tests: SAE protocol testing - Invalid Rejected Groups element

Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
This commit is contained in:
Jouni Malinen 2024-07-07 11:59:16 +03:00
parent 0ab009db3c
commit 368aa0230b

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@ -2345,6 +2345,96 @@ def test_sae_h2e_rejected_groups_unexpected(dev, apdev):
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
def test_sae_h2e_rejected_groups_invalid(dev, apdev):
"""SAE protocol testing - Invalid Rejected Groups element"""
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="test-sae",
params['wpa_key_mgmt'] = 'SAE'
params['sae_groups'] = "19 20"
params['sae_pwe'] = "1"
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "20 19")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "1")
run_sae_h2e_rejected_groups_invalid(dev[0], hapd)
dev[0].set("sae_groups", "")
dev[0].set("sae_pwe", "0")
def run_sae_h2e_rejected_groups_invalid(dev, hapd):
addr = dev.own_addr()
bssid = hapd.own_addr()
dev.scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412)
hapd.set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
dev.connect("test-sae", psk="12345678", key_mgmt="SAE",
scan_freq="2412", wait_connect=False)
logger.info("Commit (group 20)")
for i in range(10):
req = hapd.mgmt_rx()
if req is None:
raise Exception("MGMT RX wait timed out (commit)")
if req['subtype'] == 11:
req = None
if not req:
raise Exception("Authentication frame (commit) not received")
group, = struct.unpack('<H', req['payload'][6:8])
if group != 20:
raise Exception("Unexpected group %d in SAE Commit" % group)
# Discard this SAE Commit message without AP processing and instead, send
# an unsupported group indication to the STA.
resp = {}
resp['fc'] = 0xb0
resp['da'] = addr
resp['sa'] = bssid
resp['bssid'] = bssid
resp['payload'] = binascii.unhexlify("030001004d001400")
logger.info("Commit (group 19)")
for i in range(10):
req = hapd.mgmt_rx()
if req is None:
raise Exception("MGMT RX wait timed out (commit)")
if req['subtype'] == 11:
req = None
if not req:
raise Exception("Authentication frame (commit) not received")
group, = struct.unpack('<H', req['payload'][6:8])
if group != 19:
raise Exception("Unexpected group %d in SAE Commit" % group)
# Replace the Rejected Groups element with an invalid one and process the
# modified SAE Commit message in hostapd.
rej_groups = req['frame'][-5:]
if rej_groups != binascii.unhexlify('ff035c1400'):
raise Exception("No Rejected Groups element: " + binascii.hexlify(rej_groups).decode())
frame = req['frame'][:-5] + binascii.unhexlify('ff025c14')
hapd.request("MGMT_RX_PROCESS freq=2412 datarate=0 ssi_signal=-30 frame=" + binascii.hexlify(frame).decode())
ev = hapd.wait_event(["MGMT-TX-STATUS"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Management frame TX status not reported")
if "stype=11 ok=1" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected Management frame TX status: " + ev)
buf = ev.split(' ')[3].split('=')[1]
payload = buf[48:]
if payload != "030001000100":
raise Exception("Unexpected AP response to SAE Commit with invalid Rejected Groups element: " + payload)
# Stop modifying frames and verify that connection is eventually established
# with automatic retries.
hapd.set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "0")
def test_sae_h2e_password_id(dev, apdev):
"""SAE H2E and password identifier"""