom_fields"] for d in disks if "custom_fields" in d]
if config.dump_disks_map == "-":
f = sys.stdout
logicalname = disk.get('logicalname')
desc = disk.get('description')
# nonraid disk
if logicalname and desc:
if type(logicalname) is list:
logicalname = logicalname[0]
name = '{} - {} ({})'.format(
disk.get('Size', 0))
description = 'Device {}'.format(disk.get('logicalname', 'Unknown'))
f = open(config.dump_disks_map, "w")
f.write(json.dumps(disk_map, separators=(",", ":"), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
if config.dump_disks_map != "-":
name = '{} ({})'.format(disk['Model'], disk['Size'])
description = '{}'.format(disk['Type'])
_ = nb.dcim.inventory_items.create(
description=description, if manufacturer else None
)'Creating Disk {model} {serial}'.format(
def do_netbox_disks(self):
nb_disks = self.get_netbox_inventory(
device_id=self.device_id, tag=INVENTORY_TAG["disk"]["slug"]
disks = self.get_hw_disks()
if config.dump_disks_map:
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed to dump disks map: {}".format(e))
disk_serials = [d["SN"] for d in disks if "SN" in d]
# delete disks that are in netbox but not locally
# use the serial_number has the comparison element
for nb_disk in nb_disks:
if nb_disk.serial not in disk_serials or config.force_disk_refresh:
"Deleting unknown locally Disk {serial}".format(
if nb_disk.serial not in [x['SN'] for x in disks if x.get('SN')]:'Deleting unknown locally Disk {serial}'.format(
if config.force_disk_refresh:
nb_disks = self.get_netbox_inventory(
device_id=self.device_id, tag=INVENTORY_TAG["disk"]["slug"]
# create disks that are not in netbox
for disk in disks:
if disk.get("SN") not in [d.serial for d in nb_disks]:
if disk.get('SN') not in [x.serial for x in nb_disks]:
def create_netbox_memory(self, memory):
manufacturer = self.find_or_create_manufacturer(memory["vendor"])
name = "Slot {} ({}GB)".format(memory["slot"], memory["size"])
manufacturer = self.find_or_create_manufacturer(memory['vendor'])
name = 'Slot {} ({}GB)'.format(memory['slot'], memory['size'])
nb_memory = nb.dcim.inventory_items.create(
tags=[{"name": INVENTORY_TAG["memory"]["name"]}],
"Creating Memory {location} {type} {size}GB".format(
)'Creating Memory {location} {type} {size}GB'.format(
return nb_memory
def do_netbox_memories(self):
memories = self.lshw.memories
nb_memories = self.get_netbox_inventory(
device_id=self.device_id, tag=INVENTORY_TAG["memory"]["slug"]
for nb_memory in nb_memories:
if nb_memory.serial not in [x["serial"] for x in memories]:
"Deleting unknown locally Memory {serial}".format(
if nb_memory.serial not in [x['serial'] for x in memories]:'Deleting unknown locally Memory {serial}'.format(
for memory in memories:
if memory.get("serial") not in [x.serial for x in nb_memories]:
if memory.get('serial') not in [x.serial for x in nb_memories]:
def create_netbox_gpus(self, gpus):
for gpu in gpus:
if "product" in gpu and len(gpu["product"]) > 50:
gpu["product"] = gpu["product"][:48] + ".."
manufacturer = self.find_or_create_manufacturer(gpu["vendor"])
_ = nb.dcim.inventory_items.create(
tags=[{"name": INVENTORY_TAG["gpu"]["name"]}],
)"Creating GPU model {}".format(gpu["product"]))
def is_external_gpu(self, gpu):
is_3d_gpu = gpu["description"].startswith("3D")
return (
and self.server.own_gpu_expansion_slot()
and is_3d_gpu
def do_netbox_gpus(self):
gpus = []
gpu_models = {}
for gpu in self.lshw.get_hw_linux("gpu"):
# Filters GPU if an expansion bay is detected:
# The internal (VGA) GPU only goes into the blade inventory,
# the external (3D) GPU goes into the expansion blade.
if (
and self.update_expansion ^ self.is_external_gpu(gpu)
gpu_models.setdefault(gpu["product"], 0)
gpu_models[gpu["product"]] += 1
nb_gpus = self.get_netbox_inventory(
nb_gpu_models = {}
for gpu in nb_gpus:
nb_gpu_models.setdefault(str(gpu), 0)
nb_gpu_models[str(gpu)] += 1
up_to_date = set(gpu_models) == set(nb_gpu_models)
if not gpus or not up_to_date:
for x in nb_gpus:
if gpus and not up_to_date:
def create_or_update(self):
if config.inventory is None or config.update_inventory is None:
def create(self):
if config.inventory is None:
return False
if self.update_expansion is False:
return True
def update(self):
if config.inventory is None or config.update_inventory is None:
return False
return True

View file

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
import logging
import subprocess
from netaddr import IPNetwork
class IPMI:
class IPMI():
Parse IPMI output
@ -35,43 +33,17 @@ class IPMI:
Bad Password Threshold : Not Available
def __init__(self):
self.ret, self.output = subprocess.getstatusoutput("ipmitool lan print")
self.ret, self.output = subprocess.getstatusoutput('ipmitool lan print')
if self.ret != 0:
logging.error("Cannot get ipmi info: {}".format(self.output))
logging.error('Cannot get ipmi info: {}'.format(self.output))
def parse(self):
_ipmi = {}
if self.ret != 0:
return _ipmi
for line in self.output.splitlines():
key = line.split(":")[0].strip()
if key not in [
"802.1q VLAN ID",
"IP Address",
"Subnet Mask",
"MAC Address",
value = ":".join(line.split(":")[1:]).strip()
_ipmi[key] = value
ret = {}
ret["name"] = "IPMI"
ret["mtu"] = 1500
ret["bonding"] = False
ret["mac"] = _ipmi["MAC Address"]
ret["vlan"] = (
int(_ipmi["802.1q VLAN ID"])
if _ipmi["802.1q VLAN ID"] != "Disabled"
else None
ip = _ipmi["IP Address"]
netmask = _ipmi["Subnet Mask"]
address = str(IPNetwork("{}/{}".format(ip, netmask)))
ret["ip"] = [address]
ret["ipmi"] = True
if self.ret != 0:
return ret
for line in self.output.splitlines():
key = line.split(':')[0].strip()
value = ':'.join(line.split(':')[1:]).strip()
ret[key] = value
return ret

View file

@ -1,17 +1,9 @@
import logging
import subprocess
from netbox_agent.misc import is_tool
class LLDP:
def __init__(self, output=None):
if not is_tool("lldpctl"):
logging.debug("lldpd package seems to be missing or daemon not running.")
if output:
self.output = output
self.output = subprocess.getoutput("lldpctl -f keyvalue")
class LLDP():
def __init__(self):
self.output = subprocess.getoutput('lldpctl -f keyvalue') = self.parse()
def parse(self):
@ -19,7 +11,7 @@ class LLDP:
vlans = {}
vid = None
for entry in self.output.splitlines():
if "=" not in entry:
if '=' not in entry:
path, value = entry.strip().split("=", 1)
split_path = path.split(".")
@ -31,41 +23,36 @@ class LLDP:
vlans[interface] = {}
for path_component in path_components:
if not isinstance(current_dict.get(path_component), dict):
current_dict[path_component] = {}
current_dict = current_dict.get(path_component)
if "vlan-id" in path:
current_dict[path_component] = current_dict.get(path_component, {})
current_dict = current_dict[path_component]
if 'vlan-id' in path:
vid = value
vlans[interface][value] = vlans[interface].get(vid, {})
elif path.endswith("vlan"):
vid = value.replace("vlan-", "")
elif path.endswith('vlan'):
vid = value.replace('vlan-', '')
vlans[interface][vid] = vlans[interface].get(vid, {})
elif "pvid" in path:
vlans[interface][vid]["pvid"] = True
if "vlan" not in path:
elif 'pvid' in path:
vlans[interface][vid]['pvid'] = True
if 'vlan' not in path:
current_dict[final] = value
for interface, vlan in vlans.items():
output_dict["lldp"][interface]["vlan"] = vlan
if not output_dict:
logging.debug("No LLDP output, please check your network config.")
output_dict['lldp'][interface]['vlan'] = vlan
return output_dict
def get_switch_ip(self, interface):
# lldp.eth0.chassis.mgmt-ip=
if["lldp"].get(interface) is None:
if['lldp'].get(interface) is None:
return None
def get_switch_port(self, interface):
# lldp.eth0.port.descr=GigabitEthernet1/0/1
if["lldp"].get(interface) is None:
if['lldp'].get(interface) is None:
return None
def get_switch_vlan(self, interface):
# lldp.eth0.vlan.vlan-id=296
if["lldp"].get(interface) is None:
if['lldp'].get(interface) is None:
return None

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import importlib.machinery
from netbox_agent.config import config
class LocationBase:
class LocationBase():
This class is used to guess the location in order to push the information
in Netbox for a `Device`
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ class LocationBase:
There's also a support for an external driver file outside of this project in case
the logic isn't supported here.
def __init__(self, driver, driver_value, driver_file, regex, *args, **kwargs):
self.driver = driver
self.driver_value = driver_value
@ -27,19 +26,15 @@ class LocationBase:
if self.driver_file:
# FIXME: Works with Python 3.3+, support older version?
loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(
"driver_file", self.driver_file
loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('driver_file', self.driver_file)
self.driver = loader.load_module()
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Couldn't import {} as a module".format(self.driver_file)
raise ImportError("Couldn't import {} as a module".format(self.driver_file))
if self.driver:
self.driver = importlib.import_module(
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Driver {} doesn't exists".format(self.driver))
@ -47,40 +42,19 @@ class LocationBase:
def get(self):
if self.driver is None:
return None
if not hasattr(self.driver, "get"):
if not hasattr(self.driver, 'get'):
raise Exception(
"Your driver {} doesn't have a get() function, please fix it".format(
"Your driver {} doesn't have a get() function, please fix it".format(self.driver)
return getattr(self.driver, "get")(self.driver_value, self.regex)
class Tenant(LocationBase):
def __init__(self):
driver = config.tenant.driver.split(":")[0] if config.tenant.driver else None
driver_value = (
if config.tenant.driver
else None
driver_file = config.tenant.driver_file
regex = config.tenant.regex
super().__init__(driver, driver_value, driver_file, regex)
return getattr(self.driver, 'get')(self.driver_value, self.regex)
class Datacenter(LocationBase):
def __init__(self):
driver = (
if config.datacenter_location.driver
else None
driver_value = (
if config.datacenter_location.driver
else None
driver = config.datacenter_location.driver.split(':')[0] if \
config.datacenter_location.driver else None
driver_value = ':'.join(config.datacenter_location.driver.split(':')[1:]) if \
config.datacenter_location.driver else None
driver_file = config.datacenter_location.driver_file
regex = config.datacenter_location.regex
super().__init__(driver, driver_value, driver_file, regex)
@ -88,16 +62,10 @@ class Datacenter(LocationBase):
class Rack(LocationBase):
def __init__(self):
driver = (
if config.rack_location.driver
else None
driver_value = (
if config.rack_location.driver
else None
driver = config.rack_location.driver.split(':')[0] if \
config.rack_location.driver else None
driver_value = ':'.join(config.rack_location.driver.split(':')[1:]) if \
config.rack_location.driver else None
driver_file = config.rack_location.driver_file
regex = config.rack_location.regex
super().__init__(driver, driver_value, driver_file, regex)
@ -105,16 +73,10 @@ class Rack(LocationBase):
class Slot(LocationBase):
def __init__(self):
driver = (
if config.slot_location.driver
else None
driver_value = (
if config.slot_location.driver
else None
driver = config.slot_location.driver.split(':')[0] if \
config.slot_location.driver else None
driver_value = ':'.join(config.slot_location.driver.split(':')[1:]) if \
config.slot_location.driver else None
driver_file = config.slot_location.driver_file
regex = config.slot_location.regex
super().__init__(driver, driver_value, driver_file, regex)

View file

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ import logging
from netbox_agent.config import config
logger = logging.getLogger()
if config.log_level.lower() == "debug":
if config.log_level == 'debug':

View file

@ -1,32 +1,27 @@
import subprocess
import json
import logging
import subprocess
import sys
from netbox_agent.misc import is_tool
class LSHW:
class LSHW():
def __init__(self):
if not is_tool("lshw"):
logging.error("lshw does not seem to be installed")
if not is_tool('lshw'):
logging.error('lshw does not seem to be installed')
data = subprocess.getoutput("lshw -quiet -json")
json_data = json.loads(data)
# Starting from version 02.18, `lshw -json` wraps its result in a list
# rather than returning directly a dictionary
if isinstance(json_data, list):
self.hw_info = json_data[0]
self.hw_info = json_data
data = subprocess.getoutput(
'lshw -quiet -json'
self.hw_info = json.loads(data) = {}
self.memories = []
self.interfaces = []
self.cpus = []
self.power = []
self.disks = []
self.gpus = []
self.vendor = self.hw_info["vendor"]
self.product = self.hw_info["product"]
self.chassis_serial = self.hw_info["serial"]
@ -58,93 +53,63 @@ class LSHW:
def get_hw_linux(self, hwclass):
if hwclass == "cpu":
return self.cpus
if hwclass == "gpu":
return self.gpus
if hwclass == "network":
return self.interfaces
if hwclass == "storage":
if hwclass == 'storage':
return self.disks
if hwclass == "memory":
if hwclass == 'memory':
return self.memories
def find_network(self, obj):
# Some interfaces do not have device (logical) name (eth0, for
# instance), such as not connected network mezzanine cards in blade
# servers. In such situations, the card will be named `unknown[0-9]`.
unkn_intfs = []
for i in self.interfaces:
# newer versions of lshw can return a list of names, see issue #227
if not isinstance(i["name"], list):
if i["name"].startswith("unknown"):
for j in i["name"]:
if j.startswith("unknown"):
d = {}
d["name"] = obj["logicalname"]
d["macaddress"] = obj["serial"]
d["serial"] = obj["serial"]
d["product"] = obj["product"]
d["vendor"] = obj["vendor"]
d["description"] = obj["description"]
unkn_name = "unknown{}".format(len(unkn_intfs))
"name": obj.get("logicalname", unkn_name),
"macaddress": obj.get("serial", ""),
"serial": obj.get("serial", ""),
"product": obj.get("product", "Unknown NIC"),
"vendor": obj.get("vendor", "Unknown"),
"description": obj.get("description", ""),
def find_storage(self, obj):
if "children" in obj:
for device in obj["children"]:
"logicalname": device.get("logicalname"),
"product": device.get("product"),
"serial": device.get("serial"),
"version": device.get("version"),
"size": device.get("size"),
"description": device.get("description"),
"type": device.get("description"),
elif "nvme" in obj["configuration"]["driver"]:
if not is_tool("nvme"):
logging.error("nvme-cli >= 1.0 does not seem to be installed")
nvme = json.loads(
["nvme", "-list", "-o", "json"], encoding="utf8"
for device in nvme["Devices"]:
d = {
"logicalname": device["DevicePath"],
"product": device["ModelNumber"],
"serial": device["SerialNumber"],
"version": device["Firmware"],
"description": "NVME",
"type": "NVME",
if "UsedSize" in device:
d["size"] = device["UsedSize"]
if "UsedBytes" in device:
d["size"] = device["UsedBytes"]
d = {}
d["logicalname"] = device.get("logicalname")
d["product"] = device.get("product")
d["serial"] = device.get("serial")
d["version"] = device.get("version")
d["size"] = device.get("size")
d["description"] = device.get("description")
elif "nvme" in obj["configuration"]["driver"]:
nvme = json.loads(
subprocess.check_output(["nvme", '-list', '-o', 'json'],
encoding='utf8')) # noqa: E128
d = {}
d["vendor"] = obj["vendor"]
d["version"] = obj["version"]
d["product"] = obj["product"]
d['description'] = "NVME Disk"
d['product'] = nvme["Devices"][0]["ModelNumber"]
d['size'] = nvme["Devices"][0]["PhysicalSize"]
d['serial'] = nvme["Devices"][0]["SerialNumber"]
d['logicalname'] = nvme["Devices"][0]["DevicePath"]
except Exception:
def find_cpus(self, obj):
if "product" in obj:
"product": obj.get("product", "Unknown CPU"),
"vendor": obj.get("vendor", "Unknown vendor"),
"description": obj.get("description", ""),
"location": obj.get("slot", ""),
c = {}
c["product"] = obj["product"]
c["vendor"] = obj["vendor"]
c["description"] = obj["description"]
c["location"] = obj["slot"]
def find_memories(self, obj):
if "children" not in obj:
@ -155,26 +120,16 @@ class LSHW:
if "empty" in dimm["description"]:
"slot": dimm.get("slot"),
"description": dimm.get("description"),
"id": dimm.get("id"),
"serial": dimm.get("serial", "N/A"),
"vendor": dimm.get("vendor", "N/A"),
"product": dimm.get("product", "N/A"),
"size": dimm.get("size", 0) / 2**20 / 1024,
d = {}
d["slot"] = dimm.get("slot")
d["description"] = dimm.get("description")
d["id"] = dimm.get("id")
d["serial"] = dimm.get("serial", 'N/A')
d["vendor"] = dimm.get("vendor")
d["product"] = dimm.get("product")
d["size"] = dimm.get("size", 0) / 2 ** 20 / 1024
def find_gpus(self, obj):
if "product" in obj:
infos = {
"product": obj.get("product", "Unknown GPU"),
"vendor": obj.get("vendor", "Unknown"),
"description": obj.get("description", ""),
def walk_bridge(self, obj):
if "children" not in obj:
@ -183,8 +138,6 @@ class LSHW:
for bus in obj["children"]:
if bus["class"] == "storage":
if bus["class"] == "display":
if "children" in bus:
for b in bus["children"]:
@ -192,8 +145,6 @@ class LSHW:
if b["class"] == "network":
if b["class"] == "display":
if __name__ == "__main__":

View file

@ -1,113 +1,29 @@
import re
import socket
import subprocess
from shutil import which
from slugify import slugify
from netbox_agent.config import netbox_instance as nb
def is_tool(name):
"""Check whether `name` is on PATH and marked as executable."""
'''Check whether `name` is on PATH and marked as executable.'''
return which(name) is not None
def get_device_role(role):
device_role = nb.dcim.device_roles.get(name=role)
if device_role is None:
raise Exception('DeviceRole "{}" does not exist, please create it'.format(role))
return device_role
def get_device_type(type):
device_type = nb.dcim.device_types.get(model=type)
if device_type is None:
raise Exception('DeviceType "{}" does not exist, please create it'.format(type))
return device_type
def get_device_platform(device_platform):
if device_platform is None:
# Python 3.8+ moved linux_distribution() to distro
import distro
linux_distribution = " ".join(distro.linux_distribution())
except ImportError:
import platform
linux_distribution = " ".join(platform.linux_distribution())
if not linux_distribution:
return None
except (ModuleNotFoundError, NameError, AttributeError):
return None
linux_distribution = device_platform
device_platform = nb.dcim.platforms.get(name=linux_distribution)
if device_platform is None:
device_platform = nb.dcim.platforms.create(
name=linux_distribution, slug=slugify(linux_distribution)
return device_platform
def get_vendor(name):
vendors = {
"PERC": "Dell",
"SANDISK": "SanDisk",
"DELL": "Dell",
"ST": "Seagate",
"CRUCIAL": "Crucial",
"MICRON": "Micron",
"INTEL": "Intel",
"SAMSUNG": "Samsung",
"EH0": "HP",
"HUH": "HGST",
"MB": "Toshiba",
"MC": "Toshiba",
"MD": "Toshiba",
"MG": "Toshiba",
"WD": "WDC",
'DELL': 'Dell',
'ST': 'Seagate',
'CRUCIAL': 'Crucial',
'MICRON': 'Micron',
'INTEL': 'Intel',
'SAMSUNG': 'Samsung',
'EH0': 'HP',
'HUH': 'HGST',
'MB': 'Toshiba',
'MC': 'Toshiba',
'MD': 'Toshiba',
'MG': 'Toshiba',
'WD': 'WDC'
for key, value in vendors.items():
if name.upper().startswith(key):
return value
return name
def get_hostname(config):
if config.hostname_cmd is None:
return "{}".format(socket.gethostname())
return subprocess.getoutput(config.hostname_cmd)
def create_netbox_tags(tags):
ret = []
for tag in tags:
nb_tag = nb.extras.tags.get(name=tag)
if not nb_tag:
nb_tag = nb.extras.tags.create(
return ret
def get_mount_points():
mount_points = {}
output = subprocess.getoutput("mount")
for r in output.split("\n"):
if not r.startswith("/dev/"):
mount_info = r.split()
device = mount_info[0]
device = re.sub(r"\d+$", "", device)
mp = mount_info[2]
mount_points.setdefault(device, []).append(mp)
return mount_points

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,68 +1,55 @@
import logging
import netbox_agent.dmidecode as dmidecode
from netbox_agent.config import netbox_instance as nb
class PowerSupply:
class PowerSupply():
def __init__(self, server=None):
self.server = server
self.netbox_server = self.server.get_netbox_server()
if self.server.is_blade():
self.device_id = ( if self.netbox_server else None
self.device_id = if self.netbox_server else None
self.device_id = if self.netbox_server else None
def get_power_supply(self):
power_supply = []
for psu in dmidecode.get_by_type(self.server.dmi, PSU_DMI_TYPE):
if "Present" not in psu["Status"] or psu["Status"] == "Not Present":
for psu in self.server.dmi.get_by_type(PSU_DMI_TYPE):
if 'Present' not in psu['Status']:
max_power = int(psu.get("Max Power Capacity").split()[0])
except ValueError:
max_power = None
desc = "{} - {}".format(
psu.get("Manufacturer", "No Manufacturer").strip(),
psu.get("Name", "No name").strip(),
sn = psu.get("Serial Number", "").strip()
# Let's assume that if no serial and no power reported we skip it
if sn == "" and max_power is None:
if sn == "":
sn = "N/A"
"name": sn,
"description": desc,
"allocated_draw": None,
"maximum_draw": max_power,
"device": self.device_id,
max_power = psu.get('Max Power Capacity').split()[0]
desc = '{} - {}'.format(
psu.get('Manufacturer', 'No Manufacturer').strip(),
psu.get('Name', 'No name').strip(),
'name': psu.get('Serial Number', 'No S/N').strip(),
'description': desc,
'allocated_draw': None,
'maximum_draw': int(max_power),
'device': self.device_id,
return power_supply
def get_netbox_power_supply(self):
return nb.dcim.power_ports.filter(device_id=self.device_id)
return nb.dcim.power_ports.filter(
def create_or_update_power_supply(self):
nb_psus = list(self.get_netbox_power_supply())
nb_psus = self.get_netbox_power_supply()
psus = self.get_power_supply()
# Delete unknown PSU
delete = False
for nb_psu in nb_psus:
if not in [x["name"] for x in psus]:
"Deleting unknown locally PSU {name}".format(
if not in [x['name'] for x in psus]:'Deleting unknown locally PSU {name}'.format(
delete = True
@ -71,59 +58,54 @@ class PowerSupply:
# sync existing Netbox PSU with local infos
for nb_psu in nb_psus:
local_psu = next(item for item in psus if item["name"] ==
local_psu = next(
item for item in psus if item['name'] ==
update = False
if nb_psu.description != local_psu["description"]:
if nb_psu.description != local_psu['description']:
update = True
nb_psu.description = local_psu["description"]
if nb_psu.maximum_draw != local_psu["maximum_draw"]:
nb_psu.description = local_psu['description']
if nb_psu.maximum_draw != local_psu['maximum_draw']:
update = True
nb_psu.maximum_draw = local_psu["maximum_draw"]
nb_psu.maximum_draw = local_psu['maximum_draw']
if update:
for psu in psus:
if psu["name"] not in [ for x in nb_psus]:
"Creating PSU {name} ({description}), {maximum_draw}W".format(**psu)
if psu['name'] not in [ for x in nb_psus]:'Creating PSU {name} ({description}), {maximum_draw}W'.format(
nb_psu = nb.dcim.power_ports.create(
nb_psu = nb.dcim.power_ports.create(**psu)
return True
def report_power_consumption(self):
psu_cons = self.server.get_power_consumption()
except NotImplementedError:
logging.error("Cannot report power consumption for this vendor")
return False
nb_psus = self.get_netbox_power_supply()
if not len(nb_psus) or not len(psu_cons):
return False
# find power feeds for rack or dc
voltage = None
pwr_feeds = None
if self.netbox_server.rack:
pwr_feeds = nb.dcim.power_feeds.filter(
if pwr_feeds:
voltage = [p["voltage"] for p in pwr_feeds]
else:"Could not find power feeds for Rack, defaulting value to 230")
voltage = [230 for _ in nb_psus]
pwr_feeds = nb.dcim.power_feeds.filter(
if pwr_feeds is None or not len(pwr_feeds):'Could not find power feeds for Rack, defaulting value to 230')
voltage = 230
for i, nb_psu in enumerate(nb_psus):
nb_psu.allocated_draw = int(float(psu_cons[i]) * voltage[i])
if nb_psu.allocated_draw < 1:"PSU is not connected or in standby mode")
nb_psu.allocated_draw = float(psu_cons[i]) * voltage
"Updated power consumption for PSU {}: {}W".format('Updated power consumption for PSU {}: {}W'.format(,
return True

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
class RaidController:
class RaidController():
def get_product_name(self):
raise NotImplementedError
@ -15,10 +15,7 @@ class RaidController:
def get_physical_disks(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_external(self):
return False
class Raid:
class Raid():
def get_controllers(self):
raise NotImplementedError

View file

@ -1,240 +1,166 @@
import logging
import re
import subprocess
from netbox_agent.misc import get_vendor
from import Raid, RaidController
from netbox_agent.misc import get_vendor
REGEXP_CONTROLLER_HP = re.compile(r"Smart Array ([a-zA-Z0-9- ]+) in Slot ([0-9]+)")
REGEXP_CONTROLLER_HP = re.compile(r'Smart Array ([a-zA-Z0-9- ]+) in Slot ([0-9]+)')
class HPRaidControllerError(Exception):
def _get_indentation(string):
"""Return the number of spaces before the current line."""
return len(string) - len(string.lstrip(' '))
def ssacli(sub_command):
command = ["ssacli"]
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")
if p.returncode != 0:
mesg = "Failed to execute command '{}':\n{}".format(" ".join(command), stdout)
raise HPRaidControllerError(mesg)
if "does not have any physical" in stdout:
return list()
def _get_key_value(string):
"""Return the (key, value) as a tuple from a string."""
# Normally all properties look like this:
# Unique Identifier: 600508B1001CE4ACF473EE9C826230FF
# Disk Name: /dev/sda
# Mount Points: None
key = ''
value = ''
key, value = string.split(':')
except ValueError:
# This handles the case when the property of a logical drive
# returned is as follows. Here we cannot split by ':' because
# the disk id has colon in it. So if this is about disk,
# then strip it accordingly.
# Mirror Group 0: physicaldrive 6I:1:5
string = string.lstrip(' ')
if string.startswith('physicaldrive'):
fields = string.split(' ')
key = fields[0]
value = fields[1]
lines = stdout.split("\n")
lines = list(filter(None, lines))
return lines
# TODO(rameshg87): Check if this ever occurs.
return None, None
return key.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' '), value.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ')
def _test_if_valid_line(line):
ignore_patterns = [
"is not loaded",
" failure",
" cache",
for pattern in ignore_patterns:
if not line or pattern in line:
return None
return line
def _get_dict(lines, start_index, indentation):
"""Recursive function for parsing hpssacli/ssacli output."""
info = {}
current_item = None
def _parse_ctrl_output(lines):
controllers = {}
current_ctrl = None
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
line = _test_if_valid_line(line)
if line is None:
ctrl =
if ctrl is not None:
slot =
current_ctrl = "{} - Slot {}".format(, slot)
controllers[current_ctrl] = {"Slot": slot}
if "Embedded" not in line:
controllers[current_ctrl]["External"] = True
if ": " not in line:
i = start_index
while i < len(lines):
current_line = lines[i]
if current_line.startswith('Note:'):
i = i + 1
attr, val = line.split(": ", 1)
attr = attr.strip()
val = val.strip()
controllers[current_ctrl][attr] = val
return controllers
current_line_indentation = _get_indentation(current_line)
if current_line_indentation == indentation:
current_item = current_line.lstrip(' ')
info[current_item] = {}
i = i + 1
def _parse_pd_output(lines):
drives = {}
current_array = None
current_drv = None
if i >= len(lines) - 1:
key, value = _get_key_value(current_line)
# If this is some unparsable information, then
# just skip it.
if key:
info[current_item][key] = value
return info, i
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
line = _test_if_valid_line(line)
if line is None:
# Parses the Array the drives are in
if line.startswith("Array"):
current_array = line.split(None, 1)[1]
# Detects new physical drive
if line.startswith("physicaldrive"):
current_drv = line.split(None, 1)[1]
drives[current_drv] = {}
if current_array is not None:
drives[current_drv]["Array"] = current_array
if ": " not in line:
attr, val = line.split(": ", 1)
attr = attr.strip()
val = val.strip()
drives.setdefault(current_drv, {})[attr] = val
return drives
next_line = lines[i + 1]
next_line_indentation = _get_indentation(next_line)
if current_line_indentation == next_line_indentation:
key, value = _get_key_value(current_line)
if key:
info[current_item][key] = value
i = i + 1
elif next_line_indentation > current_line_indentation:
ret_dict, j = _get_dict(lines, i, current_line_indentation)
i = j + 1
elif next_line_indentation < current_line_indentation:
key, value = _get_key_value(current_line)
if key:
info[current_item][key] = value
return info, i
def _parse_ld_output(lines):
drives = {}
current_array = None
current_drv = None
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
line = _test_if_valid_line(line)
if line is None:
# Parses the Array the drives are in
if line.startswith("Array"):
current_array = line.split(None, 1)[1]
drives[current_array] = {}
# Detects new physical drive
if line.startswith("Logical Drive"):
current_drv = line.split(": ", 1)[1]
drives.setdefault(current_array, {})["LogicalDrive"] = current_drv
if ": " not in line:
attr, val = line.split(": ", 1)
drives.setdefault(current_array, {})[attr] = val
return drives
return info, i
class HPRaidController(RaidController):
def __init__(self, controller_name, data):
self.controller_name = controller_name = data
self.pdrives = self._get_physical_disks()
arrays = [d["Array"] for d in self.pdrives.values() if d.get("Array")]
if arrays:
self.ldrives = self._get_logical_drives()
def get_product_name(self):
return self.controller_name
def get_manufacturer(self):
return "HP"
return 'HP'
def get_serial_number(self):
return["Serial Number"]
return['Serial Number']
def get_firmware_version(self):
return["Firmware Version"]
return['Firmware Version']
def is_external(self):
return"External", False)
def get_physical_disks(self):
ret = []
output = subprocess.getoutput(
'ssacli ctrl slot={slot} pd all show detail'.format(['Slot'])
lines = output.split('\n')
lines = list(filter(None, lines))
j = -1
while j < len(lines):
info_dict, j = _get_dict(lines, j + 1, 0)
def _get_physical_disks(self):
lines = ssacli("ctrl slot={} pd all show detail".format(["Slot"]))
pdrives = _parse_pd_output(lines)
ret = {}
for name, attrs in pdrives.items():
array = attrs.get("Array", "")
model = attrs.get("Model", "").strip()
key = next(iter(info_dict))
for array, physical_disk in info_dict[key].items():
for _, pd_attr in physical_disk.items():
model = pd_attr.get('Model', '').strip()
vendor = None
if model.startswith("HP"):
vendor = "HP"
if model.startswith('HP'):
vendor = 'HP'
elif len(model.split()) > 1:
vendor = get_vendor(model.split()[1])
vendor = get_vendor(model)
ret[name] = {
"Array": array,
"Model": model,
"Vendor": vendor,
"SN": attrs.get("Serial Number", "").strip(),
"Size": attrs.get("Size", "").strip(),
"Type": (
if attrs.get("Interface Type") == "Solid State SATA"
else "HDD"
"_src": self.__class__.__name__,
"custom_fields": {
"pd_identifier": name,
"mount_point": attrs.get("Mount Points", "").strip(),
"vd_device": attrs.get("Disk Name", "").strip(),
"vd_size": attrs.get("Size", "").strip(),
'Model': model,
'Vendor': vendor,
'SN': pd_attr.get('Serial Number', '').strip(),
'Size': pd_attr.get('Size', '').strip(),
'Type': 'SSD' if pd_attr.get('Interface Type') == 'Solid State SATA'
else 'HDD',
'_src': self.__class__.__name__,
return ret
def _get_logical_drives(self):
lines = ssacli("ctrl slot={} ld all show detail".format(["Slot"]))
ldrives = _parse_ld_output(lines)
ret = {}
for array, attrs in ldrives.items():
ret[array] = {
"vd_array": array,
"vd_size": attrs.get("Size", "").strip(),
"vd_consistency": attrs.get("Status", "").strip(),
"vd_raid_type": "RAID {}".format(
attrs.get("Fault Tolerance", "N/A").strip()
"vd_device": attrs.get("LogicalDrive", "").strip(),
"mount_point": attrs.get("Mount Points", "").strip(),
return ret
def _get_virtual_drives_map(self):
for name, attrs in self.pdrives.items():
array = attrs["Array"]
ld = self.ldrives.get(array)
if ld is None:
"Failed to find array information for physical drive {}."
" Ignoring.".format(name)
def get_physical_disks(self):
return list(self.pdrives.values())
class HPRaid(Raid):
def __init__(self):
self.output = subprocess.getoutput("ssacli ctrl all show detail")
self.output = subprocess.getoutput('ssacli ctrl all show detail')
self.controllers = []
def convert_to_dict(self):
lines = self.output.split("\n")
lines = self.output.split('\n')
lines = list(filter(None, lines))
controllers = _parse_ctrl_output(lines)
for controller, attrs in controllers.items():
self.controllers.append(HPRaidController(controller, attrs))
j = -1
while j < len(lines):
info_dict, j = _get_dict(lines, j + 1, 0)
if len(info_dict.keys()):
_product_name = list(info_dict.keys())[0]
product_name =
if product_name:
HPRaidController(, info_dict[_product_name])
def get_controllers(self):
return self.controllers

View file

@ -1,43 +1,25 @@
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # NOQA
from netbox_agent.misc import get_mount_points, get_vendor
from netbox_agent.misc import get_vendor
from import Raid, RaidController
class OmreportControllerError(Exception):
# Inspiration from
def omreport(sub_command):
command = ["omreport"]
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout ="utf-8")
if p.returncode != 0:
mesg = "Failed to execute command '{}':\n{}".format(" ".join(command), stdout)
raise OmreportControllerError(mesg)
res = {}
section_re = re.compile("^[A-Z]")
current_section = None
current_obj = None
for line in stdout.split("\n"):
if ": " in line:
attr, value = line.split(": ", 1)
attr = attr.strip()
value = value.strip()
if attr == "ID":
obj = {}
res.setdefault(current_section, []).append(obj)
current_obj = obj
current_obj[attr] = value
elif is not None:
current_section = line.strip()
return res
def get_field(obj, fieldname):
f = obj.find(fieldname)
if f is None:
return None
if f.attrib['type'] in ['u32', 'u64']:
if'Mask$', fieldname):
return int(f.text, 2)
return int(f.text)
if f.attrib['type'] == 'astring':
return f.text
return f.text
class OmreportController(RaidController):
@ -46,82 +28,50 @@ class OmreportController(RaidController):
self.controller_index = controller_index
def get_product_name(self):
return get_field(, 'Name')
def get_manufacturer(self):
return None
def get_serial_number(self):
return get_field(, 'DeviceSerialNumber')
def get_firmware_version(self):
return"Firmware Version")
def _get_physical_disks(self):
pds = {}
res = omreport("storage pdisk controller={}".format(self.controller_index))
for pdisk in [d for d in list(res.values())[0]]:
disk_id = pdisk["ID"]
size = re.sub("B .*$", "B", pdisk["Capacity"])
pds[disk_id] = {
"Vendor": get_vendor(pdisk["Vendor ID"]),
"Model": pdisk["Product ID"],
"SN": pdisk["Serial No."],
"Size": size,
"Type": pdisk["Media"],
"_src": self.__class__.__name__,
return pds
def _get_virtual_drives_map(self):
pds = {}
res = omreport("storage vdisk controller={}".format(self.controller_index))
for vdisk in [d for d in list(res.values())[0]]:
vdisk_id = vdisk["ID"]
device = vdisk["Device Name"]
mount_points = get_mount_points()
mp = mount_points.get(device, "n/a")
size = re.sub("B .*$", "B", vdisk["Size"])
vd = {
"vd_array": vdisk_id,
"vd_size": size,
"vd_consistency": vdisk["State"],
"vd_raid_type": vdisk["Layout"],
"vd_device": vdisk["Device Name"],
"mount_point": ", ".join(sorted(mp)),
drives_res = omreport(
"storage pdisk controller={} vdisk={}".format(
self.controller_index, vdisk_id
for pdisk in [d for d in list(drives_res.values())[0]]:
pds[pdisk["ID"]] = vd
return pds
return get_field(, 'Firmware Version')
def get_physical_disks(self):
pds = self._get_physical_disks()
vds = self._get_virtual_drives_map()
for pd_identifier, vd in vds.items():
if pd_identifier not in pds:
"Physical drive {} listed in virtual drive {} not "
"found in drives list".format(pd_identifier, vd["vd_array"])
ret = []
output = subprocess.getoutput(
'omreport storage controller controller={} -fmt xml'.format(self.controller_index)
pds[pd_identifier].setdefault("custom_fields", {}).update(vd)
pds[pd_identifier]["custom_fields"]["pd_identifier"] = pd_identifier
return list(pds.values())
root = ET.fromstring(output)
et_array_disks = root.find('ArrayDisks')
if et_array_disks is not None:
for obj in et_array_disks.findall('DCStorageObject'):
'Vendor': get_vendor(get_field(obj, 'Vendor')),
'Model': get_field(obj, 'ProductID'),
'SN': get_field(obj, 'DeviceSerialNumber'),
'Size': '{:.0f}GB'.format(
int(get_field(obj, 'Length')) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
'Type': 'HDD' if int(get_field(obj, 'MediaType')) == 1 else 'SSD',
'_src': self.__class__.__name__,
return ret
class OmreportRaid(Raid):
def __init__(self):
output = subprocess.getoutput('omreport storage controller -fmt xml')
controller_xml = ET.fromstring(output)
self.controllers = []
res = omreport("storage controller")
for controller in res["Controller"]:
ctrl_index = controller["ID"]
self.controllers.append(OmreportController(ctrl_index, controller))
for obj in controller_xml.find('Controllers').findall('DCStorageObject'):
ctrl_index = get_field(obj, 'ControllerNum')
OmreportController(ctrl_index, obj)
def get_controllers(self):
return self.controllers

View file

@ -1,153 +1,73 @@
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import json
from netbox_agent.config import config
from netbox_agent.misc import get_mount_points, get_vendor
from netbox_agent.misc import get_vendor
from import Raid, RaidController
class StorcliControllerError(Exception):
def storecli(sub_command):
command = ["storcli"]
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if stderr:
mesg = "Failed to execute command '{}':\n{}".format(" ".join(command), stdout)
raise StorcliControllerError(mesg)
stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")
data = json.loads(stdout)
controllers = dict(
(c["Command Status"]["Controller"], c["Response Data"])
for c in data["Controllers"]
if c["Command Status"]["Status"] == "Success"
if not controllers:
"Failed to execute command '{}'. "
"Ignoring data.".format(" ".join(command))
return {}
return controllers
class StorcliController(RaidController):
def __init__(self, controller_index, data): = data
self.controller_index = controller_index
def get_product_name(self):
return["Product Name"]
return['Product Name']
def get_manufacturer(self):
return None
def get_serial_number(self):
return["Serial Number"]
return['Serial Number']
def get_firmware_version(self):
return["FW Package Build"]
def _get_physical_disks(self):
pds = {}
cmd = "/c{}/eall/sall show all".format(self.controller_index)
controllers = storecli(cmd)
pd_info = controllers[self.controller_index]
pd_re = re.compile(r"^Drive (/c\d+/e\d+/s\d+)$")
for section, attrs in pd_info.items():
reg =
if reg is None:
pd_name =
pd_attr = attrs[0]
pd_identifier = pd_attr["EID:Slt"]
size = pd_attr.get("Size", "").strip()
media_type = pd_attr.get("Med", "").strip()
pd_details = pd_info["{} - Detailed Information".format(section)]
pd_dev_attr = pd_details["{} Device attributes".format(section)]
model = pd_dev_attr.get("Model Number", "").strip()
pd = {
"Model": model,
"Vendor": get_vendor(model),
"SN": pd_dev_attr.get("SN", "").strip(),
"Size": size,
"Type": media_type,
"_src": self.__class__.__name__,
if config.process_virtual_drives:
pd.setdefault("custom_fields", {})["pd_identifier"] = pd_name
pds[pd_identifier] = pd
return pds
def _get_virtual_drives_map(self):
vds = {}
cmd = "/c{}/vall show all".format(self.controller_index)
controllers = storecli(cmd)
vd_info = controllers[self.controller_index]
mount_points = get_mount_points()
for vd_identifier, vd_attrs in vd_info.items():
if not vd_identifier.startswith("/c{}/v".format(self.controller_index)):
volume = vd_identifier.split("/")[-1].lstrip("v")
vd_attr = vd_attrs[0]
vd_pd_identifier = "PDs for VD {}".format(volume)
vd_pds = vd_info[vd_pd_identifier]
vd_prop_identifier = "VD{} Properties".format(volume)
vd_properties = vd_info[vd_prop_identifier]
for pd in vd_pds:
pd_identifier = pd["EID:Slt"]
wwn = vd_properties["SCSI NAA Id"]
wwn_path = "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x{}".format(wwn)
device = os.path.realpath(wwn_path)
mp = mount_points.get(device, "n/a")
vds[pd_identifier] = {
"vd_array": vd_identifier,
"vd_size": vd_attr["Size"],
"vd_consistency": vd_attr["Consist"],
"vd_raid_type": vd_attr["TYPE"],
"vd_device": device,
"mount_point": ", ".join(sorted(mp)),
return vds
return['FW Package Build']
def get_physical_disks(self):
# Parses physical disks information
pds = self._get_physical_disks()
# Parses virtual drives information and maps them to physical disks
vds = self._get_virtual_drives_map()
for pd_identifier, vd in vds.items():
if pd_identifier not in pds:
"Physical drive {} listed in virtual drive {} not "
"found in drives list".format(pd_identifier, vd["vd_array"])
ret = []
output = subprocess.getoutput(
'storcli /c{}/eall/sall show all J'.format(self.controller_index)
pds[pd_identifier].setdefault("custom_fields", {}).update(vd)
drive_infos = json.loads(output)['Controllers'][self.controller_index]['Response Data']
return list(pds.values())
for physical_drive in['PD LIST']:
enclosure = physical_drive.get('EID:Slt').split(':')[0]
slot = physical_drive.get('EID:Slt').split(':')[1]
size = physical_drive.get('Size').strip()
media_type = physical_drive.get('Med').strip()
drive_identifier = 'Drive /c{}/e{}/s{}'.format(
str(self.controller_index), str(enclosure), str(slot)
drive_attr = drive_infos['{} - Detailed Information'.format(drive_identifier)][
'{} Device attributes'.format(drive_identifier)]
model = drive_attr.get('Model Number', '').strip()
'Model': model,
'Vendor': get_vendor(model),
'SN': drive_attr.get('SN', '').strip(),
'Size': size,
'Type': media_type,
'_src': self.__class__.__name__,
return ret
class StorcliRaid(Raid):
def __init__(self):
self.output = subprocess.getoutput('storcli /call show J') = json.loads(self.output)
self.controllers = []
controllers = storecli("/call show")
for controller_id, controller_data in controllers.items():
self.controllers.append(StorcliController(controller_id, controller_data))
if len([
x for x in['Controllers']
if x['Command Status']['Status'] == 'Success'
]) > 0:
for controller in['Controllers']:
controller['Command Status']['Controller'],
controller['Response Data']
def get_controllers(self):
return self.controllers

View file

@ -1,111 +1,59 @@
import logging
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
from pprint import pprint
import socket
import netbox_agent.dmidecode as dmidecode
from netbox_agent.config import config
from netbox_agent.config import netbox_instance as nb
import netbox_agent.dmidecode as dmidecode
from netbox_agent.location import Datacenter, Rack
from netbox_agent.inventory import Inventory
from netbox_agent.location import Datacenter, Rack, Tenant
from netbox_agent.misc import (
from import ServerNetwork
from import Network
from netbox_agent.power import PowerSupply
class ServerBase:
class ServerBase():
def __init__(self, dmi=None):
if dmi:
self.dmi = dmi
self.dmi = dmidecode.parse()
self.baseboard = dmidecode.get_by_type(self.dmi, "Baseboard")
self.bios = dmidecode.get_by_type(self.dmi, "BIOS")
self.chassis = dmidecode.get_by_type(self.dmi, "Chassis")
self.system = dmidecode.get_by_type(self.dmi, "System")
self.device_platform = get_device_platform(config.device.platform)
self.baseboard = self.dmi.get_by_type('Baseboard')
self.bios = self.dmi.get_by_type('BIOS')
self.chassis = self.dmi.get_by_type('Chassis')
self.system = self.dmi.get_by_type('System') = None
self.tags = (
list(set([x.strip() for x in config.device.tags.split(",") if x.strip()]))
if config.device.tags
else []
self.nb_tags = list(create_netbox_tags(self.tags))
config_cf = set(
[f.strip() for f in config.device.custom_fields.split(",") if f.strip()]
self.custom_fields = {}
(k.strip(), v.strip())
for k, v in [f.split("=", 1) for f in config_cf]
def get_tenant(self):
tenant = Tenant()
return tenant.get()
def get_netbox_tenant(self):
tenant = self.get_tenant()
if tenant is None:
return None
nb_tenant = nb.tenancy.tenants.get(slug=self.get_tenant())
return nb_tenant
def get_datacenter(self):
dc = Datacenter()
return dc.get()
def get_netbox_datacenter(self):
dc = self.get_datacenter()
if dc is None:
logging.error("Specifying a datacenter (Site) is mandatory in Netbox")
nb_dc = nb.dcim.sites.get(
datacenter = nb.dcim.sites.get(
if nb_dc is None:
logging.error("Site (slug: {}) has not been found".format(dc))
return nb_dc
return datacenter
def update_netbox_location(self, server):
dc = self.get_datacenter()
rack = self.get_rack()
nb_rack = self.get_netbox_rack()
nb_dc = self.get_netbox_datacenter()
update = False
if dc and and != nb_dc.slug:
"Datacenter location has changed from {} to {}, updating".format(
if dc and != nb_dc.slug:'Datacenter location has changed from {} to {}, updating'.format(,
update = True =
if server.rack and nb_rack and !=
"Rack location has changed from {} to {}, updating".format(
if rack and server.rack != nb_rack:'Rack location has changed from {} to {}, updating'.format(
update = True
server.rack = nb_rack
if nb_rack is None:
@ -113,60 +61,31 @@ class ServerBase:
server.position = None
return update, server
def update_netbox_expansion_location(self, server, expansion):
update = False
if expansion.tenant != server.tenant:
expansion.tenant = server.tenant
update = True
if != =
update = True
if expansion.rack != server.rack:
expansion.rack = server.rack
update = True
return update
def get_rack(self):
rack = Rack()
return rack.get()
def get_netbox_rack(self):
rack = self.get_rack()
datacenter = self.get_netbox_datacenter()
if not rack:
return None
if rack and not datacenter:
logging.error("Can't get rack if no datacenter is configured or found")
return nb.dcim.racks.get(
rack = nb.dcim.racks.get(
return rack
def get_product_name(self):
Return the Chassis Name from dmidecode info
return self.system[0]["Product Name"].strip()
return self.system[0]['Product Name']
def get_service_tag(self):
Return the Service Tag from dmidecode info
return self.system[0]["Serial Number"].strip()
def get_expansion_service_tag(self):
Return the virtual Service Tag from dmidecode info host
with 'expansion'
return self.system[0]["Serial Number"].strip() + " expansion"
return self.system[0]['Serial Number'].strip()
def get_hostname(self):
if config.hostname_cmd is None:
return "{}".format(socket.gethostname())
return subprocess.getoutput(config.hostname_cmd)
return '{}'.format(socket.gethostname())
def is_blade(self):
raise NotImplementedError
@ -195,352 +114,236 @@ class ServerBase:
def get_power_consumption(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_expansion_product(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def _netbox_create_chassis(self, datacenter, tenant, rack):
device_type = get_device_type(self.get_chassis())
device_role = get_device_role(config.device.chassis_role)
def _netbox_create_blade_chassis(self, datacenter, rack):
device_type = nb.dcim.device_types.get(
if not device_type:
error_msg = 'Chassis "{}" doesn\'t exist'.format(self.get_chassis())
raise Exception(error_msg)
device_role = nb.dcim.device_roles.get(
name='Server Chassis',
serial = self.get_chassis_service_tag()"Creating chassis blade (serial: {serial})".format(serial=serial))'Creating chassis blade (serial: {serial})'.format(
new_chassis = nb.dcim.devices.create(
serial=serial,,, if datacenter else None, if tenant else None, if rack else None,
tags=[{"name": x} for x in self.tags],
return new_chassis
def _netbox_create_blade(self, chassis, datacenter, tenant, rack):
device_role = get_device_role(config.device.blade_role)
device_type = get_device_type(self.get_product_name())
def _netbox_create_blade(self, chassis, datacenter, rack):
device_role = nb.dcim.device_roles.get(
device_type = nb.dcim.device_types.get(
serial = self.get_service_tag()
hostname = self.get_hostname()
"Creating blade (serial: {serial}) {hostname} on chassis {chassis_serial}".format(
'Creating blade (serial: {serial}) {hostname} on chassis {chassis_serial}'.format(
serial=serial, hostname=hostname, chassis_serial=chassis.serial
new_blade = nb.dcim.devices.create(
serial=serial,,,,, if datacenter else None, if tenant else None, if rack else None,
tags=[{"name": x} for x in self.tags],
return new_blade
def _netbox_create_blade_expansion(self, chassis, datacenter, tenant, rack):
device_role = get_device_role(config.device.blade_role)
device_type = get_device_type(self.get_expansion_product())
serial = self.get_expansion_service_tag()
hostname = self.get_hostname() + " expansion"
def _netbox_set_blade_slot(self, chassis, server):
slot = self.get_blade_slot()
# Find the slot and update it with our blade
device_bays = nb.dcim.device_bays.filter(,
if len(device_bays) > 0:
"Creating expansion (serial: {serial}) {hostname} on chassis {chassis_serial}".format(
serial=serial, hostname=hostname, chassis_serial=chassis.serial
new_blade = nb.dcim.devices.create(
serial=serial,,,, if datacenter else None, if tenant else None, if rack else None,
tags=[{"name": x} for x in self.tags],
return new_blade
'Setting device ({serial}) new slot on {slot} '
'(Chassis {chassis_serial})..'.format(
serial=server.serial, slot=slot, chassis_serial=chassis.serial
device_bay = device_bays[0]
device_bay.installed_device = server
logging.error('Could not find slot {slot} for chassis'.format(
def _netbox_deduplicate_server(self):
serial = self.get_service_tag()
hostname = self.get_hostname()
server = nb.dcim.devices.get(name=hostname)
if server and server.serial != serial:
def _netbox_create_server(self, datacenter, tenant, rack):
device_role = get_device_role(config.device.server_role)
device_type = get_device_type(self.get_product_name())
def _netbox_create_server(self, datacenter, rack):
device_role = nb.dcim.device_roles.get(
device_type = nb.dcim.device_types.get(
if not device_type:
raise Exception('Chassis "{}" doesn\'t exist'.format(self.get_chassis()))
serial = self.get_service_tag()
hostname = self.get_hostname()
"Creating server (serial: {serial}) {hostname}".format(
serial=serial, hostname=hostname
)'Creating server (serial: {serial}) {hostname}'.format(
serial=serial, hostname=hostname))
new_server = nb.dcim.devices.create(
serial=serial,,,,, if datacenter else None, if tenant else None, if rack else None,
tags=[{"name": x} for x in self.tags],
return new_server
def get_netbox_server(self, expansion=False):
if expansion is False:
def get_netbox_server(self):
return nb.dcim.devices.get(serial=self.get_service_tag())
return nb.dcim.devices.get(serial=self.get_expansion_service_tag())
def _netbox_set_or_update_blade_slot(self, server, chassis, datacenter):
# before everything check if right chassis
actual_device_bay = (
server.parent_device.device_bay if server.parent_device else None
actual_chassis = actual_device_bay.device if actual_device_bay else None
slot = self.get_blade_slot()
if (
and actual_chassis.serial == chassis.serial
and == slot
real_device_bays = nb.dcim.device_bays.filter(,
real_device_bays = nb.dcim.device_bays.filter(,
if real_device_bays:
"Setting device ({serial}) new slot on {slot} "
"(Chassis {chassis_serial})..".format(
serial=server.serial, slot=slot, chassis_serial=chassis.serial
# reset actual device bay if set
if actual_device_bay:
# Forces the evaluation of the installed_device attribute to
# workaround a bug probably due to lazy loading optimization
# that prevents the value change detection
actual_device_bay.installed_device = None
# setup new device bay
real_device_bay = next(real_device_bays)
real_device_bay.installed_device = server
logging.error("Could not find slot {slot} for chassis".format(slot=slot))
def _netbox_set_or_update_blade_expansion_slot(
self, expansion, chassis, datacenter
# before everything check if right chassis
actual_device_bay = (
expansion.parent_device.device_bay if expansion.parent_device else None
actual_chassis = actual_device_bay.device if actual_device_bay else None
slot = self.get_blade_expansion_slot()
if (
and actual_chassis.serial == chassis.serial
and == slot
real_device_bays = nb.dcim.device_bays.filter(,
if not real_device_bays:
"Could not find slot {slot} expansion for chassis".format(slot=slot)
"Setting device expansion ({serial}) new slot on {slot} "
"(Chassis {chassis_serial})..".format(
serial=expansion.serial, slot=slot, chassis_serial=chassis.serial
# reset actual device bay if set
if actual_device_bay:
# Forces the evaluation of the installed_device attribute to
# workaround a bug probably due to lazy loading optimization
# that prevents the value change detection
actual_device_bay.installed_device = None
# setup new device bay
real_device_bay = next(real_device_bays)
real_device_bay.installed_device = expansion
def netbox_create_or_update(self, config):
Netbox method to create or update info about our server/blade
* new chassis for a blade
* new slot for a blade
* hostname update
* Network infos
* Inventory management
* PSU management
def netbox_create(self, config):
logging.debug('Creating Server..')
datacenter = self.get_netbox_datacenter()
rack = self.get_netbox_rack()
tenant = self.get_netbox_tenant()
if config.purge_old_devices:
if self.is_blade():
# let's find the blade
serial = self.get_service_tag()
blade = nb.dcim.devices.get(serial=serial)
chassis = nb.dcim.devices.get(serial=self.get_chassis_service_tag())
# Chassis does not exist
# if it doesn't exist, create it
if not blade:
# check if the chassis exist before
# if it doesn't exist, create it
chassis = nb.dcim.devices.get(
if not chassis:
chassis = self._netbox_create_chassis(datacenter, tenant, rack)
chassis = self._netbox_create_blade_chassis(datacenter, rack)
server = nb.dcim.devices.get(serial=self.get_service_tag())
if not server:
server = self._netbox_create_blade(chassis, datacenter, tenant, rack)
blade = self._netbox_create_blade(chassis, datacenter, rack)
# Set slot for blade
self._netbox_set_or_update_blade_slot(server, chassis, datacenter)
self._netbox_set_blade_slot(chassis, blade)
server = nb.dcim.devices.get(serial=self.get_service_tag())
if not server:
server = self._netbox_create_server(datacenter, tenant, rack)
self._netbox_create_server(datacenter, rack) = Network(server=self)
logging.debug("Updating Server...")
# check network cards
if config.register or config.update_all or config.update_network: = ServerNetwork(server=self)
update_inventory = config.inventory and (
config.register or config.update_all or config.update_inventory
# update inventory if feature is enabled
self.inventory = Inventory(server=self)
if update_inventory:
# update psu
if config.register or config.update_all or config.update_psu:
self.power = PowerSupply(server=self)
expansion = nb.dcim.devices.get(serial=self.get_expansion_service_tag())
if self.own_expansion_slot() and config.expansion_as_device:
logging.debug("Update Server expansion...")
if not expansion:
expansion = self._netbox_create_blade_expansion(
chassis, datacenter, tenant, rack
if config.inventory:
self.inventory = Inventory(server=self)
logging.debug('Server created!')
def _netbox_update_chassis_for_blade(self, server, datacenter):
chassis = server.parent_device.device_bay.device
device_bay = nb.dcim.device_bays.get(
netbox_chassis_serial = server.parent_device.device_bay.device.serial
move_device_bay = False
# set slot for blade expansion
expansion, chassis, datacenter
# check chassis serial with dmidecode
if netbox_chassis_serial != self.get_chassis_service_tag():
move_device_bay = True
# try to find the new netbox chassis
chassis = nb.dcim.devices.get(
if update_inventory:
# Updates expansion inventory
inventory = Inventory(server=self, update_expansion=True)
elif self.own_expansion_slot() and expansion:
expansion = None
if not chassis:
chassis = self._netbox_create_blade_chassis(datacenter)
if move_device_bay or != self.get_blade_slot():'Device ({serial}) seems to have moved, reseting old slot..'.format(
device_bay.installed_device = None
# Set slot for blade
self._netbox_set_blade_slot(chassis, server)
def netbox_update(self, config):
Netbox method to update info about our server/blade
* new chasis for a blade
* new slot for a bblade
* hostname update
* new network infos
logging.debug('Updating Server...')
server = nb.dcim.devices.get(serial=self.get_service_tag())
if not server:
raise Exception("The server (Serial: {}) isn't yet registered in Netbox, register"
'it before updating it'.format(self.get_service_tag()))
update = 0
if self.is_blade():
datacenter = self.get_netbox_datacenter()
# if it's already linked to a chassis
if server.parent_device:
self._netbox_update_chassis_for_blade(server, datacenter)
else:'Blade is not in a chassis, fixing...')
chassis = nb.dcim.devices.get(
if not chassis:
chassis = self._netbox_create_blade_chassis(datacenter)
# Set slot for blade
self._netbox_set_blade_slot(chassis, server)
# for every other specs
# check hostname
if != self.get_hostname(): = self.get_hostname()
update += 1
server_tags = sorted(set([ for x in server.tags]))
tags = sorted(set(self.tags))
if server_tags != tags:
new_tags_ids = [ for x in self.nb_tags]
if not config.preserve_tags:
server.tags = new_tags_ids
server_tags_ids = [ for x in server.tags]
server.tags = sorted(set(new_tags_ids + server_tags_ids))
update += 1
if server.custom_fields != self.custom_fields:
server.custom_fields = self.custom_fields
update += 1
server.hostname = self.get_hostname()
if config.update_all or config.update_location:
ret, server = self.update_netbox_location(server)
update += ret
if server.platform != self.device_platform:
server.platform = self.device_platform
update += 1
# check network cards
if config.update_all or config.update_network: = Network(server=self)
# update inventory
if config.update_all or config.update_inventory:
self.inventory = Inventory(server=self)
# update psu
if config.update_all or config.update_psu:
self.power = PowerSupply(server=self)
if update:
if expansion:
update = 0
expansion_name = + " expansion"
if != expansion_name: = expansion_name
update += 1
if self.update_netbox_expansion_location(server, expansion):
update += 1
if update:
logging.debug("Finished updating Server!")
logging.debug('Finished updating Server!')
def print_debug(self): = ServerNetwork(server=self)
print("Datacenter:", self.get_datacenter())
print("Netbox Datacenter:", self.get_netbox_datacenter())
print("Rack:", self.get_rack())
print("Netbox Rack:", self.get_netbox_rack())
print("Is blade:", self.is_blade())
print("Got expansion:", self.own_expansion_slot())
print("Product Name:", self.get_product_name())
print("Platform:", self.device_platform)
print("Chassis:", self.get_chassis())
print("Chassis service tag:", self.get_chassis_service_tag())
print("Service tag:", self.get_service_tag())
) = Network(server=self)
print('Datacenter:', self.get_datacenter())
print('Netbox Datacenter:', self.get_netbox_datacenter())
print('Rack:', self.get_rack())
print('Netbox Rack:', self.get_netbox_rack())
print('Is blade:', self.is_blade())
print('Product Name:', self.get_product_name())
print('Chassis:', self.get_chassis())
print('Chassis service tag:', self.get_chassis_service_tag())
print('Service tag:', self.get_service_tag())
def own_expansion_slot(self):
Indicates if the device hosts an expansion card
return False
def own_gpu_expansion_slot(self):
Indicates if the device hosts a GPU expansion card
return False
def own_drive_expansion_slot(self):
Indicates if the device hosts a drive expansion bay
return False

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
import logging
import subprocess
from netbox_agent.misc import is_tool
from netbox_agent.server import ServerBase
from netbox_agent.misc import is_tool
class DellHost(ServerBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DellHost, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.manufacturer = "Dell"
self.manufacturer = 'Dell'
def is_blade(self):
return self.get_product_name().startswith("PowerEdge M")
return self.get_product_name().startswith('PowerEdge M')
def get_blade_slot(self):
@ -20,69 +20,50 @@ class DellHost(ServerBase):
` Location In Chassis: Slot 03`
if self.is_blade():
return self.baseboard[0].get("Location In Chassis").strip()
return self.dmi.get_by_type('Baseboard')[0].get('Location In Chassis')
return None
def get_chassis_name(self):
if not self.is_blade():
return None
return "Chassis {}".format(self.get_service_tag())
return 'Chassis {}'.format(self.get_service_tag())
def get_chassis(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.chassis[0]["Version"].strip()
return self.dmi.get_by_type('Chassis')[0]['Version']
return self.get_product_name()
def get_chassis_service_tag(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.chassis[0]["Serial Number"].strip()
return self.dmi.get_by_type('Chassis')[0]['Serial Number']
return self.get_service_tag()
def get_power_consumption(self):
Parse omreport output like this
PS1 Current 1 : 1.8 A
PS2 Current 2 : 1.4 A
value = []
if not is_tool("omreport"):
logging.error("omreport does not seem to be installed, please debug")
if not is_tool('omreport'):
logging.error('omreport does not seem to be installed, please debug')
return value
data = subprocess.getoutput("omreport chassis pwrmonitoring")
data = subprocess.getoutput('omreport chassis pwrmonitoring')
amperage = False
for line in data.splitlines():
if line.startswith("Amperage"):
if line.startswith('Amperage'):
amperage = True
if amperage:
if line.startswith("PS"):
amp_value = line.split(":")[1].split()[0]
if line.startswith('PS'):
amp_value = line.split(':')[1].split()[0]
return value
def get_expansion_product(self):
Get the extension slot that is on a pair slot number
next to the compute slot that is on an odd slot number
raise NotImplementedError
def is_expansion_slot(self, server):
Return True if its an extension slot
raise NotImplementedError
def get_blade_expansion_slot(self):
Expansion slot are always the compute bay number + 1
raise NotImplementedError

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import netbox_agent.dmidecode as dmidecode
from netbox_agent.server import ServerBase
class GenericHost(ServerBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(GenericHost, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.manufacturer = dmidecode.get_by_type(self.dmi, "Baseboard")[0].get(
def is_blade(self):
return False
def get_blade_slot(self):
return None
def get_chassis_name(self):
return None
def get_chassis(self):
return self.get_product_name()
def get_chassis_service_tag(self):
return self.get_service_tag()

View file

@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
import netbox_agent.dmidecode as dmidecode
from netbox_agent.inventory import Inventory
from netbox_agent.server import ServerBase
class HPHost(ServerBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HPHost, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.manufacturer = "HP"
self.product = self.get_product_name()
if self.is_blade():
self.hp_rack_locator = self._find_rack_locator()
self.manufacturer = 'HP'
def is_blade(self):
blade = self.product.startswith("ProLiant BL")
blade |= self.product.startswith("ProLiant m") and self.product.endswith(
"Server Cartridge"
return blade
return self.get_product_name().startswith('ProLiant BL')
def _find_rack_locator(self):
@ -26,102 +19,35 @@ class HPHost(ServerBase):
# FIXME: make a dmidecode function get_by_dminame() ?
if self.is_blade():
locator = dmidecode.get_by_type(self.dmi, 204)
if self.product.startswith("ProLiant BL460c Gen10"):
locator = locator[0]["Strings"]
locator = self.dmi.get_by_type(204)
if self.get_product_name() == 'ProLiant BL460c Gen10':
locator = locator[0]['Strings']
return {
"Enclosure Model": locator[2].strip(),
"Enclosure Name": locator[0].strip(),
"Server Bay": locator[3].strip(),
"Enclosure Serial": locator[4].strip(),
'Enclosure Model': locator[2].strip(),
'Enclosure Name': locator[0].strip(),
'Server Bay': locator[3].strip(),
'Enclosure Serial': locator[4].strip(),
# HP ProLiant m750, m710x, m510 Server Cartridge
if self.product.startswith("ProLiant m") and self.product.endswith(
"Server Cartridge"
locator = dmidecode.get_by_type(self.dmi, 2)
chassis = dmidecode.get_by_type(self.dmi, 3)
return {
"Enclosure Model": "Moonshot 1500 Chassis",
"Enclosure Name": "Unknown",
"Server Bay": locator[0]["Location In Chassis"].strip(),
"Enclosure Serial": chassis[0]["Serial Number"].strip(),
return locator[0]
def get_blade_slot(self):
if self.is_blade():
return "Bay {}".format(str(self.hp_rack_locator["Server Bay"].strip()))
return 'Bay {}'.format(
int(self.hp_rack_locator['Server Bay'].strip())
return None
def get_chassis(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.hp_rack_locator["Enclosure Model"].strip()
return self.hp_rack_locator['Enclosure Model'].strip()
return self.get_product_name()
def get_chassis_name(self):
if not self.is_blade():
return None
return self.hp_rack_locator["Enclosure Name"].strip()
return self.hp_rack_locator['Enclosure Name'].strip()
def get_chassis_service_tag(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.hp_rack_locator["Enclosure Serial"].strip()
return self.hp_rack_locator['Enclosure Serial'].strip()
return self.get_service_tag()
def get_blade_expansion_slot(self):
Expansion slot are always the compute bay number + 1
if (
and self.own_gpu_expansion_slot()
or self.own_disk_expansion_slot()
or True
return "Bay {}".format(
str(int(self.hp_rack_locator["Server Bay"].strip()) + 1)
return None
def get_expansion_product(self):
Get the extension slot that is on a pair slot number
next to the compute slot that is on an odd slot number
I only know on model of slot GPU extension card that.
if self.own_gpu_expansion_slot():
return "ProLiant BL460c Graphics Expansion Blade"
elif self.own_disk_expansion_slot():
return "ProLiant BL460c Disk Expansion Blade"
return None
def own_expansion_slot(self):
Indicates if the device hosts an expension card
return self.own_gpu_expansion_slot() or self.own_disk_expansion_slot()
def own_gpu_expansion_slot(self):
Indicates if the device hosts a GPU expansion card based
on the product name
return self.get_product_name().endswith("Graphics Exp")
def own_disk_expansion_slot(self):
Indicates if the device hosts a drive expansion card based
on raid card attributes.
# Uses already parsed inventory if available
# parses it otherwise
inventory = getattr(self, "inventory", None)
if inventory is None:
inventory = Inventory(self)
for raid_card in inventory.get_raid_cards():
if self.is_blade() and raid_card.is_external():
return True
return False

View file

@ -4,29 +4,29 @@ from netbox_agent.server import ServerBase
class QCTHost(ServerBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(QCTHost, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.manufacturer = "QCT"
self.manufacturer = 'QCT'
def is_blade(self):
return "Location In Chassis" in self.baseboard[0].keys()
return 'Location In Chassis' in self.dmi.get_by_type('Baseboard')[0].keys()
def get_blade_slot(self):
if self.is_blade():
return "Slot {}".format(
self.baseboard[0].get("Location In Chassis").strip()
return 'Slot {}'.format(
self.dmi.get_by_type('Baseboard')[0].get('Location In Chassis')
return None
def get_chassis_name(self):
if not self.is_blade():
return None
return "Chassis {}".format(self.get_service_tag())
return 'Chassis {}'.format(self.get_service_tag())
def get_chassis(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.chassis[0]["Version"].strip()
return self.dmi.get_by_type('Chassis')[0]['Version']
return self.get_product_name()
def get_chassis_service_tag(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.chassis[0]["Serial Number"].strip()
return self.dmi.get_by_type('Chassis')[0]['Serial Number']
return self.get_service_tag()

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
from netbox_agent.location import Slot
from netbox_agent.server import ServerBase
class SupermicroHost(ServerBase):
Supermicro DMI can be messed up. They depend on the vendor
to set the correct values. The endusers cannot
change them without buying a license from Supermicro.
@ -14,26 +13,17 @@ class SupermicroHost(ServerBase):
2) Baseboard - this is used for the blade.
3) Chassis - this is ignored.
class SupermicroHost(ServerBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SupermicroHost, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.manufacturer = "Supermicro"
self.manufacturer = 'Supermicro'
def is_blade(self):
product_name = self.system[0]["Product Name"].strip()
# Blades
blade = product_name.startswith("SBI")
blade |= product_name.startswith("SBA")
# Twin
blade |= "TR-" in product_name
# TwinPro
blade |= "TP-" in product_name
# BigTwin
blade |= "BT-" in product_name
# Microcloud
blade |= product_name.startswith("SYS-5039")
blade |= product_name.startswith("SYS-5038")
blade = self.system[0]['Product Name'].startswith('SBI')
blade |= self.system[0]['Product Name'].startswith('SYS')
return blade
def get_blade_slot(self):
@ -46,34 +36,24 @@ class SupermicroHost(ServerBase):
return None
def get_service_tag(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.baseboard[0]["Serial Number"].strip()
return self.system[0]["Serial Number"].strip()
return self.baseboard[0]['Serial Number'].strip()
def get_product_name(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.baseboard[0]["Product Name"].strip()
return self.system[0]["Product Name"].strip()
return self.baseboard[0]['Product Name'].strip()
return self.system[0]['Product Name'].strip()
def get_chassis(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.system[0]["Product Name"].strip()
return self.system[0]['Product Name'].strip()
return self.get_product_name()
def get_chassis_service_tag(self):
if self.is_blade():
return self.system[0]["Serial Number"].strip()
return self.system[0]['Serial Number'].strip()
return self.get_service_tag()
def get_chassis_name(self):
if not self.is_blade():
return None
return "Chassis {}".format(self.get_chassis_service_tag())
def get_expansion_product(self):
Get the extension slot that is on a pair slot number
next to the compute slot that is on an odd slot number
I only know on model of slot GPU extension card that.
raise NotImplementedError
return 'Chassis {}'.format(self.get_chassis_service_tag())

View file

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
import os
from pprint import pprint
import netbox_agent.dmidecode as dmidecode
from netbox_agent.config import config
from netbox_agent.config import netbox_instance as nb
from netbox_agent.location import Tenant
from netbox_agent.logging import logging # NOQA
from netbox_agent.misc import create_netbox_tags, get_device_platform, get_hostname
from import VirtualNetwork
def is_vm(dmi):
bios = dmidecode.get_by_type(dmi, "BIOS")[0]
system = dmidecode.get_by_type(dmi, "System")[0]
return (
"Hyper-V" in bios["Version"]
or "Xen" in bios["Version"]
or "Google Compute Engine" in system["Product Name"]
) or (
"Amazon EC2" in system["Manufacturer"]
and not system["Product Name"].endswith(".metal")
or "RHEV Hypervisor" in system["Product Name"]
or "QEMU" in system["Manufacturer"]
or "VirtualBox" in bios["Version"]
or "VMware" in system["Manufacturer"]
class VirtualMachine(object):
def __init__(self, dmi=None):
if dmi:
self.dmi = dmi
self.dmi = dmidecode.parse() = None
self.device_platform = get_device_platform(config.device.platform)
self.tags = (
list(set(config.device.tags.split(","))) if config.device.tags else []
self.nb_tags = create_netbox_tags(self.tags)
def get_memory(self):
mem_bytes = os.sysconf("SC_PAGE_SIZE") * os.sysconf(
) # e.g. 4015976448
mem_gib = mem_bytes / (1024.0**2) # e.g. 3.74
return int(mem_gib)
def get_vcpus(self):
return os.cpu_count()
def get_netbox_vm(self):
hostname = get_hostname(config)
vm = nb.virtualization.virtual_machines.get(name=hostname)
return vm
def get_netbox_cluster(self, name):
cluster = nb.virtualization.clusters.get(
return cluster
def get_netbox_datacenter(self, name):
cluster = self.get_netbox_cluster()
if cluster.datacenter:
return cluster.datacenter
return None
def get_tenant(self):
tenant = Tenant()
return tenant.get()
def get_netbox_tenant(self):
tenant = self.get_tenant()
if tenant is None:
return None
nb_tenant = nb.tenancy.tenants.get(slug=self.get_tenant())
return nb_tenant
def netbox_create_or_update(self, config):
logging.debug("It's a virtual machine")
created = False
updated = 0
hostname = get_hostname(config)
vm = self.get_netbox_vm()
vcpus = self.get_vcpus()
memory = self.get_memory()
tenant = self.get_netbox_tenant()
if not vm:
logging.debug("Creating Virtual machine..")
cluster = self.get_netbox_cluster(config.virtual.cluster_name)
vm = nb.virtualization.virtual_machines.create(
memory=memory, if tenant else None,
tags=[{"name": x} for x in self.tags],
created = True = VirtualNetwork(server=self)
if not created:
if vm.vcpus != vcpus:
vm.vcpus = vcpus
updated += 1
if vm.memory != memory:
vm.memory = memory
updated += 1
vm_tags = sorted(set([ for x in vm.tags]))
tags = sorted(set(self.tags))
if vm_tags != tags:
new_tags_ids = [ for x in self.nb_tags]
if not config.preserve_tags:
vm.tags = new_tags_ids
vm_tags_ids = [ for x in vm.tags]
vm.tags = sorted(set(new_tags_ids + vm_tags_ids))
updated += 1
if vm.platform != self.device_platform:
vm.platform = self.device_platform
updated += 1
if updated:
def print_debug(self): = VirtualNetwork(server=self)
print("Cluster:", self.get_netbox_cluster(config.virtual.cluster_name))
print("Platform:", self.device_platform)
print("VM:", self.get_netbox_vm())
print("vCPU:", self.get_vcpus())
print("Memory:", f"{self.get_memory()} MB")

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "netifaces-2";
version = "0.0.22";
pyproject = true;
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "SamuelYvon";
repo = "netifaces-2";
rev = "V${version}";
hash = "sha256-XO3HWq8FOVzvpbK8mIBOup6hFMnhDpqOK/5bPziPZQ8=";
cargoDeps = rustPlatform.fetchCargoTarball {
inherit src;
name = "${pname}-${version}";
hash = "sha256-uoUa6DSBuIV3RrE7svT1TVLxPHdx8BFu/C6mbpRmor0=";
build-system = [
dependencies = [ typing-extensions ];
pythonImportsCheck = [ "netifaces" ];
meta = {
description = "Netifaces reborn";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ ];

View file

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
# Generated by npins. Do not modify; will be overwritten regularly
data = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./sources.json);
version = data.version;
mkSource =
assert spec ? type;
path =
if spec.type == "Git" then
mkGitSource spec
else if spec.type == "GitRelease" then
mkGitSource spec
else if spec.type == "PyPi" then
mkPyPiSource spec
else if spec.type == "Channel" then
mkChannelSource spec
builtins.throw "Unknown source type ${spec.type}";
spec // { outPath = path; };
mkGitSource =
url ? null,
branch ? null,
assert repository ? type;
# At the moment, either it is a plain git repository (which has an url), or it is a GitHub/GitLab repository
# In the latter case, there we will always be an url to the tarball
if url != null then
(builtins.fetchTarball {
inherit url;
sha256 = hash; # FIXME: check nix version & use SRI hashes
assert repository.type == "Git";
urlToName =
url: rev:
matched = builtins.match "^.*/([^/]*)(\\.git)?$" repository.url;
short = builtins.substring 0 7 rev;
appendShort = if (builtins.match "[a-f0-9]*" rev) != null then "-${short}" else "";
"${if matched == null then "source" else builtins.head matched}${appendShort}";
name = urlToName repository.url revision;
builtins.fetchGit {
url = repository.url;
rev = revision;
inherit name;
# hash = hash;
mkPyPiSource =
{ url, hash, ... }:
builtins.fetchurl {
inherit url;
sha256 = hash;
mkChannelSource =
{ url, hash, ... }:
builtins.fetchTarball {
inherit url;
sha256 = hash;
if version == 3 then
builtins.mapAttrs (_: mkSource) data.pins
throw "Unsupported format version ${toString version} in sources.json. Try running `npins upgrade`"

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
"pins": {
"git-hooks": {
"type": "Git",
"repository": {
"type": "GitHub",
"owner": "cachix",
"repo": "git-hooks.nix"
"branch": "master",
"revision": "3c3e88f0f544d6bb54329832616af7eb971b6be6",
"url": "",
"hash": "04pwjz423iq2nkazkys905gvsm5j39722ngavrnx42b8msr5k555"
"nixpkgs": {
"type": "Channel",
"name": "nixpkgs-unstable",
"url": "",
"hash": "0cn1z4wzps8nfqxzr6l5mbn81adcqy2cy2ic70z13fhzicmxfsbx"
"version": 3

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
profile = "black"

View file

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
"extensions": {
"enabled": ["python_venv", "blocks"]
"core": {
"group": "Application/System",
"license": "Apache2",
"name": "netbox-agent",
"summary": "NetBox agent for server",
"url": "",
"version": "0.7.0",
"requires": ["lshw"]
"python_venv": {
"python": "python3.6",
"requirements": ["requirements.txt"],
"name": "netbox-agent",
"path": "/opt/"
"blocks": {
"post": ["ln -sf /opt/netbox-agent/bin/netbox_agent /usr/bin/netbox_agent"],
"desc": [
"This project aims to create hardware automatically into Netbox based on standard tools (dmidecode, lldpd, parsing /sys/, etc).",
"The goal is to generate an existing infrastructure on Netbox and have the ability to update it regularly by executing the agent."

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
testpaths = tests
python_files = *.py
addopts = -vv --showlocals --cov-report term-missing --cov netbox_agent --no-cov-on-fail
ignore = E125,E129,W503,W504
exclude = .venv/,.git/,.tox/,netbox-docker/
max-line-length = 99
line_length = 99
indent=' '
multi_line_output = 0
skip = .venv/,.git/,tests/,
known_first_party = netbox_agent,tests

View file

@ -1,38 +1,33 @@
import os
from setuptools import find_packages, setup
def get_requirements():
reqs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "requirements.txt")
with open(reqs_path, "r") as f:
reqs = [r.strip() for r in f if r.strip()]
return reqs
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
description="NetBox agent for server",
long_description=open("", encoding="utf-8").read(),
author="Solvik Blum",
description='NetBox agent for server',
long_description=open('', encoding="utf-8").read(),
author='Solvik Blum',
packages=find_packages(exclude=["*.tests", "*.tests.*", "tests.*", "tests"]),
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
"console_scripts": ["netbox_agent=netbox_agent.cli:main"],
'console_scripts': ['netbox_agent=netbox_agent.cli:main'],

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
(import ./. { }).devShell

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
set -x
git clone
cd netbox-docker
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' http://$(docker-compose port nginx 8080))" != "200" ]]
sleep 5
export NETBOX_AGENT__NETBOX__URL="http://$(docker-compose port nginx 8080)"
export NETBOX_AGENT__NETBOX__TOKEN=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567
cd -
cd netbox-docker
docker-compose down
cd -
set +x

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
import os
import pytest
def get_fixture_paths(path):
if not os.path.isdir(path):
return [path]
fixture_paths = []
for p in os.listdir(path):
p = os.path.join(path, p)
if os.path.isfile(p):
return fixture_paths
def parametrize_with_fixtures(
path, base_path="tests/fixtures", argname="fixture", only_filenames=None
path = os.path.join(base_path, path)
fixture_paths = get_fixture_paths(path)
argvalues = []
for path in fixture_paths:
with open(path, "r") as f:
content = "".join(f.readlines())
filename = os.path.basename(path)
if only_filenames and filename not in only_filenames:
param = pytest.param(content, id=filename)
def _decorator(test_function):
return pytest.mark.parametrize(argname, argvalues)(test_function)
return _decorator

View file

@ -1,868 +0,0 @@
# dmidecode 2.12
SMBIOS 2.8 present.
57 structures occupying 3093 bytes.
Table at 0x7AF09000.
Handle 0xDA00, DMI type 218, 11 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DA 0B 00 DA B2 00 17 20 0E 10 03
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: Dell Inc.
Version: 2.3.4
Release Date: 11/10/2016
Address: 0xF0000
Runtime Size: 64 kB
ROM Size: 16384 kB
ISA is supported
PCI is supported
PNP is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
Boot from CD is supported
Selectable boot is supported
EDD is supported
Japanese floppy for Toshiba 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)
5.25"/360 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
5.25"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)
Serial services are supported (int 14h)
CGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h)
ACPI is supported
USB legacy is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported
Function key-initiated network boot is supported
Targeted content distribution is supported
UEFI is supported
BIOS Revision: 2.3
Handle 0x0100, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
Product Name: DSS7500
Version: Not Specified
Serial Number: 4242-SERVICE_TAG
UUID: 4C4C4544-0048-5110-804A-C6C04F594A32
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: SKU=NotProvided;ModelName=DSS7500
Family: Not Specified
Handle 0x0200, DMI type 2, 8 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
Product Name: 0X89R8
Version: A04
Serial Number: 4242
Handle 0x0300, DMI type 3, 22 bytes
Chassis Information
Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
Type: Rack Mount Chassis
Lock: Present
Version: Not Specified
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Boot-up State: Safe
Power Supply State: Safe
Thermal State: Safe
Security Status: Unknown
OEM Information: 0x00000000
Height: 4 U
Number Of Power Cords: Unspecified
Contained Elements: 0
SKU Number: Not Specified
Handle 0x0400, DMI type 4, 42 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU1
Type: Central Processor
Family: Xeon
Manufacturer: Intel
ID: F1 06 04 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 79, Stepping 1
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)
CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)
APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)
SEP (Fast system call)
MTRR (Memory type range registers)
PGE (Page global enable)
MCA (Machine check architecture)
CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)
PAT (Page attribute table)
PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)
CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)
DS (Debug store)
ACPI (ACPI supported)
MMX (MMX technology supported)
FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)
SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)
SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)
SS (Self-snoop)
HTT (Multi-threading)
TM (Thermal monitor supported)
PBE (Pending break enabled)
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
Voltage: 1.3 V
External Clock: 8000 MHz
Max Speed: 4000 MHz
Current Speed: 2200 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: <OUT OF SPEC>
L1 Cache Handle: 0x0700
L2 Cache Handle: 0x0701
L3 Cache Handle: 0x0702
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified
Core Count: 10
Core Enabled: 10
Thread Count: 10
64-bit capable
Hardware Thread
Execute Protection
Enhanced Virtualization
Power/Performance Control
Handle 0x0401, DMI type 4, 42 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU2
Type: Central Processor
Family: Xeon
Manufacturer: Intel
ID: F1 06 04 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 79, Stepping 1
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)
CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)
APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)
SEP (Fast system call)
MTRR (Memory type range registers)
PGE (Page global enable)
MCA (Machine check architecture)
CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)
PAT (Page attribute table)
PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)
CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)
DS (Debug store)
ACPI (ACPI supported)
MMX (MMX technology supported)
FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)
SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)
SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)
SS (Self-snoop)
HTT (Multi-threading)
TM (Thermal monitor supported)
PBE (Pending break enabled)
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
Voltage: 1.3 V
External Clock: 8000 MHz
Max Speed: 4000 MHz
Current Speed: 2200 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: <OUT OF SPEC>
L1 Cache Handle: 0x0703
L2 Cache Handle: 0x0704
L3 Cache Handle: 0x0705
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified
Core Count: 10
Core Enabled: 10
Thread Count: 10
64-bit capable
Hardware Thread
Execute Protection
Enhanced Virtualization
Power/Performance Control
Handle 0x0700, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: Not Specified
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 640 kB
Maximum Size: 640 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Parity
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0701, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: Not Specified
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 2560 kB
Maximum Size: 2560 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0702, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: Not Specified
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 3
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 25600 kB
Maximum Size: 25600 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 20-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0703, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: Not Specified
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 640 kB
Maximum Size: 640 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Parity
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0704, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: Not Specified
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 2560 kB
Maximum Size: 2560 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0705, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: Not Specified
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 3
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 25600 kB
Maximum Size: 25600 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 20-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0800, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: Back USB port 2
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0801, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Internal USB port 1
Internal Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0802, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: Front USB port 2
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0803, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: Back USB port 1
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0804, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: Front USB port 1
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0805, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: Video port 1
External Connector Type: DB-15 female
Port Type: Video Port
Handle 0x0806, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: Serial port 1
External Connector Type: DB-9 male
Port Type: Serial Port 16550A Compatible
Handle 0x0900, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCIe Slot 1
Type: x8 PCI Express 3
Current Usage: Available
Length: Long
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Handle 0x0901, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCIe Slot 2
Type: x8 PCI Express 3 x16
Current Usage: In Use
Length: Long
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:04:00.0
Handle 0x0902, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCIe Slot 3
Type: x8 PCI Express 3
Current Usage: Available
Length: Long
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Handle 0x0903, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCIe Slot 4
Type: x8 PCI Express 3
Current Usage: In Use
Length: Long
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:06:00.0
Handle 0x0B00, DMI type 11, 5 bytes
OEM Strings
String 1: Dell System
String 2: 5[0000]
String 3: 1[06B6]
String 4: 7[0721]
String 5: 8[Dell Inc.]
String 6: 9[DSS7500]
String 7: 10[2.3.4]
String 8: 11[01.00.00]
String 9: 12[]
String 10: 14[1]
String 11: 17[8F27911A0C407F63]
String 12: 17[8F28041BFDD8E7E6]
String 13: 18[0]
String 14: 19[1]
String 15: 19[1]
Handle 0x0C00, DMI type 12, 5 bytes
System Configuration Options
Option 1: NVRAM_CLR: Clear user settable NVRAM areas and set defaults
Option 2: PWRD_EN: Close to enable password
Handle 0x0D00, DMI type 13, 22 bytes
BIOS Language Information
Language Description Format: Long
Installable Languages: 1
Currently Installed Language: en|US|iso8859-1
Handle 0x1000, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: Multi-bit ECC
Maximum Capacity: 1536 GB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 12
Handle 0x1100, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 1
Locator: A1
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1101, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 1
Locator: A2
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1102, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 1
Locator: A3
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1103, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 1
Locator: A4
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1104, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 2
Locator: A5
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1105, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 2
Locator: A6
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1106, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 2
Locator: A7
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1107, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 2
Locator: A8
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1108, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 3
Locator: B1
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1109, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 3
Locator: B2
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x110A, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 3
Locator: B3
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x110B, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x1000
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 3
Locator: B4
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type Detail: Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: 002C00B3002C
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: 00171230
Part Number: 18ASF2G72PDZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum voltage: 1.200 V
Maximum voltage: 1.200 V
Configured voltage: 1.200 V
Handle 0x1300, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x0007FFFFFFF
Range Size: 2 GB
Physical Array Handle: 0x1000
Partition Width: 2
Handle 0x1301, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00100000000
Ending Address: 0x0307FFFFFFF
Range Size: 190 GB
Physical Array Handle: 0x1000
Partition Width: 2
Handle 0x2000, DMI type 32, 11 bytes
System Boot Information
Status: No errors detected
Handle 0x2600, DMI type 38, 18 bytes
IPMI Device Information
Interface Type: KCS (Keyboard Control Style)
Specification Version: 2.0
I2C Slave Address: 0x10
NV Storage Device: Not Present
Base Address: 0x0000000000000CA8 (I/O)
Register Spacing: 32-bit Boundaries
Interrupt Polarity: Active High
Interrupt Trigger Mode: Edge
Interrupt Number: a
Handle 0x2700, DMI type 39, 22 bytes
System Power Supply
Location: Not Specified
Manufacturer: DELL
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Model Part Number: 0685W7A00
Revision: Not Specified
Max Power Capacity: 1600 W
Status: Present, Unknown
Type: Unknown
Input Voltage Range Switching: Unknown
Plugged: Yes
Hot Replaceable: Yes
Handle 0x2701, DMI type 39, 22 bytes
System Power Supply
Location: Not Specified
Manufacturer: DELL
Serial Number: 4242
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Model Part Number: 0685W7A00
Revision: Not Specified
Max Power Capacity: 1600 W
Status: Present, Unknown
Type: Unknown
Input Voltage Range Switching: Unknown
Plugged: Yes
Hot Replaceable: Yes
Handle 0x2900, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Embedded Video
Type: Video
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:0b:00.0
Handle 0x2901, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Embedded EHCI USB Controller 1
Type: Other
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:00:1d.0
Handle 0x2902, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Embedded EHCI USB Controller 2
Type: Other
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 2
Bus Address: 0000:00:1a.0
Handle 0xB100, DMI type 177, 12 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
B1 0C 00 B1 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
Handle 0xD000, DMI type 208, 16 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D0 10 00 D0 02 00 FE 00 B6 06 00 00 00 01 00 00
Handle 0xD200, DMI type 210, 12 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D2 0C 00 D2 F8 02 03 03 06 80 04 05
Handle 0xD800, DMI type 216, 9 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D8 09 00 D8 01 02 00 F0 03
{* Content TBD *}
Handle 0xDE00, DMI type 222, 16 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DE 10 00 DE 00 40 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00
Handle 0xE100, DMI type 225, 13 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E1 0D 00 E1 01 01 00 04 00 02 01 04 00
Handle 0xE101, DMI type 225, 53 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E1 35 01 E1 01 01 00 11 00 02 01 11 00 03 02 11
00 04 03 11 00 05 04 11 00 06 05 11 00 07 06 11
00 08 07 11 00 09 08 11 00 0A 09 11 00 0B 0A 11
00 0C 0B 11 00
Handle 0xFEFF, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
End Of Table

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,921 +0,0 @@
# dmidecode 3.1
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 2.8 present.
93 structures occupying 4311 bytes.
Table at 0x766AD000.
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L1-Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 256 kB
Maximum Size: 256 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0001, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L2-Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Varies With Memory Address
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 1024 kB
Maximum Size: 1024 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 4-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0002, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L3-Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 3
Operational Mode: Varies With Memory Address
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 8192 kB
Maximum Size: 8192 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 16-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0003, DMI type 4, 48 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: Proc 1
Type: Central Processor
Family: Xeon
Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
ID: E3 06 05 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 94, Stepping 3
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)
CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)
APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)
SEP (Fast system call)
MTRR (Memory type range registers)
PGE (Page global enable)
MCA (Machine check architecture)
CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)
PAT (Page attribute table)
PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)
CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)
DS (Debug store)
ACPI (ACPI supported)
MMX (MMX technology supported)
FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)
SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)
SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)
SS (Self-snoop)
HTT (Multi-threading)
TM (Thermal monitor supported)
PBE (Pending break enabled)
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1585L v5 @ 3.00GHz
Voltage: 1.0 V
External Clock: 100 MHz
Max Speed: 3700 MHz
Current Speed: 3000 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: Other
L1 Cache Handle: 0x0000
L2 Cache Handle: 0x0001
L3 Cache Handle: 0x0002
Serial Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Asset Tag: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Part Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Core Count: 4
Core Enabled: 4
Thread Count: 8
64-bit capable
Hardware Thread
Execute Protection
Enhanced Virtualization
Power/Performance Control
Handle 0x0004, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: HP
Version: H07
Release Date: 05/23/2016
Address: 0xF0000
Runtime Size: 64 kB
ROM Size: 16 MB
PCI is supported
PNP is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
ESCD support is available
Boot from CD is supported
Selectable boot is supported
EDD is supported
5.25"/360 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
5.25"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
Print screen service is supported (int 5h)
8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)
Serial services are supported (int 14h)
Printer services are supported (int 17h)
CGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h)
ACPI is supported
USB legacy is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported
Function key-initiated network boot is supported
Targeted content distribution is supported
UEFI is supported
BIOS Revision: 1.0
Firmware Revision: 2.40
Handle 0x0005, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: HP
Product Name: ProLiant m710x Server Cartridge
Version: Not Specified
Serial Number: CN66480BLA
UUID: CF6D6DE0-A5AB-512C-BCD4-5CF40EC490C1
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: 833105-B21
Family: ProLiant
Handle 0x0006, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: Multi-bit ECC
Maximum Capacity: 64 GB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 4
Handle 0x0007, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0006
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: PROC 1 DIMM 1
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MT/s
Manufacturer: HP
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: 853289-091
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: 1.2 V
Maximum Voltage: 1.2 V
Configured Voltage: 1.2 V
Handle 0x0008, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0006
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 1
Locator: PROC 1 DIMM 2
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MT/s
Manufacturer: HP
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: 853289-091
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: 1.2 V
Maximum Voltage: 1.2 V
Configured Voltage: 1.2 V
Handle 0x0009, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0006
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 2
Locator: PROC 1 DIMM 3
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MT/s
Manufacturer: HP
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: 853289-091
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: 1.2 V
Maximum Voltage: 1.2 V
Configured Voltage: 1.2 V
Handle 0x000A, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0006
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: 3
Locator: PROC 1 DIMM 4
Bank Locator: Not Specified
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MT/s
Manufacturer: HP
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: 853289-091
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: 1.2 V
Maximum Voltage: 1.2 V
Configured Voltage: 1.2 V
Handle 0x000B, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x0007E7FFFFF
Range Size: 2024 MB
Physical Array Handle: 0x0006
Partition Width: 1
Handle 0x000C, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x0000000100000000k
Ending Address: 0x00000010817FFFFFk
Range Size: 63512 MB
Physical Array Handle: 0x0006
Partition Width: 1
Handle 0x000D, DMI type 211, 7 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D3 07 0D 00 03 00 00
Handle 0x000E, DMI type 2, 17 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: HP
Product Name: ProLiant m710x Server Cartridge
Version: Not Specified
Serial Number: CN66480ANY
Asset Tag:
Board is a hosting board
Board is removable
Board is replaceable
Location In Chassis: c2n1
Chassis Handle: 0x0000
Type: Motherboard
Contained Object Handles: 0
Handle 0x000F, DMI type 3, 21 bytes
Chassis Information
Manufacturer: HP
Type: Multi-system
Lock: Not Present
Version: Not Specified
Serial Number: CZ3702MD5K
Asset Tag:
Boot-up State: Safe
Power Supply State: Safe
Thermal State: Safe
Security Status: Unknown
OEM Information: 0x00000000
Height: 5 U
Number Of Power Cords: Unspecified
Contained Elements: 0
Handle 0x0010, DMI type 11, 5 bytes
OEM Strings
String 1: PSF:
String 2: Product ID: 833105-B21
String 3: CPN: HP Moonshot 1500 Chassis
String 4: OEM String:
Handle 0x0011, DMI type 38, 18 bytes
IPMI Device Information
Interface Type: KCS (Keyboard Control Style)
Specification Version: 2.0
I2C Slave Address: 0x10
NV Storage Device: Not Present
Base Address: 0x0000000000000CA2 (I/O)
Register Spacing: Successive Byte Boundaries
Handle 0x0012, DMI type 193, 9 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
C1 09 12 00 00 01 00 02 03
Handle 0x0013, DMI type 194, 5 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
C2 05 13 00 10
Handle 0x0014, DMI type 195, 7 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
C3 07 14 00 01 12 01
Handle 0x0015, DMI type 197, 16 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
C5 10 15 00 03 00 00 01 FF 01 2D 00 00 00 00 00
Handle 0x0016, DMI type 198, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
C6 0E 16 00 17 00 00 00 00 00 01 0A FF FF
Handle 0x0017, DMI type 199, 28 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
C7 1C 17 00 2C 00 00 00 15 20 01 07 E2 06 05 00
88 00 00 00 16 20 16 03 E3 06 05 00
Handle 0x0018, DMI type 201, 16 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
C9 10 18 00 10 02 00 00 40 0D 01 00 0E 00 00 80
Handle 0x0019, DMI type 215, 6 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D7 06 19 00 00 05
Handle 0x001A, DMI type 216, 23 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D8 17 1A 00 01 00 01 02 07 01 00 05 17 E0 07 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
System ROM
v1.00 (05/23/2016)
Handle 0x001B, DMI type 216, 23 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D8 17 1B 00 04 00 01 02 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Power Management Controller Firmware
Handle 0x001C, DMI type 216, 23 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D8 17 1C 00 05 00 01 02 02 60 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Power Management Controller FW Bootloader
Handle 0x001D, DMI type 216, 23 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D8 17 1D 00 08 00 01 00 01 09 09 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
System Programmable Logic Device
Handle 0x001E, DMI type 216, 23 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
D8 17 1E 00 09 00 01 00 03 04 00 00 00 03 00 96
00 0A 00 00 00 01 00
Server Platform Services (SPS) Firmware
Handle 0x001F, DMI type 219, 32 bytes
HP ProLiant Information
Power Features: 0x000000df
Omega Features: 0x00000000
Misc. Features: 0x00009001
iCRU: Yes
Handle 0x0020, DMI type 223, 11 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DF 0B 20 00 66 46 70 00 00 00 00
Handle 0x0021, DMI type 224, 10 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E0 0A 21 00 00 00 02 03 FE FF
Handle 0x0022, DMI type 226, 21 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E2 15 22 00 38 33 33 31 30 35 43 4E 36 36 34 38
30 41 4E 59 01
Handle 0x0023, DMI type 227, 22 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E3 16 23 00 03 00 07 00 00 A0 01 00 FF FF FF FF
00 00 00 00 00 00
Handle 0x0024, DMI type 227, 22 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E3 16 24 00 03 00 08 00 00 A2 01 00 FF FF FF FF
00 00 00 00 00 00
Handle 0x0025, DMI type 227, 22 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E3 16 25 00 03 00 09 00 00 A4 01 00 FF FF FF FF
01 00 00 00 00 00
Handle 0x0026, DMI type 227, 22 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E3 16 26 00 03 00 0A 00 00 A6 01 00 FF FF FF FF
01 00 00 00 00 00
Handle 0x0027, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00
Handle 0x0028, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 28 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00
Handle 0x0029, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 29 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00
Handle 0x002A, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 2A 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00
Handle 0x002B, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 2B 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00
Handle 0x002C, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 2C 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00
Handle 0x002D, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 2D 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00
Handle 0x002E, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 2E 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00
Handle 0x002F, DMI type 228, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E4 0E 2F 00 08 06 00 00 00 00 00 FF 01 00
Handle 0x0030, DMI type 229, 100 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E5 64 30 00 24 4F 43 53 00 B0 F1 77 00 00 00 00
00 40 00 00 24 4F 43 42 00 50 F0 77 00 00 00 00
00 60 01 00 24 48 44 44 00 30 F0 77 00 00 00 00
00 20 00 00 24 57 48 45 00 20 EF 77 00 00 00 00
00 10 00 00 24 53 4D 56 98 2E F2 77 00 00 00 00
08 00 00 00 24 5A 58 54 00 10 EF 77 00 00 00 00
3B 00 00 00
Handle 0x0031, DMI type 232, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E8 0E 31 00 07 00 11 00 00 00 B0 04 B0 04
Handle 0x0032, DMI type 232, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E8 0E 32 00 08 00 11 00 00 00 B0 04 B0 04
Handle 0x0033, DMI type 232, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E8 0E 33 00 09 00 11 00 00 00 B0 04 B0 04
Handle 0x0034, DMI type 232, 14 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
E8 0E 34 00 0A 00 11 00 00 00 B0 04 B0 04
Handle 0x0035, DMI type 237, 9 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
ED 09 35 00 07 00 01 02 03
Handle 0x0036, DMI type 237, 9 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
ED 09 36 00 08 00 01 02 03
Handle 0x0037, DMI type 237, 9 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
ED 09 37 00 09 00 01 02 03
Handle 0x0038, DMI type 237, 9 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
ED 09 38 00 0A 00 01 02 03
Handle 0x0039, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 2
Type: x4 PCI Express 2
Current Usage: Available
Length: Other
ID: 2
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:02:00.0
Handle 0x003A, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 1
Type: x1 PCI Express 2
Current Usage: Available
Length: Other
ID: 1
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:05:00.0
Handle 0x003B, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 5
Type: x2 PCI Express 2
Current Usage: Available
Length: Other
ID: 5
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:08:00.0
Handle 0x003C, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 0
Type: x1 PCI Express 3 x4
Current Usage: Available
Length: Unknown
ID: 0
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:fe:00.0
Handle 0x003D, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 0
Type: x1 PCI Express 3 x4
Current Usage: Available
Length: Unknown
ID: 0
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:fe:00.0
Handle 0x003E, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 4
Type: x4 PCI Express 2
Current Usage: Available
Length: Unknown
ID: 4
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:0b:00.0
Handle 0x003F, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 3
Type: x4 PCI Express 2
Current Usage: In Use
Length: Other
ID: 3
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:0e:00.0
Handle 0x0040, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 1
Type: x4 PCI Express 3 x4
Current Usage: Available
Length: Unknown
ID: 1
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:fe:00.0
Handle 0x0041, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI-E Slot 1
Type: x4 PCI Express 3 x4
Current Usage: Available
Length: Unknown
ID: 1
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:fe:00.0
Handle 0x0042, DMI type 233, 41 bytes
HP BIOS PXE NIC PCI and MAC Information
NIC 1: PCI device 11:00.0, MAC address 00:FD:45:50:6C:01
Handle 0x0043, DMI type 233, 41 bytes
HP BIOS PXE NIC PCI and MAC Information
NIC 2: PCI device 11:00.0, MAC address 00:FD:45:50:6C:02
Handle 0x0044, DMI type 32, 11 bytes
System Boot Information
Status: No errors detected
Handle 0x0045, DMI type 196, 15 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
C4 0F 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 00 01 02
Handle 0x0046, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Embedded LOM 1 Port 1
Type: Ethernet
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:11:00.0
Handle 0x0047, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Embedded LOM 1 Port 2
Type: Ethernet
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 2
Bus Address: 0000:11:00.0
Handle 0x0048, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Embedded SATA Controller #1
Type: SATA Controller
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:00:17.0
Handle 0x0049, DMI type 202, 13 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CA 0D 49 00 07 00 FF 01 01 01 00 00 00
Handle 0x004A, DMI type 202, 13 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CA 0D 4A 00 08 00 FF 02 01 02 00 00 00
Handle 0x004B, DMI type 202, 13 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CA 0D 4B 00 09 00 FF 03 01 03 00 00 00
Handle 0x004C, DMI type 202, 13 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CA 0D 4C 00 0A 00 FF 04 01 04 00 00 00
Handle 0x004D, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 4D 00 39 00 FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
FF FF FE FF 00 00 09 0A 02 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Empty slot 2
Slot 2
Handle 0x004E, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
FF FF FE FF 00 00 09 0A 01 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Empty slot 1
Slot 1
Handle 0x004F, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
FF FF FE FF 00 00 09 0A 05 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Empty slot 5
Slot 5
Handle 0x0050, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 50 00 3C 00 FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
FF FF FE FF 00 00 09 0A 01 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Slot 0
Handle 0x0051, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 51 00 3D 00 FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
FF FF FE FF 00 00 09 0A 01 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Slot 0
Handle 0x0052, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 52 00 3E 00 FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
FF FF FE FF 00 00 09 0A 04 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Empty slot 4
Slot 4
Handle 0x0053, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 53 00 3F 00 FE FF 79 11 0F 01 79 11 01 00
01 08 FE FF 00 00 10 0A 03 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
NVM Express Controller
Slot 3
Handle 0x0054, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 54 00 40 00 FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
FF FF FE FF 00 00 09 0A 01 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Empty slot 1
Slot 0
Handle 0x0055, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 55 00 41 00 FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
FF FF FE FF 00 00 09 0A 01 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Empty slot 1
Slot 0
Handle 0x0056, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 56 00 46 00 FE FF B3 15 07 10 90 15 04 22
02 00 FE FF 00 00 04 01 01 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Port 1 - Mellanox Network Adapter
Embedded LOM 1
Handle 0x0057, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 57 00 47 00 FE FF B3 15 07 10 90 15 04 22
02 00 FE FF 00 00 04 01 01 02 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Port 2 - Mellanox Network Adapter
Embedded LOM 1
Handle 0x0058, DMI type 203, 34 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
CB 22 58 00 48 00 FE FF 86 80 02 A1 3C 10 65 81
01 06 FE FF 00 00 06 08 01 01 FF FF 01 02 03 04
Embedded SATA Controller #1
Embedded SATA Controller #1
Handle 0x0059, DMI type 234, 16 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
EA 10 59 00 FE FF C0 00 01 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00
Handle 0x005A, DMI type 234, 12 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
EA 0C 5A 00 27 00 60 03 01 01 00 00
Handle 0x005B, DMI type 240, 39 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
F0 27 5B 00 56 00 18 1E 24 00 01 08 48 0D 00 00
00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 02 00 00 00
Handle 0xFEFF, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
End Of Table

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
# dmidecode 3.0
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 3.0 present.
37 structures occupying 2615 bytes.
Table at 0x8F9C5000.
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
Version: S3E_3B09.02
Release Date: 02/23/2018
Address: 0xF0000
Runtime Size: 64 kB
ROM Size: 8192 kB
PCI is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
Boot from CD is supported
Selectable boot is supported
BIOS ROM is socketed
EDD is supported
Print screen service is supported (int 5h)
Serial services are supported (int 14h)
Printer services are supported (int 17h)
ACPI is supported
USB legacy is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported
Targeted content distribution is supported
UEFI is supported
BIOS Revision: 5.11
Firmware Revision: 3.20
Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: Quanta Cloud Technology Inc.
Product Name: QuantaMicro X10E-9N
Version: N/A
Serial Number: QTFCQ57140285
UUID: E1A3D1C8-0809-E711-B48A-A81E84729878
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: S3E
Family: Default string
Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Quanta Cloud Technology Inc.
Product Name: S3E-MB
Version: 31S3EMB0010
Serial Number: CQ571000415
Asset Tag: N/A
Board is a hosting board
Board is replaceable
Location In Chassis: 4
Chassis Handle: 0x0003
Type: Motherboard
Contained Object Handles: 0
Handle 0x0003, DMI type 3, 22 bytes
Chassis Information
Manufacturer: Quanta Cloud Technology Inc.
Type: Rack Mount Chassis
Lock: Not Present
Version: 32S3ECAST00
Serial Number: QTFCQ571402FD
Asset Tag: N/A
Boot-up State: Safe
Power Supply State: Safe
Thermal State: Safe
Security Status: None
OEM Information: 0x00000000
Height: 3 U
Number Of Power Cords: 2
Contained Elements: 0
SKU Number: Default string
Handle 0x0021, DMI type 11, 5 bytes
OEM Strings
String 1: Default string
String 2: Default string
String 3: Default string
String 4: Default string
String 5: Default string
Handle 0x0025, DMI type 38, 18 bytes
IPMI Device Information
Interface Type: KCS (Keyboard Control Style)
Specification Version: 2.0
I2C Slave Address: 0x10
NV Storage Device: Not Present
Base Address: 0x0000000000000CA2 (I/O)
Register Spacing: Successive Byte Boundaries
Handle 0x0034, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L1 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 256 kB
Maximum Size: 256 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Parity
System Type: Other
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0035, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L2 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 1024 kB
Maximum Size: 1024 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 4-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0036, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L3 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 3
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 8192 kB
Maximum Size: 8192 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Multi-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 16-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0037, DMI type 4, 48 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU
Type: Central Processor
Family: Xeon
Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
ID: E9 06 09 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 158, Stepping 9
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)
CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)
APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)
SEP (Fast system call)
MTRR (Memory type range registers)
PGE (Page global enable)
MCA (Machine check architecture)
CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)
PAT (Page attribute table)
PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)
CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)
DS (Debug store)
ACPI (ACPI supported)
MMX (MMX technology supported)
FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)
SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)
SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)
SS (Self-snoop)
HTT (Multi-threading)
TM (Thermal monitor supported)
PBE (Pending break enabled)
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 v6 @ 3.70GHz
Voltage: 1.0 V
External Clock: 100 MHz
Max Speed: 4100 MHz
Current Speed: 3700 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: Other
L1 Cache Handle: 0x0034
L2 Cache Handle: 0x0035
L3 Cache Handle: 0x0036
Serial Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Asset Tag: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Part Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Core Count: 4
Core Enabled: 4
Thread Count: 8
64-bit capable
Hardware Thread
Execute Protection
Enhanced Virtualization
Power/Performance Control
Handle 0x0038, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
Maximum Capacity: 64 GB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 4
Handle 0x0039, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0038
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: Unknown
Set: None
Locator: DIMM A1
Bank Locator: CHANNEL A
Type: Unknown
Type Detail: None
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: Not Specified
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified
Rank: Unknown
Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x003A, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0038
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMM A0
Bank Locator: CHANNEL A
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2133 MHz
Manufacturer: Samsung
Serial Number: 328CBA1D
Asset Tag: 9876543210
Part Number: M391A2K43BB1-CPB
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum Voltage: 1.2 V
Maximum Voltage: 1.2 V
Configured Voltage: 1.2 V
Handle 0x003B, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0038
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: Unknown
Set: None
Locator: DIMM B1
Bank Locator: CHANNEL B
Type: Unknown
Type Detail: None
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: Not Specified
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified
Rank: Unknown
Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x003C, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0038
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMM B0
Bank Locator: CHANNEL B
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2133 MHz
Manufacturer: Samsung
Serial Number: 328CB9DF
Asset Tag: 9876543210
Part Number: M391A2K43BB1-CPB
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum Voltage: 1.2 V
Maximum Voltage: 1.2 V
Configured Voltage: 1.2 V
Handle 0x003D, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 32 GB
Physical Array Handle: 0x0038
Partition Width: 2
Handle 0x003E, DMI type 221, 26 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DD 1A 3E 00 03 01 00 04 01 00 08 00 02 00 00 00
00 84 00 03 00 01 03 00 00 00
Reference Code - CPU
uCode Version
TXT ACM version
Handle 0x003F, DMI type 221, 68 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DD 44 3F 00 09 01 00 04 01 00 08 00 02 03 FF FF
FF FF FF 04 00 FF FF FF 31 00 05 00 FF FF FF 31
00 06 00 FF FF FF FF FF 07 00 3E 00 00 00 00 08
00 34 00 00 00 00 09 00 3E 00 00 00 00 0A 00 34
00 00 00 00
Reference Code - SKL PCH
PCH-CRID Original Value
PCH-CRID New Value
SKL PCH H Bx Hsio Version
SKL PCH H Dx Hsio Version
SKL PCH LP Bx Hsio Version
SKL PCH LP Cx Hsio Version
Handle 0x0040, DMI type 221, 54 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DD 36 40 00 07 01 00 04 01 00 08 00 02 00 04 01
00 08 00 03 00 04 01 00 00 00 04 05 FF FF FF FF
FF 06 00 FF FF FF 05 00 07 00 FF FF FF 05 00 08
00 FF FF FF 00 00
Reference Code - SA - System Agent
Reference Code - MRC
SA - PCIe Version
SA-CRID Status
SA-CRID Original Value
SA-CRID New Value
Handle 0x0041, DMI type 221, 96 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DD 60 41 00 0D 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 FF FF
FF 07 08 FF FF FF FF FF 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A
00 FF FF FF FF FF 0B 00 FF FF 00 00 00 0C 00 FF
FF FF 0F 00 FF FF FF FF FF 10 11 01 02 02 03 00
Lan Phy Version
Sensor Firmware Version
Debug Mode Status
Performance Mode Status
Debug Use USB(Disabled:Serial)
ICC Overclocking Version
UNDI Version
EC FW Version
GOP Version
BIOS Guard Version
Base EC FW Version
EC-EC Protocol Version
Royal Park Version
Handle 0x0043, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J1:XDP CONN
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0044, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: JP2:CPLD JTAG
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0045, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J7:HDD0
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: SATA
Handle 0x0046, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: J15:USB CONN_1
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0047, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: J16:USB CONN_0
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0048, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: JP10:SMBUS_HOST
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0049, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J20:TPM CONN
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x004A, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: JP13:SERIAL_A
Internal Connector Type: DB-9 male
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Serial Port XT/AT Compatible
Handle 0x004B, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: Not Specified
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: J22:VGA_Conn
External Connector Type: DB-15 female
Port Type: Video Port
Handle 0x004C, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: Mezz Slot(PCIex8 x4)
Type: x12 Proprietary
Current Usage: In Use
Length: Short
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
SMBus signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:00:01.0
Handle 0x004D, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: OCP Mezz Slot(PCIex4)
Type: x4 Proprietary
Current Usage: Available
Length: Short
3.3 V is provided
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:00:1d.0
Handle 0x004E, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Intel(R) C236 chipset SATA Controller
Type: SATA Controller
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:00:17.0
Handle 0x004F, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: onboard VGA
Type: Video
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:03:00.0
Handle 0x0050, DMI type 136, 6 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
88 06 50 00 00 00
Handle 0x0051, DMI type 14, 17 bytes
Group Associations
Name: Firmware Version Info
Items: 4
0x003E (<OUT OF SPEC>)
0x003F (<OUT OF SPEC>)
0x0040 (<OUT OF SPEC>)
0x0041 (<OUT OF SPEC>)
Handle 0x0052, DMI type 13, 22 bytes
BIOS Language Information
Language Description Format: Long
Installable Languages: 1
Currently Installed Language: en|US|iso8859-1
Handle 0x0053, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
End Of Table

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,957 +0,0 @@
# dmidecode 3.0
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 3.0.0 present.
Table at 0x000EC9B0.
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
Version: 2.0b
Release Date: 04/14/2017
Address: 0xF0000
Runtime Size: 64 kB
ROM Size: 16384 kB
PCI is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
Boot from CD is supported
Selectable boot is supported
BIOS ROM is socketed
EDD is supported
5.25"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
Print screen service is supported (int 5h)
8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)
Serial services are supported (int 14h)
Printer services are supported (int 17h)
ACPI is supported
USB legacy is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported
Targeted content distribution is supported
UEFI is supported
BIOS Revision: 5.6
Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: Supermicro
Product Name: SYS-6018R-TDTPR
Version: 0123456789
Serial Number: A177950X7709591
UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0CC47A4B18C0
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: Default string
Family: Default string
Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Supermicro
Product Name: X10DRD-LTP
Version: 1.00
Serial Number: ZM152S007866
Asset Tag: Default string
Board is a hosting board
Board is replaceable
Location In Chassis: Default string
Chassis Handle: 0x0003
Type: Motherboard
Contained Object Handles: 0
Handle 0x0003, DMI type 3, 22 bytes
Chassis Information
Manufacturer: Supermicro
Type: Other
Lock: Not Present
Version: 0123456789
Serial Number: C8150LG15NH0008
Asset Tag: Default string
Boot-up State: Safe
Power Supply State: Safe
Thermal State: Safe
Security Status: None
OEM Information: 0x00000000
Height: Unspecified
Number Of Power Cords: 1
Contained Elements: 0
SKU Number: Default string
Handle 0x0004, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J1A1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: PS2Mouse
External Connector Type: PS/2
Port Type: Mouse Port
Handle 0x0005, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J1A1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: Keyboard
External Connector Type: PS/2
Port Type: Keyboard Port
Handle 0x0006, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J2A1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: TV Out
External Connector Type: Mini Centronics Type-14
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0007, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J2A2A
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: COM A
External Connector Type: DB-9 male
Port Type: Serial Port 16550A Compatible
Handle 0x0008, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J2A2B
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: Video
External Connector Type: DB-15 female
Port Type: Video Port
Handle 0x0009, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J3A1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: USB1
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x000A, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J3A1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: USB2
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x000B, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J3A1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: USB3
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x000C, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J9A1 - TPM HDR
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x000D, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J9C1 - PCIE DOCKING CONN
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x000E, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J2B3 - CPU FAN
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x000F, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J6C2 - EXT HDMI
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0010, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J3C1 - GMCH FAN
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0011, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J1D1 - ITP
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0012, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J9E2 - MDC INTPSR
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0013, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J9E4 - MDC INTPSR
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0014, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J9E3 - LPC HOT DOCKING
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0015, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J9E1 - SCAN MATRIX
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0016, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J9G1 - LPC SIDE BAND
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0017, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J8F1 - UNIFIED
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0018, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J6F1 - LVDS
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x0019, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J2F1 - LAI FAN
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x001A, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J2G1 - GFX VID
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x001B, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: J1G6 - AC JACK
Internal Connector Type: Other
External Reference Designator: Not Specified
External Connector Type: None
Port Type: Other
Handle 0x001C, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: CPU1 SLOT4 PCI-E 3.0 X8
Type: x8 PCI Express 3 x8
Current Usage: Available
Length: Short
ID: 4
3.3 V is provided
Opening is shared
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:05:00.0
Handle 0x001D, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: CPU1 SLOT5 PCI-E 3.0 X8
Type: x8 PCI Express 3 x8
Current Usage: Available
Length: Short
ID: 5
3.3 V is provided
Opening is shared
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:03:00.0
Handle 0x001E, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: CPU1 SLOT6 PCI-E 3.0 X8
Type: x8 PCI Express 3 x8
Current Usage: In Use
Length: Short
ID: 6
3.3 V is provided
Opening is shared
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:04:00.0
Handle 0x001F, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: CPU2 SLOT7 PCI-E 3.0 X8
Type: x8 PCI Express 3 x8
Current Usage: Available
Length: Short
ID: 7
3.3 V is provided
Opening is shared
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:ff:00.0
Handle 0x0020, DMI type 11, 5 bytes
OEM Strings
String 1: Intel Haswell/Wellsburg/Grantley
String 2: Supermicro motherboard-X10 Series
Handle 0x0021, DMI type 32, 20 bytes
System Boot Information
Status: No errors detected
Handle 0x0022, DMI type 39, 22 bytes
System Power Supply
Power Unit Group: 1
Location: PSU1
Name: PWS-504P-1R
Manufacturer: SUPERMICRO
Serial Number: P5041CG52ST0022
Asset Tag: N/A
Model Part Number: PWS-504P-1R
Revision: 1.4
Max Power Capacity: 500 W
Status: Present, OK
Type: Switching
Input Voltage Range Switching: Auto-switch
Plugged: Yes
Hot Replaceable: Yes
Handle 0x0023, DMI type 39, 22 bytes
System Power Supply
Power Unit Group: 2
Location: PSU2
Name: PWS-504P-1R
Manufacturer: SUPERMICRO
Serial Number: P5041CG52ST0021
Asset Tag: N/A
Model Part Number: PWS-504P-1R
Revision: 1.4
Max Power Capacity: 500 W
Status: Present, OK
Type: Switching
Input Voltage Range Switching: Auto-switch
Plugged: Yes
Hot Replaceable: Yes
Handle 0x0024, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: ASPEED Video AST2400
Type: Video
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:09:00.0
Handle 0x0025, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Intel Ethernet 82599ES/EN SFP+ #1
Type: Ethernet
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:06:00.0
Handle 0x0026, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Intel Ethernet 82599ES/EN SFP+ #2
Type: Ethernet
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 2
Bus Address: 0000:06:00.1
Handle 0x0027, DMI type 38, 18 bytes
IPMI Device Information
Interface Type: KCS (Keyboard Control Style)
Specification Version: 2.0
I2C Slave Address: 0x10
NV Storage Device: Not Present
Base Address: 0x0000000000000CA2 (I/O)
Register Spacing: Successive Byte Boundaries
Handle 0x002A, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: Multi-bit ECC
Maximum Capacity: 256 GB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 4
Handle 0x002B, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x002A
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: P1-DIMMA1
Bank Locator: P0_Node0_Channel0_Dimm0
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: SK Hynix
Serial Number: 2AA5B8E9
Asset Tag: P1-DIMMA1_AssetTag (date:17/39)
Part Number: HMA42GR7AFR4N-UH
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x002C, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x002A
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: P1-DIMMB1
Bank Locator: P0_Node0_Channel1_Dimm0
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: SK Hynix
Serial Number: 2AA5B923
Asset Tag: P1-DIMMB1_AssetTag (date:17/39)
Part Number: HMA42GR7AFR4N-UH
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x002D, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x002A
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: P1-DIMMC1
Bank Locator: P0_Node0_Channel2_Dimm0
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: NO DIMM
Serial Number: NO DIMM
Asset Tag: NO DIMM
Part Number: NO DIMM
Rank: Unknown
Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x002E, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x002A
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: P1-DIMMD1
Bank Locator: P0_Node0_Channel3_Dimm0
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: NO DIMM
Serial Number: NO DIMM
Asset Tag: NO DIMM
Part Number: NO DIMM
Rank: Unknown
Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x002F, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: Multi-bit ECC
Maximum Capacity: 256 GB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 4
Handle 0x0030, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x002F
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: P2-DIMME1
Bank Locator: P1_Node1_Channel0_Dimm0
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: SK Hynix
Serial Number: 2AA5B88C
Asset Tag: P2-DIMME1_AssetTag (date:17/39)
Part Number: HMA42GR7AFR4N-UH
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0031, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x002F
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: P2-DIMMF1
Bank Locator: P1_Node1_Channel1_Dimm0
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MHz
Manufacturer: SK Hynix
Serial Number: 2AA5B86B
Asset Tag: P2-DIMMF1_AssetTag (date:17/39)
Part Number: HMA42GR7AFR4N-UH
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MHz
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0032, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x002F
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: P2-DIMMG1
Bank Locator: P1_Node1_Channel2_Dimm0
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: NO DIMM
Serial Number: NO DIMM
Asset Tag: NO DIMM
Part Number: NO DIMM
Rank: Unknown
Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0033, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x002F
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: P2-DIMMH1
Bank Locator: P1_Node1_Channel3_Dimm0
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: NO DIMM
Serial Number: NO DIMM
Asset Tag: NO DIMM
Part Number: NO DIMM
Rank: Unknown
Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0034, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 32 GB
Physical Array Handle: 0x002A
Partition Width: 2
Handle 0x0035, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x003FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 16 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x002B
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0034
Partition Row Position: 1
Handle 0x0036, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00400000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 16 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x002C
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0034
Partition Row Position: 1
Handle 0x0037, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00800000000
Ending Address: 0x00FFFFFFFFF
Range Size: 32 GB
Physical Array Handle: 0x002F
Partition Width: 2
Handle 0x0038, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00800000000
Ending Address: 0x00BFFFFFFFF
Range Size: 16 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0030
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0037
Partition Row Position: 1
Handle 0x0039, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00C00000000
Ending Address: 0x00FFFFFFFFF
Range Size: 16 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0031
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0037
Partition Row Position: 1
Handle 0x003A, DMI type 15, 73 bytes
System Event Log
Area Length: 65535 bytes
Header Start Offset: 0x0000
Header Length: 16 bytes
Data Start Offset: 0x0010
Access Method: Memory-mapped physical 32-bit address
Access Address: 0xFF540000
Status: Valid, Not Full
Change Token: 0x00000001
Header Format: Type 1
Supported Log Type Descriptors: 25
Descriptor 1: Single-bit ECC memory error
Data Format 1: Multiple-event handle
Descriptor 2: Multi-bit ECC memory error
Data Format 2: Multiple-event handle
Descriptor 3: Parity memory error
Data Format 3: None
Descriptor 4: Bus timeout
Data Format 4: None
Descriptor 5: I/O channel block
Data Format 5: None
Descriptor 6: Software NMI
Data Format 6: None
Descriptor 7: POST memory resize
Data Format 7: None
Descriptor 8: POST error
Data Format 8: POST results bitmap
Descriptor 9: PCI parity error
Data Format 9: Multiple-event handle
Descriptor 10: PCI system error
Data Format 10: Multiple-event handle
Descriptor 11: CPU failure
Data Format 11: None
Descriptor 12: EISA failsafe timer timeout
Data Format 12: None
Descriptor 13: Correctable memory log disabled
Data Format 13: None
Descriptor 14: Logging disabled
Data Format 14: None
Descriptor 15: System limit exceeded
Data Format 15: None
Descriptor 16: Asynchronous hardware timer expired
Data Format 16: None
Descriptor 17: System configuration information
Data Format 17: None
Descriptor 18: Hard disk information
Data Format 18: None
Descriptor 19: System reconfigured
Data Format 19: None
Descriptor 20: Uncorrectable CPU-complex error
Data Format 20: None
Descriptor 21: Log area reset/cleared
Data Format 21: None
Descriptor 22: System boot
Data Format 22: None
Descriptor 23: End of log
Data Format 23: None
Descriptor 24: OEM-specific
Data Format 24: OEM-specific
Descriptor 25: OEM-specific
Data Format 25: OEM-specific
Handle 0x003B, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: CPU Internal L1
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 640 kB
Maximum Size: 640 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Parity
System Type: Other
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x003C, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: CPU Internal L2
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 2560 kB
Maximum Size: 2560 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x003D, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: CPU Internal L3
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 3
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 25600 kB
Maximum Size: 25600 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 20-way Set-associative
Handle 0x003E, DMI type 4, 42 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU1
Type: Central Processor
Family: Xeon
Manufacturer: Intel
ID: F1 06 04 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 79, Stepping 1
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)
CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)
APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)
SEP (Fast system call)
MTRR (Memory type range registers)
PGE (Page global enable)
MCA (Machine check architecture)
CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)
PAT (Page attribute table)
PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)
CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)
DS (Debug store)
ACPI (ACPI supported)
MMX (MMX technology supported)
FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)
SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)
SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)
SS (Self-snoop)
HTT (Multi-threading)
TM (Thermal monitor supported)
PBE (Pending break enabled)
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
Voltage: 1.8 V
External Clock: 100 MHz
Max Speed: 4000 MHz
Current Speed: 2200 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: Socket LGA2011-3
L1 Cache Handle: 0x003B
L2 Cache Handle: 0x003C
L3 Cache Handle: 0x003D
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified
Core Count: 10
Core Enabled: 10
Thread Count: 20
64-bit capable
Hardware Thread
Execute Protection
Enhanced Virtualization
Power/Performance Control
Handle 0x003F, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: CPU Internal L1
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 640 kB
Maximum Size: 640 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Parity
System Type: Other
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0040, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: CPU Internal L2
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 2560 kB
Maximum Size: 2560 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0041, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: CPU Internal L3
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 3
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 25600 kB
Maximum Size: 25600 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 20-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0042, DMI type 4, 42 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU2
Type: Central Processor
Family: Xeon
Manufacturer: Intel
ID: F1 06 04 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 79, Stepping 1
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)
CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)
APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)
SEP (Fast system call)
MTRR (Memory type range registers)
PGE (Page global enable)
MCA (Machine check architecture)
CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)
PAT (Page attribute table)
PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)
CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)
DS (Debug store)
ACPI (ACPI supported)
MMX (MMX technology supported)
FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)
SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)
SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)
SS (Self-snoop)
HTT (Multi-threading)
TM (Thermal monitor supported)
PBE (Pending break enabled)
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
Voltage: 1.8 V
External Clock: 100 MHz
Max Speed: 4000 MHz
Current Speed: 2200 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: Socket LGA2011-3
L1 Cache Handle: 0x003F
L2 Cache Handle: 0x0040
L3 Cache Handle: 0x0041
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified
Core Count: 10
Core Enabled: 10
Thread Count: 20
64-bit capable
Hardware Thread
Execute Protection
Enhanced Virtualization
Power/Performance Control
Handle 0x0043, DMI type 40, 27 bytes
Additional Information 1
Handle 0x0044, DMI type 40, 27 bytes
Additional Information 1
Handle 0x0045, DMI type 40, 27 bytes
Additional Information 1
Handle 0x0046, DMI type 40, 27 bytes
Additional Information 1
Handle 0x0047, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
End Of Table

View file

@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
# dmidecode 3.1
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 3.0 present.
32 structures occupying 2366 bytes.
Table at 0x6FB76000.
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
Version: 2.2
Release Date: 05/16/2018
Address: 0xF0000
Runtime Size: 64 kB
ROM Size: 16 MB
PCI is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
Boot from CD is supported
Selectable boot is supported
BIOS ROM is socketed
EDD is supported
5.25"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
Print screen service is supported (int 5h)
Serial services are supported (int 14h)
Printer services are supported (int 17h)
ACPI is supported
USB legacy is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported
Targeted content distribution is supported
UEFI is supported
BIOS Revision: 5.11
Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: Supermicro
Product Name: SYS-5039MS-H12TRF-OS012
Version: 0123456789
Serial Number: E235735X6B01665
UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0CC47AE14338
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: To be filled by O.E.M.
Family: To be filled by O.E.M.
Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Supermicro
Product Name: X11SSE-F
Version: 1.01
Serial Number: ZM169S040205
Asset Tag: To be filled by O.E.M.
Board is a hosting board
Board is replaceable
Location In Chassis: To be filled by O.E.M.
Chassis Handle: 0x0003
Type: Motherboard
Contained Object Handles: 0
Handle 0x0003, DMI type 3, 22 bytes
Chassis Information
Manufacturer: Supermicro
Type: Other
Lock: Not Present
Version: 0123456789
Serial Number: C9390AF40A20098
Asset Tag: To be filled by O.E.M.
Boot-up State: Safe
Power Supply State: Safe
Thermal State: Safe
Security Status: None
OEM Information: 0x00000000
Height: Unspecified
Number Of Power Cords: 1
Contained Elements: 0
SKU Number: To be filled by O.E.M.
Handle 0x0004, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: CPU MICRO-LP PCI-E 3.0 X8
Type: x8 PCI Express 3 x8
Current Usage: In Use
Length: Short
ID: 1
3.3 V is provided
Opening is shared
PME signal is supported
Bus Address: 0000:01:00.0
Handle 0x0005, DMI type 11, 5 bytes
OEM Strings
String 1: Intel Skylake-S/Skylake-H/Greenlow
String 2: Supermicro motherboard-X11 Series
Handle 0x0006, DMI type 32, 20 bytes
System Boot Information
Status: No errors detected
Handle 0x0007, DMI type 39, 22 bytes
System Power Supply
Power Unit Group: 1
Location: PSU1
Name: PWS-2K04F-1R
Manufacturer: SUPERMICRO
Serial Number: P2K4FCG37KT0851
Asset Tag: N/A
Model Part Number: PWS-2K04F-1R
Revision: 1.0
Max Power Capacity: 2000 W
Status: Present, OK
Type: Switching
Input Voltage Range Switching: Auto-switch
Plugged: Yes
Hot Replaceable: No
Handle 0x0008, DMI type 39, 22 bytes
System Power Supply
Power Unit Group: 2
Location: PSU2
Name: PWS-2K04F-1R
Manufacturer: SUPERMICRO
Serial Number: P2K4FCG37KT0852
Asset Tag: N/A
Model Part Number: PWS-2K04F-1R
Revision: 1.0
Max Power Capacity: 2000 W
Status: Present, OK
Type: Switching
Input Voltage Range Switching: Auto-switch
Plugged: Yes
Hot Replaceable: No
Handle 0x0009, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: ASPEED Video AST2400
Type: Video
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:04:00.0
Handle 0x000A, DMI type 38, 18 bytes
IPMI Device Information
Interface Type: KCS (Keyboard Control Style)
Specification Version: 2.0
I2C Slave Address: 0x10
NV Storage Device: Not Present
Base Address: 0x0000000000000CA2 (I/O)
Register Spacing: Successive Byte Boundaries
Handle 0x000B, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L1 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 128 kB
Maximum Size: 128 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Parity
System Type: Data
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x000C, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L1 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 128 kB
Maximum Size: 128 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Parity
System Type: Instruction
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x000D, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L2 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 1024 kB
Maximum Size: 1024 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 4-way Set-associative
Handle 0x000E, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L3 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 3
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 8192 kB
Maximum Size: 8192 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Multi-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 16-way Set-associative
Handle 0x000F, DMI type 4, 48 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU
Type: Central Processor
Family: Xeon
Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
ID: E3 06 05 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 94, Stepping 3
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)
CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)
APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)
SEP (Fast system call)
MTRR (Memory type range registers)
PGE (Page global enable)
MCA (Machine check architecture)
CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)
PAT (Page attribute table)
PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)
CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)
DS (Debug store)
ACPI (ACPI supported)
MMX (MMX technology supported)
FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)
SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)
SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)
SS (Self-snoop)
HTT (Multi-threading)
TM (Thermal monitor supported)
PBE (Pending break enabled)
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 v5 @ 3.50GHz
Voltage: 1.1 V
External Clock: 100 MHz
Max Speed: 3900 MHz
Current Speed: 3500 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: Other
L1 Cache Handle: 0x000C
L2 Cache Handle: 0x000D
L3 Cache Handle: 0x000E
Serial Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Asset Tag: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Part Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Core Count: 4
Core Enabled: 4
Thread Count: 8
64-bit capable
Hardware Thread
Execute Protection
Enhanced Virtualization
Power/Performance Control
Handle 0x0010, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
Maximum Capacity: 64 GB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 4
Handle 0x0011, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0010
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: Unknown
Set: None
Locator: DIMMA1
Bank Locator: P0_Node0_Channel0_Dimm0
Type: Unknown
Type Detail: None
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: Not Specified
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified
Rank: Unknown
Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0012, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0010
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMMA2
Bank Locator: P0_Node0_Channel0_Dimm1
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MT/s
Manufacturer: Micron
Serial Number: 13DA8BB7
Asset Tag: DIMMA2_AssetTag(16/36)
Part Number: 18ADF2G72AZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: 1.2 V
Maximum Voltage: 1.2 V
Configured Voltage: 1.2 V
Handle 0x0013, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0010
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: Unknown
Set: None
Locator: DIMMB1
Bank Locator: P0_Node0_Channel1_Dimm0
Type: Unknown
Type Detail: None
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: Not Specified
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified
Rank: Unknown
Configured Clock Speed: Unknown
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0014, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0010
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: 72 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 16384 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMMB2
Bank Locator: P0_Node0_Channel1_Dimm1
Type: DDR4
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 2400 MT/s
Manufacturer: Micron
Serial Number: 13DA8C08
Asset Tag: DIMMB2_AssetTag(16/36)
Part Number: 18ADF2G72AZ-2G3B1
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 2133 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: 1.2 V
Maximum Voltage: 1.2 V
Configured Voltage: 1.2 V
Handle 0x0015, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 32 GB
Physical Array Handle: 0x0010
Partition Width: 2
Handle 0x0016, DMI type 15, 73 bytes
System Event Log
Area Length: 65535 bytes
Header Start Offset: 0x0000
Header Length: 16 bytes
Data Start Offset: 0x0010
Access Method: Memory-mapped physical 32-bit address
Access Address: 0xFF610000
Status: Valid, Not Full
Change Token: 0x00000001
Header Format: Type 1
Supported Log Type Descriptors: 25
Descriptor 1: Single-bit ECC memory error
Data Format 1: Multiple-event handle
Descriptor 2: Multi-bit ECC memory error
Data Format 2: Multiple-event handle
Descriptor 3: Parity memory error
Data Format 3: None
Descriptor 4: Bus timeout
Data Format 4: None
Descriptor 5: I/O channel block
Data Format 5: None
Descriptor 6: Software NMI
Data Format 6: None
Descriptor 7: POST memory resize
Data Format 7: None
Descriptor 8: POST error
Data Format 8: POST results bitmap
Descriptor 9: PCI parity error
Data Format 9: Multiple-event handle
Descriptor 10: PCI system error
Data Format 10: Multiple-event handle
Descriptor 11: CPU failure
Data Format 11: None
Descriptor 12: EISA failsafe timer timeout
Data Format 12: None
Descriptor 13: Correctable memory log disabled
Data Format 13: None
Descriptor 14: Logging disabled
Data Format 14: None
Descriptor 15: System limit exceeded
Data Format 15: None
Descriptor 16: Asynchronous hardware timer expired
Data Format 16: None
Descriptor 17: System configuration information
Data Format 17: None
Descriptor 18: Hard disk information
Data Format 18: None
Descriptor 19: System reconfigured
Data Format 19: None
Descriptor 20: Uncorrectable CPU-complex error
Data Format 20: None
Descriptor 21: Log area reset/cleared
Data Format 21: None
Descriptor 22: System boot
Data Format 22: None
Descriptor 23: End of log
Data Format 23: None
Descriptor 24: OEM-specific
Data Format 24: OEM-specific
Descriptor 25: OEM-specific
Data Format 25: OEM-specific
Handle 0x0017, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x003FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 16 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0012
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0015
Partition Row Position: Unknown
Interleave Position: 1
Interleaved Data Depth: 2
Handle 0x0018, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00400000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 16 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0014
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0015
Partition Row Position: Unknown
Interleave Position: 2
Interleaved Data Depth: 2
Handle 0x0019, DMI type 221, 26 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DD 1A 19 00 03 01 00 04 01 00 08 00 02 00 00 00
00 C6 00 03 00 00 05 00 00 00
Reference Code - CPU
uCode Version
TXT ACM version
Handle 0x001A, DMI type 221, 68 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DD 44 1A 00 09 01 00 04 01 00 08 00 02 03 FF FF
FF FF FF 04 00 FF FF FF 31 00 05 00 FF FF FF 31
00 06 00 FF FF FF FF FF 07 00 3E 00 00 00 00 08
00 34 00 00 00 00 09 00 3E 00 00 00 00 0A 00 34
00 00 00 00
Reference Code - SKL PCH
PCH-CRID Original Value
PCH-CRID New Value
SKL PCH H Bx Hsio Version
SKL PCH H Dx Hsio Version
SKL PCH LP Bx Hsio Version
SKL PCH LP Cx Hsio Version
Handle 0x001B, DMI type 221, 54 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
DD 36 1B 00 07 01 00 04 01 00 08 00 02 00 02 01
00 00 00 03 00 04 01 00 00 00 04 05 FF FF FF FF
FF 06 00 FF FF FF 07 00 07 00 FF FF FF 07 00 08
00 FF FF FF 00 00
Reference Code - SA - System Agent
Reference Code - MRC
SA - PCIe Version
SA-CRID Status
SA-CRID Original Value
SA-CRID New Value
Handle 0x001C, DMI type 40, 27 bytes
Additional Information 1
Handle 0x001D, DMI type 40, 27 bytes
Additional Information 1
Handle 0x001E, DMI type 136, 6 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
88 06 1E 00 00 00
Handle 0x001F, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
End Of Table

View file

@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
# dmidecode 3.1
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 2.8 present.
44 structures occupying 2055 bytes.
Table at 0x000E4E00.
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: Online Labs
Release Date: 03/04/2016
Address: 0xE0000
Runtime Size: 128 kB
ROM Size: 6144 kB
PCI is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
Boot from CD is supported
Selectable boot is supported
EDD is supported
Japanese floppy for NEC 9800 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)
Japanese floppy for Toshiba 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)
5.25"/360 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
5.25"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)
CGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h)
ACPI is supported
USB legacy is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported
Targeted content distribution is supported
UEFI is supported
BIOS Revision: 0.0
Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: Online Labs
Product Name: SR
Version: (^_^)
Serial Number: 42
UUID: 12345678-1234-5678-90AB-CDDEEFAABBCC
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: (^_^)
Family: Avoton
Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Online Labs
Product Name: SR
Version: 42
Serial Number: 42
Asset Tag: 42
Board is a hosting board
Board is replaceable
Location In Chassis: <BAD INDEX>
Chassis Handle: 0x0003
Type: Motherboard
Contained Object Handles: 0
Handle 0x0003, DMI type 3, 22 bytes
Chassis Information
Manufacturer: Chassis Manufacturer
Type: Desktop
Lock: Not Present
Version: Chassis Version
Serial Number: Chassis Serial Number
Asset Tag: Chassis Asset Tag
Boot-up State: Safe
Power Supply State: Safe
Thermal State: Safe
Security Status: None
OEM Information: 0x00000000
Height: Unspecified
Number Of Power Cords: 1
Contained Elements: 0
SKU Number: SKU Number
Handle 0x0004, DMI type 4, 42 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU0
Type: Central Processor
Family: Atom
Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
ID: D8 06 04 00 FF FB EB BF
Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 77, Stepping 8
FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
VME (Virtual mode extension)
DE (Debugging extension)
PSE (Page size extension)
TSC (Time stamp counter)
MSR (Model specific registers)
PAE (Physical address extension)
MCE (Machine check exception)
CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)
APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)
SEP (Fast system call)
MTRR (Memory type range registers)
PGE (Page global enable)
MCA (Machine check architecture)
CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)
PAT (Page attribute table)
PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)
CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)
DS (Debug store)
ACPI (ACPI supported)
MMX (MMX technology supported)
FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)
SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)
SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)
SS (Self-snoop)
HTT (Multi-threading)
TM (Thermal monitor supported)
PBE (Pending break enabled)
Version: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2750 @ 2.40GHz
Voltage: 1.6 V
External Clock: 100 MHz
Max Speed: 2400 MHz
Current Speed: 2400 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: Socket LGA775
L1 Cache Handle: 0x0005
L2 Cache Handle: 0x0006
L3 Cache Handle: Not Provided
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: UNKNOWN
Part Number: Not Specified
Core Count: 8
Core Enabled: 8
Thread Count: 8
64-bit capable
Handle 0x0005, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L1-Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 448 kB
Maximum Size: 448 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Instruction
Associativity: 8-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0006, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L2-Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 4096 kB
Maximum Size: 4096 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Installed SRAM Type: Synchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC
System Type: Unified
Associativity: 16-way Set-associative
Handle 0x0007, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: EC5
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: USB
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0008, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: EC6
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: USB
External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB)
Port Type: USB
Handle 0x0009, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: LAN1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: 1G Network
External Connector Type: RJ-45
Port Type: Network Port
Handle 0x000A, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: LAN1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: 1G Network
External Connector Type: RJ-45
Port Type: Network Port
Handle 0x000B, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: 10GLAN1
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: 10G Network
External Connector Type: RJ-45
Port Type: Network Port
Handle 0x000C, DMI type 8, 9 bytes
Port Connector Information
Internal Reference Designator: 10GLAN2
Internal Connector Type: None
External Reference Designator: 10G Network
External Connector Type: RJ-45
Port Type: Network Port
Handle 0x000D, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI_E_1
Type: x8 PCI Express x8
Current Usage: Available
Length: Other
ID: 1
PME signal is supported
Hot-plug devices are supported
Bus Address: 0000:00:01.0
Handle 0x000E, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI_E_2
Type: x4 PCI Express x4
Current Usage: Available
Length: Other
ID: 2
PME signal is supported
Hot-plug devices are supported
Bus Address: 0000:00:02.0
Handle 0x000F, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI_E_3
Type: x4 PCI Express x4
Current Usage: Available
Length: Other
ID: 3
PME signal is supported
Hot-plug devices are supported
Bus Address: 0000:04:08.0
Handle 0x0010, DMI type 9, 17 bytes
System Slot Information
Designation: PCI_E_4
Type: x16 PCI Express x16
Current Usage: Available
Length: Other
ID: 4
PME signal is supported
Hot-plug devices are supported
Bus Address: 0000:04:09.0
Handle 0x0011, DMI type 11, 5 bytes
OEM Strings
String 1: OemString1
String 2: OemString2
String 3: OemString3
Handle 0x0012, DMI type 12, 5 bytes
System Configuration Options
Option 1: ConfigOptions1
Option 2: ConfigOptions2
Option 3: ConfigOptions3
Handle 0x0013, DMI type 13, 22 bytes
BIOS Language Information
Language Description Format: Long
Installable Languages: 4
Currently Installed Language: en|US|iso8859-1,0
Handle 0x0014, DMI type 15, 29 bytes
System Event Log
Area Length: 0 bytes
Header Start Offset: 0x0000
Header Length: 8192 bytes
Data Start Offset: 0x2000
Access Method: General-purpose non-volatile data functions
Access Address: 0x0000
Status: Valid, Not Full
Change Token: 0x12345678
Header Format: OEM-specific
Supported Log Type Descriptors: 3
Descriptor 1: POST memory resize
Data Format 1: None
Descriptor 2: POST error
Data Format 2: POST results bitmap
Descriptor 3: Log area reset/cleared
Data Format 3: None
Handle 0x0015, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: None
Maximum Capacity: 64 GB
Error Information Handle: No Error
Number Of Devices: 4
Handle 0x0016, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0015
Error Information Handle: No Error
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: 8192 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMM0
Bank Locator: BANK 0
Type: DDR3
Type Detail: Synchronous Unbuffered (Unregistered)
Speed: 1600 MT/s
Manufacturer: Micron
Serial Number: 23115200
Asset Tag: 01
Part Number: DVM64453C DATARAM
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 1600 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0017, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0015
Error Information Handle: No Error
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: 8192 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMM0
Bank Locator: BANK 1
Type: DDR3
Type Detail: Synchronous Unbuffered (Unregistered)
Speed: 1600 MT/s
Manufacturer: Micron
Serial Number: 00001639
Asset Tag: 02
Part Number: DVM64453C DATARAM
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 1600 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0018, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0015
Error Information Handle: No Error
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: 8192 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMM1
Bank Locator: BANK 0
Type: DDR3
Type Detail: Synchronous Unbuffered (Unregistered)
Speed: 1600 MT/s
Manufacturer: Micron
Serial Number: 23115200
Asset Tag: 03
Part Number: DVM64453C DATARAM
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 1600 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x0019, DMI type 17, 40 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x0015
Error Information Handle: No Error
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: 8192 MB
Form Factor: DIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMM1
Bank Locator: BANK 1
Type: DDR3
Type Detail: Synchronous Unbuffered (Unregistered)
Speed: 1600 MT/s
Manufacturer: Micron
Serial Number: 23115200
Asset Tag: 04
Part Number: DVM64453C DATARAM
Rank: 2
Configured Clock Speed: 1600 MT/s
Minimum Voltage: Unknown
Maximum Voltage: Unknown
Configured Voltage: Unknown
Handle 0x001A, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 32 GB
Physical Array Handle: 0x0015
Partition Width: 4
Handle 0x001B, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x001FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 8 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0016
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0015
Partition Row Position: Unknown
Handle 0x001C, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00200000000
Ending Address: 0x003FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 8 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0017
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0015
Partition Row Position: Unknown
Handle 0x001D, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00400000000
Ending Address: 0x005FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 8 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0018
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0015
Partition Row Position: Unknown
Handle 0x001E, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00600000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 8 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0019
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0015
Partition Row Position: Unknown
Handle 0x001F, DMI type 21, 7 bytes
Built-in Pointing Device
Type: Touch Pad
Interface: PS/2
Buttons: 4
Handle 0x0020, DMI type 22, 26 bytes
Portable Battery
Location: Fake
Manufacturer: -Virtual Battery 0-
Manufacture Date: 08/08/2010
Serial Number: Battery 0
Name: CRB Battery 0
Chemistry: Zinc Air
Design Capacity: Unknown
Design Voltage: Unknown
SBDS Version: LithiumPolymer
Maximum Error: Unknown
OEM-specific Information: 0x00000000
Handle 0x0021, DMI type 26, 24 bytes
Voltage Probe
Description: Voltage Probe Description
Location: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Maximum Value: Unknown
Minimum Value: Unknown
Resolution: Unknown
Tolerance: Unknown
Accuracy: Unknown
OEM-specific Information: 0x00008000
Nominal Value: 0.000 V
Handle 0x0022, DMI type 27, 15 bytes
Cooling Device
Temperature Probe Handle: 0x0023
Type: Fan
Status: OK
OEM-specific Information: 0x00000000
Nominal Speed: 8192 rpm
Description: Cooling Device Description
Handle 0x0023, DMI type 28, 24 bytes
Temperature Probe
Description: Temperature Probe Description
Location: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Maximum Value: Unknown
Minimum Value: Unknown
Resolution: Unknown
Tolerance: Unknown
Accuracy: Unknown
OEM-specific Information: 0x00008000
Nominal Value: 0.0 deg C
Handle 0x0024, DMI type 32, 11 bytes
System Boot Information
Status: No errors detected
Handle 0x0025, DMI type 39, 22 bytes
System Power Supply
Location: OEM Define 0
Name: OEM Define 1
Manufacturer: OEM Define 2
Serial Number: OEM Define 3
Asset Tag: OEM Define 4
Model Part Number: OEM Define 5
Revision: OEM Define 6
Max Power Capacity: 75 W
Status: Not Present
Type: Regulator
Input Voltage Range Switching: Auto-switch
Plugged: No
Hot Replaceable: No
Handle 0x0026, DMI type 40, 17 bytes
Additional Information 1
Referenced Handle: 0x000c
Referenced Offset: 0x05
String: PCIExpressx16
Value: 0xaa
Additional Information 2
Referenced Handle: 0x0000
Referenced Offset: 0x05
String: Compiler Version: VC 9.0
Value: 0x00
Handle 0x0027, DMI type 128, 8 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
80 08 27 00 55 AA 55 AA
Oem Type 128 Test 1
Oem Type 128 Test 2
Handle 0x0028, DMI type 129, 8 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
81 08 28 00 01 01 02 01
Handle 0x0029, DMI type 130, 20 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
82 14 29 00 24 41 4D 54 01 01 01 01 01 A5 1F 02
00 00 00 00
Handle 0x002A, DMI type 136, 6 bytes
OEM-specific Type
Header and Data:
88 06 2A 00 FF FF
Handle 0xFEFF, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
End Of Table

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
"Devices" : [
"DevicePath" : "/dev/nvme0n1",
"Firmware" : "10604103",
"Index" : 0,
"ModelNumber" : "KXG60ZNV1T02 NVMe TOSHIBA 1024GB",
"ProductName" : "Non-Volatile memory controller: Toshiba America Info Systems Device 0x011a",
"SerialNumber" : "19FA109SK07N",
"UsedBytes" : 1024209543168,
"MaximumLBA" : 2000409264,
"PhysicalSize" : 1024209543168,
"SectorSize" : 512

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
lldp.eno1.age=35 days, 08:24:00
lldp.eno1.chassis.descr=Cumulus Linux version 3.7.3 running on Dell EMC S4100
lldp.eno1.port.descr=BXVWNR2:lom2 - R fiber over 1310 nm optics
lldp.eno1.lldp-med.device-type=Network Connectivity Device
lldp.eno1.lldp-med.inventory.serial=To be filled by O.E.M.
lldp.eno1.lldp-med.inventory.manufacturer=Dell EMC
lldp.eno2d1.age=35 days, 08:30:52
lldp.eno2d1.chassis.descr=Cumulus Linux version 3.7.5 running on Dell EMC S4100
lldp.eno2d1.port.descr=BXVWNR2:lom1 - R fiber over 1310 nm optics
lldp.eno2d1.lldp-med.device-type=Network Connectivity Device
lldp.eno2d1.lldp-med.inventory.serial=To be filled by O.E.M.
lldp.eno2d1.lldp-med.inventory.manufacturer=Dell EMC

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
lldp.enp1s0f0.age=145 days, 00:00:39

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
lldp.eno1.age=1 day, 06:17:13
lldp.eno1.chassis.descr=Cisco IOS Software, C2960X Software (C2960X-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(2a)EX5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 16-Feb-15 08:16 by prod_rel_team
lldp.eno1.port.descr=GigabitEthernet1/0/29 - Four-pair Category 5 UTP, full duplex mode

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
lldp.eth0.age=163 days, 23:03:53
lldp.eth0.chassis.descr=Juniper Networks, Inc. qfx5100-48s-6q Ethernet Switch, kernel JUNOS 14.1X53-D43.7, Build date: 2017-04-28 02:22:48 UTC Copyright (c) 1996-2017 Juniper Networks, Inc.
lldp.eth1.age=163 days, 23:03:51
lldp.eth1.chassis.descr=Juniper Networks, Inc. qfx5100-48s-6q Ethernet Switch, kernel JUNOS 17.3R3-S3.3, Build date: 2019-01-10 19:17:42 UTC Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Juniper Networks, Inc.

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
url: ''
token: xx
driver: "cmd:cat /etc/qualification | tr [A-Z] [a-z]"
regex: "datacenter: (?P<datacenter>[A-Za-z0-9]+)"
driver: 'cmd:lldpctl'
regex: 'SysName:[ ]+[A-Za-z]+-[A-Za-z]+-([A-Za-z0-9]+)'
ignore_interfaces: "(dummy.*|docker.*)"
ignore_ips: (127\.0\.0\..*)
lldp: true

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
from netbox_agent.lldp import LLDP
from tests.conftest import parametrize_with_fixtures
def test_lldp_parse_with_port_desc(fixture):
lldp = LLDP(fixture)
assert lldp.get_switch_port("enp1s0f0") == "RJ-9"
def test_lldp_parse_without_ifname(fixture):
lldp = LLDP(fixture)
assert lldp.get_switch_port("eth0") == "xe-0/0/1"

View file

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
from netbox_agent.dmidecode import parse
from netbox_agent.server import ServerBase
from netbox_agent.vendors.hp import HPHost
from netbox_agent.vendors.qct import QCTHost
from netbox_agent.vendors.supermicro import SupermicroHost
from tests.conftest import parametrize_with_fixtures
def test_init(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = ServerBase(dmi)
assert server
"HP_SL4540_Gen8" "HP_ProLiant_BL460c_Gen10_Graphics_Exp",
def test_hp_service_tag(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = HPHost(dmi)
assert server.get_service_tag() == "4242"
@parametrize_with_fixtures("dmidecode/", only_filenames=["HP_ProLiant_m710x"])
def test_moonshot_blade(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = HPHost(dmi)
assert server.get_service_tag() == "CN66480BLA"
assert server.get_chassis_service_tag() == "CZ3702MD5K"
assert server.is_blade() is True
assert server.own_expansion_slot() is False
@parametrize_with_fixtures("dmidecode/", only_filenames=["SYS-5039MS-H12TRF-OS012.txt"])
def test_supermicro_blade(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = SupermicroHost(dmi)
assert server.get_service_tag() == "E235735X6B01665"
assert server.get_chassis_service_tag() == "C9390AF40A20098"
assert server.get_chassis() == "SYS-5039MS-H12TRF-OS012"
assert server.is_blade() is True
@parametrize_with_fixtures("dmidecode/", only_filenames=["SM_SYS-6018R"])
def test_supermicro_pizza(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = SupermicroHost(dmi)
assert server.get_service_tag() == "A177950X7709591"
assert server.get_chassis() == "SYS-6018R-TDTPR"
assert server.is_blade() is False
@parametrize_with_fixtures("dmidecode/", only_filenames=["QCT_X10E-9N"])
def test_qct_x10(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = QCTHost(dmi)
assert server.get_service_tag() == "QTFCQ57140285"
@parametrize_with_fixtures("dmidecode/", only_filenames=["unknown.txt"])
def test_generic_host_service_tag(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = ServerBase(dmi)
assert server.get_service_tag() == "42"
@parametrize_with_fixtures("dmidecode/", only_filenames=["unknown.txt"])
def test_generic_host_product_name(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = ServerBase(dmi)
assert server.get_product_name() == "SR"
"dmidecode/", only_filenames=["HP_ProLiant_BL460c_Gen10_Graphics_Exp"]
def test_hp_blade_with_gpu_expansion(fixture):
dmi = parse(fixture)
server = HPHost(dmi)
assert server.get_service_tag() == "4242"
assert server.get_chassis_service_tag() == "4343"
assert server.is_blade() is True
assert server.own_expansion_slot() is True
assert server.get_expansion_service_tag() == "4242 expansion"

View file

@ -2,16 +2,38 @@
# These are the default environments that will be run
# when ``tox`` is run without arguments.
envlist =
skip_missing_interpreters = True
# Use the more relaxed max line length permitted in PEP8.
max-line-length = 99
# Enforce the Google Python style for grouping and sorting imports:
import-order-style = google
# Inform flake8-import-order plugin that `fact` should be treated as a local package name.
application-import-names = netbox_agent
deps = -r{toxinidir}/dev-requirements.txt
whitelist_externals = bash
# This is required in order to get UTF-8 output inside of the subprocesses
# that our tests use.
setenv = LC_CTYPE = en_US.UTF-8
# Pass Display down to have it for the tests available
deps =
commands = bash
commands = flake8
deps =
commands = flake8 {toxinidir}/netbox_agent {toxinidir}/tests