- Why? Because it should be the actual behavior.
- To allow using arithmetic operations with values of DecimalField when
object are not retrieved from DB, some strings are replaced by Decimal
or int.
If you wonder why it's not automatically done, see:
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.8 are resolved.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.11 are resolved.
- Admin: grappelli is no longer used.
- Upgrade to django-autocomplete-light v3 (v2 is not 1.11 compatible).
* autocomplete.modelform_factory being dropped, code uses dal Select2
views and widgets.
kfet.tests.testcases embed mixins for TestCase:
- TestCaseMixin provides assertion helpers,
- ViewTestCaseMixin provides a few basic tests, which are common to
every view.
kfet.tests.utils provides helpers for users and permissions management.
Each kfet view get a testcase (at least very basic) in
K-Fêt - Wagtail
- Page content becomes a StreamField.
- GroupTeam snippet becomes a block for stream field.
- Navigation menu moved becomes a "flatmenu", preventing possible future conflicts.
- Page layout can be modified in wagtail admin.
- Add shorthands for ukf account balance/article price.
- Cleaning stylesheets and templates.
- Non-K-Fêt group membership is no longer erased by the account edit
- Add some tests to ensure proposed choices in this form corresponds to
K-Fêt groups + test case for #161.
- KFetConfig `set` method now takes model instance instead of their pk
for this type of entries.
- Add tests for KFetConfig class: tests against types currently used by
kfet app (duration, modelinstance, decimal).
- These tests are located in `kfet/tests/test_config.py`. We should
separate tests suites by file like this, considering what they are about.
- KFetConfig method `set_many` renamed to `set` (because it also updates
only one).