feat(fci.confirmation_code): add confirmation code to france_connect_informations feat(user_mailer.france_connect_confirmation_code): add confirmation by email mail method/preview/spec, pointing to merge_mail_with_existing_account (reuse existing method) feat(mail_merge): mail merge feat(merge.cannot_use_france_connect): same behaviour as callback clean(fci.confirmation_code): use same token for mail validation as merge feat(resend_france_connect/particulier/merge_confirmation): resend email with link. also enhance some trads, cleanup halfy finished refacto clean(tech): finalize story by plugging merge_with_new_account to email validation fix(deadspec): was removed fix(spec): broken after last refactoring lint(rubocop): space before parenthesis lint(haml-lint): yoohoooo space before = fix(lint): scss now :D Update app/assets/stylesheets/buttons.scss cleanup feat(france_connect): re-add confirm by email, with an option for confirmation by email instead of only confirmation by email fixup! Add confirmation by email when merging DC/FC accounts fix(lint): haml_spec failure
52 lines
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52 lines
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= content_for :title, "Fusion des comptes FC et #{APPLICATION_NAME}"
%h1.page-title Fusion des comptes FranceConnect et #{APPLICATION_NAME}
Votre compte FranceConnect utilise <b class='bold'>#{@fci.email_france_connect}</b> comme email de contact.
Or il existe un compte sur #{APPLICATION_NAME} avec cet email.
%label Ce compte #{@fci.email_france_connect} vous appartient-il ?
%label{ onclick: "DS.showFusion(event);" }
= radio_button_tag :value, true, false, autocomplete: "off", id: 'it-is-mine'
%label{ onclick: "DS.showNewAccount(event);" }
= radio_button_tag :value, false, false, autocomplete: "off", id: 'it-is-not-mine'
%p Pour fusionner ces comptes, veuillez cliquer sur le lien présent dans le mail que nous venons de vous envoyer.
= form_tag france_connect_particulier_merge_with_existing_account_path, remote: true, class: 'mt-2 form fconnect-form' do
= hidden_field_tag :merge_token, @fci.merge_token
= hidden_field_tag :email, @fci.email_france_connect
= label_tag :password, 'Mot de passe (8 caractères minimum)'
= password_field_tag :password, nil, autocomplete: 'current-password', class: 'mb-1'
Mot de passe oublié ?
= link_to france_connect_particulier_resend_and_renew_merge_confirmation_path(merge_token: @fci.merge_token), method: :post do
Confirmer mon compte par mail
= submit_tag 'Fusionner les comptes', class: 'button primary'
%p Donnez-nous alors le mail que #{APPLICATION_NAME} utilisera pour vous contacter
= form_tag france_connect_particulier_merge_with_new_account_path, remote: true, class: 'mt-2 form' do
= hidden_field_tag :merge_token, @fci.merge_token
= label_tag :email, 'Email (nom@site.com)'
= email_field_tag :email, "", required: true
= submit_tag 'Utiliser ce mail', class: 'button primary'