We only need to fetch shows identifiers here: FOO.filter(BAR__in=shows) which can be done using the `values_list` method
749 lines
29 KiB
749 lines
29 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import hashlib
import time
import json
from datetime import timedelta
from custommail.shortcuts import (
send_mass_custom_mail, send_custom_mail, render_custom_mail
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.contrib import messages
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.core import serializers
from django.db.models import Count, Q, Sum
from django.forms.models import inlineformset_factory
from django.http import (
HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone, formats
from django.views.generic.list import ListView
from gestioncof.decorators import cof_required, buro_required
from bda.models import (
Spectacle, Participant, ChoixSpectacle, Attribution, Tirage,
SpectacleRevente, Salle, Quote, CategorieSpectacle
from bda.algorithm import Algorithm
from bda.forms import (
BaseBdaFormSet, TokenForm, ResellForm, AnnulForm, InscriptionReventeForm,
def etat_places(request, tirage_id):
Résumé des spectacles d'un tirage avec pour chaque spectacle :
- Le nombre de places en jeu
- Le nombre de demandes
- Le ratio demandes/places
Et le total de toutes les demandes
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
spectacles1 = ChoixSpectacle.objects \
.filter(spectacle__tirage=tirage) \
.filter(double_choice="1") \
.all() \
.values('spectacle', 'spectacle__title') \
spectacles2 = ChoixSpectacle.objects \
.filter(spectacle__tirage=tirage) \
.exclude(double_choice="1") \
.all() \
.values('spectacle', 'spectacle__title') \
spectacles = tirage.spectacle_set.all()
spectacles_dict = {}
total = 0
for spectacle in spectacles:
spectacle.total = 0
spectacle.ratio = 0.0
spectacles_dict[spectacle.id] = spectacle
for spectacle in spectacles1:
spectacles_dict[spectacle["spectacle"]].total += spectacle["total"]
spectacles_dict[spectacle["spectacle"]].ratio = \
spectacles_dict[spectacle["spectacle"]].total / \
total += spectacle["total"]
for spectacle in spectacles2:
spectacles_dict[spectacle["spectacle"]].total += 2*spectacle["total"]
spectacles_dict[spectacle["spectacle"]].ratio = \
spectacles_dict[spectacle["spectacle"]].total / \
total += 2*spectacle["total"]
context = {
"proposed": tirage.spectacle_set.aggregate(Sum('slots'))['slots__sum'],
"spectacles": spectacles,
"total": total,
'tirage': tirage
return render(request, "bda/etat-places.html", context)
def _hash_queryset(queryset):
data = serializers.serialize("json", queryset).encode('utf-8')
hasher = hashlib.sha256()
return hasher.hexdigest()
def places(request, tirage_id):
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
participant, created = Participant.objects.get_or_create(
user=request.user, tirage=tirage)
places = participant.attribution_set.order_by(
"spectacle__date", "spectacle").all()
total = sum([place.spectacle.price for place in places])
filtered_places = []
places_dict = {}
spectacles = []
dates = []
warning = False
for place in places:
if place.spectacle in spectacles:
places_dict[place.spectacle].double = True
place.double = False
places_dict[place.spectacle] = place
date = place.spectacle.date.date()
if date in dates:
warning = True
# On prévient l'utilisateur s'il a deux places à la même date
if warning:
messages.warning(request, "Attention, vous avez reçu des places pour "
"des spectacles différents à la même date.")
return render(request, "bda/resume_places.html",
{"participant": participant,
"places": filtered_places,
"tirage": tirage,
"total": total})
def inscription(request, tirage_id):
Vue d'inscription à un tirage BdA.
- On vérifie qu'on se situe bien entre la date d'ouverture et la date de
fermeture des inscriptions.
- On vérifie que l'inscription n'a pas été modifiée entre le moment où le
client demande le formulaire et le moment où il soumet son inscription
(autre session par exemple).
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
if timezone.now() < tirage.ouverture:
# Le tirage n'est pas encore ouvert.
opening = formats.localize(
messages.error(request, "Le tirage n'est pas encore ouvert : "
"ouverture le {:s}".format(opening))
return render(request, 'bda/resume-inscription-tirage.html', {})
if timezone.now() > tirage.fermeture:
# Le tirage est fermé.
participant, created = Participant.objects.get_or_create(
user=request.user, tirage=tirage)
choices = participant.choixspectacle_set.order_by("priority").all()
" C'est fini : tirage au sort dans la journée !")
return render(request, "bda/resume-inscription-tirage.html",
{"choices": choices})
def formfield_callback(f, **kwargs):
Fonction utilisée par inlineformset_factory ci dessous.
Restreint les spectacles proposés aux spectacles du bo tirage.
if f.name == "spectacle":
kwargs['queryset'] = tirage.spectacle_set
return f.formfield(**kwargs)
BdaFormSet = inlineformset_factory(
fields=("spectacle", "double_choice", "priority"),
participant, created = Participant.objects.get_or_create(
user=request.user, tirage=tirage)
success = False
stateerror = False
if request.method == "POST":
dbstate = _hash_queryset(participant.choixspectacle_set.all())
if "dbstate" in request.POST and dbstate != request.POST["dbstate"]:
stateerror = True
formset = BdaFormSet(instance=participant)
formset = BdaFormSet(request.POST, instance=participant)
if formset.is_valid():
success = True
formset = BdaFormSet(instance=participant)
formset = BdaFormSet(instance=participant)
dbstate = _hash_queryset(participant.choixspectacle_set.all())
total_price = 0
for choice in participant.choixspectacle_set.all():
total_price += choice.spectacle.price
if choice.double:
total_price += choice.spectacle.price
# Messages
if success:
messages.success(request, "Votre inscription a été mise à jour avec "
"succès !")
if stateerror:
messages.error(request, "Impossible d'enregistrer vos modifications "
": vous avez apporté d'autres modifications "
"entre temps.")
return render(request, "bda/inscription-tirage.html",
{"formset": formset,
"total_price": total_price,
"dbstate": dbstate,
'tirage': tirage})
def do_tirage(tirage_elt, token):
Fonction auxiliaire à la vue ``tirage`` qui lance effectivement le tirage
après qu'on a vérifié que c'est légitime et que le token donné en argument
est correct.
Rend les résultats
# Initialisation du dictionnaire data qui va contenir les résultats
start = time.time()
data = {
'shows': tirage_elt.spectacle_set.select_related().all(),
'token': token,
'members': tirage_elt.participant_set.all(),
'total_slots': 0,
'total_losers': 0,
'total_sold': 0,
'total_deficit': 0,
'opera_deficit': 0,
# On lance le tirage
choices = (
.order_by('participant', 'priority')
results = Algorithm(data['shows'], data['members'], choices)(token)
# On compte les places attribuées et les déçus
for (_, members, losers) in results:
data['total_slots'] += len(members)
data['total_losers'] += len(losers)
# On calcule le déficit et les bénéfices pour le BdA
# FIXME: le traitement de l'opéra est sale
for (show, members, _) in results:
deficit = (show.slots - len(members)) * show.price
data['total_sold'] += show.slots * show.price
if deficit >= 0:
if "Opéra" in show.location.name:
data['opera_deficit'] += deficit
data['total_deficit'] += deficit
data["total_sold"] -= data['total_deficit']
# Participant objects are not shared accross spectacle results,
# so assign a single object for each Participant id
members_uniq = {}
members2 = {}
for (show, members, _) in results:
for (member, _, _, _) in members:
if member.id not in members_uniq:
members_uniq[member.id] = member
members2[member] = []
member.total = 0
member = members_uniq[member.id]
member.total += show.price
members2 = members2.items()
data["members2"] = sorted(members2, key=lambda m: m[0].user.last_name)
# ---
# À partir d'ici, le tirage devient effectif
# ---
# On suppression les vieilles attributions, on sauvegarde le token et on
# désactive le tirage
tirage_elt.tokens += '{:s}\n"""{:s}"""\n'.format(
timezone.now().strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
tirage_elt.enable_do_tirage = False
# On enregistre les nouvelles attributions
Attribution(spectacle=show, participant=member)
for show, members, _ in results
for member, _, _, _ in members
# On inscrit à BdA-Revente ceux qui n'ont pas eu les places voulues
for (show, _, losers) in results:
for (loser, _, _, _) in losers:
data["duration"] = time.time() - start
data["results"] = results
return data
def tirage(request, tirage_id):
tirage_elt = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
if not (tirage_elt.enable_do_tirage
and tirage_elt.fermeture < timezone.now()):
return render(request, "tirage-failed.html", {'tirage': tirage_elt})
if request.POST:
form = TokenForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
results = do_tirage(tirage_elt, form.cleaned_data['token'])
return render(request, "bda-attrib-extra.html", results)
form = TokenForm()
return render(request, "bda-token.html", {"form": form})
def revente(request, tirage_id):
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
participant, created = Participant.objects.get_or_create(
user=request.user, tirage=tirage)
if not participant.paid:
return render(request, "bda-notpaid.html", {})
resellform = ResellForm(participant, prefix='resell')
annulform = AnnulForm(participant, prefix='annul')
soldform = SoldForm(participant, prefix='sold')
if request.method == 'POST':
# On met en vente une place
if 'resell' in request.POST:
resellform = ResellForm(participant, request.POST, prefix='resell')
if resellform.is_valid():
datatuple = []
attributions = resellform.cleaned_data["attributions"]
with transaction.atomic():
for attribution in attributions:
revente, created = \
defaults={'seller': participant})
if not created:
revente.seller = participant
revente.date = timezone.now()
revente.soldTo = None
revente.notif_sent = False
revente.tirage_done = False
revente.shotgun = False
context = {
'vendeur': participant.user,
'show': attribution.spectacle,
'revente': revente
'bda-revente-new', context,
# On annule une revente
elif 'annul' in request.POST:
annulform = AnnulForm(participant, request.POST, prefix='annul')
if annulform.is_valid():
attributions = annulform.cleaned_data["attributions"]
for attribution in attributions:
# On confirme une vente en transférant la place à la personne qui a
# gagné le tirage
elif 'transfer' in request.POST:
soldform = SoldForm(participant, request.POST, prefix='sold')
if soldform.is_valid():
attributions = soldform.cleaned_data['attributions']
for attribution in attributions:
attribution.participant = attribution.revente.soldTo
# On annule la revente après le tirage au sort (par exemple si
# la personne qui a gagné le tirage ne se manifeste pas). La place est
# alors remise en vente
elif 'reinit' in request.POST:
soldform = SoldForm(participant, request.POST, prefix='sold')
if soldform.is_valid():
attributions = soldform.cleaned_data['attributions']
for attribution in attributions:
if attribution.spectacle.date > timezone.now():
revente = attribution.revente
revente.date = timezone.now() - timedelta(minutes=65)
revente.soldTo = None
revente.notif_sent = False
revente.tirage_done = False
revente.shotgun = False
if revente.answered_mail:
overdue = participant.attribution_set.filter(
Q(revente__soldTo__isnull=True) | Q(revente__soldTo=participant))
return render(request, "bda/reventes.html",
{'tirage': tirage, 'overdue': overdue, "soldform": soldform,
"annulform": annulform, "resellform": resellform})
def revente_interested(request, revente_id):
revente = get_object_or_404(SpectacleRevente, id=revente_id)
participant, _ = Participant.objects.get_or_create(
user=request.user, tirage=revente.attribution.spectacle.tirage)
if (timezone.now() < revente.date + timedelta(hours=1)) or revente.shotgun:
return render(request, "bda-wrongtime.html",
{"revente": revente})
return render(request, "bda-interested.html",
{"spectacle": revente.attribution.spectacle,
"date": revente.date_tirage})
def list_revente(request, tirage_id):
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
participant, _ = Participant.objects.get_or_create(
user=request.user, tirage=tirage)
deja_revente = False
success = False
inscrit_revente = []
if request.method == 'POST':
form = InscriptionReventeForm(tirage, request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
choices = form.cleaned_data['spectacles']
participant.choicesrevente = choices
for spectacle in choices:
qset = SpectacleRevente.objects.filter(
if qset.filter(shotgun=True, soldTo__isnull=True).exists():
# Une place est disponible au shotgun, on suggère à
# l'utilisateur d'aller la récupérer
deja_revente = True
# La place n'est pas disponible au shotgun, si des reventes
# pour ce spectacle existent déjà, on inscrit la personne à
# la revente ayant le moins d'inscrits
min_resell = (
if min_resell is not None:
success = True
form = InscriptionReventeForm(
initial={'spectacles': participant.choicesrevente.all()}
# Messages
if success:
messages.success(request, "Ton inscription a bien été prise en compte")
if deja_revente:
messages.info(request, "Des reventes existent déjà pour certains de "
"ces spectacles, vérifie les places "
"disponibles sans tirage !")
if inscrit_revente:
shows = map("<li>{!s}</li>".format, inscrit_revente)
msg = (
"Tu as été inscrit à des reventes en cours pour les spectacles "
messages.info(request, msg, extra_tags="safe")
return render(request, "bda/liste-reventes.html", {"form": form})
def buy_revente(request, spectacle_id):
spectacle = get_object_or_404(Spectacle, id=spectacle_id)
tirage = spectacle.tirage
participant, _ = Participant.objects.get_or_create(
user=request.user, tirage=tirage)
reventes = SpectacleRevente.objects.filter(
# Si l'utilisateur veut racheter une place qu'il est en train de revendre,
# on supprime la revente en question.
if reventes.filter(seller=participant).exists():
revente = reventes.filter(seller=participant)[0]
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("bda-shotgun",
reventes_shotgun = list(reventes.filter(shotgun=True).all())
if not reventes_shotgun:
return render(request, "bda-no-revente.html", {})
if request.POST:
revente = random.choice(reventes_shotgun)
revente.soldTo = participant
context = {
'show': spectacle,
'acheteur': request.user,
'vendeur': revente.seller.user
return render(request, "bda-success.html",
{"seller": revente.attribution.participant.user,
"spectacle": spectacle})
return render(request, "revente-confirm.html",
{"spectacle": spectacle,
"user": request.user})
def revente_shotgun(request, tirage_id):
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
spectacles = tirage.spectacle_set.filter(
shotgun = []
for spectacle in spectacles:
reventes = SpectacleRevente.objects.filter(
if reventes.exists():
return render(request, "bda-shotgun.html",
{"shotgun": shotgun})
def spectacle(request, tirage_id, spectacle_id):
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
spectacle = get_object_or_404(Spectacle, id=spectacle_id, tirage=tirage)
attributions = spectacle.attribues.all()
participants = {}
for attrib in attributions:
participant = attrib.participant
participant_info = {'lastname': participant.user.last_name,
'name': participant.user.get_full_name,
'username': participant.user.username,
'email': participant.user.email,
'given': int(attrib.given),
'paid': participant.paid,
'nb_places': 1}
if participant.id in participants:
participants[participant.id]['nb_places'] += 1
participants[participant.id]['given'] += attrib.given
participants[participant.id] = participant_info
participants_info = sorted(participants.values(),
key=lambda part: part['lastname'])
return render(request, "bda-participants.html",
{"spectacle": spectacle, "participants": participants_info})
class SpectacleListView(ListView):
model = Spectacle
template_name = 'spectacle_list.html'
def get_queryset(self):
self.tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=self.kwargs['tirage_id'])
categories = self.tirage.spectacle_set.all()
return categories
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(SpectacleListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['tirage_id'] = self.tirage.id
context['tirage_name'] = self.tirage.title
return context
def unpaid(request, tirage_id):
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
unpaid = tirage.participant_set \
.annotate(nb_attributions=Count('attribution')) \
.filter(paid=False, nb_attributions__gt=0).all()
return render(request, "bda-unpaid.html", {"unpaid": unpaid})
def send_rappel(request, spectacle_id):
show = get_object_or_404(Spectacle, id=spectacle_id)
# Mails d'exemples
exemple_mail_1place = render_custom_mail('bda-rappel', {
'member': request.user,
'show': show,
'nb_attr': 1
exemple_mail_2places = render_custom_mail('bda-rappel', {
'member': request.user,
'show': show,
'nb_attr': 2
# Contexte
ctxt = {'show': show,
'exemple_mail_1place': exemple_mail_1place,
'exemple_mail_2places': exemple_mail_2places}
# Envoi confirmé
if request.method == 'POST':
members = show.send_rappel()
ctxt['sent'] = True
ctxt['members'] = members
# Demande de confirmation
ctxt['sent'] = False
return render(request, "bda/mails-rappel.html", ctxt)
def descriptions_spectacles(request, tirage_id):
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
shows_qs = tirage.spectacle_set
category_name = request.GET.get('category', '')
location_id = request.GET.get('location', '')
if category_name:
shows_qs = shows_qs.filter(category__name=category_name)
if location_id:
shows_qs = shows_qs.filter(location__id=int(location_id))
except ValueError:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"La variable GET 'location' doit contenir un entier")
return render(request, 'descriptions.html', {'shows': shows_qs.all()})
def catalogue(request, request_type):
Vue destinée à communiquer avec un client AJAX, fournissant soit :
- la liste des tirages
- les catégories et salles d'un tirage
- les descriptions d'un tirage (filtrées selon la catégorie et la salle)
if request_type == "list":
# Dans ce cas on retourne la liste des tirages et de leur id en JSON
data_return = list(
Tirage.objects.filter(appear_catalogue=True).values('id', 'title')
return JsonResponse(data_return, safe=False)
if request_type == "details":
# Dans ce cas on retourne une liste des catégories et des salles
tirage_id = request.GET.get('id', None)
if tirage_id is None:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"Missing GET parameter: id <int>"
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=int(tirage_id))
except ValueError:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"Bad format: int expected for `id`"
shows = tirage.spectacle_set.values_list("id", flat=True)
categories = list(
.values('id', 'name')
locations = list(
.values('id', 'name')
data_return = {'categories': categories, 'locations': locations}
return JsonResponse(data_return, safe=False)
if request_type == "descriptions":
# Ici on retourne les descriptions correspondant à la catégorie et
# à la salle spécifiées
tirage_id = request.GET.get('id', '')
categories = request.GET.get('category', '[]')
locations = request.GET.get('location', '[]')
tirage_id = int(tirage_id)
categories_id = json.loads(categories)
locations_id = json.loads(locations)
# Integers expected
if not all(isinstance(id, int) for id in categories_id):
raise ValueError
if not all(isinstance(id, int) for id in locations_id):
raise ValueError
except ValueError: # Contient JSONDecodeError
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"Parse error, please ensure the GET parameters have the "
"following types:\n"
"id: int, category: [int], location: [int]\n"
"Data received:\n"
"id = {}, category = {}, locations = {}"
.format(request.GET.get('id', ''),
request.GET.get('category', '[]'),
request.GET.get('location', '[]'))
tirage = get_object_or_404(Tirage, id=tirage_id)
shows_qs = tirage.spectacle_set
if categories_id:
shows_qs = shows_qs.filter(category__id__in=categories_id)
if locations_id:
shows_qs = shows_qs.filter(location__id__in=locations_id)
# On convertit les descriptions à envoyer en une liste facilement
# JSONifiable (il devrait y avoir un moyen plus efficace en
# redéfinissant le serializer de JSON)
data_return = [{
'title': spectacle.title,
'category': str(spectacle.category),
'date': str(formats.date_format(
'location': str(spectacle.location),
'vips': spectacle.vips,
'description': spectacle.description,
'slots_description': spectacle.slots_description,
'quotes': list(Quote.objects.filter(spectacle=spectacle).values(
'author', 'text')),
'image': spectacle.getImgUrl(),
'ext_link': spectacle.ext_link,
'price': spectacle.price,
'slots': spectacle.slots
for spectacle in shows_qs.all()
return JsonResponse(data_return, safe=False)
# Si la requête n'est pas de la forme attendue, on quitte avec une erreur
return HttpResponseBadRequest()