231 lines
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231 lines
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{% load static bulma_utils i18n %}
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{% block extra_head %}{% endblock extra_head %}
<nav class="level has-background-primary">
<div class="level-left px-4">
<div class="level-item">
<a href="{% url "kadenios" %}">
<h1 class="has-text-primary-light is-size-1 is-family-secondary">Kadenios</h1>
<div class="level-item px-4">
<a href="{% url "election.list" %}">
<h3 class="has-text-primary-light has-text-weight-semibold is-size-3">{% trans "Élections" %}</h3>
<div class="level-right px-5">
{% block auth %}
<div class="level-item">
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<div class="level is-mobile">
<div class="level-item">
<div class="tag">
{% blocktrans with name=user.get_username connection=user.connection_method %}Connecté·e en tant que {{ name }} par {{ connection }}{% endblocktrans %}
<div class="level-item">
<a class="button is-primary" href="{% url 'authens:logout' %}?next={% if view.get_next_url %}{{ view.get_next_url }}{% else %}/{% endif %}">
<span class="icon is-size-1">
<i class="fas fa-sign-out-alt"></i>
{% else %}
<div class="level-item py-2">
<a class="tag has-text-primary is-size-5" href="{% url 'authens:login' %}?next={{ request.path }}">
<span class="icon-text">
<span>{% trans "Se connecter" %}</span>
<span class="icon">
<i class="fas fa-sign-in-alt"></i>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{# Choix de la langue #}
<div class="level-item">
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
{% get_available_languages as LANGUAGES %}
{% get_language_info_list for LANGUAGES as langs %}
<form action="{% url "set_language" %}" method="POST" id="lang-form">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="language" id="lang-input">
<div class="dropdown is-hoverable is-right">
<div class="dropdown-trigger">
<a class="button is-primary is-light is-large" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="dropdown-menu">
<span class="icon has-text-primary is-size-2">
<i class="fas fa-language"></i>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<div class="dropdown-content">
{% for lang in langs %}
{% with lang_svg="images/"|add:lang.code|add:".svg" %}
<a class="dropdown-item lang-selector" data-lang="{{ lang.code }}">
<span class="icon-text">
<span class="icon">
<img src="{% static lang_svg %}">
<span class="ml-1">{{ lang.name_translated }}</span>
{% endwith %}
{% if not forloop.last %}
<hr class="dropdown-divider">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% block layout %}
<div class="main-content">
<div class="columns is-centered">
<div class="column is-two-thirds-fullhd is-12-desktop is-12-widescreen">
<section class="section pt-3">
{% if messages %}
{% for message in messages %}
<div class="notification is-{{ message.level_tag|bulma_message_tag }} is-light">
{% if 'safe' in message.tags %}
{{ message|safe }}
{% else %}
{{ message }}
{% endif %}
<button class="delete"></button>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="box">
{% block content %}
{% endblock content %}
{% endblock layout %}
<footer class="footer">
<p class="has-text-centered">
{% blocktrans %}Développé par <a class="tag is-light is-danger" href="https://www.eleves.ens.fr/kde">KDEns</a>. En cas de pépin, contacter <span class="tag is-info is-light">klub-dev [at] ens [dot] fr</span>.{% endblocktrans %}