Providers for django-allauth allowing using the ENS' auth-systems.
Having requests to some CDNs on a login page is often considered Bad™, since it can load third-party code on a sensitive page of the website. As a side effect, this removes calls to, which is a known tracking website. |
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################## django-allauth-ens ################## This package is meant to ease the management of authentication of django-apps at the ENS. On top of django-allauth_, which provides easy ways to configure the authentication of django-apps, this package provides: * social authentication using Clipper (*cas.eleves*); * ready-to-use templates in replacement of allauth' ones; * helpers to use *allauth*'s login and logout views instead of those provided by third-parties (Django admin, wagtail, *etc*). **Contents** .. contents:: :local: ************ Installation ************ First, `install django-allauth`_. Then, install *django-allauth-ens*: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install django-allauth-ens And edit your settings file: .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # … # Above allauth to replace its templates. 'allauth_ens', # Added when you installed allauth. 'allauth', 'allauth.account', 'allauth.socialaccount', # Required to use CAS-based providers (e.g. Clipper). 'allauth_cas', # … ] ************* Configuration ************* See also the `allauth configuration`_ and `advanced usage`_ docs pages. ``ACCOUNT_HOME_URL`` *Optional* — A view name or an url path. Used as a link from the templates of ``allauth_ens`` to return to your application. **Examples:** ``'home'``, ``'/home/'`` ``ACCOUNT_DETAILS_URL`` *Optional* — A view name or an url path. Used as a link from the templates of ``allauth_ens`` for a logged in user to access their profile in your app. **Examples:** ``'my-account'``, ``'/my-account/'`` ***** Views ***** Capture other login and logout views ==================================== You can use the ``capture_login`` and ``capture_logout`` views to replace the login and logout views of other applications. They redirect to their similar *allauth*'s view and forward the query string, so that if a GET parameter ``next`` is given along the initial request, user is redirected to this url on successful login and logout. This requires to add urls before the include of the app' urls. For example, to replace the Django admin login and logout views with allauth's ones: .. code-block:: python from allauth_ens.views import capture_login, capture_logout urlpatterns = [ # … # Add it before include of admin urls. url(r'^admin/login/$', capture_login), url(r'^admin/logout/$', capture_logout), url(r'^admin/$', include(, # … ] ********* Templates ********* The templates provided by *allauth* only contains the bare minimum. Hopefully, this package includes ready-to-use templates. They are automatically used if you put ``'allauth_ens'`` before ``'allauth'`` in your ``INSTALLED_APPS``, ********* Providers ********* *Google, Facebook¸ but also Clipper…* To interact with an external authentication service, you must add the corresponding provider application to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. *allauth* already includes `several providers`_ (see also `their python path`_). In addition to that, this package adds the following providers: Clipper ======= It uses the CAS server `<>`_. Installation Add ``'allauth_ens.providers.clipper'`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS``. Configuration Available settings and their default value: .. code-block:: python SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS = { # … 'clipper': { # These settings control whether a message containing a link to # disconnect from the CAS server is added when users log out. 'MESSAGE_SUGGEST_LOGOUT_ON_LOGOUT': True, 'MESSAGE_SUGGEST_LOGOUT_ON_LOGOUT_LEVEL': messages.INFO, }, } Auto-signup Poulated data - username: ``<clipper>`` - email (primary and verified): ``<clipper>`` ********* Demo Site ********* See ``example/README``. *********** Development *********** First, you need to clone the repository. Stylesheets =========== This project uses `compass`_ to compile SCSS files to CSS. Using bundler ------------- Requirements * Ensure Ruby is installed (``$ ruby -v``) or `install Ruby`_ * Ensure bundler is installed (``$ bundle -v``) or install bundler (``$ gem install bundler``) * Install dependencies: ``$ bundle install`` Compile * Watch changes and recompile: ``$ bundle exec compass watch`` Tests ===== Local environment ----------------- ``$ ./`` All --- Requirements * tox, install with ``$ pip install tox`` * ``python{2.7,3.4,3.5,3.6}`` must be available on your system path Run * all (django/python with combined coverage + flake8 + isort): ``$ tox`` ****** Howtos ****** Assuming you use the following settings (when needed): .. code-block:: python ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'shared.allauth_adapter.AccountAdapter' SOCIALACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'shared.allauth_adapter.SocialAccountAdapter' Signup disabled, except for clipper provider (auto-signup) ========================================================== In ``shared/``: .. code-block:: python class AccountAdapter(DefaultAccountAdapter): def is_open_for_signup(self, request): return False class SocialAccountAdapter(DefaultSocialAccountAdapter): def is_open_for_signup(self, request, sociallogin): # sociallogin.account is a SocialAccount instance. # See if sociallogin.account.provider == 'clipper': return True # It returns AccountAdapter.is_open_for_signup(). # See return super().is_open_for_signup(request, sociallogin) .. _django-allauth: .. _install django-allauth: .. _several providers: .. _allauth configuration: .. _advanced usage: .. _their python path: .. _compass: .. _install Ruby: