When navigating away from the page, the field receives the 'focusout' event – but stops to be present in the DOM. Thus we need to check that the DOM element is actually present.
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27 lines
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= content_for(:page_id, 'auth')
= devise_error_messages!
= form_for resource, url: user_registration_path, html: { class: "form" } do |f|
%h1 Créez-vous un compte demarches-simplifiees.fr
= f.label :email, "Email"
= f.text_field :email, autofocus: true, placeholder: "Votre adresse email"
Voulez-vous dire
%span.email-suggestion-address blabla@gmail.com
= button_tag type: 'button', class: 'button small', onclick: "DS.acceptEmailSuggestion()" do
= button_tag type: 'button', class: 'button small', onclick: "DS.discardEmailSuggestionBox()" do
= f.label :password, "Mot de passe"
= f.password_field :password, value: @user.password, placeholder: "8 caractères minimum"
= f.submit "Créer un compte", class: "button large primary expand"
= render partial: 'shared/france_connect_login', locals: { url: france_connect_particulier_path }