These permissions concern pages, images, documents and access to the
wagtail admin site. Only appropriate elements can be selected: only the
kfet root page and its descendants, same for the kfet root collection
(for images and documents), and kfet snippets (MemberTeam).
Add django-formset-js as dependency to help manipulate formsets.
K-Fêt groups created from "devdata" commands get suitable permissions
for the CMS.
- Should now work if used in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS settings.
- It does not retieve itself the password, as it should not be used
this way.
- Delete useless 'username' arg of its 'authenticate()' method.
- Now delete the token in DB.
- New name of the middleware is more meaningful.
- Is now responsible to retrieve the password from the request, instead
of the AccountBackend.
GenericTeamToken model
- Add a manager' method to create token, avoiding possible error due to
unicity constraint.
GenericLoginView (authentication with the kfet generic user)
- Replace obscure system with a 100% HTTP handling.
- See comments for more information.
- More docstrings!
- More tests!
- Add some i18n.
- Add kfet/confirm_form.html template:
Ask user to confirm sth via a form (which will send a POST request).
Context variables:
* title: the page title
* confirm_url: action attribute for <form>
* text: displayed confirmation text
- kfet.js : Add functions allowing to emit POST request from <a> tag.
- Non-link nav items from kfet navbar also get a 'title'.
- A utility has been found for the 'sunglasses' glyphicon! app
- Base data (raw_open, last_update...) is stored and shared through cache system.
- 2 websockets groups: one for team users, one for other users.
- UI is initialized and kept up-to-date with WS.
- raw_open and force_close can be updated with standard HTTP requests.
At this time, there isn't any restriction on raw_open view. Common sense tell us
to change this behavior.
- Clean channels routing.
- 'PermConsumerMixin': user who sent the message is available as argument in
connection_groups method, which returns groups to which the user should be
appended on websocket connection (and discarded on disconnection).
- New kfet.utils module: should be used for mixins, whatever is useful and not concerns
the kfet app.
- Clean JS dependencies.
K-Fêt - Wagtail
- Page content becomes a StreamField.
- GroupTeam snippet becomes a block for stream field.
- Navigation menu moved becomes a "flatmenu", preventing possible future conflicts.
- Page layout can be modified in wagtail admin.
- Add shorthands for ukf account balance/article price.
- Cleaning stylesheets and templates.
- Integrate wagtail to serve "static" pages of old K-Fêt website
- Fixture "kfetcms/kfet_wagtail_17_05" contains a copy of old website
(as in May 2017).
- Media files can be got until end of June 17 at
- Update package django_cas_ng to last version.
- Clean COFCASBackend.
- Change CAS version to 3 (version used on eleves.ens). This enables
the logout redirection (for CAS ofc).
- Add messages and clean existing ones on login/logout (for both
outsider and cas users).
- Update settings to bypass an incompability between debug-toolbar and
wagtailmenus packages.
- Better management of dev/test-specific urls (if debug-toolbar wasn't in
INSTALLED_APPS, media files were not served).
- UI improvements.
- Add handler for CheckboxSelectMultiple in form_field_snippet.html.
- Add template filter "widget_type" to get widget class name.
- Group permissions selection becomes easier.
- Add css transitions on buttons + navbar links.
- Clean css of navbar.
- Clean templates with only centered form/content.
- Page opened when login as generic team user close itself (only for
non-CAS users).
- A message is added when generic team user connects.
- Fix extra space on right when messages are prompted.
- Add total boxes in cellar and bar to new inventory view.
- On this view, table is "minified".
- Revert background color for some templates.
- Clean some margin (responsively).
- Clean tab pills on account read.
- Current day remains on the screen on history.
- Message for generic team user connection is sended only if user is
connecting from a k-fet url.
- Less contrast on history.
- Fix #chunks when used with std_chunk=True (there was one too many at
the beginning)
- Scale.end gives the end of the last chunk (instead of its start)
So scale.begin -> scale.end gives the full range of the scale.
`kfet_day` now returns an aware datetime.
- new method `get_by_chunks` which use only one query and ranks
elements according to the scale. Elements are returned by a generator
for each scale chunk (and all chunks are returned as a generator too).
ArticlesStatSales and AccountStatOperations use this new method to
avoid issuing #scale_chunks queries.
- fixed on Chrome
- no longer dictToArray where it isn't necessary (because already an
- fix chart height:
- previous charts were causing bugs
- height is fixed (even with window resizing)
- clean whitespaces
- Use `data` arg of `$.getJSON` for `format` param
- Delete `dictToArray` call on data returned by `SingleResumeStat` class view since this view now returns stats manifest as an array