fix(9.2.1): add nav to footer as it is a navigation area fix(8.9.1): sign_in, do not use %hr within %p which implicitely close the %p leading to an empty %p after that fix(9.2.1): sign in, missing %nav element
63 lines
2.8 KiB
63 lines
2.8 KiB
- service = procedure.service
- if service.present?
%nav{ 'aria-label': t('users.procedure_footer.aria_label', procedure_name: dossier.present? ? dossier.procedure.libelle : 'la procédure en ligne') }
%p.footer-header= I18n.t('users.procedure_footer.managed_by.header')
= service.nom
= service.organisme
= string_to_html(service.adresse, wrapper_tag = 'span')
%p.footer-header= I18n.t('')
- if dossier.present? && dossier.messagerie_available?
= I18n.t('')
= link_to I18n.t(''), messagerie_dossier_path(dossier)
- else
= I18n.t('')
= link_to, "mailto:#{}"
- if service.telephone.present?
= I18n.t('')
= link_to service.telephone, service.telephone_url
- horaires = "#{I18n.t('')}#{formatted_horaires(service.horaires)}"
= simple_format(horaires, {}, wrapper_tag: 'span')
= I18n.t('')
= link_to I18n.t(''), statistiques_path(procedure.path)
- politiques = politiques_conservation_de_donnees(procedure)
- if politiques.present?
%p.footer-header= I18n.t('users.procedure_footer.legals.header')
- politiques.each do |politique|
%li= politique
- if procedure.deliberation.attached?
= link_to url_for(procedure.deliberation), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener' do
= I18n.t("users.procedure_footer.legals.terms")
- else
= link_to I18n.t("users.procedure_footer.legals.terms"), procedure.cadre_juridique, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener'
- if procedure.lien_dpo.present?
= link_to url_or_email_to_lien_dpo(procedure), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener' do
= I18n.t("users.procedure_footer.legals.dpo")
= render partial: 'users/general_footer_row', locals: { dossier: dossier }