hostapd now has support for SAE in MLD cases, so there is no need to maintain this exception that allowed the test case to pass even if the connection failed. Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <quic_jouni@quicinc.com>
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# EHT tests
# Copyright (c) 2022, Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# See README for more details.
import hostapd
from utils import *
from hwsim import HWSimRadio
import hwsim_utils
from wpasupplicant import WpaSupplicant
import re
def eht_verify_wifi_version(dev):
status = dev.get_status()
logger.info("station status: " + str(status))
if 'wifi_generation' not in status:
raise Exception("Missing wifi_generation information")
if status['wifi_generation'] != "7":
raise Exception("Unexpected wifi_generation value: " + status['wifi_generation'])
def eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd, freq, bw, is_ht=False, is_vht=False,
status = hapd.get_status()
logger.info("hostapd STATUS: " + str(status))
if is_ht and status["ieee80211n"] != "1":
raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211n value")
if is_vht and status["ieee80211ac"] != "1":
raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211ac value")
if status["ieee80211ax"] != "1":
raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211ax value")
if status["ieee80211be"] != "1":
raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211be value")
sta = hapd.get_sta(wpas.own_addr())
logger.info("hostapd STA: " + str(sta))
if is_ht and "[HT]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: HT")
if is_vht and "[VHT]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: VHT")
if "[HE]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: HE")
if "[EHT]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: EHT")
sig = wpas.request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
# TODO: With MLD connection, signal poll logic is still not implemented.
# While mac80211 maintains the station using the MLD address, the
# information is maintained in the link stations, but it is not sent to
# user space yet.
if not mld:
if "FREQUENCY=%s" % freq not in sig:
raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(1): " + str(sig))
if "WIDTH=%s MHz" % bw not in sig:
raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(2): " + str(sig))
def traffic_test(wpas, hapd):
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(wpas, hapd)
def test_eht_open(dev, apdev):
"""EHT AP with open mode configuration"""
params = {"ssid": "eht",
"ieee80211ax": "1",
"ieee80211be": "1"}
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, Exception) and \
str(e) == "Failed to set hostapd parameter ieee80211be":
raise HwsimSkip("EHT not supported")
if hapd.get_status_field("ieee80211be") != "1":
raise Exception("AP STATUS did not indicate ieee80211be=1")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="2412")
sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[0].own_addr())
if "[EHT]" not in sta['flags']:
raise Exception("Missing STA flag: EHT")
status = dev[0].request("STATUS")
if "wifi_generation=7" not in status:
raise Exception("STA STATUS did not indicate wifi_generation=7")
def test_prefer_eht_20(dev, apdev):
params = {"ssid": "eht",
"channel": "1",
"ieee80211ax": "1",
"ieee80211be" : "1",
"ieee80211n": "1"}
hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
params["ieee80211be"] = "0"
hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params)
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, Exception) and \
str(e) == "Failed to set hostapd parameter ieee80211be":
raise HwsimSkip("EHT not supported")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="NONE")
if dev[0].get_status_field('bssid') != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("dev[0] connected to unexpected AP")
est = dev[0].get_bss(apdev[0]['bssid'])['est_throughput']
if est != "172103":
raise Exception("Unexpected BSS1 est_throughput: " + est)
def start_eht_sae_ap(apdev, ml=False):
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="eht", passphrase="12345678")
params["ieee80211ax"] = "1"
params["ieee80211be"] = "1"
params['ieee80211w'] = '2'
params['rsn_pairwise'] = "GCMP-256"
params['group_cipher'] = "GCMP-256"
params["group_mgmt_cipher"] = "BIP-GMAC-256"
params['beacon_prot'] = '2'
params['wpa_key_mgmt'] = 'SAE-EXT-KEY'
params['sae_groups'] = "20"
params['sae_pwe'] = "1"
if ml:
ml_elem = "ff0d6b" + "3001" + "0a" + "021122334455" + "01" + "00" + "00"
params['vendor_elements'] = ml_elem
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev, params)
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, Exception) and \
str(e) == "Failed to set hostapd parameter ieee80211be":
raise HwsimSkip("EHT not supported")
def test_eht_sae(dev, apdev):
"""EHT AP with SAE"""
hapd = start_eht_sae_ap(apdev[0])
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "20")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "2")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", psk="12345678",
ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1",
pairwise="GCMP-256", group="GCMP-256",
group_mgmt="BIP-GMAC-256", scan_freq="2412")
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
def test_eht_sae_mlo(dev, apdev):
"""EHT+MLO AP with SAE"""
hapd = start_eht_sae_ap(apdev[0], ml=True)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "20")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "2")
dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", psk="12345678",
ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1",
pairwise="GCMP-256", group="GCMP-256",
group_mgmt="BIP-GMAC-256", scan_freq="2412")
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
def eht_mld_enable_ap(iface, params):
hapd = hostapd.add_mld_link(iface, params)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED", "AP-DISABLED"], timeout=1)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP startup timed out")
if "AP-ENABLED" not in ev:
raise Exception("AP startup failed")
return hapd
def eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase=None, key_mgmt="WPA-PSK-SHA256",
mfp="2", pwe=None, beacon_prot="1"):
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=ssid, passphrase=passphrase,
wpa_key_mgmt=key_mgmt, ieee80211w=mfp)
params['ieee80211n'] = '1'
params['ieee80211ax'] = '1'
params['ieee80211be'] = '1'
params['channel'] = '1'
params['hw_mode'] = 'g'
params['group_mgmt_cipher'] = "AES-128-CMAC"
params['beacon_prot'] = beacon_prot
if pwe is not None:
params['sae_pwe'] = pwe
return params
def test_eht_mld_discovery(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP discovery"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap"
link0_params = {"ssid": ssid,
"hw_mode": "g",
"channel": "1"}
link1_params = {"ssid": ssid,
"hw_mode": "g",
"channel": "2"}
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, link0_params)
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, link1_params)
res = wpas.request("SCAN freq=2412,2417")
if "FAIL" in res:
raise Exception("Failed to start scan")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED"])
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Scan did not start")
ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS"])
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Scan did not complete")
logger.info("Scan done")
rnr_pattern = re.compile(".*ap_info.*, mld ID=0, link ID=",
ml_pattern = re.compile(".*multi-link:.*, MLD ID=0x0", re.MULTILINE)
bss = wpas.request("BSS " + hapd0.own_addr())
logger.info("BSS 0: " + str(bss))
if rnr_pattern.search(bss) is None:
raise Exception("RNR element not found for first link")
if ml_pattern.search(bss) is None:
raise Exception("ML element not found for first link")
bss = wpas.request("BSS " + hapd1.own_addr())
logger.info("BSS 1: " + str(bss))
if rnr_pattern.search(bss) is None:
raise Exception("RNR element not found for second link")
if ml_pattern.search(bss) is None:
raise Exception("ML element not found for second link")
def test_eht_mld_owe_two_links(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client OWE connection using two links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd0_radio, hapd0_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd1_radio, hapd1_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
ssid = "mld_ap_owe_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, key_mgmt="OWE", mfp="2")
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd0_iface, params)
# Check legacy client connection
dev[0].connect(ssid, scan_freq="2437", key_mgmt="OWE", ieee80211w="2")
wpas.connect(ssid, scan_freq="2412 2437", key_mgmt="OWE",
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
def test_eht_mld_sae_single_link(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE H2E connection using single link"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_single_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase, key_mgmt="SAE",
mfp="2", pwe='2')
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
def run_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev, beacon_prot="1"):
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
key_mgmt="SAE", mfp="2", pwe='1',
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
def test_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE H2E connection using two links"""
run_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev)
def test_eht_mld_sae_two_links_no_beacon_prot(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE H2E connection using two links and no beacon protection"""
run_eht_mld_sae_two_links(dev, apdev, beacon_prot="0")
def test_eht_mld_sae_ext_one_link(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE-EXT H2E connection using single link"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_ext_single_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase, key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY")
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
def test_eht_mld_sae_ext_two_links(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with MLD client SAE-EXT H2E connection using two links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
def test_eht_mld_sae_legacy_client(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP with legacy client SAE H2E connection"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface):
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
key_mgmt="SAE", mfp="2", pwe='1')
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "1")
dev[0].connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1")
eht_verify_status(dev[0], hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True)
traffic_test(dev[0], hapd0)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
def test_eht_mld_sae_transition(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP in SAE/PSK transition mode with MLD client connection using two links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd0, 2412, 20, is_ht=True, mld=True)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="SAE", ieee80211w="2", beacon_prot="1")
dev[1].connect(ssid, psk=passphrase, scan_freq="2412",
key_mgmt="WPA-PSK", ieee80211w="0")
def test_eht_mld_ptk_rekey(dev, apdev):
"""EHT MLD AP and PTK rekeying with MLD client connection using two links"""
with HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (hapd_radio, hapd_iface), \
HWSimRadio(use_mlo=True) as (wpas_radio, wpas_iface):
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
ssid = "mld_ap_sae_two_link"
params = eht_mld_ap_wpa2_params(ssid, passphrase,
params['wpa_ptk_rekey'] = '5'
hapd0 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
params['channel'] = '6'
hapd1 = eht_mld_enable_ap(hapd_iface, params)
wpas.connect(ssid, sae_password=passphrase, scan_freq="2412 2437",
key_mgmt="SAE-EXT-KEY", ieee80211w="2")
ev0 = hapd0.wait_event(["AP-STA-CONNECT"], timeout=1)
if ev0 is None:
ev1 = hapd1.wait_event(["AP-STA-CONNECT"], timeout=1)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)
ev = wpas.wait_event(["WPA: Key negotiation completed",
if ev is None:
raise Exception("PTK rekey timed out")
raise Exception("Disconnect instead of rekey")
traffic_test(wpas, hapd0)
traffic_test(wpas, hapd1)