mfo cd88d054fc
feat(breadcrumb): seen a hardocded translation of 'Suivi des dossiers',
i18n this mistake, re-use UX wording, add breadcrumb down to
2024-11-25 10:06:54 +01:00

13 lines
699 B
Text{ role: "navigation", aria: { label: t('you_are_here', scope: [:layouts, :breadcrumb]) } }{ aria: { expanded: "false", controls: "breadcrumb-1" } }
= t('show', scope: [:layouts, :breadcrumb])
%li= link_to t('root', scope: [:layouts, :breadcrumb]), instructeur_procedures_path, class: 'fr-breadcrumb__link'
- steps.each.with_index do |step, i|
- if i == steps.size - 1
%li= link_to step[0], '', { aria: { current: "page" } , class: 'fr-breadcrumb__link' }
- else
%li= link_to step[0], step[1], class: 'fr-breadcrumb__link'