Refer to allauth doc for an accurate features list:
Users can now change their password, ask for a password reset, or set
one if they don't have one.
In particular, it allows users whose account has been created via a
clipper authentication to configure a password before losing their
clipper. Even if they have already lost it, they are able to get one
using the "Reset password" functionality.
Allauth multiple emails management is deactivated. Requests to the
related url redirect to the home page.
All the login and logout views are replaced by the allauth' ones. It
also concerns the Django and Wagtail admin sites.
Note that users are no longer logged out of the clipper CAS server when
they authenticated via this server. Instead a message suggests the user
to disconnect.
Clipper connections and `login_clipper`
- Non-empty `login_clipper` are now unique among `CofProfile` instances.
- They are created once for users with a non-empty 'login_clipper' (with
the data migration 0014_create_clipper_connections).
- The `login_clipper` of CofProfile instances are sync with their
clipper connections:
* `CofProfile.sync_clipper_connections` method updates the
connections based on `login_clipper`.
* Signals receivers `sync_clipper…` update `login_clipper` based on
connections creations/updates/deletions.
- Add NullCharField (model field) which allows to use `unique=True` on
CharField (even with empty strings).
- Parts of kfet mixins for TestCase are now in shared.tests.testcase,
as they are used elsewhere than in the kfet app.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.8 are resolved.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.11 are resolved.
- Admin: grappelli is no longer used.
- Upgrade to django-autocomplete-light v3 (v2 is not 1.11 compatible).
* autocomplete.modelform_factory being dropped, code uses dal Select2
views and widgets.
- La migration qui supprime le vieux modèle gestioncof.CustomMail est
- Les mails de GestioCOF sont dans un json qui est chargé par la commande
`python syncmails`
Voir l'aide de la commande pour plus 'information
On peut inscrire les utilisateurs aux différents clubs du COF. Le
formulaire d'inscription est inclus dans la page
“inscription d'un nouveau membre”.
À réfléchir comment ajouter des infos supplémentaires : chèque des caution,
commentaires, etc.
Plus besoin de s'authentifier pour accéder au calendrier : il suffit
d'entrer la bonne url qui contient un token aléatoire propre à chaque
Ce token ne change pas lorsqu'on modifie son inscription
- Typos dans les modèles
- Choix d'un `OneToOneField` dans `CalendarSubscription`
- Suppressions d'un `except` catch-all
- Amélioration de la vue calendar
Ce patch propose aux adhérents du COF de télécharger un calendrier
dynamique (`.ics`).
Il est configurable :
- On peut s'abonner ou non aux événements du COF.
- On peut choisir les spectacles auxquels on veut s'abonner.