The main problem come from %label{for: input_id} #{champ.libelle} %span.notice= string_to_html(champ.description) %input where string_to_html contains p tags The proposed solution is %label #{champ.libelle} %p.notice %input It should be iso in the graphic sense.
14 lines
688 B
14 lines
688 B
= form_for(commentaire, url: form_url, html: { class: 'form' }) do |f|
- placeholder = 'Écrivez votre message à l’administration ici'
- if instructeur_signed_in? || administrateur_signed_in?
- placeholder = 'Écrivez votre message ici'
= f.text_area :body, rows: 5, placeholder: placeholder, required: true, class: 'message-textarea'
= f.label :piece_jointe, for: :piece_jointe do
Joindre un document
%span.notice (taille max : 20 Mo)
= f.file_field :piece_jointe, id: 'piece_jointe', direct_upload: true
= f.submit 'Envoyer le message', class: 'button primary send', data: { disable: true }