- Integrate wagtail to serve "static" pages of old K-Fêt website
- Fixture "kfetcms/kfet_wagtail_17_05" contains a copy of old website
(as in May 2017).
- Media files can be got until end of June 17 at
- Update package django_cas_ng to last version.
- Clean COFCASBackend.
- Change CAS version to 3 (version used on eleves.ens). This enables
the logout redirection (for CAS ofc).
- Add messages and clean existing ones on login/logout (for both
outsider and cas users).
- Update settings to bypass an incompability between debug-toolbar and
wagtailmenus packages.
- Better management of dev/test-specific urls (if debug-toolbar wasn't in
INSTALLED_APPS, media files were not served).
- UI improvements.
Préparation au passage à postgres
- Suppression du champ num du modèle CofProfile.
- Suppression des LOCK (spécifique MySQL).
- Le code devient compatible avec tous les backends supportés par Django.
- Suppressions de code servant à la compatibilité python2.
- Corrige le message de succès à la fin de l'inscription. Celui-ci ne prenait pas en compte le statut is_cof à jour du profil.
See merge request !234
If content type for old kfet.GlobalPermissions exists:
- custom permissions related to this content type are updated to new content types,
- then we can safely remove this content type.
- Add handler for CheckboxSelectMultiple in form_field_snippet.html.
- Add template filter "widget_type" to get widget class name.
- Group permissions selection becomes easier.
- Add css transitions on buttons + navbar links.
- Clean css of navbar.
- Clean templates with only centered form/content.
- Page opened when login as generic team user close itself (only for
non-CAS users).
- A message is added when generic team user connects.
- Fix extra space on right when messages are prompted.
- Non-K-Fêt group membership is no longer erased by the account edit
- Add some tests to ensure proposed choices in this form corresponds to
K-Fêt groups + test case for #161.
- Add total boxes in cellar and bar to new inventory view.
- On this view, table is "minified".
- Revert background color for some templates.
- Clean some margin (responsively).
- Clean tab pills on account read.
- Current day remains on the screen on history.
- Message for generic team user connection is sended only if user is
connecting from a k-fet url.
- Less contrast on history.
- Like perform operations, cancel_operations can add/remove an account
from negative accounts system.
- Balances checks are now performed against real_balance instead of
So if someone with a balance_offset go, for real, to positive land (ie even
without taking into account the balance offset), its account is removed from
the negative system.
- Fix bug on real_balance when negative exists but balance_offset is
not set.
Order create view use WeekScale. No query improvements, only shorter
- Two methods directly relative to the Scale class move to... the Scale
- Fix order create on Chrome.
- Fix #chunks when used with std_chunk=True (there was one too many at
the beginning)
- Scale.end gives the end of the last chunk (instead of its start)
So scale.begin -> scale.end gives the full range of the scale.
`kfet_day` now returns an aware datetime.
- new method `get_by_chunks` which use only one query and ranks
elements according to the scale. Elements are returned by a generator
for each scale chunk (and all chunks are returned as a generator too).
ArticlesStatSales and AccountStatOperations use this new method to
avoid issuing #scale_chunks queries.
- fixed on Chrome
- kfet_config gives "reduction_cof" as editable instead of
- this last one can still be accessed via kfet_config (computed from
new "reduction_cof"
- add units to numeric values of kfet_config form
- PermConsumerMixin allows checking permissions on connection to a
- KPsul consumer uses this mixin to check if connecting user has the
permission `kfet.is_team`.
- Use last official releases of channels, asgiref, daphne and
asgi-redis packages.
- Customization of JsonWebsocketConsumer is now in kfet app through a
custom class (and so, doesn't require anymore a forked version of channels).
- Clean kfet consumers code.
- AccountNegative use new AccountNegativeManager which select_related
account, cofprofile and user for instances accessed via
- Compute sum of negatives with python instead of an SQL statement
(since we already got the data with a previous query).
- Fix bug on account property `real_balance` (happened if
an account has a relative AccountNegative instance but balance_offset
to NULL).
- More compliant to PEP8
- When Account model is queried with Account.objects, it always add
.select_related('cofprofile_user', 'negative').
- Eg benefits: history doesn't do anymore one request by account to
fill the account filter.
Using this workaround (systemically append select_related) can be
dangerous normally, however a certain number of properties in
cofprofile and user are frequently used (as firstname or lastname), and
the benefits seems greater.
createopes script:
- more than 6x faster
- only bulk_create is used instead of create or save
- correctly create editions (~5% of created operations)
- ratio of withdrawals go from ~10% to ~5%
- add verbose names to ArticleCategory fields
- add button to view categories list from articles list
- fix article_update template in form validation
- improve interface for articlecategory_update
- revert vanished urls (happened in merge with master...)
- get_scale_args method of ScaleMixin retrieves useful GET params for
Scale object instanciation (by default from request.GET)
- it takes into account the type of the scale arg
- prefix used for GET param can be modified in stats_manifest funcs and
- References to `Stat` in `Scale` objects are deleted (because scales
are independent of stats)
- KFET_WAKES_UP_AT is now a time object insted of an hour
- Proper use of date, datetime, timedelta, etc (django.utils.timezone
provides neither datetime nor timedelta)
- KFetConfig `set` method now takes model instance instead of their pk
for this type of entries.
- Add tests for KFetConfig class: tests against types currently used by
kfet app (duration, modelinstance, decimal).
- These tests are located in `kfet/tests/test_config.py`. We should
separate tests suites by file like this, considering what they are about.
- KFetConfig method `set_many` renamed to `set` (because it also updates
only one).
K-Fêt - Création d'inventaires
- Amélioration de l'interface
- Ajout de colonnes intermédiaires pour faciliter le calcul
- Ajout d'indication de conflits possibles avec les opérations en cours
- Résolution semi-automatique de ces conflits
See merge request !200
Old configuration(/settings), based on Settings model, system is
deleted: SettingsForm, Settings.
New system use `django-djconfig` module.
- `kfet.config` module provides `kfet_config` to access configuration concerning
kfet app.
- Views, forms, models, etc now use this object to retrieve conf values.
- Views no longer add config values to context, instead templates use
`kfet_config` provided by a new context_processor.
- Enhance list and update views of settings.
- Fix: settings can directly be used without having to visit a specific
- Delete some py2/3 imports
- Delete unused imports in kfet.models and kfet.views
- Some PEP8 compliance
- no longer dictToArray where it isn't necessary (because already an
- fix chart height:
- previous charts were causing bugs
- height is fixed (even with window resizing)
- clean whitespaces
- delete no longer used defs
- new mixin - ScaleMixin
- get scale args from GET params
- chunkify querysets according to a scale
Article stats
- use SingleResumeStat for manifest
- use ScaleMixin for sales
- update urls
- update permission required: teamkfet
Account stats
- update permission required: teamkfet
- operations use ScaleMixin
- fix manifests urls
K-Fêt - Statistics
New base class - StatScale
- create scale, given chunk size (timedelta), start and end times
- get labels of
- get start and end datetimes of chunks
DayStatScale: Scale whose chunks interval is 1 day
WeekStatScale: same with 1 week
MonthStatScale: same with 1 month
AccountStatOperationList: manifest of operations stats of an account
- renamed from AccountStatLastAll
- updated according to SingleResumeStat
- renamed from AccountStatLast
- remove scale logic with use of StatScale objects
- used scale is given by `scale` and `scale_args` GET params
- add filter on operations types with `types` GET param
AccountStatLast(Day,Week,Month) are deleted ("merged" in
- Use `data` arg of `$.getJSON` for `format` param
- Delete `dictToArray` call on data returned by `SingleResumeStat` class view since this view now returns stats manifest as an array
New mixin: PkUrlMixin
- use with SingleObjectMixin standard django mixin (used by
- `get_object` use field declared in `pk_url_kwarg` to get... the object
- clean (part of) py code
- renamed from `AccountStatBalanceAll`
- url modified
- add permission checking (only the connected user can get balance
stats manifest)
- clean py code
- cleaner filtering management
- merge urls using this class
- clean py code
Sometime `uid` is not set in the objects fetched from the LDAP. This
case has to be handled. Also, the `.uid` and `.cn` attributes of these
objects in the python abstractions have a `.value` method which we
should use.
L'erreur 403 est renvoyée dans ce cas par le décorateur
`@teamkfet_required`, donc sans data associé, ce qui faisait buguer
`getErrorsHtml`. On rajoute donc le cas correspondant.
- Ajout d'une surbrillance pour les articles dont le stock est bas
(entre -5 et 5)
- Ajout d'indications de stocks sur chaque ligne (stock, warning visuel)
- Les ajouts/retraits d'articles déjà dans le panier mettent à jour la
ligne associée à celui-ci déjà existante
- Les flèches haut/bas permettent de modifier la quantité d'un article
See merge request !133
Changement de son propre mot de passe
Permet à un K-Fêteux (disposant de la permission `kfet.is_team`) de modifier son propre mot de passe sur la page `account/XXX/edit`.
Accessoirement, la fonction `account_update` est maintenant conforme à PEP8.
See merge request !148
Corrige l'affichage du prix
!124 était overkill ; `amountToUKF` peut prendre en argument des valeurs positives ou négatives, et il me semble que le `round` ne sert quà corriger les erreurs de `float`, ce qui conduit à #128. Du coup, on revert une partie.
See merge request !163
Popup de recherche de compte
Quand on clique sur l'icone de recherche (ou qu'on appuie sur Ctrl+F depuis la zone de saisie de trigramme) un popup apparaît pour rechercher les comptes par prénom ou par nom, en utilisant `autocomplete`.
See merge request !153
Create fixtures for kfet application:
- Add a bunch of non-cof profiles whose "last_name" is "Romain";
- Add k-fet articles using the real ones as a template;
- Add LIQ account;
- Add groups K-fet Chef and K-fet Girl;
- Add "caisse".
We also added some template for future tests (well, actually it's the script
used to generate the fixtures…).
Rappel de l'opération précédente sur K-Psul
Rajoute un champ d'informations sur la précédente opération validée (sur
la machine, pas sur le serveur) : valeur du panier et solde restant dans
le cas d'un utilisateur, et valeur du panier et rendus de monnaie dans
le cas d'une opération en liquide.
See merge request !146
- Le trigramme est obtenu à partir de ``account_data`` qui contient les
données traitées et validées relatives au compte en train de commander.
- L'opération précédente disparaît en cas de ``hard reset``
- Arrondis cohérents des UKF lors des divers affichages
- Remplace les arrondis par des floor pour éviter les négatifs de quelques
See merge request !124
Create fixtures for kfet application:
- Add a bunch of non-cof profiles whose "last_name" is "Romain";
- Add k-fet articles using the real ones as a template;
- Add LIQ account;
- Add groups K-fet Chef and K-fet Girl;
- Add "caisse".
We also added some template for future tests (well, actually it's the script
used to generate the fixtures…).
K-Psul - Fix: Lien -> création/modification de comptes
Le javascript de K-Psul encode maintenant les caractères spéciaux (dont `, / ? : @ & = + $ # "`) afin de pouvoir avoir accès aux comptes en question sans bugs.
See merge request !131
Corrige le négatif total
Le système de `balance_offset` (assez obscur par ailleurs) était compté dans la mauvais sens dans le calcul du négatif total.
Prend aussi en compte maintenant le statut spécial de `#13`, pour ne pas le ranger avec les négatifs habituels.
See merge request !125
Indicateur capslock
Détecteur de capslock en js.
Détecte les incohérences du capslock (majuscule entrée quand shift non enfoncé) puis suit aussi la pression de la touche capslock.
Nécessite un caractère affecté par capslock pour commencer à fonctionner (au départ, l'état de la touche capslock est inconnu)
See merge request !119