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* jquery-autocomplete-light - v3.5.0
* Dead simple autocompletion and widgets for jQuery
* Made by James Pic
* Under MIT License
Here is the list of the major difference with other autocomplete scripts:
- don't do anything but fire a signal when a choice is selected: it's
left as an exercise to the developer to implement whatever he wants when
that happens
- don't generate the autocomplete HTML, it should be generated by the server
Let's establish the vocabulary used in this script, so that we speak the
same language:
- The text input element is "input",
- The box that contains a list of choices is "box",
- Each result in the "autocomplete" is a "choice",
- With a capital A, "Autocomplete", is the class or an instance of the
Here is a fantastic schema in ASCII art:
+---------------------+ <----- Input
| Your city name ? <---------- Placeholder
| Paris, France | <----- Autocomplete
| Paris, TX, USA |
| Paris, TN, USA |
| Paris, KY, USA <------------ Choice
| Paris, IL, USA |
This script defines three signals:
- hilightChoice: when a choice is hilight, or that the user
navigates into a choice with the keyboard,
- dehilightChoice: when a choice was hilighed, and that the user
navigates into another choice with the keyboard or mouse,
- selectChoice: when the user clicks on a choice, or that he pressed
enter on a hilighted choice.
They all work the same, here's a trivial example:
function(e, choice, autocomplete) {
alert('You selected: ' + choice.html());
Note that 'e' is the variable containing the event object.
Also, note that this script is composed of two main parts:
- The Autocomplete class that handles all interaction, defined as
- The jQuery plugin that manages Autocomplete instance, defined as
if (window.isOpera === undefined) {
var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')>=0) && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
if (window.isIE === undefined) {
var isIE = ((document.all) && (!isOpera)) && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split('MSIE ')[1].split(';')[0]);
if (window.findPosX === undefined) {
window.findPosX = function(obj) {
var curleft = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
while (obj.offsetParent) {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft - ((isOpera) ? 0 : obj.scrollLeft);
obj = obj.offsetParent;
// IE offsetParent does not include the top-level
if (isIE && obj.parentElement){
curleft += obj.offsetLeft - obj.scrollLeft;
} else if (obj.x) {
curleft += obj.x;
return curleft;
if (window.findPosY === undefined) {
window.findPosY = function(obj) {
var curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
while (obj.offsetParent) {
curtop += obj.offsetTop - ((isOpera) ? 0 : obj.scrollTop);
obj = obj.offsetParent;
// IE offsetParent does not include the top-level
if (isIE && obj.parentElement){
curtop += obj.offsetTop - obj.scrollTop;
} else if (obj.y) {
curtop += obj.y;
return curtop;
// Our class will live in the yourlabs global namespace.
if (window.yourlabs === undefined) window.yourlabs = {};
// Fix #25: Prevent accidental inclusion of autocomplete_light/static.html
if (window.yourlabs.Autocomplete !== undefined)
console.log('WARNING ! You are loading autocomplete.js **again**.');
yourlabs.getInternetExplorerVersion = function()
// Returns the version of Internet Explorer or a -1
// (indicating the use of another browser).
var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure.
if (navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer')
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var re = new RegExp('MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})');
if (re.exec(ua) !== null)
rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
return rv;
$.fn.yourlabsRegistry = function(key, value) {
var ie = yourlabs.getInternetExplorerVersion();
if (ie === -1 || ie > 8) {
// If not on IE8 and friends, that's all we need to do.
return value === undefined ? :, value);
if ($ === undefined) {
$ = {};
if ($.fn.yourlabsRegistry.guid === undefined) {
$.fn.yourlabsRegistry.guid = function() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(
function(c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c === 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
var attributeName = 'data-yourlabs-' + key + '-registry-id';
var id = this.attr(attributeName);
if (id === undefined) {
id = $.fn.yourlabsRegistry.guid();
this.attr(attributeName, id);
if (value !== undefined) {
$[id] = value;
return $[id];
The autocomplete class constructor:
- takes a takes a text input element as argument,
- sets attributes and methods for this instance.
The reason you want to learn about all this script is that you will then be
able to override any variable or function in it on a case-per-case basis.
However, overriding is the job of the jQuery plugin so the procedure is
described there.
yourlabs.Autocomplete = function (input) {
The text input element that should have an autocomplete.
this.input = input;
// The value of the input. It is kept as an attribute for optimisation
// purposes.
this.value = null;
It is possible to wait until a certain number of characters have been
typed in the input before making a request to the server, to limit the
number of requests.
However, you may want the autocomplete to behave like a select. If you
want that a simple click shows the autocomplete, set this to 0.
this.minimumCharacters = 2;
In a perfect world, we would hide the autocomplete when the input looses
focus (on blur). But in reality, if the user clicks on a choice, the
input looses focus, and that would hide the autocomplete, *before* we
can intercept the click on the choice.
When the input looses focus, wait for this number of milliseconds before
hiding the autocomplete.
this.hideAfter = 200;
Normally the autocomplete box aligns with the left edge of the input. To
align with the right edge of the input instead, change this variable.
this.alignRight = false;
The server should have a URL that takes the input value, and responds
with the list of choices as HTML. In most cases, an absolute URL is
this.url = false;
Although this script will make sure that it doesn't have multiple ajax
requests at the time, it also supports debouncing.
Set a number of milliseconds here, it is the number of milliseconds that it
will wait before querying the server. The higher it is, the less it will
spam the server but the more the user will wait.
this.xhrWait = 200;
As the server responds with plain HTML, we need a selector to find the
choices that it contains.
For example, if the URL returns an HTML body where every result is in a
div of class "choice", then this should be set to '.choice'.
this.choiceSelector = '.choice';
When the user hovers a choice, it is nice to hilight it, for
example by changing it's background color. That's the job of CSS code.
However, the CSS can not depend on the :hover because the user can
hilight choices with the keyboard by pressing the up and down
To counter that problem, we specify a particular class that will be set
on a choice when it's 'hilighted', and unset when it's
this.hilightClass = 'hilight';
You can set this variable to true if you want the first choice
to be hilighted by default.
this.autoHilightFirst = false;
You can set this variable to false in order to allow opening of results
in new tabs or windows
this.bindMouseDown = true;
The value of the input is passed to the server via a GET variable. This
is the name of the variable.
this.queryVariable = 'q';
This dict will also be passed to the server as GET variables.
If this autocomplete depends on another user defined value, then the
other user defined value should be set in this dict.
Consider a country select and a city autocomplete. The city autocomplete
should only fetch city choices that are in the selected country. To
achieve this, update the data with the value of the country select:
$('select[name=country]').change(function() {
$('city[name=country]').yourlabsAutocomplete().data = {
country: $(this).val(),
*/ = {};
To avoid several requests to be pending at the same time, the current
request is aborted before a new one is sent. This attribute will hold the
current XMLHttpRequest.
this.xhr = false;
fetch() keeps a copy of the data sent to the server in this attribute. This
avoids double fetching the same autocomplete.
this.lastData = {};
// The autocomplete box HTML. = $('<span class="yourlabs-autocomplete" ' +
'data-input-id="' + this.input.attr('id') + '"></span>');
We'll append the box to the container and calculate an absolute position
every time the autocomplete is shown in the fixPosition method.
By default, this traverses this.input's parents to find the nearest parent
with an 'absolute' or 'fixed' position. This prevents scrolling issues. If
we can't find a parent that would be correct to append to, default to
this.container = this.input.parents().filter(function() {
var position = $(this).css('position');
return position === 'absolute' || position === 'fixed';
if (!this.container.length) this.container = $('body');
Rather than directly setting up the autocomplete (DOM events etc ...) in
the constructor, setup is done in this method. This allows to:
- instanciate an Autocomplete,
- override attribute/methods of the instance,
- and *then* setup the instance.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.initialize = function() {
var ie = yourlabs.getInternetExplorerVersion();
.on('blur.autocomplete', $.proxy(this.inputBlur, this))
.on('focus.autocomplete', $.proxy(this.inputClick, this))
.on('keydown.autocomplete', $.proxy(this.inputKeyup, this));
$(window).on('resize', $.proxy(function() {
if (':visible')) this.fixPosition();
}, this));
// Currently, our positioning doesn't work well in Firefox. Since it's not
// the first option on mobile phones and small devices, we'll hide the bug
// until this is fixed.
if (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
$(window).on('scroll', $.proxy(this.hide, this));
if (ie === -1 || ie > 9) {
this.input.on('input.autocomplete', $.proxy(this.refresh, this));
var events = [
this.input.on(events.join(' '), function($e) {
$.proxy(this.inputKeyup, this);
Bind mouse events to fire signals. Because the same signals will be
sent if the user uses keyboard to work with the autocomplete.
.on('mouseenter', this.choiceSelector, $.proxy(this.boxMouseenter, this))
.on('mouseleave', this.choiceSelector, $.proxy(this.boxMouseleave, this));
.on('mousedown', this.choiceSelector, $.proxy(this.boxClick, this));
Initially - empty data queried
*/[this.queryVariable] = '';
// Unbind callbacks on input.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.destroy = function(input) {
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.inputBlur = function(e) {
window.setTimeout($.proxy(this.hide, this), this.hideAfter);
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.inputClick = function(e) {
if (this.value === null)
this.value = this.getQuery();
if (this.value.length >= this.minimumCharacters);
// When mouse enters the box:
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.boxMouseenter = function(e) {
// ... the first thing we want is to send the dehilight signal
// for any hilighted choice ...
var current ='.' + this.hilightClass);
[current, this]);
// ... and then sent the hilight signal for the choice.
[$(e.currentTarget), this]);
// When mouse leaves the box:
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.boxMouseleave = function(e) {
// Send dehilightChoice when the mouse leaves a choice.
['.' + this.hilightClass), this]);
// When mouse clicks in the box:
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.boxClick = function(e) {
var current ='.' + this.hilightClass);
this.input.trigger('selectChoice', [current, this]);
// Return the value to pass to this.queryVariable.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.getQuery = function() {
// Return the input's value by default.
return this.input.val();
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.inputKeyup = function(e) {
if (!':visible'))
// Don't handle keypresses on hidden inputs (ie. with limited choices)
switch(e.keyCode) {
case 40: // down arrow
case 38: // up arrow
case 16: // shift
case 17: // ctrl
case 18: // alt
case 9: // tab
case 13: // enter
if (!':visible')) return;
var choice ='.' + this.hilightClass);
if (!choice.length) {
// Don't get in the way, let the browser submit form or focus
// on next element.
this.input.trigger('selectChoice', [choice, this]);
case 27: // escape
if (!':visible')) return;
// This function is in charge of ensuring that a relevant autocomplete is
// shown. = function(html) {
// First recalculate the absolute position since the autocomplete may
// have changed position.
// Is autocomplete empty ?
var empty = $.trim( === 0;
// If the inner container is empty or data has changed and there is no
// current pending request, rely on fetch(), which should show the
// autocomplete as soon as it's done fetching.
if ((this.hasChanged() || empty) && !this.xhr) {
// And actually, fetch() will call show() with the response
// body as argument.
if (html !== undefined) {;
// Don't display empty boxes.
if (':empty')) {
if (':visible')) {
var current ='.' + this.hilightClass);
var first = + ':first');
if (first && !current.length && this.autoHilightFirst) {
// Show the inner and outer container only if necessary.
if (!':visible')) {'display', 'block');
// This function is in charge of the opposite.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.hide = function() {;
// This function is in charge of hilighting the right result from keyboard
// navigation.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.move = function(e) {
if (this.value === null)
this.value = this.getQuery();
// If the autocomplete should not be displayed then return.
if (this.value.length < this.minimumCharacters) return true;
// The current choice if any.
var current ='.' + this.hilightClass);
// Prevent default browser behaviours on TAB and RETURN if a choice is
// hilighted.
if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [9,13]) > -1 && current.length) {
// If not KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN, then return.
// NOTE: with Webkit, both keyCode and charCode are set to 38/40 for &/(.
// charCode is 0 for arrow keys.
// Ref:
var way;
if (e.keyCode === 38 && !e.charCode) way = 'up';
else if (e.keyCode === 40 && !e.charCode) way = 'down';
else return;
// The first and last choices. If the user presses down on the last
// choice, then the first one will be hilighted.
var first = + ':first');
var last = + ':last');
// The choice that should be hilighted after the move.
var target;
// The autocomplete must be shown so that the user sees what choice
// he is hilighting.;
// If a choice is currently hilighted:
if (current.length) {
if (way === 'up') {
// The target choice becomes the first previous choice.
target = current.prevAll(this.choiceSelector + ':first');
// If none, then the last choice becomes the target.
if (!target.length) target = last;
} else {
// The target choice becomes the first next** choice.
target = current.nextAll(this.choiceSelector + ':first');
// If none, then the first choice becomes the target.
if (!target.length) target = first;
// Trigger dehilightChoice on the currently hilighted choice.
[current, this]);
} else {
target = way === 'up' ? last : first;
// Avoid moving the cursor in the input.
// Trigger hilightChoice on the target choice.
[target, this]);
Calculate and set the outer container's absolute positionning. We're copying
the system from Django admin's JS widgets like the date calendar, which means:
- the autocomplete box is an element appended to,
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.fixPosition = function() {
var el = this.input.get(0);
var zIndex = this.input.parents().filter(function() {
return $(this).css('z-index') !== 'auto' && $(this).css('z-index') !== '0';
var absolute_parent = this.input.parents().filter(function(){
return $(this).css('position') === 'absolute';
var top = (findPosY(el) + this.input.outerHeight()) + 'px';
var left = findPosX(el) + 'px';
if(absolute_parent !== undefined){
var parentTop = findPosY(absolute_parent);
var parentLeft = findPosX(absolute_parent);
var inputBottom = findPosY(el) + this.input.outerHeight();
var inputLeft = findPosX(el);
top = (inputBottom - parentTop) + 'px';
left = (inputLeft - parentLeft) + 'px';
if (this.alignRight) {
left = (findPosX(el) + el.scrollLeft - ( - this.input.outerWidth())) + 'px';
position: 'absolute',
minWidth: parseInt(this.input.outerWidth()),
top: top,
left: left,
zIndex: zIndex
// Proxy fetch(), with some sanity checks.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.refresh = function() {
// Set the new current value.
this.value = this.getQuery();
// If the input doesn't contain enought characters then abort, else fetch.
if (this.value.length < this.minimumCharacters)
// Return true if the data for this query has changed from last query.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.hasChanged = function() {
for(var key in {
if (!(key in this.lastData) ||[key] !== this.lastData[key]) {
return true;
return false;
// Manage requests to this.url.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.fetch = function() {
// Add the current value to the data dict.[this.queryVariable] = this.value;
// Ensure that this request is different from the previous one
if (!this.hasChanged()) {
// Else show the same box again.;
this.lastData = {};
for(var key in {
this.lastData[key] =[key];
// Abort any unsent requests.
if (this.xhr && this.xhr.readyState === 0) this.xhr.abort();
// Abort any request that we planned to make.
if (this.timeoutId) clearTimeout(this.timeoutId);
// Make an asynchronous GET request to this.url in this.xhrWait ms
this.timeoutId = setTimeout($.proxy(this.makeXhr, this), this.xhrWait);
// Wrapped ajax call to use with setTimeout in fetch().
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.makeXhr = function() {
this.xhr = $.ajax(this.url, {
type: 'GET',
complete: $.proxy(this.fetchComplete, this)
// Callback for the ajax response.
yourlabs.Autocomplete.prototype.fetchComplete = function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
if (this.xhr === jqXHR) {
// Current request finished.
this.xhr = false;
} else {
// Ignore response from earlier request.
// Current request done, nothing else pending.
if (textStatus === 'abort') return;;
The jQuery plugin that manages Autocomplete instances across the various
inputs. It is named 'yourlabsAutocomplete' rather than just 'autocomplete'
to live happily with other plugins that may define an autocomplete() jQuery
It takes an array as argument, the array may contain any attribute or
function that should override the Autocomplete builtin. For example:
url: '/some/url/',
hide: function() {
Also, it implements a simple identity map, which means that:
// First call for an input instanciates the Autocomplete instance
url: '/some/url/',
// Other calls return the previously created Autocomplete instance
$('input#your-autocomplete').yourlabsAutocomplete().data = {
newData: $('#foo').val(),
To destroy an autocomplete, call yourlabsAutocomplete('destroy').
$.fn.yourlabsAutocomplete = function(overrides) {
if (this.length < 1) {
// avoid crashing when called on a non existing element
overrides = overrides ? overrides : {};
var autocomplete = this.yourlabsRegistry('autocomplete');
if (overrides === 'destroy') {
if (autocomplete) {
// Disable the browser's autocomplete features on that input.
this.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
// If no Autocomplete instance is defined for this id, make one.
if (autocomplete === undefined) {
// Instanciate Autocomplete.
autocomplete = new yourlabs.Autocomplete(this);
// Extend the instance with data-autocomplete-* overrides
for (var key in {
if (!key) continue;
if (key.substr(0, 12) !== 'autocomplete' || key === 'autocomplete')
var newKey = key.replace('autocomplete', '');
newKey = newKey.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + newKey.slice(1);
autocomplete[newKey] =;
// Extend the instance with overrides.
autocomplete = $.extend(autocomplete, overrides);
if (!autocomplete.url) {
alert('Autocomplete needs a url !');
this.yourlabsRegistry('autocomplete', autocomplete);
// All set, call initialize().
// Return the Autocomplete instance for this id from the registry.
return autocomplete;
// Binding some default behaviors.
$(document).ready(function() {
function removeHilightClass(e, choice, autocomplete) {
$(document).bind('hilightChoice', function(e, choice, autocomplete) {
$(document).bind('dehilightChoice', removeHilightClass);
$(document).bind('selectChoice', removeHilightClass);
$(document).bind('selectChoice', function(e, choice, autocomplete) {
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Credit: django.contrib.admin (BSD) */
var showAddAnotherPopup = function(triggeringLink) {
var name = triggeringLink.attr( 'id' ).replace(/^add_/, '');
name = id_to_windowname(name);
href = triggeringLink.attr( 'href' );
if (href.indexOf('?') === -1) {
href += '?';
href += '&winName=' + name;
var height = 500;
var width = 800;
var left = (screen.width/2)-(width/2);
var top = (screen.height/2)-(height/2);
var win =, name, 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width='+width+', height='+height+', top='+top+', left='+left)
function removeOverlay() {
if (win.closed) {
} else {
setTimeout(removeOverlay, 500);
$('body').append('<div id="yourlabs_overlay"></div');
$('#yourlabs_overlay').click(function() {
setTimeout(removeOverlay, 1500);
return false;
var dismissAddAnotherPopup = function(win, newId, newRepr) {
// newId and newRepr are expected to have previously been escaped by
newId = html_unescape(newId);
newRepr = html_unescape(newRepr);
var name = windowname_to_id(;
var elem = document.getElementById(name);
if (elem) {
if ($(elem).is('select')) {
var o = new Option(newRepr, newId);
elem.options[elem.options.length] = o;
o.selected = true;
} else {
alert('Could not get input id for win ' + name);
window.dismissAddAnotherPopup = dismissAddAnotherPopup
var html_unescape = function(text) {
// Unescape a string that was escaped using django.utils.html.escape.
text = text.replace(/</g, '');
text = text.replace(/"/g, '"');
text = text.replace(/'/g, '\'');
text = text.replace(/&/g, '&');
return text;
// IE doesn't accept periods or dashes in the window name, but the element IDs
// we use to generate popup window names may contain them, therefore we map them
// to allowed characters in a reversible way so that we can locate the correct
// element when the popup window is dismissed.
var id_to_windowname = function(text) {
text = text.replace(/\./g, '__dot__');
text = text.replace(/\-/g, '__dash__');
text = text.replace(/\[/g, '__braceleft__');
text = text.replace(/\]/g, '__braceright__');
return text;
var windowname_to_id = function(text) {
text = text.replace(/__dot__/g, '.');
text = text.replace(/__dash__/g, '-');
text = text.replace(/__braceleft__/g, '[');
text = text.replace(/__braceright__/g, ']');
return text;
$( '.autocomplete-add-another' ).show().click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault( );
showAddAnotherPopup( $( this ) );
if (window.yourlabs === undefined) window.yourlabs = {};
yourlabs.RemoteAutocompleteWidget = {
The default deck getValue() implementation just returns the PK from the
choice HTML. RemoteAutocompleteWidget.getValue's implementation checks for
a url too. If a url is found, it will post to that url and expect the pk to
be in the response.
This is how autocomplete-light supports proposing values that are not there
in the database until user selection.
getValue: function(choice) {
var value ='value');
if (typeof(value) === 'string' && isNaN(value) && value.match(/^https?:/)) {
$.ajax(this.autocompleteOptions.url, {
async: false,
traditional: true,
type: 'post',
data: {
'value': value
success: function(text, jqXHR, textStatus) {
value = text;
});'value', value);
return value;
$(document).bind('yourlabsWidgetReady', function() {
// Instanciate decks with RemoteAutocompleteWidget as override for all widgets with
// autocomplete 'remote'.
$('body').on('initialize', '.autocomplete-light-widget[data-bootstrap=rest_model]', function() {
This script enables TextWidget, a widget for CharField that supports
autocomplete for comma-separated values.
It's organization is not final, there are a couple of things that are also used
in widget.js that will be re-factored probably in a script called lib.js.
The API however, is consistent with widget.js, and is not meant to change.
For now, the script is composed of these parts:
- a handful of jQuery extensions to ease treatment of comma separated values in
an input,
- yourlabs.TextWidget is stripped version of yourlabs.Widget, to handle the
behavior of a comma separated autocompleted input,
- yourlabsTextWidget jQuery extension which role is to manage TextWidget instances,
- yourlabsTextWidget initialization system, which supports dynamically added
autocompletes (ie. admin inlines)
$.fn.getSelectionStart = function(){
var r;
// Written by jQuery4U
if(this.lengh === 0) return -1;
input = this[0];
var pos = input.value.length;
if (input.createTextRange) {
if (window.getSelection) {
r = window.getSelection(); //IE11
} else {
r = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
r.moveEnd('character', input.value.length);
if (r.text === '')
pos = input.value.length;
pos = input.value.lastIndexOf(r.text);
} else if (typeof(input.selectionStart) !== undefined)
pos = input.selectionStart;
return pos;
$.fn.getCursorPosition = function(){
// Written by jQuery4U
if (this.lengh === 0) return -1;
return $(this).getSelectionStart();
// Return the word on which the cursor is on.
// Consider the pipe "|" as an ASCII representation of the cursor, with such an
// input value::
// foo, bar|, baz
// getCursorWord would return 'bar'.
$.fn.getCursorWord = function() {
var value = $(this).val();
var positions = $(this).getCursorWordPositions();
return value.substring(positions[0], positions[1]);
// Return the offsets of the word on which the cursor is on.
// Consider the pipe "|" as an ASCII representation of the cursor, with such an
// input value::
// foo, bar|, baz
// getCursorWord would return [6, 8].
$.fn.getCursorWordPositions = function() {
var position = $(this).getCursorPosition();
var value = $(this).val();
// find start of word
for(var start=position - 1; start >= 0; start--) {
if (value[start] === ',') {
start = start < 0 ? 0 : start;
// find end of word
for(var end=position; end <= value.length - 1; end++) {
if (value[end] === ',') {
while(value[start] === ',' || value[start] === ' ') start++;
while(value[end] === ',' || value[end] === ' ') end--;
return [start, end + 1];
// TextWidget ties an input with an autocomplete.
yourlabs.TextWidget = function(input) {
this.input = input;
this.autocompleteOptions = {
getQuery: function() {
return this.input.getCursorWord();
// The widget is in charge of managing its Autocomplete.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.initializeAutocomplete = function() {
this.autocomplete = this.input.yourlabsAutocomplete(
// Add a class to ease css selection of autocompletes for widgets
// Bind Autocomplete.selectChoice signal to TextWidget.selectChoice()
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.bindSelectChoice = function() {
this.input.bind('selectChoice', function(e, choice) {
if (!choice.length)
return // placeholder: create choice here
// Called when a choice is selected from the Autocomplete.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.selectChoice = function(choice) {
var inputValue = this.input.val();
var choiceValue = this.getValue(choice);
var positions = this.input.getCursorWordPositions();
var newValue = inputValue.substring(0, positions[0]);
newValue += choiceValue;
newValue += inputValue.substring(positions[1]);
// Return the value of an HTML choice, used to fill the input.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.getValue = function(choice) {
return $.trim(choice.text());
// Initialize the widget.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.initialize = function() {
// Destroy the widget. Takes a widget element because a cloned widget element
// will be dirty, ie. have wrong .input and .widget properties.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.destroy = function(input) {
// TextWidget factory, registry and destroyer, as jQuery extension.
$.fn.yourlabsTextWidget = function(overrides) {
var widget;
overrides = overrides ? overrides : {};
if (overrides === 'destroy') {
widget ='widget');
if (widget) {
if ('widget') === undefined) {
// Instanciate the widget
widget = new yourlabs.TextWidget(this);
// Pares data-*
var data =;
var dataOverrides = {
autocompleteOptions: {
// workaround a display bug
minimumCharacters: 0,
getQuery: function() {
// Override getQuery since we need the autocomplete to filter
// choices based on the word the cursor is on, rather than the full
// input value.
return this.input.getCursorWord();
for (var key in data) {
if (!key) continue;
if (key.substr(0, 12) === 'autocomplete') {
if (key === 'autocomplete') continue;
var newKey = key.replace('autocomplete', '');
newKey = newKey.replace(newKey[0], newKey[0].toLowerCase())
dataOverrides.autocompleteOptions[newKey] = data[key];
} else {
dataOverrides[key] = data[key];
// Allow attribute overrides
widget = $.extend(widget, dataOverrides);
// Allow javascript object overrides
widget = $.extend(widget, overrides);'widget', widget);
// Setup for usage
// Widget is ready
widget.input.attr('data-widget-ready', 1);
$(document).ready(function() {
$('body').on('initialize', 'input[data-widget-bootstrap=text]', function() {
Only setup autocompletes on inputs which have
data-widget-bootstrap=text, if you want to initialize some
autocompletes with custom code, then set
data-widget-boostrap=yourbootstrap or something like that.
// Solid initialization, usage::
// $(document).bind('yourlabsTextWidgetReady', function() {
// $('body').on('initialize', 'input[data-widget-bootstrap=text]', function() {
// $(this).yourlabsTextWidget({
// yourCustomArgs: // ...
// })
// });
// });
$('.autocomplete-light-text-widget:not([id*="__prefix__"])').each(function() {
$(document).bind('DOMNodeInserted', function(e) {
var widget = $('.autocomplete-light-text-widget');
if (!widget.length) {
widget = $('.autocomplete-light-text-widget') ? $( : false;
if (!widget) {
// Ignore inserted autocomplete box elements.
if ('.yourlabs-autocomplete')) {
// Ensure that the newly added widget is clean, in case it was cloned.
Widget complements Autocomplete by enabling autocompletes to be used as
value holders. It looks very much like Autocomplete in its design. Thus, it
is recommended to read the source of Autocomplete first.
Widget behaves like the autocomplete in facebook profile page, which all
users should be able to use.
Behind the scenes, Widget maintains a normal hidden select which makes it
simple to play with on the server side like on the client side. If a value
is added and selected in the select element, then it is added to the deck,
and vice-versa.
It needs some elements, and established vocabulary:
- ".autocomplete-light-widget" element wraps all the HTML necessary for the
- ".deck" contains the list of selected choice(s) as HTML,
- "input" should be the text input that has the Autocomplete,
- "select" a (optionnaly multiple) select
- ".remove" a (preferabely hidden) element that contains a value removal
indicator, like an "X" sign or a trashcan icon, it is used to prefix every
children of the deck
- ".choice-template" a (preferabely hidden) element that contains the template
for choices which are added directly in the select, as they should be
copied in the deck,
To avoid complexity, this script relies on extra HTML attributes, and
particularely one called 'data-value'. Learn more about data attributes:
When a choice is selected from the Autocomplete, its element is cloned
and appended to the deck - "deck" contains "choices". It is important that the
choice elements of the autocomplete all contain a data-value attribute.
The value of data-value is used to fill the selected options in the hidden
select field.
If choices may not all have a data-value attribute, then you can
override Widget.getValue() to implement your own logic.
// Our class will live in the yourlabs global namespace.
if (window.yourlabs === undefined) window.yourlabs = {};
Instanciate a Widget.
yourlabs.Widget = function(widget) {
// These attributes where described above.
this.widget = widget;
this.input = this.widget.find('input[data-autocomplete-url]'); = this.widget.find('select');
this.deck = this.widget.find('.deck');
this.choiceTemplate = this.widget.find('.choice-template .choice');
// The number of choices that the user may select with this widget. Set 0
// for no limit. In the case of a foreign key you want to set it to 1.
this.maximumValues = 0;
// Clear input when choice made? 1 for yes, 0 for no
this.clearInputOnSelectChoice = '1';
// When a choice is selected from the autocomplete of this widget,
// getValue() is called to add and select the option in the select.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.getValue = function(choice) {
return choice.attr('data-value');
// The widget is in charge of managing its Autocomplete.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.initializeAutocomplete = function() {
this.autocomplete = this.input.yourlabsAutocomplete()
// Add a class to ease css selection of autocompletes for widgets'autocomplete-light-widget');
// Bind Autocomplete.selectChoice signal to Widget.selectChoice()
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.bindSelectChoice = function() {
this.input.bind('selectChoice', function(e, choice) {
if (!choice.length)
return // placeholder: create choice here
var widget = $(this).parents('.autocomplete-light-widget'
widget.widget.trigger('widgetSelectChoice', [choice, widget]);
// Called when a choice is selected from the Autocomplete.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.selectChoice = function(choice) {
// Get the value for this choice.
var value = this.getValue(choice);
if (!value) {
if (window.console) console.log('yourlabs.Widget.getValue failed');
this.addToDeck(choice, value);
this.addToSelect(choice, value);
var index = $(':input:visible').index(this.input);
if (this.clearInputOnSelectChoice === '1') {
this.autocomplete.value = '';
if (':visible')) {
} else {
var next = $(':input:visible:eq('+ index +')');
if (!'[multiple]')) {
this.input.prop('disabled', true);
// Unselect a value if the maximum number of selected values has been
// reached.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.freeDeck = function() {
var slots = this.maximumValues - this.deck.children().length;
if (this.maximumValues && slots < 1) {
// We'll remove the first choice which is supposed to be the oldest
var choice = $(this.deck.children()[0]);
// Empty the search input and hide it if maximumValues has been reached.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.resetDisplay = function() {
var selected ='option:selected').length;
if (this.maximumValues && selected === this.maximumValues) {
} else {;
// Also fix the position if the autocomplete is shown.
if (':visible')) this.autocomplete.fixPosition();
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.deckChoiceHtml = function(choice, value) {
var deckChoice = choice.clone();
return deckChoice;
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.optionChoice = function(option) {
var optionChoice = this.choiceTemplate.clone();
var target = optionChoice.find('.append-option-html');
if (target.length) {
} else {
return optionChoice;
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.addRemove = function(choices) {
var removeTemplate = this.widget.find('.remove:last')
.clone().css('display', 'inline-block');
var target = choices.find('.prepend-remove');
if (target.length) {
} else {
// Add the remove icon to each choice
// Add a selected choice of a given value to the deck.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.addToDeck = function(choice, value) {
var existing_choice = this.deck.find('[data-value="'+value+'"]');
// Avoid duplicating choices in the deck.
if (!existing_choice.length) {
var deckChoice = this.deckChoiceHtml(choice);
// In case getValue() actually **created** the value, for example
// with a post request.
deckChoice.attr('data-value', value);
// Add a selected choice of a given value to the deck.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.addToSelect = function(choice, value) {
var option ='option[value="'+value+'"]');
if (! option.length) {
'<option selected="selected" value="'+ value +'"></option>');
option ='option[value="'+value+'"]');
option.attr('selected', 'selected');'change');
// Called when the user clicks .remove in a deck choice.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.deselectChoice = function(choice) {
var value = this.getValue(choice);'option[value="'+value+'"]').remove();'change');
if (this.deck.children().length === 0) {
this.input.prop('disabled', false);
this.widget.trigger('widgetDeselectChoice', [choice, this]);
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.updateAutocompleteExclude = function() {
var widget = this;
var choices = this.deck.find(this.autocomplete.choiceSelector); = $.map(choices, function(choice) {
return widget.getValue($(choice));
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.initialize = function() {
// Working around firefox tempering form values after reload
var widget = this;
this.deck.find(this.autocomplete.choiceSelector).each(function() {
var value = widget.getValue($(this));
var option ='option[value="'+value+'"]');
if (!option.prop('selected')) option.prop('selected', true);
var choices = this.deck.find(
if ( && !'[multiple]')) {
this.input.prop('disabled', true);
// Destroy the widget. Takes a widget element because a cloned widget element
// will be dirty, ie. have wrong .input and .widget properties.
yourlabs.Widget.prototype.destroy = function(widget) {
// Get or create or destroy a widget instance.
// On first call, yourlabsWidget() will instanciate a widget applying all
// passed overrides.
// On later calls, yourlabsWidget() will return the previously created widget
// instance, which is stored in'widget').
// Calling yourlabsWidget('destroy') will destroy the widget. Useful if the
// element was blindly cloned with .clone(true) for example.
$.fn.yourlabsWidget = function(overrides) {
overrides = overrides ? overrides : {};
var widget = this.yourlabsRegistry('widget');
if (overrides === 'destroy') {
if (widget) {
if (widget === undefined) {
// Instanciate the widget
widget = new yourlabs.Widget(this);
// Extend the instance with data-widget-* overrides
for (var key in {
if (!key) continue;
if (key.substr(0, 6) !== 'widget' || key === 'widget') continue;
var newKey = key.replace('widget', '');
newKey = newKey.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + newKey.slice(1);
widget[newKey] =;
// Allow javascript object overrides
widget = $.extend(widget, overrides);
$(this).yourlabsRegistry('widget', widget);
// Setup for usage
// Widget is ready
widget.widget.attr('data-widget-ready', 1);
return widget;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('body').on('initialize', '.autocomplete-light-widget[data-widget-bootstrap=normal]', function() {
Only setup widgets which have data-widget-bootstrap=normal, if you want to
initialize some Widgets with custom code, then set
data-widget-boostrap=yourbootstrap or something like that.
// Call Widget.deselectChoice when .remove is clicked
$('body').on('click', '.autocomplete-light-widget .deck .remove', function() {
var widget = $(this).parents('.autocomplete-light-widget'
var selector = widget.input.yourlabsAutocomplete().choiceSelector;
var choice = $(this).parents(selector);
// Solid initialization, usage:
// $(document).bind('yourlabsWidgetReady', function() {
// $('.your.autocomplete-light-widget').on('initialize', function() {
// $(this).yourlabsWidget({
// yourCustomArgs: // ...
// })
// });
// });
$('.autocomplete-light-widget:not([id*="__prefix__"])').each(function() {
$(document).bind('DOMNodeInserted', function(e) {
Support values added directly in the select via js (ie. choices created in
modal or popup).
For this, we listen to DOMNodeInserted and intercept insert of <option> nodes.
The reason for that is that change is not triggered when options are
added like this:
'<option value="9999" selected="selected">blabla</option>')
var widget;
if ($('option')) { // added an option ?
widget = $('.autocomplete-light-widget');
if (!widget.length) {
widget = widget.yourlabsWidget();
var option = $(;
var value = option.attr('value');
var choice = widget.deck.find('[data-value="'+value+'"]');
if (!choice.length) {
var deckChoice = widget.optionChoice(option);
deckChoice.attr('data-value', value);
} else { // added a widget ?
var notReady = '.autocomplete-light-widget:not([data-widget-ready])'
widget = $(;
if (!widget.length) {
// Ignore inserted autocomplete box elements.
if ('.yourlabs-autocomplete')) {
// Ensure that the newly added widget is clean, in case it was
// cloned with data.
// added a widget: initialize the widget.
var ie = yourlabs.getInternetExplorerVersion();
if (ie !== -1 && ie < 9) {
observe = [
'.autocomplete-light-widget option:not([data-yourlabs-skip])'
$(observe).attr('data-yourlabs-skip', 1);
var ieDOMNodeInserted = function() {
$(observe).each(function() {
$(document).trigger(jQuery.Event('DOMNodeInserted', {target: $(this)}));
$(this).attr('data-yourlabs-skip', 1);
setTimeout(ieDOMNodeInserted, 500);
setTimeout(ieDOMNodeInserted, 500);