- `cof` is renamed `gestioCOF` - `gestioncof` become `cof` (yes it looks pretty stupid but it is not) - `bds` is created
78 lines
3.3 KiB
78 lines
3.3 KiB
{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}
<!-- LOADING -->
{% load i18n grp_tags log %}
{% block javascripts %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}
{% block bodyclass %}dashboard{% endblock %}
{% block content-class %}content-grid{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumbs %}
<ul class="grp-horizontal-list">
<li>{% trans "Home" %}</li>
{% endblock %}
{% block content_title %}
{% if title %}
<header><h1>{{ title }}</h1></header>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
<!-- CONTENT -->
{% block content %}
<div class="g-d-c">
<div class="g-d-12 g-d-f">
{% for app in app_list %}
<div class="grp-module" id="app_{{ app.name|lower }}">
<h2><a href="{{ app.app_url }}" class="grp-section">{% trans app.name %}</a></h2>
{% for model in app.models %}
<div class="grp-row">
{% if model.perms.change %}<a href="{{ model.admin_url }}"><strong>{{ model.name }}</strong></a>{% else %}<span><strong>{{ model.name }}</strong></span>{% endif %}
{% if model.perms.add or model.perms.change %}
<ul class="grp-actions">
{% if model.perms.add %}<li class="grp-add-link"><a href="{{ model.admin_url }}add/">{% trans 'Add' %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if model.perms.change %}<li class="grp-change-link"><a href="{{ model.admin_url }}">{% trans 'Change' %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% empty %}
<p>{% trans "You don´t have permission to edit anything." %}</p>
{% endfor %}
<div class="g-d-6 g-d-l">
<div class="grp-module" id="grp-recent-actions-module">
<h2>{% trans 'Recent Actions' %}</h2>
<div class="grp-module">
<h3>{% trans 'My Actions' %}</h3>
{% get_admin_log 20 as admin_log for_user user %}
{% if not admin_log %}
<p>{% trans 'None available' %}</p>
{% else %}
<ul class="grp-listing-small">
{% for entry in admin_log %}
<li class="grp-row{% if entry.is_addition %} grp-add-link{% endif %}{% if entry.is_change %} grp-change-link{% endif %}{% if entry.is_deletion %} grp-delete-link{% endif %}">
{% if entry.is_deletion %}
<span>{{ entry.object_repr }}</span>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ entry.get_admin_url }}">{{ entry.object_repr }}</a>
{% endif %}
<span class="grp-font-color-quiet">{% filter capfirst %}{% trans entry.content_type.name %}{% endfilter %}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}