K-Psul - Basket refactor
- Almost done.
- Add create method (based on previous get_or_create). Direction defaults to 0.
- Add delete method.
- Methods find, traverse, update, delete can also take a model (class) as first
argument. String representation of model still works.
- Fix child linking to parent in create method.
ModelForest -> ForestDisplay
- (One-way data binding) Changes on a ModelForest are directly reflected on
listening ForestDisplay(s).
- ArticleManager and KHistory become simpler.
- Add addcost key, shorthand for double addcost keys check.
- Improve display for basket summary and previous operation.
- Clean js code / duplicates.
- Some components gains chance to trigger/handle events. They are really happy.
Eg basket amounts and summary are updated thanks to these events if the
selected account is changed.
- Fixes addcost and amount display.
- Fix options management (api_options were overrided and K-Psul displayed more
than the last day history).
- Fix data display, thanks to formatters fixes and modelforest fixes.
Order create view use WeekScale. No query improvements, only shorter
- Two methods directly relative to the Scale class move to... the Scale
- Fix order create on Chrome.
- Fix #chunks when used with std_chunk=True (there was one too many at
the beginning)
- Scale.end gives the end of the last chunk (instead of its start)
So scale.begin -> scale.end gives the full range of the scale.
`kfet_day` now returns an aware datetime.
- new method `get_by_chunks` which use only one query and ranks
elements according to the scale. Elements are returned by a generator
for each scale chunk (and all chunks are returned as a generator too).
ArticlesStatSales and AccountStatOperations use this new method to
avoid issuing #scale_chunks queries.
- fixed on Chrome
- add verbose names to ArticleCategory fields
- add button to view categories list from articles list
- fix article_update template in form validation
- improve interface for articlecategory_update
- revert vanished urls (happened in merge with master...)