Having a help cli command to view all the supported commands is helpful
when running the wlantest_cli manually instead via the python test
$ wlantest_cli help
ping = test connection to wlantest
terminate = terminate wlantest
list_bss = get BSS list
list_sta <BSSID> = get STA list
flush = drop all collected BSS data
clear_sta_counters <BSSID> <STA> = clear STA counters
clear_bss_counters <BSSID> = clear BSS counters
get_sta_counter <counter> <BSSID> <STA> = get STA counter value
get_bss_counter <counter> <BSSID> = get BSS counter value
inject <frame> <prot> <sender> <BSSID> <STA/ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff>
send <prot> <raw frame as hex dump>
version = get wlantest version
add_passphrase <passphrase> = add a known passphrase
add_wepkey <WEP key> = add a known WEP key
info_sta <field> <BSSID> <STA> = get STA information
info_bss <field> <BSSID> = get BSS information
clear_tdls_counters <BSSID> <STA1> <STA2> = clear TDLS counters
get_tdls_counter <counter> <BSSID> <STA1> <STA2> = get TDLS counter value
get_bss_counter <counter> <BSSID> = get BSS counter value
relog = re-open log-file (allow rolling logs)
get_tx_tid <BSSID> <STA> <TID> = get STA TX TID counter value
get_rx_tid <BSSID> <STA> <TID> = get STA RX TID counter value
help = show this usage help
$ wlantest_cli help add_passphrase
add_passphrase <passphrase> = add a known passphrase
Signed-off-by: Gokul Sivakumar <gokulkumar792@gmail.com>