Add a simple test case to bring up a two link AP MLD and get the status of each link via the MLD level control socket. Signed-off-by: Aditya Kumar Singh <>
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# EHT tests
# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# See README for more details.
import binascii
import tempfile
import hostapd
from utils import *
from hwsim import HWSimRadio
import hwsim_utils
from wpasupplicant import WpaSupplicant
import re
import mld
from tshark import run_tshark
from test_gas import hs20_ap_params
from test_dpp import check_dpp_capab, wait_auth_success
from test_rrm import build_beacon_request, run_req_beacon, BeaconReport
def eht_verify_wifi_version(dev):
status = dev.get_status()
|"station status: " + str(status))
if 'wifi_generation' not in status:
raise Exception("Missing wifi_generation information")
if status['wifi_generation'] != "7":
raise Exception("Unexpected wifi_generation value: " + status['wifi_generation'])
def _eht_get_links_bitmap(wpas, name):
vfile = "/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/%s/netdev:%s/%s" % \
(wpas.get_driver_status_field("phyname"), wpas.ifname, name)
if wpas.cmd_execute(["ls", vfile])[0] != 0:
logger_info("%s not supported in mac80211: %s" % (name, vfile))
return 0
res, out = wpas.cmd_execute(["cat", vfile], shell=True)
if res != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to read %s" % fname)
|"%s=%s" % (name, out))
return int(out, 16)
def _eht_valid_links(wpas):
return _eht_get_links_bitmap(wpas, "valid_links")
def _eht_active_links(wpas):
return _eht_get_links_bitmap(wpas, "active_links")
def _eht_dormant_links(wpas):
return _eht_get_links_bitmap(wpas, "dormant_links")
def _eht_verify_links(wpas, valid_links=0, active_links=0):
vlinks = _eht_valid_links(wpas)
if vlinks != valid_links:
raise Exception("Unexpected valid links (0x%04x != 0x%04x)" % (vlinks, valid_links))
alinks = _eht_active_links(wpas)
if alinks != active_links:
raise Exception("Unexpected active links (0x%04x != 0x%04x)" % (alinks, active_links))
def eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd, freq, bw, is_ht=False, is_vht=False,
mld=False, valid_links=0, active_links=0):
status = hapd.get_status()
|"hostapd STATUS: " + str(status))
if is_ht and status["ieee80211n"] != "1":
raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211n value")
if is_vht and status["ieee80211ac"] != "1":
raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211ac value")
if status["ieee80211ax"] != "1":
raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211ax value")
if status["ieee80211be"] != "1":
raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211be value")
sta = hapd.get_sta(wpas.own_addr())
|"hostapd STA: " + str(sta))
if sta['addr'] == 'FAIL':
raise Exception("hostapd " + hapd.ifname + " did not have a STA entry for the STA " + wpas.own_addr())
if is_ht and "[HT]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: HT")
if is_vht and "[VHT]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: VHT")
if "[HE]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: HE")
if "[EHT]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: EHT")
sig = wpas.request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
# TODO: With MLD connection, signal poll logic is still not implemented.
# While mac80211 maintains the station using the MLD address, the
# information is maintained in the link stations, but it is not sent to
# user space yet.
if not mld:
if "FREQUENCY=%s" % freq not in sig:
raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(1): " + str(sig))
if "WIDTH=%s MHz" % bw not in sig:
raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(2): " + str(sig))
# Active links are updated in async work after the connection.
# Sleep a bit to allow it to run.
_eht_verify_links(wpas, valid_links, active_links)
def traffic_test(wpas, hapd, success=True, ifname2=None):
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(wpas, hapd, success_expected=success,
def test_eht_open(dev, apdev):
"""EHT AP with open mode configuration"""
params = {"ssid": "eht",
"ieee80211ax": "1",
"ieee80211be": "1"}
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, Exception) and \
str(e) == "Failed to set hostapd parameter ieee80211be":
raise HwsimSkip("EHT not supported")
if hapd.get_status_field("ieee80211be") != "1":
raise Exception("AP STATUS did not indicate ieee80211be=1")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="2412")
sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[0].own_addr())
if "[EHT]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: EHT")
status = dev[0].request("STATUS")
if "wifi_generation=7" not in status:
raise Exception("STA STATUS did not indicate wifi_generation=7")
def test_prefer_eht_20(dev, apdev):
"""EHT AP on a 20 MHz channel"""
params = {"ssid": "eht",
"channel": "1",
"ieee80211ax": "1",
"ieee80211be" : "1",
"ieee80211n": "1"}
hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
params["ieee80211be"] = "0"
hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params)
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, Exception) and \
str(e) == "Failed to set hostapd parameter ieee80211be":
raise HwsimSkip("EHT not supported")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="NONE")
if dev[0].get_status_field('bssid') != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("dev[0] connected to unexpected AP")
est = dev[0].get_bss(apdev[0]['bssid'])['est_throughput']
if est != "172103":
raise Exception("Unexpected BSS1 est_throughput: " + est)
def start_eht_sae_ap(apdev, ml=False, transition_mode=False):
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="eht", passphrase="12345678")
params["ieee80211ax"] = "1"
params["ieee80211be"] = "1"
params['ieee80211w'] = '1' if transition_mode else '2'
params['rsn_pairwise'] = "CCMP GCMP-256" if transition_mode else "GCMP-256"
params['group_cipher'] = "CCMP" if transition_mode else "GCMP-256"
params["group_mgmt_cipher"] = "AES-128-CMAC" if transition_mode else "BIP-GMAC-256"
params['beacon_prot'] = '1'
params['wpa_key_mgmt'] = "SAE SAE-EXT-KEY WPA-PSK WPA-PSK-SHA256" if transition_mode else 'SAE-EXT-KEY'
params['sae_groups'] = "19 20" if transition_mode else "20"
params['sae_pwe'] = "2" if transition_mode else "1"
if ml:
ml_elem = "ff0d6b" + "3001" + "0a" + "021122334455" + "01" + "00" + "00"
params['vendor_elements'] = ml_elem
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev, params)
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, Exception) and \
str(e) == "Failed to set hostapd parameter ieee80211be":
raise HwsimSkip("EHT not supported")
def test_eht_sae(dev, apdev):
"""EHT AP with SAE"""
hapd = start_eht_sae_ap(apdev[0])
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "20")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "2")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", psk="12345678",
ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1",
pairwise="GCMP-256", group="GCMP-256",
group_mgmt="BIP-GMAC-256", scan_freq="2412")
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
def test_eht_sae_mlo(dev, apdev):
"""EHT+MLO AP with SAE"""
hapd = start_eht_sae_ap(apdev[0], ml=True)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "20")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "2")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", psk="12345678",
ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1",
pairwise="GCMP-256", group="GCMP-256",
group_mgmt="BIP-GMAC-256", scan_freq="2412")
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
def test_eht_sae_mlo_tm(dev, apdev):
"""EHT+MLO AP with SAE and transition mode"""
hapd = start_eht_sae_ap(apdev[0], ml=True, transition_mode=True)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "20")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "2")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", psk="12345678",
ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1",
pairwise="GCMP-256", group="CCMP",
group_mgmt="AES-128-CMAC", scan_freq="2412")
dev[1].set("sae_groups", "19")
dev[1].connect("eht", key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", psk="12345678",
ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1",
pairwise="CCMP", group="CCMP",
group_mgmt="AES-128-CMAC", scan_freq="2412",
dev[2].connect("eht", key_mgmt="WPA-PSK", psk="12345678",
pairwise="CCMP", group="CCMP",
group_mgmt="AES-128-CMAC", scan_freq="2412",
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
dev[1].set("sae_groups", "")
def eht_mld_enable_ap(iface, link_id, params):
hapd = hostapd.add_mld_link(iface, link_id, params)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED", "AP-DISABLED"], timeout=1)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP startup timed out")
if "AP-ENABLED" not in ev:
raise Exception("AP startup failed")
return hapd
def eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase=None, key_mgmt="WPA-PSK-SHA256",
mfp="2", pwe=None, beacon_prot="1", bridge=False):
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=ssid, passphrase=passphrase,
wpa_key_mgmt=key_mgmt, ieee80211w=mfp)
params['ieee80211n'] = '1'
params['ieee80211ax'] = '1'
params['ieee80211be'] = '1'
params['channel'] = '1'
params['hw_mode'] = 'g'
params['group_mgmt_cipher'] = "AES-128-CMAC"
params['beacon_prot'] = beacon_prot
if bridge:
params['bridge'] = 'ap-br0'
if pwe is not None:
params['sae_pwe'] = pwe
return params
def _eht_mld_probe_req(wpas, hapd, tsf0, link_id=-1):
if "OK" not in wpas.request("ML_PROBE_REQ bssid=%s mld_id=0 link_id=%d" % (hapd.own_addr(), link_id)):
raise Exception("Failed to request ML probe request")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED"])
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Scan did not start")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS"])
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Scan did not complete")
|"ML Probe request scan done")
bss = wpas.get_bss(hapd.own_addr())
if not bss:
raise Exception("AP did not reply to ML probe request")
tsf1 = int(bss['tsf'])
|"tsf0=%s, tsf1=%s" % (tsf0, tsf1))
if tsf0 >= tsf1:
raise Exception("AP was not found in ML probe request scan")
def test_eht_mld_discovery(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP discovery"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap"
link0_params = {"ssid": ssid,
"hw_mode": "g",
"channel": "1"}
link1_params = {"ssid": ssid,
"hw_mode": "g",
"channel": "2"}
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, link0_params)
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, link1_params)
# Only scan link 0
res = wpas.request("SCAN freq=2412")
if "FAIL" in res:
raise Exception("Failed to start scan")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED"])
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Scan did not start")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS"])
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Scan did not complete")
|"Scan done")
rnr_pattern = re.compile(".*ap_info.*, mld ID=0, link ID=",
ml_pattern = re.compile(".*multi-link:.*, MLD addr=.*", re.MULTILINE)
bss = wpas.request("BSS " + hapd0.own_addr())
|"BSS 0: " + str(bss))
if is None:
raise Exception("RNR element not found for first link")
if is None:
raise Exception("ML element not found for first link")
# Save the tsf0 for checking ML Probe request scan later
tsf0 = int(wpas.get_bss(hapd0.own_addr())['tsf'])
if wpas.get_bss(hapd1.own_addr()) is not None:
raise Exception("BSS for link 1 found without ML probe request")
# Now send an ML probe request (for all links)
_eht_mld_probe_req(wpas, hapd0, tsf0)
tsf0 = int(wpas.get_bss(hapd0.own_addr())['tsf'])
# NOTE: hostapd incorrectly reports a TSF offset of zero
# This only works because the source is always the ML probe response
tsf1 = int(wpas.get_bss(hapd1.own_addr())['tsf'])
bss = wpas.request("BSS " + hapd1.own_addr())
|"BSS 1: " + str(bss))
if is None:
raise Exception("RNR element not found for second link")
if is None:
raise Exception("ML element not found for second link")
_eht_mld_probe_req(wpas, hapd0, tsf0, link_id=1)
if int(wpas.get_bss(hapd1.own_addr())['tsf']) <= tsf1:
raise Exception("Probe for link ID did not update BSS")
tsf0 = int(wpas.get_bss(hapd0.own_addr())['tsf'])
tsf1 = int(wpas.get_bss(hapd1.own_addr())['tsf'])
# Probing the wrong link ID should not update second link
_eht_mld_probe_req(wpas, hapd0, tsf0, link_id=4)
if int(wpas.get_bss(hapd1.own_addr())['tsf']) != tsf1:
raise Exception("Probe for other link ID not updated BSS")
def test_eht_mld_owe_two_links(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client OWE connection using two links"""
_eht_mld_owe_two_links(dev, apdev)
def _eht_mld_owe_two_links(dev, apdev, second_link_disabled=False,
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd1_radio, hapd1_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap_owe_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
if second_link_disabled:
params['mld_indicate_disabled'] = '1'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 1, params)
# Check legacy client connection
dev[0].connect(ssid, scan_freq="2437", key_mgmt="OWE", ieee80211w="2")
if only_one_link:
link0 = hapd0.get_status_field("link_addr")
wpas.set("bssid_filter", link0)
wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412 2437", key_mgmt="OWE",
active_links = 3
valid_links = 3
if second_link_disabled:
dlinks = _eht_dormant_links(wpas)
if dlinks != 2:
raise Exception("Unexpected dormant links")
active_links = 1
if only_one_link:
active_links = 1
valid_links = 1
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=valid_links, active_links=active_links)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
if not second_link_disabled:
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
if only_one_link:
wpas.set("bssid_filter", "")
def test_eht_mld_owe_two_links_one_disabled(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD with MLD client OWE connection when one of the AP MLD links is disabled"""
_eht_mld_owe_two_links(dev, apdev, second_link_disabled=True)
def test_eht_mld_owe_two_links_only_one_negotiated(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD with MLD client OWE connection when only one of the links is negotiated"""
_eht_mld_owe_two_links(dev, apdev, only_one_link=True)
def test_eht_mld_sae_single_link(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE H2E connection using single link"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_single_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase, key_mgmt="SAE",
mfp="2", pwe='2')
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=1, active_links=1)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
def run_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev, beacon_prot="1",
disable_enable=False, bridge=False):
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
key_mgmt="SAE", mfp="2", pwe='1',
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
if bridge:
hapd0.cmd_execute(['brctl', 'setfd', 'ap-br0', '0'])
hapd0.cmd_execute(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', 'ap-br0', 'up'])
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
# The first authentication attempt tries to use group 20 and the
# authentication is expected to fail. The next authentication should
# use group 19 and succeed.
wpas.set("sae_groups", "20 19")
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
if wpas.get_status_field('sae_group') != '19':
raise Exception("Expected SAE group not used")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0, ifname2='ap-br0' if bridge else None)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1, ifname2='ap-br0' if bridge else None)
if disable_enable:
if "OK" not in hapd0.request("DISABLE_MLD"):
raise Exception("DISABLE_MLD failed")
ev = hapd0.wait_event(["AP-DISABLED"], timeout=1)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP-DISABLED not received (0)")
ev = hapd1.wait_event(["AP-DISABLED"], timeout=1)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP-DISABLED not received (1)")
# mac80211 does not seem to detect beacon loss or deauthentication
# in non-AP MLD case?! For now, ignore that and just force
# disconnection locally on the STA.
if "OK" not in hapd0.request("ENABLE_MLD"):
raise Exception("ENABLE_MLD failed")
ev = hapd0.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED"], timeout=1)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP-ENABLED not received (0)")
ev = hapd1.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED"], timeout=1)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP-ENABLED not received (1)")
# TODO: Figure out why this fails without PMKSA_FLUSH. Things should
# fall back to full SAE from failed PMKSA caching attempt
# automatically.
# flush the BSS table before reconnect as otherwise the old
# AP MLD BSSs would be in the BSS list
wpas.request("BSS_FLUSH 0")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0, ifname2='ap-br0' if bridge else None)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1, ifname2='ap-br0' if bridge else None)
def test_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE H2E connection using two links"""
run_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev)
def test_eht_mld_sae_two_links_no_beacon_prot(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE H2E connection using two links and no beacon protection"""
run_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev, beacon_prot="0")
def test_eht_mld_sae_two_links_disable_enable(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD with two links and disabling/enabling full AP MLD"""
run_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev, disable_enable=True)
def test_eht_mld_sae_two_links_bridge(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD with two links in a bridge"""
run_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev, bridge=True)
def test_eht_mld_sae_ext_one_link(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE-EXT H2E connection using single link"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_ext_single_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase, key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY")
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=1, active_links=1)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
def test_eht_mld_sae_ext_two_links(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE-EXT H2E connection using two links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
def test_eht_mld_sae_legacy_client(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with legacy client SAE H2E connection"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface):
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
key_mgmt="SAE", mfp="2", pwe='1')
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "1")
dev[0].connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1")
|"wpa_supplicant STATUS:\n" + dev[0].request("STATUS"))
bssid = dev[0].get_status_field("bssid")
if hapd0.own_addr() == bssid:
elif hapd1.own_addr() == bssid:
raise Exception("Unknown BSSID: " + bssid)
eht_verify_status(dev[0], hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True)
traffic_test(dev[0], hapd0)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
def test_eht_mld_sae_transition(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP in SAE/PSK transition mode with MLD client connection using two links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1")
dev[1].connect(ssid, psk=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="WPA-PSK", ieee80211w="0")
def test_eht_mld_ptk_rekey(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP and PTK rekeying with MLD client connection using two links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
params['wpa_ptk_rekey'] = '5'
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
ev0 = hapd0.wait_event(["AP-STA-CONNECT"], timeout=1)
if ev0 is None:
ev1 = hapd1.wait_event(["AP-STA-CONNECT"], timeout=1)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
ev = wpas.wait_event(["WPA: Key negotiation completed",
if ev is None:
raise Exception("PTK rekey timed out")
raise Exception("Disconnect instead of rekey")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
def test_eht_mld_gtk_rekey(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD and GTK rekeying with MLD client connection using two links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
params['wpa_group_rekey'] = '5'
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
ev0 = hapd0.wait_event(["AP-STA-CONNECT"], timeout=1)
if ev0 is None:
ev1 = hapd1.wait_event(["AP-STA-CONNECT"], timeout=1)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
for i in range(2):
ev = wpas.wait_event(["MLO RSN: Group rekeying completed",
if ev is None:
raise Exception("GTK rekey timed out")
raise Exception("Disconnect instead of rekey")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
def test_eht_ml_probe_req(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD with two links and non-AP MLD sending ML Probe Request"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
bssid = hapd0.own_addr()
wpas.scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412)
cmd = "ML_PROBE_REQ bssid=" + bssid + " mld_id=0"
if "OK" not in wpas.request(cmd):
raise Exception("Failed to run: " + cmd)
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS",
"CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("ML_PROBE_REQ did not result in scan results")
cmd = "ML_PROBE_REQ bssid=" + bssid + " mld_id=0 link_id=2"
if "OK" not in wpas.request(cmd):
raise Exception("Failed to run: " + cmd)
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS",
"CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("ML_PROBE_REQ did not result in scan results")
def test_eht_mld_connect_probes(dev, apdev, params):
"""MLD client sends ML probe to connect to not discovered links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap"
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
link_params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase, mfp="2",
key_mgmt="SAE", pwe='2')
link_params['channel'] = '1'
link_params['bssid'] = '00:11:22:33:44:01'
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, link_params)
link_params['channel'] = '6'
link_params['bssid'] = '00:11:22:33:44:02'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, link_params)
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password= passphrase, ieee80211w="2",
key_mgmt="SAE", scan_freq="2412")
out = run_tshark(os.path.join(params['logdir'], 'hwsim0.pcapng'),
'wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0004 && wlan.ext_tag.number == 107 && == 11:00:02:00:00:02:11:00',
if not out.splitlines():
raise Exception('ML probe request not found')
# Probe Response frame has the ML element, which will be fragmented
out = run_tshark(os.path.join(params['logdir'], "hwsim0.pcapng"),
"wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0005 && wlan.ext_tag.number == 107 && wlan.ext_tag.length == 254",
if not out.splitlines():
# This requires new tshark (e.g., 4.0.6); for now, ignore the issue
# to avoid forcing such upgrade.
|'ML probe response not found')
#raise Exception('ML probe response not found')
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
def test_eht_tx_link_rejected_connect_other(dev, apdev, params):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client being rejected on TX link, but then connecting on second link"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap"
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
link_params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase, mfp="2",
key_mgmt="SAE", pwe='2')
link_params['channel'] = '1'
link_params['bssid'] = '00:11:22:33:44:01'
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, link_params)
link_params['channel'] = '6'
link_params['bssid'] = '00:11:22:33:44:02'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, link_params)
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
with fail_test(hapd0, 1, "hostapd_get_aid"):
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, ieee80211w="2",
key_mgmt="SAE", scan_freq="2412")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd1, 2437, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=2, active_links=2)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
def test_eht_all_links_rejected(dev, apdev, params):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client ignores all rejected links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap"
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
link_params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase, mfp="2",
key_mgmt="SAE", pwe='2')
link_params['channel'] = '1'
link_params['bssid'] = '00:11:22:33:44:01'
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, link_params)
link_params['channel'] = '6'
link_params['bssid'] = '00:11:22:33:44:02'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, link_params)
wpas.set("mld_connect_bssid_pref", "00:11:22:33:44:01")
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
with fail_test(hapd0, 1, "hostapd_get_aid",
1, "hostapd_process_assoc_ml_info"):
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, ieee80211w="2",
key_mgmt="SAE", scan_freq="2412", wait_connect=False)
ev = wpas.wait_event(['CTRL-EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT'])
if not ev:
raise Exception('Rejection not found')
ev1 = wpas.wait_event(['Added BSSID'])
ev2 = wpas.wait_event(['Added BSSID'])
if (not ev1 or not ev2) or \
not ((hapd0.own_addr() in ev1 and hapd1.own_addr() in ev2) or
(hapd1.own_addr() in ev1 and hapd0.own_addr() in ev2)):
raise Exception('Not all BSSs were added to the ignore list')
# After this message, a new scan clears the ignore and the STA
# connects.
def test_eht_connect_invalid_link(dev, apdev, params):
"""EHT MLD AP where one link is incorrectly configured and rejected by mac80211"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap"
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap"
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
link_params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase, mfp="2",
key_mgmt="SAE", pwe='2')
link_params['channel'] = '1'
link_params['bssid'] = '00:11:22:33:44:01'
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, link_params)
link_params['channel'] = '6'
link_params['bssid'] = '00:11:22:33:44:02'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, link_params)
# We scan for both APs, then try to connect to link 0, but only the
# second attempt will work if mac80211 rejects the second link.
wpas.set("mld_connect_bssid_pref", "00:11:22:33:44:01")
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
with fail_test(wpas, 1, "assoc;wpa_driver_nl80211_associate",
2, "link;wpa_driver_nl80211_associate"):
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, ieee80211w="2",
key_mgmt="SAE", scan_freq="2412")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=1, active_links=1)
out = run_tshark(os.path.join(params['logdir'], 'hwsim0.pcapng'),
'wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0000 && == 00:01:09:%s:00:00' % wpas.own_addr(),
if not out.splitlines():
raise Exception('Association request send by mac80211 had unexpected ML element content (probably it contained a second link)')
def test_eht_mld_link_removal(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD with two links. Links removed during association"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap_owe_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 1, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412 2437", key_mgmt="OWE",
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
|"Disable the 2nd link in 4 beacon intervals")
|"Test traffic after 2nd link disabled")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
if "OK" not in hapd0.request("REKEY_GTK"):
raise Exception("REKEY_GTK failed")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["MLO RSN: Group rekeying completed"], timeout=2)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("GTK rekey timed out")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
|"Disable the 1st link in 20 beacon intervals")
|"Verify that traffic is valid before the link is removed")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
|"Test traffic after 1st link disabled")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0, success=False)
def test_eht_mld_bss_trans_mgmt_link_removal_imminent(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD with two links. BSS transition management with link removal imminent"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap_owe_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
params["bss_transition"] = "1"
params["mbo"] = "1"
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 1, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412 2437", key_mgmt="OWE",
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
addr = wpas.own_addr()
cmd = "BSS_TM_REQ " + addr + " disassoc_timer=3 disassoc_imminent=1 link_removal_imminent=1 bss_term=0,1"
if "OK" not in hapd0.request(cmd):
raise Exception("BSS_TM_REQ command failed")
# Only one link is terminate, so the STA is expected to remain
# associated and not start a scan.
ev = hapd0.wait_event(['BSS-TM-RESP'], timeout=5)
# For now, allow this to pass without the BSS TM response since that
# functionality with MLD needs a recent kernel change.
#if ev is None:
# raise Exception("No BSS TM response received")
if ev and "status_code=0" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected BSS TM response contents: " + ev)
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED",
if ev is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected action on STA: " + ev)
def send_check(hapd, frame, no_tx_status=False):
cmd = "MGMT_RX_PROCESS freq=2412 datarate=0 ssi_signal=-30 frame="
hapd.request(cmd + frame)
if no_tx_status:
ev = hapd.wait_event(["MGMT-TX-STATUS"], timeout=1)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("No TX status")
def test_eht_ap_mld_proto(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD protocol testing"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd1_radio, hapd1_iface):
ssid = "mld_ap_owe_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 1, params)
ap_mld_addr = hapd0.get_status_field("mld_addr[0]").replace(':', '')
bssid0 = hapd0.own_addr().replace(':', '')
bssid1 = hapd1.own_addr().replace(':', '')
hapd0.set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
hapd1.set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
# Truncated EML missing MLD Capabilities And operations field
hapd0.note("Truncated EML missing MLD Capabilities And operations field")
addr0 = "021122334400"
addr1 = "021122334401"
mld_addr = "02112233440f"
hdr = "b0003a01" + bssid0 + addr0 + bssid0 + "1000"
mle = "ff0a6b000007" + mld_addr
auth = hdr + "0000" + "0100" + "0000" + mle
send_check(hapd0, auth)
hdr = "00000000" + bssid0 + mld_addr + bssid0 + "1000"
ssid = "00136d6c645f61705f6f77655f74776f5f6c696e6b"
supp_rates = "010802040b160c121824"
ext_supp_rates = "32043048606c"
rsne = "301a0100000fac040100000fac040100000fac12cc000000000fac06"
ht_capab = "2d1afe131bffff000000000000000000000100000000000000000000"
ext_capab = "7f0a04004a02014000400001"
he_capab = "ff16230178c81a400000bfce0000000000000000fafffaff"
eht_capab = "ff126c07007c0000feffff7f0100888888880000"
supp_op_classes = "3b155151525354737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182"
dh_param = "ff23201300ea85e693343a079500cf4d461011a0ff90ec4de1af40165adbea94a3f36eb071"
wmm = "dd070050f202000100"
assocreq_start = "3004" + "0500" + ssid + supp_rates + ext_supp_rates + rsne + ht_capab + ext_capab + he_capab
assocreq_end = eht_capab + supp_op_classes + dh_param + wmm
# --> Not enough bytes for common info
mle = "ff0a6b000109" + mld_addr
send_check(hapd0, hdr + assocreq_start + mle + assocreq_end)
# Truncated Non-Inheritance element
hapd0.note("Truncated Non-Inheritance element")
addr0 = "021122334410"
addr1 = "021122334411"
mld_addr = "02112233441f"
hdr = "b0003a01" + bssid0 + addr0 + bssid0 + "1000"
mle = "ff0a6b000007" + mld_addr
auth = hdr + "0000" + "0100" + "0000" + mle
send_check(hapd0, auth)
# --> MLD: Invalid inheritance
mle = "ff7d6b000109" + mld_addr + "0000"
mle += "0067" + "3100" + "07" + addr1
mle += "3004" + "010802040b160c121824" + "32043048606c" + "2d1afe131bffff000000000000000000000100000000000000000000" + "ff16230178c81a400000bfce0000000000000000fafffaff" + "ff126c07007c0000feffff7f0100888888880000"
# Non-Inhericance element
mle += "ff023800"
# Unknown optional subelement
mle += "aa00"
# Vendor-Specific subelement
mle += "dd0411223344"
hdr = "00000000" + bssid0 + mld_addr + bssid0 + "1000"
send_check(hapd0, hdr + assocreq_start + mle + assocreq_end,
# Empty Non-Inheritance element
hapd0.note("Empty Non-Inheritance element")
addr0 = "021122334420"
addr1 = "021122334421"
mld_addr = "02112233442f"
hdr = "b0003a01" + bssid0 + addr0 + bssid0 + "1000"
mle = "ff0a6b000007" + mld_addr
auth = hdr + "0000" + "0100" + "0000" + mle
send_check(hapd0, auth)
mle = "ff7e6b000109" + mld_addr + "0000"
mle += "0068" + "3100" + "07" + addr1
mle += "3004" + "010802040b160c121824" + "32043048606c" + "2d1afe131bffff000000000000000000000100000000000000000000" + "ff16230178c81a400000bfce0000000000000000fafffaff" + "ff126c07007c0000feffff7f0100888888880000"
# Non-Inhericance element
mle += "ff03380000"
# Unknown optional subelement
mle += "aa00"
# Vendor-Specific subelement
mle += "dd0411223344"
hdr = "00000000" + bssid0 + mld_addr + bssid0 + "1000"
send_check(hapd0, hdr + assocreq_start + mle + assocreq_end)
# Non-Inheritance element
hapd0.note("Non-Inheritance element")
addr0 = "021122334430"
addr1 = "021122334431"
mld_addr = "02112233443f"
hdr = "b0003a01" + bssid0 + addr0 + bssid0 + "1000"
mle = "ff0a6b000007" + mld_addr
auth = hdr + "0000" + "0100" + "0000" + mle
send_check(hapd0, auth)
mle = "ff9e6b000109" + mld_addr + "0000"
mle += "0088" + "3100" + "07" + addr1
mle += "3004" + "010802040b160c121824" + "32043048606c" + "2d1afe131bffff000000000000000000000100000000000000000000" + "ff16230178c81a400000bfce0000000000000000fafffaff" + "ff126c07007c0000feffff7f0100888888880000"
# Non-Inhericance element
mle += "ff2338" + "1010032a362137387172756b548bedeff0" + "106b01020304050607080c0d21643b3a36"
# Unknown optional subelement
mle += "aa00"
# Vendor-Specific subelement
mle += "dd0411223344"
hdr = "00000000" + bssid0 + mld_addr + bssid0 + "1000"
send_check(hapd0, hdr + assocreq_start + mle + assocreq_end)
# No Non-Inheritance element
hapd0.note("No Non-Inheritance element")
addr0 = "021122334440"
addr1 = "021122334441"
mld_addr = "02112233444f"
hdr = "b0003a01" + bssid0 + addr0 + bssid0 + "1000"
mle = "ff0a6b000007" + mld_addr
auth = hdr + "0000" + "0100" + "0000" + mle
send_check(hapd0, auth)
mle = "ff716b000109" + mld_addr + "0000"
mle += "0063" + "3100" + "07" + addr1
mle += "3004010802040b160c12182432043048606c2d1afe131bffff000000000000000000000100000000000000000000ff16230178c81a400000bfce0000000000000000fafffaffff126c07007c0000feffff7f0100888888880000"
hdr = "00000000" + bssid0 + mld_addr + bssid0 + "1000"
send_check(hapd0, hdr + assocreq_start + mle + assocreq_end)
def _5ghz_chanwidth_to_bw(op):
return {
0: "40",
1: "80",
2: "160",
3: "80+80",
}.get(op, "20")
def _test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, channel, chanwidth, ccfs1, ccfs2=0,
he_ccfs1=None, he_oper_chanwidth=None):
if he_ccfs1 is None:
he_ccfs1 = ccfs1
if he_oper_chanwidth is None:
he_oper_chanwidth = chanwidth
params = {"ssid": "eht",
"country_code": "US",
"hw_mode": "a",
"channel": str(channel),
"ieee80211n": "1",
"ieee80211ac": "1",
"ieee80211ax": "1",
"ieee80211be": "1",
"vht_oper_chwidth": str(he_oper_chanwidth),
"vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": str(he_ccfs1),
"vht_oper_centr_freq_seg1_idx": str(ccfs2),
"he_oper_chwidth": str(he_oper_chanwidth),
"he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": str(he_ccfs1),
"he_oper_centr_freq_seg1_idx": str(ccfs2),
"eht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": str(ccfs1),
"eht_oper_chwidth": str(chanwidth)}
if he_oper_chanwidth == 0:
if channel < he_ccfs1:
params["ht_capab"] = "[HT40+]"
elif channel > he_ccfs1:
params["ht_capab"] = "[HT40-]"
params["ht_capab"] = "[HT40+]"
if he_oper_chanwidth == 2:
params["vht_capab"] = "[VHT160]"
elif he_oper_chanwidth == 3:
params["vht_capab"] = "[VHT160-80PLUS80]"
if eht_oper_puncturing_override:
params['eht_oper_puncturing_override'] = eht_oper_puncturing_override
freq = 5000 + channel * 5
bw = "20"
if chanwidth != 0 or channel != ccfs1:
bw = _5ghz_chanwidth_to_bw(chanwidth)
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=str(freq))
eht_verify_status(dev[0], hapd, freq, bw, is_ht=True, is_vht=True)
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
if eht_oper_puncturing_override:
hapd.set("eht_oper_puncturing_override", "0x0")
set_world_reg(apdev[0], None, dev[0])
def test_eht_5ghz_20mhz(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 20 MHz channel width on 5 GHz"""
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 0, 36, 0)
def test_eht_5ghz_40mhz_low(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 40 MHz channel width on 5 GHz - secondary channel above"""
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 0, 38, 0)
def test_eht_5ghz_40mhz_high(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5 GHz - secondary channel below"""
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 40, 0, 38, 0)
def test_eht_5ghz_80mhz_1(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5 GHz - primary=149"""
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 1, 42, 0)
def test_eht_5ghz_80mhz_2(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5 GHz - primary=149"""
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 149, 1, 155, 0)
def test_eht_5ghz_80mhz_puncturing_override_1(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5 GHz - primary=36 - puncturing override (2nd)"""
# The 2nd 20 MHz is punctured
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 1, 42, 0,
he_ccfs1=36, he_oper_chanwidth=0)
def test_eht_5ghz_80mhz_puncturing_override_2(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5 GHz - primary=149 - puncturing override (3rd)"""
# The 3rd 20 MHz is punctured
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 149, 1, 155, 0,
he_ccfs1=151, he_oper_chanwidth=0)
def test_eht_5ghz_80mhz_puncturing_override_3(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5 GHz - primary=149 - puncturing override (4th)"""
# The 4th 20 MHz is punctured
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 149, 1, 155, 0,
he_ccfs1=151, he_oper_chanwidth=0)
def test_eht_5ghz_80p80mhz(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 80+80 MHz channel width on 5 GHz"""
_test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 3, 42, 155)
def _6ghz_op_class_to_bw(op):
return {
131: "20",
132: "40",
133: "80",
134: "160",
137: "320",
}.get(op, "20")
def _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, channel, op_class, ccfs1):
# CA enables 320 MHz channels without NO-IR restriction
dev[0].cmd_execute(['iw', 'reg', 'set', 'CA'])
ssid = "eht_6ghz_sae"
passphrase = "12345678"
params = hostapd.he_wpa2_params(ssid=ssid, passphrase=passphrase)
params["ieee80211be"] = "1"
params["channel"] = str(channel)
params["op_class"] = str(op_class)
params["he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx"] = str(ccfs1)
params["eht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx"] = str(ccfs1)
params["country_code"] = "CA"
if not he_6ghz_supported():
raise HwsimSkip("6 GHz frequency is not supported")
if op_class == 137 and not eht_320mhz_supported():
raise HwsimSkip("320 MHz channels are not supported")
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
status = hapd.get_status()
|"hostapd STATUS: " + str(status))
if hapd.get_status_field("ieee80211ax") != "1":
raise Exception("STATUS did not indicate ieee80211ax=1")
if hapd.get_status_field("ieee80211be") != "1":
raise Exception("STATUS did not indicate ieee80211be=1")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "1")
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
freq = 5950 + channel * 5
bw = _6ghz_op_class_to_bw(op_class)
dev[0].connect(ssid, key_mgmt="SAE", psk=passphrase, ieee80211w="2",
eht_verify_status(dev[0], hapd, freq, bw)
sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[0].own_addr())
if 'supp_op_classes' not in sta:
raise Exception("supp_op_classes not indicated")
supp_op_classes = binascii.unhexlify(sta['supp_op_classes'])
if op_class not in supp_op_classes:
raise Exception("STA did not indicate support for opclass %d" % op_class)
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
dev[0].cmd_execute(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])
def test_eht_6ghz_20mhz(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 20 MHz channel width on 6 GHz"""
_test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 131, 5)
def test_eht_6ghz_40mhz(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 40 MHz channel width on 6 GHz"""
_test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 132, 3)
def test_eht_6ghz_80mhz(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 6 GHz"""
_test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 133, 7)
def test_eht_6ghz_160mhz(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 160 MHz channel width on 6 GHz"""
_test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 134, 15)
def test_eht_6ghz_320mhz(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 320 MHz channel width on 6 GHz"""
_test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 137, 31)
def test_eht_6ghz_320mhz_2(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 320 MHz channel width on 6 GHz center 63"""
_test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 37, 137, 63)
def test_eht_6ghz_320mhz_3(dev, apdev):
"""EHT with 320 MHz channel width on 6 GHz center 31 primary 37"""
_test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 37, 137, 31)
def check_anqp(dev, bssid):
if "OK" not in dev.request("ANQP_GET " + bssid + " 258"):
raise Exception("ANQP_GET command failed")
ev = dev.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-START"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("GAS query start timed out")
ev = dev.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("GAS query timed out")
ev = dev.wait_event(["RX-ANQP"], timeout=1)
if ev is None or "Venue Name" not in ev:
raise Exception("Did not receive Venue Name")
ev = dev.wait_event(["ANQP-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("ANQP-QUERY-DONE event not seen")
if "result=SUCCESS" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected result: " + ev)
def test_eht_mld_gas(dev, apdev):
"""GAS/ANQP during MLO association"""
params = hs20_ap_params()
bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
params['hessid'] = bssid
params['channel'] = "11"
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd1_radio, hapd1_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
wpas.scan_for_bss(bssid, freq="2462")
ssid = "owe_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
params['interworking'] = "1"
params['venue_group'] = "7"
params['venue_type'] = "1"
params['venue_name'] = "eng:Example venue"
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
bssid0 = hapd0.own_addr()
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 1, params)
bssid1 = hapd1.own_addr()
wpas.scan_for_bss(bssid0, freq="2412")
wpas.scan_for_bss(bssid1, freq="2437")
wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412 2437", key_mgmt="OWE",
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
check_anqp(wpas, bssid)
check_anqp(wpas, bssid0)
check_anqp(wpas, bssid1)
def test_eht_mld_dpp_responder_while_assoc(dev, apdev):
"""DPP responder while ML associated"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd1_radio, hapd1_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "owe_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 1, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412 2437", key_mgmt="OWE",
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
id = wpas.dpp_bootstrap_gen(chan="81/11", mac=True)
uri = wpas.request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id)
wait_auth_success(dev[0], wpas)
def _eht_mld_disconnect(dev, apdev, disassoc=True):
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap_owe_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 1, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412 2437", key_mgmt="OWE",
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
cmd = "DISASSOCIATE " if disassoc else "DEAUTHENTICATE "
cmd += wpas.own_addr()
for i in range(0, 3):
if "OK" not in hapd0.request(cmd):
raise Exception("Failed to request: " + cmd)
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
def test_eht_mld_disassociate(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD with two links. Disassociate and reconnect"""
_eht_mld_disconnect(dev, apdev, disassoc=True)
def test_eht_mld_deauthenticate(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD with two links. Deauthenticate and reconnect"""
_eht_mld_disconnect(dev, apdev, disassoc=False)
def test_eht_mld_non_pref_chan(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD with one link. MBO non preferred channels"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
# Start the first AP
ssid = "mld_ap_one_link_mbo"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
params["bss_transition"] = "1"
params["mbo"] = "1"
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
if "OK" not in wpas.request("SET non_pref_chan 81:7:200:1 81:9:100:2"):
raise Exception("Failed to set non-preferred channel list")
id = wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412", key_mgmt="OWE",
ieee80211w="2", owe_only="1")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=1, active_links=1)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
# Validate information received from the Association Request frame
addr = wpas.own_addr()
sta = hapd0.get_sta(addr)
logger.debug("STA: " + str(sta))
if 'non_pref_chan[0]' not in sta:
raise Exception("Missing non_pref_chan[0] value (assoc)")
if sta['non_pref_chan[0]'] != '81:200:1:7':
raise Exception("Unexpected non_pref_chan[0] value (assoc)")
if 'non_pref_chan[1]' not in sta:
raise Exception("Missing non_pref_chan[1] value (assoc)")
if sta['non_pref_chan[1]'] != '81:100:2:9':
raise Exception("Unexpected non_pref_chan[1] value (assoc)")
if 'non_pref_chan[2]' in sta:
raise Exception("Unexpected non_pref_chan[2] value (assoc)")
# Verify operating class
if 'supp_op_classes' not in sta:
raise Exception("No supp_op_classes")
supp = bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(sta['supp_op_classes']))
if supp[0] != 81:
raise Exception("Unexpected current operating class %d" % supp[0])
if 115 not in supp:
raise Exception("Operating class 115 missing")
# Validate information from WNM action
if "OK" not in wpas.request("SET non_pref_chan 81:9:100:2"):
raise Exception("Failed to update non-preferred channel list")
sta = hapd0.get_sta(addr)
logger.debug("STA: " + str(sta))
if 'non_pref_chan[0]' not in sta:
raise Exception("Missing non_pref_chan[0] value (update 1)")
if sta['non_pref_chan[0]'] != '81:100:2:9':
raise Exception("Unexpected non_pref_chan[0] value (update 1)")
if 'non_pref_chan[1]' in sta:
raise Exception("Unexpected non_pref_chan[1] value (update 1)")
# Validate information from WNM action with multiple entries
if "OK" not in wpas.request("SET non_pref_chan 81:9:100:2 81:10:100:2 81:8:100:2 81:7:100:1 81:5:100:1"):
raise Exception("Failed to update non-preferred channel list")
sta = hapd0.get_sta(addr)
logger.debug("STA: " + str(sta))
if 'non_pref_chan[0]' not in sta:
raise Exception("Missing non_pref_chan[0] value (update 2)")
if sta['non_pref_chan[0]'] != '81:100:1:7,5':
raise Exception("Unexpected non_pref_chan[0] value (update 2)")
if 'non_pref_chan[1]' not in sta:
raise Exception("Missing non_pref_chan[1] value (update 2)")
if sta['non_pref_chan[1]'] != '81:100:2:9,10,8':
raise Exception("Unexpected non_pref_chan[1] value (update 2)")
if 'non_pref_chan[2]' in sta:
raise Exception("Unexpected non_pref_chan[2] value (update 2)")
def test_eht_mld_rrm_beacon_req(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD with one link. RRM beacon request"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd1_radio, hapd1_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
# Start the first AP and connect
ssid = "mld_ap_one_link_rrm1"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
params["bss_transition"] = "1"
params["mbo"] = "1"
params["rrm_beacon_report"] = "1"
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, 0, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412", key_mgmt="OWE", ieee80211w="2",
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=1, active_links=1)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
# Start the second AP
other_ssid = "other"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(other_ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
params["channel"] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd1_iface, 0, params)
# Issue a beacon request for the second AP
addr = wpas.own_addr()
req = build_beacon_request(mode=1, chan=6, duration=50)
# Send the request with SSID, Detail, Last Beacon Report Indication, and
# Extended Request subelements. The Extended Request elements includes
# the Multi-Link element ID.
run_req_beacon(hapd0, addr,
req + "0000" + "020101" + "a40101" + "0b02ff6b")
ev = hapd0.wait_event(["BEACON-RESP-RX"], timeout=3)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Beacon report response not received")
fields = ev.split(' ')
report = BeaconReport(binascii.unhexlify(fields[4]))
|"Received beacon report: " + str(report))
if report.bssid_str != hapd1.own_addr() or report.opclass != 81 or \
| != 6:
raise Exception("Incorrect bssid/op class/channel for hapd1")
if not report.last_indication:
raise Exception("Last Beacon Report Indication subelement missing")
def test_eht_mld_legacy_stas(dev, apdev):
"""EHT AP MLD and multiple non-MLD STAs"""
for i in range(3):
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface):
password = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "ap_mld_sae"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, password,
key_mgmt="SAE SAE-EXT-KEY",
mfp="2", pwe='2')
params['rsn_pairwise'] = "CCMP GCMP-256"
params['sae_groups'] = "19 20"
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
for i in range(3):
dev[i].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[i].connect(ssid, sae_password=password, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2", disable_eht="1")
aid = []
for i in range(3):
traffic_test(dev[i], hapd0)
|"Assigned AIDs: " + str(aid))
if len(set(aid)) != 3:
raise Exception("AP did not assign unique AID to each STA")
def test_eht_mld_and_mlds(dev, apdev):
"""EHT AP MLD and multiple non-AP MLDs"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio2, wpas_iface2):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
wpas2 = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
password = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "ap_mld_sae"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, password,
key_mgmt="SAE SAE-EXT-KEY",
mfp="2", pwe='2')
params['rsn_pairwise'] = "CCMP GCMP-256"
params['sae_groups'] = "19 20"
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=password, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
wpas2.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas2.connect(ssid, sae_password=password, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
aid = []
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas2, hapd0)
|"Assigned AIDs: " + str(aid))
if len(set(aid)) != 2:
raise Exception("AP MLD did not assign unique AID to each non-AP MLD")
def mlo_perform_csa(hapd, command, freq, dev):
match_str = "freq=" + str(freq)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-STARTED-CHANNEL-SWITCH"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Channel switch start event not seen")
if match_str not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CS started")
ev = hapd.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CHANNEL-SWITCH"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Channel switch completion event not seen")
if match_str not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CS completed")
ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("CSA finished event timed out")
if match_str not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CSA finished event")
ev = dev.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-LINK-CHANNEL-SWITCH"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Non-AP MLD did not report CS")
if match_str not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CS event from non-AP MLD")
def test_eht_mlo_csa(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP connected to non-AP MLD. Seamless channel switch"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap"
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
key_mgmt="SAE", mfp="2", pwe='1')
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
|"Perform CSA on 1st link")
mlo_perform_csa(hapd0, "CHAN_SWITCH 5 2462 ht he eht blocktx",
2462, wpas)
|"Test traffic after 1st link CSA completes")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
|"Perform CSA on 2nd link")
mlo_perform_csa(hapd1, "CHAN_SWITCH 5 2412 ht he eht blocktx",
2412, wpas)
|"Test traffic after 2nd link CSA completes")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
|"Perform CSA on 2nd link and bring it back to original channel")
mlo_perform_csa(hapd1, "CHAN_SWITCH 5 2437 ht he eht blocktx",
2437, wpas)
|"Test traffic again after 2nd link CSA completes")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
|"Perform CSA on 1st link and bring it back to original channel")
mlo_perform_csa(hapd0, "CHAN_SWITCH 5 2412 ht he eht blocktx",
2412, wpas)
|"Test traffic again after 1st link CSA completes")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
def create_base_conf_file(iface, channel, prefix='hostapd-', hw_mode='g',
# Create configuration file and add phy characteristics
fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='/tmp',
prefix=prefix + iface + "-chan-" + str(channel) + "-")
f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
f.write("hw_mode=" + str(hw_mode) + "\n")
if hw_mode == 'a' and \
(op_class is None or \
op_class not in [131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137]):
f.write("channel=" + str(channel) + "\n")
return f, fname
def append_bss_conf_to_file(f, ifname, params, first=False):
# Add BSS specific characteristics
config = "bss"
if first:
config = "interface"
f.write("\n" + config + "=%s\n" % ifname)
for k, v in list(params.items()):
def dump_config(fname):
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
cfg =
logger.debug("hostapd config: " + str(fname) + "\n" + cfg)
def get_config(iface, count, ssid, passphrase, channel, bssid_regex,
rnr=False, debug=False):
f, fname = create_base_conf_file(iface, channel=channel)
hapds = []
for i in range(count):
if i == 0:
ifname = iface
ifname = iface + "-" + str(i)
set_ssid = ssid + str(i)
set_passphrase = passphrase + str(i)
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=set_ssid, passphrase=set_passphrase,
wpa_key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2")
params['sae_pwe'] = "2"
params['group_mgmt_cipher'] = "AES-128-CMAC"
params['beacon_prot'] = "1"
params["ctrl_interface"] = "/var/run/hostapd/"
params["bssid"] = bssid_regex % (i + 1)
if rnr:
params["rnr"] = "1"
append_bss_conf_to_file(f, ifname, params, first=(i == 0))
hapds.append([ifname, i])
if debug:
return fname, hapds
def start_ap(prefix, configs):
pid = prefix + ""
configs = configs.split()
cmd = ['../../hostapd/hostapd', '-ddKtB', '-P', pid, '-f',
prefix + ".hostapd-log"]
cmd = cmd + configs
|"Starting APs")
res = subprocess.check_call(cmd)
if res != 0:
raise Exception("Could not start hostapd: %s" % str(res))
# Wait for hostapd to complete initialization and daemonize.
for i in range(20):
if os.path.exists(pid):
if not os.path.exists(pid):
raise Exception("hostapd did not create PID file.")
def get_mld_devs(hapd_iface, count, prefix, rnr=False):
fname1, hapds1 = get_config(hapd_iface, count=count, ssid="mld-",
passphrase="qwertyuiop-", channel=1,
rnr=rnr, debug=True)
fname2, hapds2 = get_config(hapd_iface, count=count, ssid="mld-",
passphrase="qwertyuiop-", channel=6,
rnr=rnr, debug=True)
start_ap(prefix, fname1 + " " + fname2)
hapd_mld1_link0 = hostapd.Hostapd(ifname=hapds1[0][0], bssidx=hapds1[0][1],
hapd_mld1_link1 = hostapd.Hostapd(ifname=hapds2[0][0], bssidx=hapds2[0][1],
hapd_mld2_link0 = hostapd.Hostapd(ifname=hapds1[1][0], bssidx=hapds1[1][1],
hapd_mld2_link1 = hostapd.Hostapd(ifname=hapds2[1][0], bssidx=hapds2[1][1],
if not
raise Exception("Could not ping hostapd")
if not
raise Exception("Could not ping hostapd")
if not
raise Exception("Could not ping hostapd")
if not
raise Exception("Could not ping hostapd")
return [hapd_mld1_link0, hapd_mld1_link1, hapd_mld2_link0, hapd_mld2_link1]
def stop_mld_devs(hapds, pid):
pid = pid + ""
if "OK" not in hapds[0].request("TERMINATE"):
raise Exception("Failed to terminate hostapd process")
ev = hapds[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING not seen")
for i in range(30):
if not os.path.exists(pid):
if os.path.exists(pid):
raise Exception("PID file exits after process termination")
def eht_parse_rnr(bss, rnr=False, exp_bssid=None):
partner_rnr_pattern = re.compile(".*ap_info.*, mld ID=0, link ID=",
ml_pattern = re.compile(".*multi-link:.*, MLD addr=.*", re.MULTILINE)
if is None:
raise Exception("RNR element not found for first link of first MLD")
if is None:
raise Exception("ML element not found for first link of first MLD")
if not rnr:
coloc_rnr_pattern = re.compile(".*ap_info.*, mld ID=255, link ID=..",
if is None:
raise Exception("RNR element not found for co-located BSS")
line =
if line.count('bssid') > 1:
raise Exception("More than one BSS found for co-located RNR")
# Get the BSSID carried in the RNR
index = line.rindex('bssid')
bssid = line[index+len('bssid')+1:].split(',')[0]
# Get the MLD ID carried in the RNR
index = line.rindex('link ID')
link_id = line[index+len('link ID')+1:].split(',')[0]
if link_id != "15":
raise Exception("Unexpected link ID for co-located BSS which is not own partner")
if bssid != exp_bssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected BSSID for co-located BSS")
def eht_mld_cohosted_discovery(dev, apdev, params, rnr=False):
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True, n_channels=2) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
hapds = get_mld_devs(hapd_iface=hapd_iface, count=2,
prefix=params['prefix'], rnr=rnr)
# Only scan link 0
res = wpas.request("SCAN freq=2412")
if "FAIL" in res:
raise Exception("Failed to start scan")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED"])
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Scan did not start")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS"])
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Scan did not complete")
|"Scan done")
bss = wpas.request("BSS " + hapds[0].own_addr())
|"BSS 0_0: " + str(bss))
eht_parse_rnr(bss, rnr, hapds[2].own_addr())
bss = wpas.request("BSS " + hapds[2].own_addr())
|"BSS 1_0: " + str(bss))
eht_parse_rnr(bss, rnr, hapds[0].own_addr())
stop_mld_devs(hapds, params['prefix'])
def test_eht_mld_cohosted_discovery(dev, apdev, params):
"""EHT 2 AP MLDs discovery"""
eht_mld_cohosted_discovery(dev, apdev, params)
def test_eht_mld_cohosted_discovery_with_rnr(dev, apdev, params):
"""EHT 2 AP MLDs discovery (with co-location RNR)"""
eht_mld_cohosted_discovery(dev, apdev, params, rnr=True)
def test_eht_mld_cohosted_connectivity(dev, apdev, params):
"""EHT 2 AP MLDs with 2 MLD clients connection"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True, n_channels=2) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio1, wpas_iface1):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
wpas1 = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
hapds = get_mld_devs(hapd_iface=hapd_iface, count=2,
prefix=params['prefix'], rnr=False)
passphrase = "qwertyuiop-"
ssid = "mld-"
# Connect one client to first AP MLD and verify traffic on both links
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas.connect(ssid + "0", sae_password=passphrase+"0", scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapds[0], 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas, hapds[0])
traffic_test(wpas, hapds[1])
# Connect another client to second AP MLD and verify traffic on both
# links
wpas1.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas1.connect(ssid + "1", sae_password=passphrase+"1", scan_freq="2437",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas1, hapds[3], 2437, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True,
valid_links=3, active_links=3)
traffic_test(wpas1, hapds[3])
traffic_test(wpas1, hapds[2])
stop_mld_devs(hapds, params['prefix'])
def test_eht_mlo_color_change(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD and Color Change Announcement"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
ssid = "mld_ap"
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
key_mgmt="SAE", mfp="2", pwe='1')
params['he_bss_color'] = '42'
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
params['he_bss_color'] = '24'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, params)
|"Perform CCA on 1st link")
if "OK" not in hapd0.request("COLOR_CHANGE 10"):
raise Exception("COLOR_CHANGE failed")
color = hapd0.get_status_field("he_bss_color")
if color != "10":
raise Exception("Expected current he_bss_color to be 10; was " + color)
|"Perform CCA on 1st link again")
if "OK" not in hapd0.request("COLOR_CHANGE 60"):
raise Exception("COLOR_CHANGE failed")
color = hapd0.get_status_field("he_bss_color")
if color != "60":
raise Exception("Expected current he_bss_color to be 60; was " + color)
|"Perform CCA on 2nd link")
if "OK" not in hapd1.request("COLOR_CHANGE 25"):
raise Exception("COLOR_CHANGE failed")
color = hapd1.get_status_field("he_bss_color")
if color != "25":
raise Exception("Expected current he_bss_color to be 25; was " + color)
|"Perform CCA on 2nd link again")
if "OK" not in hapd1.request("COLOR_CHANGE 5"):
raise Exception("COLOR_CHANGE failed")
color = hapd1.get_status_field("he_bss_color")
if color != "5":
raise Exception("Expected current he_bss_color to be 5; was " + color)
def test_eht_mld_control_socket_connectivity(dev, apdev):
"""AP MLD control socket connectivity"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
ssid = "mld_ap"
link0_params = {"ssid": ssid,
"hw_mode": "g",
"channel": "1"}
link1_params = {"ssid": ssid,
"hw_mode": "g",
"channel": "2"}
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 0, link0_params)
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, 1, link1_params)
mld_dev = mld.get_mld_obj(hapd_iface)
# Check status of each link
res = str(mld_dev.request("LINKID 0 STATUS"))
|"LINK 0 STATUS:\n" + res)
if "state" not in res:
raise Exception("Failed to get link 0 status via MLD socket")
if 'link_id=0' not in res.splitlines():
raise Exception("link_id=0 not reported for link 0")
res = mld_dev.request("LINKID 1 STATUS")
|"LINK 1 STATUS:\n" + res)
if "state" not in res:
raise Exception("Failed to get link 1 status via MLD socket")
if 'link_id=1' not in res.splitlines():
raise Exception("link_id=0 not reported for link 1")