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class Champs::PhoneChamp < Champs::TextChamp
# We want to allow:
# * international (e164) phone numbers
# * “french format” (ten digits with a leading 0)
# * DROM numbers
# However, we need to special-case some ten-digit numbers,
# because the ARCEP assigns some blocks of "O6 XX XX XX XX" numbers to DROM operators.
# Guadeloupe | GP | +590 | 0690XXXXXX, 0691XXXXXX
# Guyane | GF | +594 | 0694XXXXXX
# Martinique | MQ | +596 | 0696XXXXXX, 0697XXXXXX
# Réunion | RE | +262 | 0692XXXXXX, 0693XXXXXX
# Mayotte | YT | +262 | 0692XXXXXX, 0693XXXXXX
# Nouvelle-Calédonie | NC | +687 |
# Polynésie française | PF | +689 | 40XXXXXX, 45XXXXXX, 87XXXXXX, 88XXXXXX, 89XXXXXX
# Cf: Plan national de numérotation téléphonique,
# https://www.arcep.fr/uploads/tx_gsavis/05-1085.pdf “Numéros mobiles à 10 chiffres”, page 6
# See issue #6996.
DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODES = [:FR, :GP, :GF, :MQ, :RE, :YT, :NC, :PF].freeze
validates :value,
phone: {
possible: true,
allow_blank: true,
message: I18n.t(:not_a_phone, scope: 'activerecord.errors.messages')
if: -> { (validate_champ_value? || validation_context == :prefill) && !Phonelib.valid_for_countries?(value, DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODES) }
def to_s
return '' if value.blank?
if Phonelib.valid_for_countries?(value, DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODES)
Phonelib.parse_for_countries(value, DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODES).full_national
# When he phone number is possible for the default countries, but not strictly valid,
# `full_national` could mess up the formatting. In this case just return the original.